Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 18 2017

We are celebrating here...

The ceremony where Phillip-John and Elma...

Will be exchanging their vows to one another as lovers.

And what is the most important sign of love?

What is the deepest expression of love?

Do you express your love by kissing?

By embracing?

By joining your bodies together?

No, that's not the deepest expression of love.

The deepest expression of love is...

What we are going to do today.

We would be celebrating...

The love of God for man

Beginning today we shall be remembering...

That Christ would be offering his life

It's Lent now...

For fourty days...

We would be remembering once again...

That Christ...

As an act of supreme love for man...

Would be offering himself...

his body, his blood, his life...

That you may be forgiven of our sins

And that is the supreme expression of love.

Until the time that you could say...

You could offer your life for each one...

You cannot say, you really love each one.

Be willing to offer everything.

Elma, for Phillip-John...

Phillip-John, for Elma.

Today is a very nice day, Ash Wednesday...

We begin to remember once again...

That Christ has done these things...

Has offered himself

Christ has done this...

And he did not do it...

for the Saints, remember that...

Jesus didn't die for the holy people...

He died for the sinners...

Christ died, for sinners...

Can anyone die for a criminal?

Can any of you offer your life?

For someone, who stole something from your house...

Your refrigerator, your computer, your money and jewellery

And then when someone needs help...

You are willing to help him.

Can you do that?

Christ did this...

While we were yet sinners...

Christ died for our sins.

Again I say, this is the deepest expression of love...

PJ and Elma...

Offer your lives for each other

And I hope God we give them children...

and begin to develop a family this close to God.

When you return to the UK?

You will go back to the United Kingdom, perhaps.

Even there...

Phillip-John, your Mother is a Filipina?

So, she has exposed you..

To the kind of family ties we have here in the Philippines.

Here in the Philippines, the Family...

Is a union that is really a union...

We try as much as possible to prevent the law of divorce being passed here.

Because for us, once you get married...

It should last for a lifetime, for a lifetime...

That is what you are going to promise a little while from now

'Till death do us part...

Not until five years,

Not until ten years...

Not until we have a very big fight and then we shall divorce...

'Till death do us part...

And again, that is the deepest expression of love. Until death...

Let us pray for Phillip-John and Elma, dear brothers and sisters...

Before we proceed with the celebration of Ash Wednesday

We will first witness the exchange of vows between Phillip-John and Elma.

Dearly beloved, Phillip-John and Elma

You're here today to seal your love with an eternal bond, before the church.

I assure you the prayers of our Christian Community...

that God may foreout his abundant blessings on your love...

And help you to carry out the duties of the Marriage state.

And Brothers and Sisters, may I ask with your help them with your prayers.

And accept them as a new couple in our Christian Community.

Phillip-John and Elma...

Please answer truthfully, the following questions?


Did you come here of your own free will...

To bind yourself forever in love and service of your husband?

Yes, Father...


Did you come here of your own free will...

To bind yourself forever in love and service of your wife?

Yes, Father...

Are you both ready to raise as good Christians...

The children who God will give to you?

Yes, Father...

Yes, Father...

Phillip-John and Elma please face each other...

And join both your hands as you express your intentions before God and his church...


Do you take Phillip-John here present for your lawful husband...

According to the word of God and the rights of our Holy Mother the Church?

Yes, Father...

Do you give yourself to him as his wife?

Yes, Father...

And do you accept him as your lawful husband?

Yes, Father...


Do you take Elma here present for your lawful wife...

According to the word of God and the rights of our Holy Mother the Church?

Yes, Father...

Do you give yourself to her as her husband?

Yes, Father...

And do you accept her as your lawful wife?

Yes, Father...

Hon, or Phillip-John Francis Opina Exler...

Now I stand here before you,

Witnessed by all our loving families and friends...

And above all, the almighty God.

It's now we are receiving the Holy Sacrament of Marriage.

With you I see all these things...

that before was only a big dream for me.

Because of you...

You made this a big reality for me.

And thank you for that.

Who would have thought, that I have found a man...

Of my life in Holyland in 2010.

Truly, you're the big answer to my prayer.

And I know you know that already...

And yes, finally...

The long wait is over.

You taught me the real meaning of true love...

The real true love and unconditional love.

Hon, I love you so much.

