Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 18 2017

looking in the mirror

looking back

a look of wild living

bound to crack

the heart is a beating drum

the heart is a beating drum

it takes more than you wanted before

to keep it on

howling at the future won't you be fast and full

all the noise and hot crossed veins you

you got in you

send your love on a rampage

give her everything you've got

and when you come to hate her

show her more than just a spark

cause the heart is a beating drum

the heart is a beating drum

it takes more than you wanted before

to keep it on

For more infomation >> the losers - the heart is a beating drum - Duration: 1:43.


🕉😀 How to Meditate - These Fundamentals You Must Understand / Spiritual Teacher Roger Castillo - Duration: 11:03.

So once I close my eyes

then for all I know everything that's on the other side of that is not there.

There is no other side.


It's just that!

So, when you close your eyes become present with that experience!

And even if there is sound that seems to be part of what I was seeing when my eyes were open

I have to assume that's it's just a sound effect of that?!

If we become really present what will happen is that it will become clear

the sound is arising inside what we could call 'meditation space' actually.

You know, if we put these words 'meditation space'

that implies there is a meditator sitting in a room

and we

carry into a fresh experience

old concepts.

Meaning actually we don't carry into the experience

it's designed for that fresh experience to include assumptions of who I am

in that moment.

So, we are sitting

Well, it's hard to ...

What we call sitting ...

it's hard because people are watching the body, so it's hard for me to say

'We are sitting here in meditation, but actually there is no one sitting here in meditation.'

It doesn't really work when you're being recorded.

But from your own experience when you close your eyes and become present

there is no more

it's not even 'closing eyes.'

What we call 'closing eyes'

once that happened and you're present

there is just what is there.

And we find that's a boundless open space with no boundaries,

the visuals are very limited,

sound may still be arising

and then a thought arises

'Oh, that is the sound of a dog. That must be out there.'

And that thought has a whole lot of assumptions, that are not verifiable.

An 'out there,' a 'dog'

If we really become present with it it's just sound arising in awareness.

And there is no inside or outside.

All of that is assumptions arising in thought.

Assumptions contained in thought.

There is a 'me' sitting in a room, with my eyes closed, and 'I' am aware of inside my mind, maybe.

And that the outside is still there and that the sound is of a dog.

Which means if that is how the meditation is happening

it would be destined for it to be happening

we're not present with what is.

Right, and part of those assumptions are also because the experience is designed for us to believe that there is a cause for them to be there, right?!

For example, if I am meditating here and I hear a dog barking

it's a way of the experience to make it believable that I am still sitting in the room that I thought I was

and that there was a dog outside.

Yes, if it happens like that it's destined for it to be like that.

And we could call that a residual self-image,

a residual idea of a past that is contaminating the present moment.

And then that ...

So life is so created to consistently demonstrate that there is a 'here' and a 'there.'

We open a door and we walk out of 'here' into 'there,'

and if we ran down the street there is always more 'there'

it seems

If we shift our perspective

not even we shift, if the the perspective shifts

there is just the present moment in each time.

The illusion is that we are going from 'here' to 'there.'



that has been so consistently the experience in our life

it's been taken and turned into truth.

That there is a 'here' and a 'there.'

So, when we sit in meditation

that truth remains pervading the meditation space.

There is a 'here' and a 'there'

which really means in that space there is someone sitting in meditation

in a room

The meditation space doesn't demonstrate that,

doesn't verify that!

If we are really present and this residual self-image, the residual image of the world is seen to be just a concept, really

that we are assuming to be true

and we become really present

there is no body


There is just awareness of boundless space.

There are no images

and from this particular investigation we are talking about

we can see with what we call 'eyes open' or what seems like the experience of eyes open

this is the creation

and as soon as we close eyes

the creation has changed radically.

It's vanished!

And then when eyes open

it's spontaneously arising again

Experience is designed for it to seem like 'it was here,'

'I closed my eyes,' 'I remained here in the room,'

and then 'I opened my eyes and become aware of the room that was consistently there all the way through meditation.'

The radical shift is to see life radically different,

which means to come to see life as experience

not as an objective reality.

The question then is:

Well, what is aware of the experience in each moment?

With eyes open or eyes closed

there is an awareness of the experience

and with eyes closed it can be easier

for awareness to recognize itself

because the amount of objects in the experience

is significantly less, which means

awareness has left objects to get distracted in.

