Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 18 2017

Now It Is The Elite That Are Feverishly �Prepping� For The Collapse Of Society


The Elite That Are Feverishly �Prepping� For The Collapse

Once upon a time, �prepping� was something that was considered to be on �the lunatic

fringe� of society.

But in 2017, wealthy elitists are actually the most hardcore preppers of all.

This is particularly true in places such as Silicon Valley, where a whole host of young

tech moguls are putting a tremendous amount of time, effort and money into preparing for

apocalyptic scenarios.

So while interest in prepping among the general population has fallen extremely low right

now, the election of Donald Trump has given liberal wealthy elitists even more urgency

to prepare for what they believe is a very uncertain future.

In the January 30th, 2017 edition of the New Yorker, reporter Evan Osnos has done an extraordinary

job of profiling these wealthy elitists that are �getting ready for the crackup of civilization�.

One of the people that he interviewed was Steve Huffman, the young co-founder and CEO

of Reddit�

Huffman, who lives in San Francisco, has large blue eyes, thick, sandy hair, and an air of

restless curiosity; at the University of Virginia, he was a competitive ballroom dancer, who

hacked his roommate�s Web site as a prank.

He is less focussed on a specific threat�a quake on the San Andreas, a pandemic, a dirty

bomb�than he is on the aftermath, �the temporary collapse of our government and structures,�

as he puts it.

�I own a couple of motorcycles.

I have a bunch of guns and ammo.


I figure that, with that, I can hole up in my house for some amount of time.�

According to the article, Huffman estimates that �fifty-plus percent� of his elite

friends in Silicon Valley have some form of �apocalypse insurance�.

Needless to say, that number would be far higher than for the general population as

a whole.

Another tech mogul that was interviewed by Osnos for the story was former Facebook product

manager Antonio Garc�a Mart�nez�

Last spring, as the Presidential campaign exposed increasingly toxic divisions in America,

Antonio Garc�a Mart�nez, a forty-year-old former Facebook product manager living in

San Francisco, bought five wooded acres on an island in the Pacific Northwest and brought

in generators, solar panels, and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

�When society loses a healthy founding myth, it descends into chaos,� he told me.

The author of �Chaos Monkeys,� an acerbic Silicon Valley memoir, Garc�a Mart�nez

wanted a refuge that would be far from cities but not entirely isolated.

�All these dudes think that one guy alone could somehow withstand the roving mob,�

he said.

�No, you�re going to need to form a local militia.

You just need so many things to actually ride out the apocalypse.� Once he started telling

peers in the Bay Area about his �little island project,� they came �out of the

woodwork� to describe their own preparations, he said.

�I think people who are particularly attuned to the levers by which society actually works

understand that we are skating on really thin cultural ice right now.�

As you can see, a lot of these liberal elitists are actually secretly stashing away lots of

guns and ammunition.

So don�t believe everything that you read about them being �anti-gun�.

Other big names in Silicon Valley have decided that having a property on the other side of

the planet is the best form of �apocalypse insurance�.

The following comes from a story about Paypal founder Peter Thiel in the New York Times�

Mr. Thiel�s admiration for New Zealand is longstanding.

�Utopia,� he once called it.

He has an investment firm in the country that has put millions into local start-ups.

He also owns lavish properties there, which his Silicon Valley friends hope to fly to

in the event of a worldwide pandemic.

And of course Thiel is far from alone.

So many wealthy individuals are buying up property in New Zealand these days that it

is actually becoming a significant political issue over there.

In fact, it is being reported that foreigners purchased an astounding 3500 square kilometers

during the first ten months of 2016�

Statistics showed foreigners had bought over 3500 square kilometers of New Zealand in the

first ten months of 2016, which is over four times as much as they did in the same period

in 2010.

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman told The New Yorker that New Zealand had become the

hot topic among Silicon Valley leaders lately.

�Saying you�re �buying a house in New Zealand� is kind of a wink, wink, say no


Once you�ve done the Masonic handshake, they�ll be, like, �Oh, you know, I have

a broker who sells old ICBM silos, and they�re nuclear-hardened, and they kind of look like

they would be interesting to live in.�

Hoffman estimated that over half of the Silicon Valley insiders were into preparedness � especially

since anti-elite sentiment has risen around the globe in recent years.