So, in front of our visitors and friends and our family...

I Elma...

Promise to be here for you...

And take you, to be my wife.

To be my husband, Sorry...

To have and to hold...

From this day forward...

For better or for worse...

For richer and for poorer...

In sickness and in health...

To love and to cherish...

With our future as bright as promises of God...

A commitment made of love...

Kept in faith...

For eternity, until death do us part.

I love you so much hon.

Are you ready?

Since the first day we met,

I knew this day would come.

We have worked strong and hard to get to this day.


Well worth the struggle and pain.

It has made me a better man...

Who will love and support you,

Throughout our journey together.

I thank God, he chose you and I...

To share tomorrow and every day.

I promise to always make you smile...

And love you longer than forever.

Life has no meaning without you.

I pledge my heart,

Love and devotion...

As I join my life to yours.

I love...

Love, love, love...


you so much...

Grant us, O Lord...

To be one heart and one soul...

From this day forward...

For better or for worse...

For richer or for poorer...

In sickness and in health...

Until death do us part...

And I, by the authority of the Church, calling on all those here present as witnesses,

Confirm and bless the bond of marraige that you have contracted.

In the name of the Father...

And of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Parents and Principal Sponsors, you may now be seated. Thank you.

We shall now bless the arrhae and the rings

Our help is in the name of the Lord.

Who made heaven and Earth

Let us pray...

Bless O Lord, your servants Phillip-John and Elma,

Here present before you, with sufficiency of material possessions...

Which these arrhae symbolise, so that they may use them to attain eternal life.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bless O Lord these rings...

So that your servants Phillip-John and Elma who would wear them

May ever live in mutual love and unbroken loyalty

This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Elma, I give you this ring...

Wear it, as a sign of my love...

And loyalty as your husband...

In all the years to come.

In the name of the Father...

And of the Son...

And of the Holy Spirit.


I give you this ring...

Wear it, as a sign of my love...

And loyalty as your wife...

In all the years to come...

In the name of the Father...

And of the Son...

And of the Holy Spirit.

Elma, I give you this Arrhae...

As a pledge of my dedication...

And constant concern for your welfare...

And that of the children God may, in his loving goodness give us.

In the name of the Father...

Of the Son...

And of the Holy Spirit.

Phillip-John, I accept them...

With the promise to share with you the building of a Christian home.

In the name of the Father...

And of the Son...

And of the Holy Spirit.

Phillip-John and Elma, please accept this Holy Bible,

It contains the Word of God,

Read it, live and keep its lessons alive in your hearts.

So that you may live each day, in the love and service of the Lord

Brothers and Sisters, we are now presenting to you Phillip-John and Elma

They are now married before all of us...

Before God...

Let us now give our applause to them.

I am very much happy...

Upon hearing PJ recite his vows before Elma in Tagalog.

Even when he had a hard time speaking in Tagalog...

He still did it.

And so...

Let us give our hands to Elma and PJ.

Please rise for the blessing...

Bow your heads and pray for God's blessings...

Pour out a spirit of compunction, O God,

On those who bow before your majesty,

and by your mercy may they merit the rewards you promise

To those who do penance. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

And may Almighty God bless all of us gathered here...

The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our mass is ended, we go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

PJ and Elma, you are now married, please face each other...

Phillip-John, you may now kiss your bride.

For more infomation >> Peej & Elms: Wedding Ceremony - Duration: 46:19.


CancerCraft Trailer [Stunning 4K in 60fps oh lord] - Duration: 1:13.

How many n*ggers are in my stor- OH USTEALLIN

-Welcome to CancerCraft!

-Your daily dose of just cringeworthy and autistic content.

-Featuring Myself, Super Minecraft Kid, Angry Russian Kid, An asian gamer who supports tooth

decay whoever plays Minecraft, A teenager who plays Call Of Duty and hates Minecraft,

and a 12 year old autistic fuck who is rambling about FNAF and Minecraft haters.

-CancerCraft, now avaliable in 10 episodes in fresh 4k with terrible audience retention,

autistic content, and a fuck load of headache that will get you.


Now showing in cinemas worldwide!

For more infomation >> CancerCraft Trailer [Stunning 4K in 60fps oh lord] - Duration: 1:13.