So, if we find ourselves sitting quietly ...

it's hard to use these words ...

the experience of


Meditation happens

awareness of this boundless space

the boundless space is recognized potentially as the background of awareness

in which all objects arise.

So sound is arising in that space

if we drop the idea of an 'inside' and an 'outside'

we find that this field of awareness

envelops everything that is recognized.

The sound of the dog which now we would just relate to as 'sound'

is no longer related to as a sound coming from 'out there.'

'Inside' and 'outside' has fallen away and there is just sound arising in this space of awareness.

And from that perspective

it becomes clear that awareness is the background.

Awareness is the background in which all objects arise

and it's awareness that recognizes the objects that arise within it.

And then when what we call 'opening eyes' happens

it might become clear 'All of this is an image arising in that same boundless space!'

Recognized by the same awareness

that was aware

of not very much in the meditation experience.

But in the meditation experience awareness is always there!

Visual objects fall away, sound objects fall away, touch objects fall away,

the body which is essentially a combination of visual, touch, and different sensation objects,

the body falls away.

In meditation and in daily living, and in dream

what is ever-present and never absent is awareness.

And the sense of existence.

And if that is recognized in meditation,

recognized by itself

so awareness recognizes that there is awareness all the time

and there is this sense of existence

And if meditation is seen as an experience

and daily living is seen as an experience

then awareness becomes aware of itself in daily living!

For more infomation >> 🕉😀 How to Meditate - These Fundamentals You Must Understand / Spiritual Teacher Roger Castillo - Duration: 11:03.


WHAT IS MY SIGN NAME? - Duration: 5:42.

Welcome back to my channel!

I'm Cheyenna.

I wanted to apologize that I haven't make any of videos since two weeks ago to now

because I've really been busy with different things

and those things that I haven't made an announcement to some people

so I will make an announcement related to that kind of thing

soon, I think maybe it will be posted in next week

and I'm not sure when I will do that.

But I'm excited to tell you guys what will it be about

okay, what will we do for today is...

I'll talk about the sign names

well.. each, before I explain to you guys about it and

each deaf person tends to have their sign names to show who they are

so I have my own sign name.

okay let's guess what is my sign name?

it is..

it's something that shows who am I and has a meaning behind of that sign name

so I will explain what is the story behind of that sign name

like why did I picked that sign name?

well.. again, before I can explain you about that story

I used to have another sign name and it was an old sign name

My parents gave me that sign name because

I have those dimples

and I have that sign name ever since when I was born

It has been like 15 years or so

I grew up with that old sign name until I get sick of it

I really hated my old sign name

I didn't feel like it was a match to my personality

and I felt it was like SEE (signing exact english)

because it shapes like "C"

It definitely not matched for my sign name

I wanted to find something that is really cool and a match for my sign name

and a sign name that has ASL in it

I couldn't find a good sign name until that situation occurred

When I was in high school, there is a girl who has similar sign name as mine

so some teachers would get confused with our sign names

for an example, when a teacher called Ciara but he used my sign name

I was like are you asking for me or her?

but it was actually her who teacher called for

so it was confused for both of us

I asked my mom's friend who is ASL teacher

I asked her, what do you suggest for a new sign name that I should come up with?

she came up with an idea and the reason why did she picked it

because there is the sparkle in my eyes and my eyes are blue.

so she gave me that new sign name and I've sticked with it ever since

since I explained what was the story about my sign name

each deaf person tends to have sign names

and has a meaning behind of their sign names

so I suggested that when you meet a deaf person and you should ask her or him

what's her or his sign name and what is the story behind that sign name

I will tell you a famous story

it's well known for deaf community but I'm not sure if hearing people are aware of it or not

there is a guy who named Clerc,

he was from the British and moved to here USA

he was the first person who taught ASL and opened a first deaf school.

Why did people called him with that sign name?

Once a upon time, he was a little boy who fell off his chair and got a scar

that's why people called him with that sign name because of his scar.

so he have a sign name that has a meaning behind of his

I thought it was kinda cool to see deaf people's sign names and have something that represents them

like hearing people have their names

of course everyone else has their names

and they don't really have any of special significant to represent who they are

All hearing people would just call their names but deaf people couldn't "yell" their names to other deaf people

or fingerspelling the name and it just feel so weird if we do that

for an example, hi Cheyenna (fingerspelling)

it feel like it was completely off the chart

I think it's better if we have sign names to call another person

it's similar way as what hearing people does when they call another person

but it's a different way to get an attention from another person in deaf's perspective

there is one thing that I want to warn you all hearing people

unfortunately is that you can't create your own sign name

BUT you can ask a deaf person to give you a sign name

I know that sucks when you can't create your own sign name

the reason why you guys can't create the sign names

because you and I are different, we have different cultures

so hearing people can't create their own sign names

unless a deaf person give him or her a sign name

so that's it.