It was intensified by events like Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, he added.

So are these wealthy elitists ahead of the curve, or are they just being paranoid?

Only time will tell, but they didn�t become exceedingly wealthy in the first place by

being stupid.

As I discussed yesterday on The Most Important News, there are certainly reasons to be optimistic

now that Donald Trump has become president, but there are also lots of reasons to be prepping

harder than ever.

We should be hopeful for the future and working for a better tomorrow, but we also need to

understand that we live in a world that is becoming increasingly unstable.

And most of us think that it is just common sense to purchase insurance for our homes,

our cars, our health, our lives and so many other things, and yet most of the population

is completely unprepared for a major catastrophic event.

It is a good thing to have balance in life.

My wife and I are very proud preppers, and there won�t ever be a time when we aren�t


But we also live our lives without any fear.

We know that the world is going to get crazier and crazier, but we do not believe that it

is a time to dig a hole and try to hide from the world.

Rather, now is a time to rise up and become the people that we were created to be.

This year my wife and I are going to be taking on some new adventures, and these new adventures

are going to give us a bigger voice than ever before.

Someone once told me that life is like a coin.

You can spend it any way that you want, but you can only spend it once.

We don�t want to spend our lives paying bills and killing time.

Instead, we want to do all that we can to make a difference and to change the world.

So unlike these wealthy elitists, let us not be in fear of what is coming.

There is no other time in history that I would have rather lived than right here and right

now, and I can�t wait to see what comes next.

How to Prepare Survival Food Prepping Ideas/ULTIMATE Top

Skills 2017

Discover how to survive: Most complete survival tactics, tips, skills and ideas like how to

make pemmican, snow shoes, knives, soap, beer, smoke houses, bullets, survival bread, water

wheels, herbal poultices, Indian round houses, root cellars, primitive navigation, and much

more at: The Lost Ways

The Lost Ways is a far-reaching book with chapters ranging from simple things like making

tasty bark-bread-like people did when there was no food-to building a traditional backyard

smokehouse� and many, many, many more!

Here�s just a glimpse of what you�ll find in The Lost Ways:

From Ruff Simons, an old west history expert and former deputy, you�ll learn the techniques

and methods used by the wise sheriffs from the frontiers to defend an entire village

despite being outnumbered and outgunned by gangs of robbers and bandits, and how you

can use their wisdom to defend your home against looters when you�ll be surrounded.

Native American ERIK BAINBRIDGE � who took part in the reconstruction of the native village

of Kule Loklo in California, will show you how Native Americans build the subterranean

roundhouse, an underground house that today will serve you as a storm shelter, a perfectly

camouflaged hideout, or a bunker.

It can easily shelter three to four families, so how will you feel if, when all hell breaks

loose, you�ll be able to call all your loved ones and offer them guidance and shelter?

Besides that, the subterranean roundhouse makes an awesome root cellar where you can

keep all your food and water reserves year-round.

From Shannon Azares you�ll learn how sailors from the XVII century preserved water in their

ships for months on end, even years and how you can use this method to preserve clean

water for your family cost-free.

Mike Searson � who is a Firearm and Old West history expert � will show you what

to do when there is no more ammo to be had, how people who wandered the West managed to

hunt eight deer with six bullets, and why their supply of ammo never ran out.

Remember the panic buying in the first half of 2013?

That was nothing compared to what�s going to precede the collapse.

From Susan Morrow, an ex-science teacher and chemist, you�ll master �The Art of Poultice.�

She says, �If you really explore the ingredients from which our forefathers made poultices,

you�ll be totally surprised by the similarities with modern medicines.� Well�how would

you feel in a crisis to be the only one from the group knowledgeable about this lost skill?

When there are no more antibiotics, people will turn to you to save their ill children�s


If you liked our video tutorial on how to make Pemmican, then you�ll love this: I

will show you how to make another superfood that our troops were using in the Independence

war, and even George Washington ate on several occasions.

