Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 18 2017

Car Factory | Toy Factory | Cars for Kids | Video for kids

For more infomation >> Car Factory | Toy Factory | Cars for Kids | Video for kids - Duration: 12:54.


Learn Colors With Eggs For Kids - Video For Children - By Azuzu - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Eggs For Kids - Video For Children - By Azuzu - Duration: 3:11.


MJ Jenkins - Think No Pink - Passion for Moving Beyond Surviving Cancer - Passion Sundays - Duration: 5:15.

hello everyone and welcome back to

Passion Sunday's the best way to end a

week and start another our guest today

is phenomenally passionate about

breast cancer she helped breast cancer patients

thrive rather than survive she is the

author of the best-selling book think no pink

MJ Jenkins thank you very much for being

here with us today happy breast cancer awareness month

I'm so happy to be alive

and to be with you here in your gorgeous studio

thank you very much i'm really excited

to see this big smile on your face

where does that come from when you talk

about yourself like breast cancer

well I have a lot to be grateful for you

know in 2012 i was diagnosed with

invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer

if you don't know that's the most common

type of breast cancer that women can get

and with the help of angelina jolie

thrusters and today I'm cancer-free

4 years and that a lot to smile about nice

i've just been around the world

literally 40 times on television Fox

News ABC NBC and also over in South

Africa speaking on global breast cancer

to help facilitate women to start taking

care of themselves and women that do

have breast cancer

how do you survive to thrive, I love it

and where did all this passion come

from to help because up let the woman

I've gone through the breast cancer

challenge but not all of them decided to

turn it into a passion attributed to

make it into passion

well for me personally you know I had

small boys and my little children were

something that I needed to survive

basically so we would I was looking at

the type of breast cancer that I had I

thought how can I talk to other women to

help them not go through the same big

mistakes that I made you know like get

an early breast cancer screening i put

it off too long

don't let that grow on your midsection

because that is more likely to cause

cancer than women at least in healthy

lives and the third is stopping is

cancer causing foods

I mean I was shot to the kind of foods

that cause cancer

you might be popcorn even potato chips

you know especially sugar feeds cancer

too much alcohol is a big culprit

so when I thought how can I help women

and talk about ways to survive and just

do it with having fun because if you can

put the fun back in your life you need

to believe you will survive you need to

feed your body good food and you can

feed your soul that thought I carry my

little dog Coco with me everywhere

Coco is like a little four-legged your

key four pounds i think every woman that

has breast cancer should have the

ability to you know have a furry friend

unconditional love and ultimately to my

breast cancer i wrote my book thing to

know pink because if you think no cancer

there would be no pink ribbons and i'm

not a fan of paint by the way that I

like your thinking and it's very easy to

have this glaring smile once his pasta

but I'm sure when you're in the middle

of it is very difficult to find Darian

scary and you're lost

I mean one of the biggest thing for me

with a fee of information out there and

I needed to help other women not go

through the panic and the worry in the

that you know what I be there for my

kids so i created medical book think no

pink because it kind of narrows all that

data down into a small tiny guide to

help as a great gift for somebody saying

here's something you can easily quickly

it's about 75 pages and it helps someone

not not stress about it because there's

a big fear of what to do what path to


you know how to get from surviving and

passed it and right when you're in the

thick of it you are kind of stuck in

that mode where you go through a lot of

the same emotions even a wounded warrior

from war we go through a minute the

trauma you go through the fear and the

shock and the anger like why me and you

don't really know how to express

yourself so i look at if you could just

smile more in the mirror and you could

have something smiling back it's so hard

to do when you especially without any

hair you lose your eyebrows your body

changes and so I thought I donate my

time in the u.s. I I help the American

Cancer Society of all kinds of programs

that i feel good donating my time and

giving back like me making strides walk

you can contribute and help walk so no

one walks alone they were all over all

over the country 300 of them in the US

and in you know internationally you can

talk about global breast cancer

her and you can help other people around

the country not feel alone for me I was

all alone with my small children so I

want to be a best friend for women with

breast cancer

I love it it's so inspiring to see the

smile that you've got them the driveway

you've got to help other people so thank

you very much for sharing your passion

with the world and i would recommend

everybody goes to your site and check

out what you're doing and think no pink dot com

And thank you

very much you're awesome love it thank you

for having me

Passion! What do you think I would really

love to hear your opinion

leave your comments on the blog below

and share the episode of social media

and if you'd like more tools tips

technique and exclusive interviews that

i only share my website go to

until next episode live passionately

For more infomation >> MJ Jenkins - Think No Pink - Passion for Moving Beyond Surviving Cancer - Passion Sundays - Duration: 5:15.


Hiring Guest Writers for Again - Duration: 3:58.

Hi, everybody. I'm back to hiring guest

writers for my most popular publication, Out of the three,

it's the one which has the most

followers and seems to be producing the

most interest. Until now, I've hired writers

to submit personal essays giving their

own yoga journey stories, if you will, and

have been happy with the results.