I think it was an interesting topic to share I guess?

I just wanted to share about those things that I told you recently

so I hopefully that I will post a new video in next week about that announcement

and another thing that I want to share


I'm involved with a new "project" in youtube that are representing the deaf youtubers

there are a few deaf YouTubers who have already made their channels in here youtube and we all gathered

together to collaborate the videos and there will be different topics to talk about

we will post the videos in every week relating to different topics

so I will post mine in every Thursdays just like in my channel that a new video will be posted on the same day

so I'm excited to see how it goes with their new project and mine

so stay tuned for the next video

and make sure that you will subscribe this

like this video too!!


For more infomation >> WHAT IS MY SIGN NAME? - Duration: 5:42.


White House Blasts False AP Report That 100,000 Troops Will Round Up Illegal Aliens - Duration: 2:04.

White House Blasts "False" AP Report That 100,000 Troops Will Round Up Illegal Aliens.

by Tyler Durden.

AP reported that according to a draft 11-page memo, the Trump administration is considering

mobilizing as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegal immigrants.

However, the White House quickly slammed the agency�s report is �false."

In yet another leak-counterleak example of "spot the fake news" , moments after the AP

report hit, the White House denied everything

This is not true.

DHS also confirms it is 100% false � Sean Spicer (@PressSec) February 17, 2017

As reported earlier (see below), the AP said an �unprecedented militarization of immigration

enforcement� would affect locations as far north as Portland, Oregon and as far east

as New Orleans, Louisiana, according to the 11-page document, purportedly written by Homeland

Security Secretary John Kelly.

The proposal would four states bordering on Mexico � Arizona, California, New Mexico

and Texas � as well as the seven neighboring states of Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Nevada,

Oklahoma, Oregon and Utah.

Governors in the eleven states would have a choice whether to have their guard troops

participate in the round-up, according to AP.

But the White House responded to the news with only one word: �False,� according

to Reuters.

from White House on @AP report to our @PatrickTerpstra: "False.

There is some forthcoming implementation guidance and nowhere is this in it"

� Justin Gray (@grayjustin) February 17, 2017

Some have speculated that if indeed the AP report is false, it may be an attempt by the

White House to ferret out the source of the leak.

So until we wait to learn if that is the case, to those who are still trying to make sense

of what news is real and fake at this point, we wish them the best luck.


In what was shaping up to be a relatively drama-free day, moments ago the AP reported

that the Trump administration is considering the mobilization of as many as 100,000 National

Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants.

The move is part of an alleged "surge" in detention of illegal immigrants, as discussed

last weekend.

A draft memo reportedly obtained by The Associated Press outlines a Trump administration proposal

under consideration to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up

unauthorized immigrants, including millions living nowhere near the Mexico border.

If implemented, the impact could be significant.

Nearly one-half of the 11.1 million people residing in the U.S. without authorization

live in the 11 states, according to Pew Research Center estimates based on 2014 Census data.

Assuring it will be the most discussed topic over the coming long weekend, the 11-page

document calls for the "unprecedented militarization" of immigration enforcement as far north as

Portland, Oregon, and as far east as New Orleans, Louisiana.

Four states that border on Mexico are included in the proposal � California, Arizona, New

Mexico and Texas � but it also encompasses seven states contiguous to those four � Oregon,

Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana.

According to the AP, "governors in the 11 states would have a choice whether to have

their guard troops participate, according to the memo, written by U.S. Homeland Security

Secretary John Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general.

While National Guard personnel have been used to assist with immigration-related missions

on the U.S.-Mexico border before, they have never been used as broadly or as far north."

The memo is addressed to the then-acting heads of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

and U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

It would serve as guidance to implement the wide-ranging executive order on immigration

and border security that President Donald Trump signed Jan. 25.

Such memos are routinely issued to supplement executive orders.