This food never goes bad.

And I�m not talking about honey or vinegar.

I�m talking about real food!

The awesome part is that you can make this food in just 10 minutes and I�m pretty sure

that you already have the ingredients in your house right now.

Really, this is all just a peek.

The Lost Ways is a far-reaching book with chapters ranging from simple things like making

tasty bark-bread-like people did when there was no food-to building a traditional backyard

smokehouse� and many, many, many more!

And believe it or not, this is not all�

Table Of Contents:

The Most Important Thing Making Your Own Beverages: Beer to Stronger

Stuff Ginger Beer: Making Soda the Old Fashioned

Way How North American Indians and Early Pioneers

Made Pemmican Spycraft: Military Correspondence During The

1700�s to 1900�s Wild West Guns for SHTF and a Guide to Rolling

Your Own Ammo How Our Forefathers Built Their Sawmills,

Grain Mills,and Stamping Mills How Our Ancestors Made Herbal Poultice to

Heal Their Wounds What Our Ancestors Were Foraging For? or How

to Wildcraft Your Table How Our Ancestors Navigated Without Using

a GPS System How Our Forefathers Made Knives

How Our Forefathers Made Snow shoes for Survival How North California Native Americans Built

Their Semi-subterranean Roundhouses Our Ancestors�Guide to Root Cellars

Good Old Fashioned Cooking on an Open Flame Learning from Our Ancestors How to Preserve

Water Learning from Our Ancestors How to Take Care

of Our Hygiene When There Isn�t Anything to Buy

How and Why I Prefer to Make Soap with Modern Ingredients

Temporarily Installing a Wood-Burning Stove during Emergencies

Making Traditional and Survival Bark Bread��.

Trapping in Winter for Beaver and Muskrat Just like Our Forefathers Did

How to Make a Smokehouse and Smoke Fish Survival Lessons From The Donner Party

For more infomation >> Now It Is The Elite That Are Feverishly 'Prepping' For The Collapse Of Society - Duration: 12:57.


Treating a Horse with Heaves | The Incredible Dr. Pol - Duration: 2:59.

NARRATOR: Doctor pulls off to another farm call.

Today, his patient is 22-year-old Julep.


Good morning.

Judy called for Julep because Julep was down

and he thought it had colic.

She is a little special to us.

Felt her feet.

They're cool.

They're not hot.


Oh, that doesn't look too bad now.

- [inaudible] - OK.

Hang on.

Let me just check her over because she's breathing bad.


Does she have heaves a little bit?

She's got asthma or something.

Yeah, right.


NARRATOR: Heaves is a chronic lung disease

similar to asthma in humans.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

A little fast heartbeat.


Gut sounds.

Yesterday was one of those crazy days--

hot, a little humid--

almost rain.

So that is hard on these horses that have heaves--

very hard.


She's breathing.

See that?


That's the problem.

These horses don't have much chance

of really getting enough air and I think this is the problem.

Let me see how she's walking.

Yeah, flared nostrils and everything.

It was really hot here.

You couldn't hardly breathe or whatever.

And she spent just about all day inside that lean-to

in the shade.


Hang on.

I'm going to treat her.

We'll fix her up one way or the other.

NARRATOR: Dr. Pol gives Julep a steroid

to reduce the inflammation in her airways,

enabling her to breathe easier.

Oh, yes.

That feels better, doesn't it?

Oh, she's eating.


So when Julep started eating, that always is a good sign.

And so I hope that you know she will turn out and be fine.

I think she got dehydrated yesterday.

So the main thing is now fresh grass

with lots of moisture, water, and a little tender love

and care.

Make sure that you walk her and that she gets a bowel movement.


That's good. - Thank you so much.

We can all breathe easy again.


Except her.

Prognosis is always guarded.

You know they don't get over the heaves.

It's an allergy, just like in people.

But the main thing is just to keep them comfortable

and get them you know treated whenever

they can't get enough air.


Thank you.

Yeah, we'll see you.

I feel a lot better inside and emotionally because he's done

everything he can do for that animal at this time,

and that's why Dr. Pol has been my vet for over 25 years.