MELTING POT - Duration: 5:54.

man up from the inside out

we are melting pot we made up with three

members from three different countries

our mission is to disrupt men's grooming

with life-changing innovation we want to

provide 18 to 25 year old men with a

complete consumer experience recruiting

milennials leverage individual pollution and

connected technologies we found the

market for men grooming is growing fast

and the asia-pacific is the biggest

market in the world for men's grooming

there's no bigger market than China which is

why we decided to focus on the chinese

market china has a population of 1.3

billion people most of those being men

13.27 percent of those

are 15 to 24 year old men

that's the market made up of over 97

million people of these men

sixty-seven percent are unsatisfied with

their appearance in our research we found

that most unsatisfied with things such

as pimples that breath and being


however it is difficult for these men

to find solutions to all these issues

that we want to give them a complete

customizable solution we also found that

over 80 percentof our target market own

a smart phone and over 90-percent use the

internet regularly in order to reach a

broad range of customers we decided to

develop an app introducing MAN

up in our research we found that our

target market has a range of issues

such as pimples and acne;

however it is difficult for them to find

the appropriate solution to the problem

When searching on the internet we found it hard to

find information that directly targeted men

especially in terms of skin care

that also affect men's appearance such

as exercise nutrition and fashion were also

hard to find now as a fully integrated

platform that provides men with the

answers to their problems the short-form of

the man-up app is MU MU is our artificial intelligence robot

will help you at every step of the way;

Think of him as your right hand man when first accessing the app

M.U. will assist in setup, and will ask users questions

to understand their needs

providing them with a truly customisable

experience if we found that men

have a very goal oriented approach when

it comes to looking after their

appearance we decided to give men goals

Interviews and dates were identified

as the key events where men cared about their appearance;

So goals will be set around these events

M.U. will assist in the creation and implementation

of these goals and provides of a complete

schedule including skin care,

health and fitness routines we're also

be given tips on a range of other topics

such as fashion

even provide suggestions on where to buy

L'oreal products with the overall goal of men

establishing good habits in order to

become the man they want to be this means

from the "inside out" as part of this we have

implemented of a new CSR plan to combat

combat this growing number of men's suicide

across the world M.U. will also be

fitted with basic counselling skills

including the ability to provide users

with suicide/counseling hotlines

We found that the loreal men expert websites

are all different across the globe

With some being more successful than others

Alongside the release of our app we also want to

fully redesign to the website to match the app

This will include a lot of the information

that will be on the app, such as how to use

products, tips and advice. this will allow men

to easily access to skincare information online

The final stage in our plan will be to

label all loreal men expert products with QR codes

hese QR codes can be scanned with our app

where users will be directly linked

to all the relevant information such as

how to use the product or if you don't

have our don't have our app, customers can use a

third-party QR code scanner and be linked

to our website with the same information

In order to create interest in the app we have

created some initial marketing campaigns aimed at

Getting men interested in their appearance

appearance showing them improvements of using our app

and Encouraging them to keep using

our app This is separated into short,

medium and long term campaigns and the

first one is the weibo compaign

to get men interested in their appearance

contestants post the photos of friends

around her or him who have the dorkiest

style and the photo with the most

"thumb's up" is a winner

The prize will be a makeover and the

selection of L'Oreal men expert products

The second campaign will be focused on the app

we want to showcase the success stories of

our app users App users will be able

to post before and after photos the user

with the most likes wins They will also

have a chance to become a branded

representative in the region and the

and win a selection of l'oreal men expert

products And the third one is to encourage

users to keep using our app we will

We will provide rewards and benefits to users who

regularly use our app for example users

who use the app 7 days in a row will

received discounts to buy L'oreal men

expert products online thank you we are

melting pot help you men up from the

inside out

For more infomation >> MELTING POT - Duration: 5:54.


What is Bitcoin؟ Что такое Биткоин? - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> What is Bitcoin؟ Что такое Биткоин? - Duration: 1:37.


How to hack wifi password in urdu/hindi without root Full Totorial - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> How to hack wifi password in urdu/hindi without root Full Totorial - Duration: 5:25.





Back in January, public pressure forced the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to publish

millions of once-classified documents online, giving people the opportunity to browse the

documents from home for the first time.

However, written in complicated jargon, the documents proved to be of little use, other

than for exposing a spy agency�s failure to produce viable research amidst unlimited

funding and no real leadership following WWII.