Also dated Jan. 25, the draft memo says participating troops would be authorized �to perform the

functions of an immigration officer in relation to the investigation, apprehension and detention

of aliens in the United States.� It describes how the troops would be activated under a

revived state-federal partnership program, and states that personnel would be authorized

to conduct searches and identify and arrest any unauthorized immigrants.

Requests to the White House and the Department of Homeland Security for comment and a status

report on the proposal were not answered.

The draft document has circulated among DHS staff over the last two weeks.

As recently as Friday, staffers in several different offices reported discussions were


Use of National Guard troops would greatly increase the number of immigrants targeted

in one of Trump�s executive orders last month, which expanded the definition of who

could be considered a criminal and therefore a potential target for deportation.

That order also allows immigration agents to prioritize removing anyone who has �committed

acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense.�

* * *

Under current rules, even if the proposal is implemented, there would not be immediate

mass deportations.

Those with existing deportation orders could be sent back to their countries of origin

without additional court proceedings.

But deportation orders generally would be needed for most other unauthorized immigrants.

According to AP, the troops would not be nationalized, remaining under state control.

When contacted by AP, spokespeople for the governors of Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California,

Colorado, Oklahoma, Oregon and New Mexico said they were unaware of the proposal, and

either declined to comment or said it was premature to discuss whether they would participate.

The proposal would extend the federal-local partnership program that President Barack

Obama�s administration began scaling back in 2012 to address complaints that it promoted

racial profiling.

The 287(g) program, which Trump included in his immigration executive order, gives local

police, sheriff�s deputies and state troopers the authority to assist in the detection of

immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally as a regular part of their law enforcement duties

on the streets and in jails.

The draft memo also mentions other items included in Trump�s executive order, including the

hiring of an additional 5,000 border agents, which needs financing from Congress, and his

campaign promise to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

The signed order contained no mention of the possible use of state National Guard troops.

According to the draft memo, the militarization effort would be proactive, specifically empowering

Guard troops to solely carry out immigration enforcement, not as an add-on the way local

law enforcement is used in the program.

We are confident, however, that most liberal Americans will not see it that way.

Allowing Guard troops to operate inside non-border states also would go far beyond past deployments.

In addition to responding to natural or man-made disasters or for military protection of the

population or critical infrastructure, state Guard forces have been used to assist with

immigration-related tasks on the U.S.-Mexico border, including the construction of fences.

In the mid-2000s, President George W. Bush twice deployed Guard troops on the border

to focus on non-law enforcement duties to help augment the Border Patrol as it bolstered

its ranks.

And in 2010, then-Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer announced a border security plan that included

Guard reconnaissance, aerial patrolling and military exercises.

In July 2014, then-Texas Gov. Rick Perry ordered 1,000 National Guard troops to the border

when the surge of migrant children fleeing violence in Central America overwhelmed U.S.

officials responsible for their care.

The Guard troops� stated role on the border at the time was to provide extra sets of eyes

but not make arrests.

Bush initiated the federal 287(g) program � named for a section of a 1996 immigration

law � to allow specially trained local law enforcement officials to participate in immigration

enforcement on the streets and check whether people held in local jails were in the country


ICE trained and certified roughly 1,600 officers to carry out those checks from 2006 to 2015.

The memo describes the program as a �highly successful force multiplier� that identified

more than 402,000 �removable aliens.� But federal watchdogs were critical of how

DHS ran the program, saying it was poorly supervised and provided insufficient training

to officers, including on civil rights law.

Obama phased out all the arrest power agreements in 2013 to instead focus on deporting recent

border crossers and immigrants in the country illegally who posed a safety or national security


Trump�s immigration strategy emerges as detentions at the nation�s southern border

are down significantly from levels seen in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Last year, the arrest tally was the fifth-lowest since 1972.

Deportations of people living in the U.S. illegally also increased under the Obama administration,

though Republicans criticized Obama for setting prosecution guidelines that spared some groups

from the threat of deportation, including those brought to the U.S. illegally as children.

As reported last week, according to initial reports, ICE officers arrested more than 680

people around the country in what Kelly said were routine, targeted operations; advocates

called the actions stepped-up enforcement under Trump.

For more infomation >> White House Blasts False AP Report That 100,000 Troops Will Round Up Illegal Aliens - Duration: 2:04.


Northern Hemisphere Potentially in Great Danger as Fukushima Radiation Spikes to 'Unimaginable' Leve - Duration: 10:35.