Bye bye.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Treating a Horse with Heaves | The Incredible Dr. Pol - Duration: 2:59.


Who is Tom Bilyeu? - Duration: 2:13.

Our story begins, like many others, with a young man.

Watched his uncle eat himself to death and didn't understand.

Rejected his potential, did only jobs he was better than

'Til he saw the Matrix in the mirror staring back at him.

From a kid who wouldn't get paid for his paper route 'cause he wouldn't ask for it

Now get him in the room and witness it Game over, Coppertop, go on lookin' for the droids, bitch

Both the tool and the sculptor, made himself into stone for grinding

So he got rich, but he died inside trying.

Resurrected with a Quest to rescue his sister, Mom, and the mob

But saw the prison break from their bodies called for an Inside job

Unicorn company But he's still hungry

Won't trust the moment he's comfortable Laughs when grumpy, talks fast when he slumps

'Cause he hacked himself -- he's a mastery junkie

Entrepreneur Brain connoisseur

Hard to define in a blurb Leveling up every day to serve over the Net,

yelling "All the next Elons emerge!"

Our hero wasn't born with a silver spoon; There's no spoon, really

Don't let him be exceptional -- Go prove his Impact Theory.

Can't tell you how the story ends, but it begins with us

They should call him Neo, but to us he's Morpheus.

If you want to be stronger!

If you want to work longer!

If you feel like fucking shit after a minute is squandered!

Buckle up and swallow his red pill with your pride

Won't be the ride of your life - it'll be you learning to drive.

For more infomation >> Who is Tom Bilyeu? - Duration: 2:13.


Politics - Crazy Pope Francis "Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist" - Duration: 2:27.

Crazy Pope Francis: �Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist�

Jim Hoft

This is a very dangerous man.

The leader of the Catholic faith told believers on Friday that Muslim terrorism does not exist

and the dangers of radicalism exists equally in all religions.

According to the Religion of Peace website 2016 there were 2476 Islamic attacks in 59

countries, in which 21239 people were killed and 26677 injured.

In July 2016 an Islamist murdered 87 people with a truck in Nice, France.

434 people were injured. reported:

In an impassioned address Friday, Pope Francis denied the existence of Islamic terrorism,

while simultaneously asserting that �the ecological crisis is real.�

�Christian terrorism does not exist, Jewish terrorism does not exist, and Muslim terrorism

does not exist.

They do not exist,� Francis said in his speech to a world meeting of populist movements.

What he apparently meant is that not all Christians are terrorists and not all Muslims are terrorists�a

fact evident to all�yet his words also seemed to suggest that no specifically Islamic form

of terrorism exists in the world, an assertion that stands in stark contradiction to established


�No people is criminal or drug-trafficking or violent,� Francis said, while also suggesting�as

he has on other occasions�that terrorism is primarily a result of economic inequalities

rather than religious beliefs.

�The poor and the poorer peoples are accused of violence yet, without equal opportunities,

the different forms of aggression and conflict will find a fertile terrain for growth and

will eventually explode.�

The Pope also reiterated his conviction that all religions promote peace and that the danger

of violent radicalization exists equally in all religions.

For more infomation >> Politics - Crazy Pope Francis "Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist" - Duration: 2:27.


5 Behaviours That Show You Are Reaching A Higher Level Of Consciousness - Duration: 5:02.

5 Behaviours That Show You Are Reaching A Higher Level Of Consciousness.

By consciousreminder.

How do you know when you are reaching a higher level of consciousness?

If there�s one thing we know beyond any doubt, it�s that all of life is an evolutionary


Everything, from the smallest particle in existence to the universe as a whole is in

the process of evolution.

Immutability is the only truth.

Expansion is the point.

The only question is whether or not it�s happening consciously or unconsciously.

As is the case with any pursuit � whether athletic, intellectual, or spiritual � certain

signs will begin to show up after a particular amount of practice has been put in, and they

will come out, as they should, in your behavior.

If they don�t, then you haven�t condensed the full understanding yet� the concept

has not made its way fully to the level of action.