Not all of the writers have been that

good in terms of writing ability but

I've been able to polish their work up

and it turned out pretty well. This

time around, I'd like to shift more into

interviews. I've published one so far and

I've got another in the pipeline coming

out within a couple of weeks. I want

guest writers moving forward to be doing

more of going out and interviewing yoga

teachers. I think this will be good

for several reasons. Interviews

are always interesting because you can

ask people questions and let

them ramble. You can record the

audio then later transcribe it, edit it,

and once you structure things

and move things around, cut out the

awkward parts, you can come up with

fantastic content. Some real

pearls of wisdom. I've found it's

almost like - you know the cliché,

carving a statue out of a big hunk

of marble. You're chipping away

to get to the statue within, or maybe

you're hunting for gold,

digging for gold. I've produced a

great content on my other

publications through the interview

format. Anyway, I had a couple of

prospective writers who asked me some

questions. One asked if she could submit the

audio and could I publish it. I

said, "Thank you, but no." The

reason why is I'm not ready to be

committing the resources necessary to

produce a proper podcast for HelloYoga.

With podcasting, you need to be putting out

something at least once a week.

It needs to be professionally edited,

a consistent length, and

format. Competition is heavy in

the podcasting space. Unless I'm

able to invest the resources and do

it properly, it's just not worth doing. I

wouldn't be able to build up a

substantial following. I just told her

she's more than welcome to

publish the audio under her own account.

Let's say she sets up an account on,

which is an all-in-one

podcasting solution. Casual podcasting

from your phone. I'm using it myself.

Another is SoundCloud, but there's a bit

more involved. You have to record with

one app and upload it and so on. So I

said she's welcome to do that and we

could embed the audio into the interview.

But, I don't think people would be

interested in listening to it unless it

was professionally edited, so we'll see

how that goes. I'm looking

forward to some of this work coming out

in the coming months.

The first ones will come out in

early April, so stay tuned to

Let me know if you've had any similar

experiences. Thanks as always for



For more infomation >> Hiring Guest Writers for Again - Duration: 3:58.


EXCLUSIVE: NYPD cops indicted for lying in gun case may get more charges after man sues over Quee... - Duration: 3:14.

Two NYPD detectives accused of making up a tall tale to justify an illegal search in a Manhattan gun possession case could face additional charges for telling a similar lie in a Queens drug case, the Daily News has learned

Detectives Kevin Desormeau and Sasha Cordoba, who were indicted on criminal charges Thursday in the Manhattan case, were sued by a Queens man who accused them of lying about seeing him peddle drugs.

That lawsuit cost the city a $547,500 settlement in November. Court filings indicate the Queens District attorney's office is seeking to indict both detectives.

In a Jan. 19 letter to U.S. Magistrate Judge Vera Scanlon, the cops' lawyer James Moschella said Queens prosecutors "indicated they have begun or are imminently beginning to present these matters to a grand jury."

Sources said other cases in Queens involving the two detectives, who were assigned to the Queens South gang squad, are being reviewed.

Cordoba faces, along with Desormeau, more charges in similar cases.

(Jefferson Siegel/New York Daily News)

The city's Law Department walked away from the two detectives in August, forcing them to seek their own lawyers.

The plaintiff in the Queens case, Roosevelt McCoy, 47, was playing pool in Yogi's restaurant on Guy R. Brewer Blvd. in Jamaica on Aug.

28, 2014, when the two detectives came in and ordered him outside, the lawsuit alleges.

They searched him, took him to a police precinct and strip-searched him, finding nothing either time.

Nevertheless, they told prosecutors they saw him dealing drugs, and claimed they found 7 grams of cocaine on him.

A security video still shows Roosevelt McCoy handcuffed in front of onlookers with Detective Kevin Desormeau on the left (with the backward baseball cap).

(Harvis & Fett LLP)

Desormeau repeated that allegation in a criminal complaint, in front of a grand jury and at a suppression hearing, but surveillance video shows he was lying, the lawsuit alleges. The video clearly showed he was not selling drugs, but playing pool the whole time, his lawyer Gabriel Harvis said.

The video also shows Cordoba taking a bag belonging to McCoy which had about $300 in cash in it. That bag was never vouchered or returned to him.

McCoy, who was held on Rikers Island for 52 days, had his case dismissed 19 months later in March 2016, the lawsuit said.

He filed a federal lawsuit a month later against the city, Desormeau, and Cordoba, who went by the last name Neve at the time. The city settled it in November for half a million bucks.

The detectives have been indicted in the arrest of Jamal Choice, 40.


"He was lucky, but I can't imagine how many New Yorkers were not so lucky and they are sitting in jail," Harvis said.

On Thursday, a Manhattan grand jury indicted the two detectives on charges they lied repeatedly to prosecutors, a grand jury and in court papers in 2014 to get an indictment on gun charges against Jamel Choice, then 38, in Washington Heights.

"My hope is that this will send a message to other police officers who are contemplating fabricating evidence that there is no tolerance for it," Harvis said.

In 2016, Desormeau, 33, made $87,791 in base pay and another $33,144 in overtime, records show. Cordoba also made $87,791 in base pay in 2016, plus $29,954 in overtime.

Desormeau was awarded the NYPD's Combat Cross, one of the department's highest honors, in 2011 for his role in a Queens gunfight. He traded gunfire with a suspect before cops disarmed and arrested him.

The NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureau is still investigating the two detectives, a police spokesman said Friday.

With Shayna Jacobs, Rocco Parascandola

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