Northern Hemisphere Potentially in Great Danger as Fukushima Radiation Spikes to �Unimaginable�


by Michael Snyder

Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are

many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history,

but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media

really doesn�t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control.

Unfortunately, that is not true at all.

In fact, PBS reported just last year that �it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is

under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks.�

And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no

human could possibly survive being exposed to it.

According to the Japan Times, the level of radiation inside the containment vessel of

reactor 2 is now estimated to be �530 sieverts per hour��

The radiation level in the containment vessel of reactor 2 at the crippled Fukushima No.

1 power plant has reached a maximum of 530 sieverts per hour, the highest since the triple

core meltdown in March 2011, Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc. said.

Tepco said on Thursday that the blazing radiation reading was taken near the entrance to the

space just below the pressure vessel, which contains the reactor core.

The high figure indicates that some of the melted fuel that escaped the pressure vessel

is nearby.

It is hard to find the words to convey how serious this is.

If you were exposed to a radiation level of just 10 sieverts per hour, that would mean

almost certain death.

So 530 sieverts per hour is simply off the charts.

According to the Guardian, this recent measurement is being described by scientists as �unimaginable��

The recent reading, described by some experts as �unimaginable�, is far higher than

the previous record of 73 sieverts an hour in that part of the reactor.

A single dose of one sievert is enough to cause radiation sickness and nausea; 5 sieverts

would kill half those exposed to it within a month, and a single dose of 10 sieverts

would prove fatal within weeks.

And the really bad news is that there appears to be a 2 meter hole that was created by melted

nuclear fuel �in the metal grating under the pressure vessel in the reactor�s primary

containment vessel�.

The following comes from Bloomberg:

New photographs show what may be melted nuclear fuel sitting under one of Japan�s wrecked

Fukushima reactors, a potential milestone in the search and retrieval of the fuel almost

six years after it was lost in one of the worst atomic disasters in history.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc., Japan�s biggest utility, released images on Monday

showing a grate under the Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 2 reactor covered in black residue.

Images from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant�s No. 2 reactor revealed a hole

thought to be made by fuel leaking out of the pressure vessel � Read more HERE

The company, better known as Tepco, may send in a scorpion-like robot as soon as February

to determine the temperature and radioactivity of the residue.

If that isn�t frightening enough, one Japanese news source is reporting that this melted

nuclear fuel �has since come in contact with underground water flowing from the mountain


The melted fuel has since come in contact with underground water flowing from the mountain

side, generating radioactively contaminated water every day.

In order to dismantle the reactor, it is necessary to take out the melted fuel, but high radiation

levels inside the reactor had hampered work to locate the melted debris.

If this disaster was just limited to Japan, the entire northern hemisphere would not be

at risk.

But that is not the case.

Most of the nuclear contamination from Fukushima ended up in the Pacific Ocean, and from there

it was literally taken around the rest of the planet.

The following was reported by PBS:

More than 80 percent of the radioactivity from the damaged reactors ended up in the

Pacific � far more than reached the ocean from Chernobyl or Three Mile Island.

Of this, a small fraction is currently on the seafloor � the rest was swept up by

the Kuroshio current, a western Pacific version of the Gulf Stream, and carried out to sea

where it mixed with (and was diluted by) the vast volume of the North Pacific.

We don�t know if there is a connection, but it is extremely interesting to note that

fisheries up and down the west coast of the United States are failing because of a dramatic

decrease in fish populations.

Just check out the following excerpt from a story that was posted on January 18th:

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker today determined there are commercial fishery

failures for nine salmon and crab fisheries in Alaska, California and Washington.

In recent years, each of these fisheries experienced sudden and unexpected large decreases in fish

stock biomass or loss of access due to unusual ocean and climate conditions.

This decision enables fishing communities to seek disaster relief assistance from Congress.

Things are particularly bad up in Alaska, and biologists are �stumped� as to why

this could be happening�

In 2016, the pink salmon harvests in Kodiak, Prince William Sounds, Chignik and lower Cook

Inlet came in woefully under forecast and stumped biologists as to why.

The estimated value of Kodiak�s 2016 haul was $2.21 million, compared to a five-year

average of $14.64 million, and in Prince William Sound the ex-vessel value was $6.6 million,

far less that the $44 million five-year average.

The total state harvest was the smallest since the late 1970s.