While there is, in reality, no actual higher level of consciousness (this is an egoistic

idea based on comparison) there are, undoubtedly, different modes of seeing the world, resulting,

of course, in different modes of being in the world� modes of being that open us up

to more relaxation, harmony and balance, even as the external world continues on in the

manner it always has.

There has been an inner shift.

How do we know when we�re getting it?

There are 5 behaviors that show you are reaching a higher level of consciousness.


A Loss of Interest in Gossip

Once you begin waking up, negativity becomes far more noticeable, particularly when it

arrives in the form of gossip.

It no longer has the power to seduce you the way it once did.

You can hear the self-seeking in it� the judgement and unconscious need to feel superior

on the part of the one doing the gossiping, and the power of the gravity it has to pull

others in.

The difference between someone stating facts, for a reason, and someone blowing hot-air

in service of their ego is quite clear, and you slowly find yourself participating in

it less and less.


A Loss of Interest in Destructive Habits

The difference between short-term and long-term gratification starts to reveal itself.

Certain things that make you feel �good� in the present moment (as with the habit of

gossiping) don�t lead to a happier mind-set in the long run, and you begin to realize


The pointlessness of everything from worrying (as opposed to thinking constructively) to

over-eating to watching television that has a negative effect on the mind begins to come

clear, and you start simply leaving these habits behind.


More Work (Play), Less Stress

You get more done.

You�re simply more effective than you once were, because you�re more present.

You�re not resenting the moment or thinking about what you should or shouldn�t be doing,

you�re just doing what needs to be done, and doing it well.

There is an inner sense of �play� that accompanies most things, alleviating stress

and bringing more joy to yourself, and others around you.


More Co-operation, Less Competition

The need to �prove� oneself begins to diminish.

Because the tendency to compare everything (looks, income, skill level) has lessened,

whatever task you have at hand becomes more clear� even the task of life itself.

Because there is less of a need to �win�, co-operation begins to show up instead, and

you realize that in the act of helping others you are also helping yourself.



Following on the last point, though you don�t stop pursuing goals, you are less focused

on the �happiness� their completion will provide you with, and instead find yourself

appreciating many of the little things you only took as stepping stones before.

You begin to see much of what�s right with world, along with what�s wrong with it,

and this gratitude grants you the energy and vision to continue the work of �correcting�

both it, and yourself.

Are you reaching a higher level of consciousness?

For more infomation >> 5 Behaviours That Show You Are Reaching A Higher Level Of Consciousness - Duration: 5:02.


DOCTOR STRANGE: What is Marvel Magic?? | Auram's Comics (feat. The Imaginary Axis) - Duration: 11:36.

This video is brought to you by our Auram's Comics Patrons!

Head on over to to become one today!

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme and protector of everything mystical of the Marvel Universe!

He uses his knowledge of the magical to put a stop to all the extranormal threats to our


The question is, how is he able to use this "magic," and better yet, how does it even


Hello and welcome to the Show With Issues, I'm Auram, and before you get all up in

arms about magic just being magic and it needing no explanation, let's take a step back and

really think about this.

Yes, magic can just be "magic," the power to do the unthinkable and unexplainable, but

the unthinkable and unexplainable is just a little more common in the Marvel Universe

than it is in our humble little world.

If you were a citizen in the Marvel U and you looked out your window, you could see

anything from an alien thunder god fighting a giant green monster to a drunk billionaire

in an extremely heavy iron suit just kinda flying around.

So if "magic" is just the impossible, then almost everything in the Marvel Universe

can count as such.

But that doesn't make sense, right?

Iron Man might be defying the laws of physics by flying around in a 10-ton suit, but it's

not magic; it's technology -- science!

This is where the confusion lies and where we need to put a harder definition on the

term, but I'm no sorcerer, I don't know anything about magic!

I'm just a mere muggle, so we could probably consult some real sorcerers here.

To the comics!

Admittedly, there aren't a lot of clear cut explanations of what magic is or how it

works, because it's magic.

Any explanation is pretty vague and comes from certain characters when you least expect


So, let's start with the poster boy of this mystical force, Doctor Strange!