Among the jargon is a bit about psychics. U.S. intelligence agencies and the Pentagon

were given the opportunity to implement a 1975 psychic program in response to Iranian

revolutionaries seizing the U.S. embassy and taking 52 American personnel hostage.

The Miami Herald notes:

In an operation code-named Grill Flame, half a dozen psychics working inside a dimly lit

room in an ancient building in Fort Meade, Maryland, on more than 200 occasions tried

to peer through the ether to see where the hostages were being held, how closely they

were guarded and the state of their health.

Officially, the psychics worked for U.S. Army intelligence. But the documents in the CIA

database make it clear their efforts were monitored � and supported � by a wide

array of government intelligence agencies as well as top commanders at the Pentagon.

They were even consulted before the super-secret U.S. military raid that attempted to free

the hostages in April 1980, which ended in disaster when a plane and a helicopter collided

at a desert staging area.

In 1973, the CIA�s Project Mk Ultra was shut down for allegations of illegal human

experimentation. But this setback did little to stop the agency from moving forward with

the psychic program in 1975, claiming it was a �foreign assessment.� The 20-year program

had 10 different code names, including �Grill Flame.�

The amount of time the program went on is shocking considering psychics had so little

success, according to officials who had measured psychic reports with information from the

freed hostages of 1981. In fact, an Air Force colonel noted that just seven of 202 psychic

reports revealed accuracy, and 59 reports were partially or possibly correct.

Army officers, on the other hand, claimed 45% of the reports were partially accurate,

and �that was information that could not be obtained through normal intelligence collection

channels. The degree of success appears to at least equal, if not surpass, other collection


�The stuff that the CIA has declassified is garbage. They haven�t declassified any

of the stuff that worked,� Grill Flame psychic Joseph McMoneagle told the Miami Herald.

And Edwin May, a physicist who oversaw parapsychology research for government intelligence agencies

for 20 years, supported McMoneagle�s dismay, saying, �The psychics were able to tell,

in some cases, where the hostages were moved to. They were able to see the degree of their

health. � If you can sit in Fort Meade and describe the health of hostages who are going

to be released, so that the right doctors can be on hand, that�s very helpful.�

Some were straight up skeptical, however. �The intelligence agencies might as well

get a crystal ball out and stare into space and hope they see something,� noted James

Randi, who specialized in debunking ESP and psychics. �It�s a huge waste of time and

money and it doesn�t help the hostages one bit.�

Directors of the psychic program searched for people with the ability for �remote

viewing,� or �the mental ability to see across vast distances and through walls and

other obstructions,� but psychics brought on board for the hostage crisis had failed

to execute their tasks. Their remote viewing was shown in reports to be completely wrong,

incapable of producing concrete and specific information of value. Despite the reports,

the program continued until 1995, employing 227 psychics and executing 26,000 telepathic


The program was finally shut down, but only after an outside review concluded that �remote

viewing reports failed to produce the concrete, specific information valued in

intelligence reporting.�



American English For Japanese Speakers With Pronunciation Of "W" Words - Duration: 2:31.

Hi guys! For some Asian language speakers

the letter "W" in words can be difficult

to pronounce. Your language does not have

the same mouth shapes so let's review a

silly sentence that can help us

practice this "W" sound. It's so common to

hear "what" and you see the lips are pursed (placed)


what - what and the tongue ends up in the

top part of the palate and the upper

part of the mouth briefly so "What would

wild women do with whiskey" - "What would

wild women do with whiskey" - they would

drink it I hope but you can practice a

sentence like that with lots of w's in

it and it'll help you get used to making

this unusual and unfamiliar mouth

position. Everyone who transitions from

one style of language to another has a

problem making these various sounds that

are different. I learned French when I

was in school so I had to learn to say

words like "marcherer" where the French

roll their tongue and that's difficult

to do - we don't really have that as much

in English so I practiced that for many

years in French until I could say those

words and a French person could

understand me.

So with the "w" words - "What would wild women

do with whiskey" that'll help you


Oh English is complicated and

frustrating I know but keep practicing

these simple exercises will help

strengthen your mouth and your memory of

how to shape your mouth so you can say

all those words in case you need a wild

woman and there's whiskey!

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