Although state biologists weren�t ready to declare a cause for the poor pink salmon

performance, the Commerce Department press release attributed the disasters to �unusual

ocean and climate conditions.�

Further south, it was being reported last month that millions of dead sardines are washing

up on the shores of Chile.

I could go on and on with a lot more examples like this, but hopefully you get the point.

Something really strange is happening in the Pacific, and a lot of people believe that

there is a link to Fukushima.

Not too long ago, I wrote about how the elite of Silicon Valley are �feverishly prepping�,

but the truth is that all of us should be.

If you need some tips on how to get started, you can find my prepping book right here.

Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster is just

one piece of the puzzle.

But it is definitely a very important piece.

The nuclear material from Fukushima is continuously entering the food chain, and once that nuclear

material gets into our bodies it will slowly irradiate our organs for years to come.

The following is an excerpt from an absolutely outstanding opinion piece by Helen Caldicott

that was published in the Guardian�

Internal radiation, on the other hand, emanates from radioactive elements which enter the

body by inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption.

Hazardous radionuclides such as iodine-131, caesium 137, and other isotopes currently

being released in the sea and air around Fukushima bio-concentrate at each step of various food

chains (for example into algae, crustaceans, small fish, bigger fish, then humans; or soil,

grass, cow�s meat and milk, then humans).

After they enter the body, these elements � called internal emitters � migrate to

specific organs such as the thyroid, liver, bone, and brain, where they continuously irradiate

small volumes of cells with high doses of alpha, beta and/or gamma radiation, and over

many years, can induce uncontrolled cell replication � that is, cancer.

Further, many of the nuclides remain radioactive in the environment for generations, and ultimately

will cause increased incidences of cancer and genetic diseases over time.

Are you starting to understand the gravity of the situation?

Sadly, this crisis is going to be with us for a very, very long time.

According to Bloomberg, they are not even going to start removing melted nuclear fuel

from these reactors until 2021, and it is being projected that the overall cleanup �may

take as long as 40 years��

Decommissioning the reactors will cost 8 trillion yen ($70.4 billion), according to an estimate

in December from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Removing the fuel is one of the most important steps in a cleanup that may take as long as

40 years.

The unprecedented nature of the Fukushima disaster means that Tepco is pinning its efforts

on technology not yet invented to get the melted fuel out of the reactors.

The company aims to decide on a fuel removal procedure for the first reactor during the

fiscal year ending March 2019, and to begin removing fuel in 2021.

A lot of people that end up dying as a result of this crisis may never even know that it

was Fukushima that caused their deaths.

Personally, I am convinced that this is the greatest environmental crisis that humanity

has ever experienced, and if the latest reading from reactor 2 is any indication, things just

took a very serious turn for the worse.

For more infomation >> Northern Hemisphere Potentially in Great Danger as Fukushima Radiation Spikes to 'Unimaginable' Leve - Duration: 10:35.


1,000 Subscriber QnA w/ FACE REVEAL!!!! - Duration: 16:36.

The Quality is a little off but hopefully still good

For more infomation >> 1,000 Subscriber QnA w/ FACE REVEAL!!!! - Duration: 16:36.


HnknA - Ace is at it again for 2017 ! (╯°□°)╯(vostfr) - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> HnknA - Ace is at it again for 2017 ! (╯°□°)╯(vostfr) - Duration: 0:34.


Upgrade Your Personal Frequency - Duration: 7:45.

Upgrade Your Personal Frequency.

By Dylan Harper.

Do You Know Your Personal Frequency?

Universal laws are guiding principles to help us flow with universal energy in a way that

brings harmony and balance to our lives.

These personal frequency laws allow us to hear the subtle voice of the divine and to

follow its guidance.

They also form an inseparable connection between the macrocosm (spirit) and the microcosm (humans).

The only barrier to the oneness is that which the individual creates.

Cultivating self-trust and trust in the divine is also essential for these principles to

come alive in our lives.

Universal Laws & One�s Personal Frequency

There are many sources of these laws.

Some say that there are seven, others say 12, and still others say 21.

This series is founded in the Seven Hermetic Laws.

These originate with The Emerald Tablet, an ancient text attributed to Hermes Trismegistus,

written between 6 and 8 BCE.

The most well-known law is The Law of Attraction.

This is actually a sub-law of The Law of Vibration, which states that �everything vibrates�

(The Kybalion).