Early on in his career, in Doctor Strange: Season One, he said this on the subject, "It

can enhance, but it can't create something from nothing."

This is rather interesting seeing as magic is usually depicted as such in other media,

creating something from nothing.

Wong shared a similar sentiment in The Oath, when he essentially said that magic cannot

replicate science just as science cannot replicate magic.

This is backed up even further by Doctor Druid in Secret Avengers #20; he describes magic

as, "The creation of physical effect through will and art."

So the general consensus here seems to be that magic is a thing in and of itself, outside

of science and technology, firmly planted in its own realm.

Essentially, magic is used to replicate powers and abilities that science and technology

can do naturally.

But, if you can achieve the same effect with two different sources, aren't they sort

of the same thing?

Iron Man flies with a technological metal suit and Doctor Strange flies with a magical

cloak of levitation; at the end of the day, they're both flying, regardless of how they're

managing it.

This raises a rather annoying question when it comes to magic, though.

Playing devil's advocate here, is magic just extremely advanced science?

Key players in the world of magic seem to think otherwise, but maybe the source of magic

(that "will and art" that Doctor Druid talked about) is actually a science.

I don't dive into science much here and I don't have a lot of experience with the subject,

so I'm gonna toss it over to my friend Tyler for this one!

* Hello!

I'm Tyler, this is the Show with Issues, and thanks for bringing that up, Auram because

the difference between science and magic is actually trickier than a lot of people realize.

Over on my show, The Imaginary Axis, we try to explain the unexplainable in nearly every


The truth is most of your favorite comic book characters do do crazy things, but very few

of them are magical.

Most rely on some fringe science or technological marvels.

I even dedicated an entire episode to Thor's hammer and the fact that it very well could

be explained away as advanced technology wielded by an alien race.

Some of Marvel's finest even back me up on that.

So, if seemingly impossible feats can just as easily be attributed to science we don't

understand yet as they can to magic...

Why is there even a need for magic?

The terms should just be interchangeable, right?

Why should a man who can direct energy through his body because of a genetic mutation be

any different from a man who can do the same thing because of a spell?

* Well, the truth lies in the gritty details.

When you break science down to it's most basic level, it is the study of nature.

We create devices, methods, and substances that allow us to achieve fantastic things

by adhering to certain laws of the universe.

Traveling to other solar systems in a day might seem impossible at first because they

are too far away and our universe ensures we cannot travel faster than light, but if

we bend the space in front of us- or "warp"- we can achieve the impossible by finding a

sort of loophole to the universal law.

This is what science does.

It observes and experiments to determine the laws of our reality and how we can use those

laws to achieve new things.

But what happens when you start ignoring reality?

When the things we know should logically happen in a certain circumstance do not come to pass?

Well, in certain realms of fiction, characters like Doctor Strange can do this.

They reach outside of our universe's basic laws and replace them with new ones.

The manipulation of outer-reality forces.

Changing the natural order into something… beyond natural…


And that's the key difference here.

While Iron Man might have a suit that can bend space to travel from Point A to Point

B faster than the natural law would otherwise allow, Doctor Strange simply removes the natural

law entirely.

He's not finding a loophole or working with the law.

It simply no longer applies to him because he's called upon forces from other dimensions

or even higher entities to rewrite what is natural.

...It's magic.

That makes sense!

Thanks, Tyler.

So, it seems pretty convincing at this point that Magic and science are totally different

things, but, if you still don't believe us, I have one more convincing argument from the

comics themselves.

Look toward none other than Reed Richards; one of the most brilliant scientists in the

Marvel Universe and a known skeptic.

Reed is all about the explainable, hard science and facts, but he actually does believe in


That's right, it's revealed in Fantastic Four #500, that Reed is a reluctant believer.

Long story short, Doctor Strange gave Reed a mystical laser gun thing that could only

be activated by, well, magic.

It was his last ditch effort to save his family from the clutches of Doctor Doom and, after

trying to figure out how to fire the thing scientifically, to no avail, he gave in and

admitted that there are, "...higher forces that bind us," firing the weapon and saving

his family.

So there ya go, unequivocally, irrefutably, magic is just magic, no science or advanced

tech about it.

But, we still don't know where it comes from.

It's gotta be explained somehow, right?

Doctor Strange himself said that it cannot create something from nothing.

Here's where things get interesting.

There are actually four sources of magic: personal energies, universal energies, dimensional

energies, and Necromancy.

Created and passed down by Agamotto himself, these four forms were all catalogued and detailed

in a sorcerer named Ian McNee's notes which were compiled in a one-shot from 2007 called

The Marvel Tarot.

This is essentially what Tyler was talking about earlier, the supernatural forces that

magicians pull from.

Starting with personal energies, also known as Egocentric magic.

It's a type of magic where you're using your own body's spiritual energy to replicate

"psychic" abilities, like Astral Projection or telepathy.

This one is pretty simple and is very rudimentary magic, especially when it comes to the simple

abilities like hypnosis or reading minds.

Moving on to universal energies, also known as Ecocentric magic.

This form of magic draws from the magical energy in the world around you.

Ecocentric magic is very similar to Egocentric magic, except that the energy is coming from

an outside source.

It also requires the use of spells or hand motions which are mainly used to conjure elemental

bolts of energy or protective barriers.

Another, more specific, form of Ecocentric magic, because yes it gets even more complicated,

is Weaver magic.

This is a very finessed type of magic that involves tapping into another person's spiritual

energy to access their "lifeline" to learn about their history and possibly manipulate

their future, oftentimes to help them avoid a terrible fate.

Along with this, Weaver mages can weave enchantments into fabrics and items, giving them certain


For example, a master Weaver mage created Doctor Strange's famed Cloak of Levitation.

Getting back on track, let's talk about dimensional energies, also known as Exocentric


Exocentric magic is the most complicated of the four forms.

It involves calling upon one of the many mystical deities, like the Vishanti, to borrow their


There are a ton of factors that go into using Exocentric magic, including a spoken phrase,

normally involving the god's name, a dimensional anchor, like Doctor Strange's Eye of Agamotto,

and, of course, the god has to be willing to give you their power in that instance.

This is where Doctor Strange's famous phrases like, "By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth,"

or, "By the mystic moons of Munnopor!"

The last of the four forms of magic, and the most malevolent, is Necromancy, also known

as Necromantic magic.

This is the Voldemort of Marvel magic; it is forbidden in most established mystic communities

and originates from the Bible of Black Magic, also known as the Darkhold.

Necromancy involves using the latent energy created by the death of lesser beings -- essentially


It's agents have been responsible for the destruction of entire civilizations as well

as the creation of zombies, vampires, and other such creatures.

So those are the four essential forms of magic; Egocentric, Ecocentric, Exocentric, and Necromantic.

There is; however, kind of a fifth form of magic and it brings with it, frankly, a whole

mess of confusion.

It's called chaos magic and is most commonly associated with Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet


This elusive fifth form, at its very core, gives its user the ability to manipulate the

fabric of reality.

It's an incredibly powerful magic, so much so that Doctor Strange himself had no idea

of its existence until Wanda went crazy and caused the fall of the Avengers.

Strange was unaware of this form because of the Elder God Chthon, who abused the Chaos

Magic a millennia ago.

He bent the world to his whim, feasting on the fear of his worshippers, presumably through

Necromantic magic.

A group of powerful mages stood up to him; however, and cast a spell on the world with

the words, "There is no God of Chaos, there is no Chaos Magic."

This effectively depowered Chthon and erased the idea of Chaos Magic from existence, until

the birth and empowerment of the Scarlet Witch.

It's still a bit up in the air whether or not this is an actual form of magic or just

another term for an extraordinary ability in the Marvel universe, but I thought it was

worth mentioning.

So, that's a lot to take in, a ton of really cool forms of magic that kinda make you want

to go out, find yourself an Ancient One, and start training to be Earth's new Sorcerer


I should warn you, though, practicing the arcane comes at a potentially deadly cost,

as Doctor Strange himself is well aware of.

As the Ancient One taught the Doctor, "Every punch comes at a cost."

Literally speaking, every time you cast a spell or use magic in any sense of the word,

it takes a physical toll on your body.

For example, when he was being trained, Strange threw up for an entire week after casting

his first few spells.

Normally, casual mages can remedy this by meditating every night, but when you're

the Sorcerer Supreme, you have to go to great lengths every second to save the world from

the mystical forces that threaten it.

This took a huge toll on Doctor Strange and it was killing him, so he and Wong needed

to find a cure.

This came in the form of two terrible solutions; a secret cult of monks formed by Wong that

would use magic to redirect Strange's suffering onto them and a sentient creature, now known

as Mister Misery, locked in the basement of the Sanctum Sanctorum created solely from

the cost of doing business with magic.

Luckily, though, Strange might be getting a clean slate.

Unluckily, this is only happening because of the death of magic as we know it.

That's right, at the time of this recording, magic has essentially been murdered by a dimension

hopping, anti-magic group known as the Empirikul.

Doctor Strange, and his fellow sorcerers, are currently attempting to rewrite the rules

of magic, starting from almost nothing.

So, yeah, a lot of what we talked about here is moot.

Oh, well.

What do you guys think about all this magic mumbo jumbo?

Would you become a Marvel mage knowing the cost you would have to pay?

We can talk about all that in the comments!

And, yes, I know I left out some fringe cases of magic like Voodoo or Atlantean, but feel

free to talk about those in the comments as well!

And, hey, thanks so much to Tyler for the help with this video!



Don't mention it, Auram!

You know, magic isn't really my forte, but if you're ever interested in learning how

the multiverse works, how strong the Hulk is, or how fast the Flash can run, feel free

to give me a call.

Science is definitely something I can do.

That sounds great!

Definitely go check out his channel, it's a super fun time!

Personally recommend it.

Oh, and, like I mentioned earlier, this video was brought to you guys by our Auram's Comics


If you wanna go the extra mile to help out the Show, head on over to

to get some awesome rewards like behind the scenes videos, extra content, access to an

exclusive Discord server where you can chat with me and fellow viewers, and much more!

And of course, before you head out, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on anything

that I upload every Saturday.

That all being said, thank you so much for watching!

Next time I wither away, because I used way too much magic to get you to watch this video.

So, first of all, I'm sorry, but, like, second of all -- deuces!

For more infomation >> DOCTOR STRANGE: What is Marvel Magic?? | Auram's Comics (feat. The Imaginary Axis) - Duration: 11:36.


Kyrie Irving says the Earth is undeniably flat This is not even a conspiracy theory - Duration: 2:30.

Kyrie Irving says the Earth is undeniably flat: 'This is not even a conspiracy theory'

Despite evidence, err, facts, that say otherwise, Kyrie Irving thinks the Earth is flat

If you're one of those people who believe the Earth is round, congratulations. You're in the majority of the population who thinks so. But Kyrie Irving can't relate with that line of thinking.

In a recent podcast appearance with teammates Channing Frye and Richard Jefferson, Frye threw a curveball by asking if his fellow Cavalier brothers believed in whether aliens exist -- and Irving one-upped him, asking the group if they believed the Earth is round.

He set himself up for a head-scratching answer to his own question. "This is not even a conspiracy theory," Irving said. "The Earth is flat." .

When pressed on a response that, for the record, is flat out wrong, Irving went off the rails and blamed "particular groups" that he did not name which he thinks want to convince us the Earth is, in fact, round.

Said Irving: "It's right in front of our faces. I'm telling you, it's right in front of our faces. They lie to us.

"What I've been taught is that the earth is round.

But if you really think about it from a landscape of the way we travel, the way we move and the fact that, can you really think of us rotating around the sun and all planets aligned, rotating in specific dates, being perpendicular with what's going on with these planets?" .

Almost in disbelief with his sincere response, Richard Jefferson asked: "How are you going to put the word 'planets' in quotations?".

"Because, everything that they send — or that they want to say they're sending — doesn't come back," Irving reasoned. "There is no concrete information except for the information that they're giving us.

They're particularly putting you in the direction of what to believe and what not to believe. The truth is right there, you just got to go searching for it.".

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