Being consciously aware of what influences our personal frequency or vibrational patterns,

and the way they interact with the divine, also allows us to harness the power of The

Law of Vibration.

Vibrational frequency manifests in your thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, and behaviors.

Expanding your energetic consciousness is a powerful way to become self-aware.

Energy Fields of the Body

Energy is the foundational component of energetic consciousness.

The amount and quality of your inner energy is contingent on diet and overall physical

health, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts.

The energy within you emanates in bands of energy outside of your physical body, known

as your auric field.

Starting closest to the body, the first band is reflective of your physical body.

The second band reflects your emotional body, the third of your mental body, and the fourth

of your spirit body.

The larger the aura, the more energy and power you possess.

Thus, if the aura is close to the body, the energy is low and there is a heightened sense

of vulnerability and fatigue.

When this occurs, the various aspects of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health should

be evaluated for how aspects of each contribute to the low vibrational pattern.

The amount of energy you have indicates the quantity you have available to apply to your

daily activities.

The vibrational level indicates the quality of that energy.

For example, an individual may have a lot of forceful energy around them.

Yet, their low vibrational level has the potential to create a person who harms others or themselves

with that energy.

An individual that has lots of energy and a high vibrational level will use that energy

for the highest good.

They would create an atmosphere of harmony around them.

Vibration We Emit � Higher and Lower

Energetic vibration can be understood as the frequency at which the personal auric field


The quality of the energy you have at your disposal corresponds to the quality of your

life and the types of experiences you have.

The higher the frequency, the more open and connected you are to Divine Source Energy.

This is also where we connect to our higher your level of understanding, personal power,

and purpose.

The lower your frequency, the more discord you will experience in your life and the more

negativity you will attract.

Higher frequencies feel lighter; lower frequencies feel heavier.

Higher Frequencies in the Spectrum

Higher frequencies can be seen in the visible light spectrum.

Purple, the color of the crown chakra, the energy center at the top of the head, is our

link to source energy.

The crown chakra is at a higher vibration than red, the color of the root chakra.

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, and serves to ground energy within

the body.

It is associated with the denser, physical aspect of our being.

Additionally, a higher frequency consists of waves that are short and closer together,

while lower frequencies have longer wavelengths.

We have the ability to raise or lower our vibrational level and to recognize where we

are vibrating.

Why is it important to know where you are vibrating?

In the lower vibrational levels, it is more likely to experience more difficulty in your

relationships and in your life in general.

Lower Frequencies and Adjustments of Choice

When your vibrational level increases, you will be less tolerant of discord in relationships

and of dissonant environments.

You will ultimately let go of old, outmoded behaviors and associations, and attract positive

energies, relationships, and circumstances.

Others can also sense or feel your vibrational level.

Suppose you have an important meeting, or want to give your most desirable self to your


It is important to adjust your personal frequency level, so that they can experience you in

the best possible way.

When vibrating in the lower frequencies, you may engage in thoughts or activities that

result in much less energy to accomplish your goals and take care of all your responsibilities.

When you are energetically aware, you can determine when you are getting too low in

energy, and then intervene and elevate your vibration using intention.

Being conscious of your frequency enables you to do a check-in with yourself and view

the situation more objectively to make sure that your perception is accurate.

Perception and Our Personal Frequency

Perception affects your vibrational level.

For example, if you look around your home and notice it needs cleaning, you might perceive

the task as a chore.

You may perceive it as an inconvenience, resent having to do it, and complain about it the

entire time.

Complaining weakens your energy field.

It thereby lowers your vibrational level and your overall energy along with it.

Your motivation to complete the task diminishes.

Notice that when you complain, your energy level dips.

Observe how your energy feels agitated when you are around someone who constantly complains.

On the other hand, you can perceive the situation differently.

You may choose to tackle the responsibility with gratitude for having a home and the desire

to live in a clean environment, thereby creating a higher-level vibration.

There is no right or wrong, simply objective energetic associations and personal frequency.

Hence, you have the power to choose every step of the way.

For more infomation >> Upgrade Your Personal Frequency - Duration: 7:45.


European Version Of Dragon Ball Fusions Is Censored - Duration: 2:07.

Hello, this is Jonathan from Censored Gaming.

We previously covered Dragon Ball: Fusions with regards to its censorship, which consisted

of the noticeable difference regarding the swords some characters used, and how they

were turned into sticks for the North American release.

It was unknown if Europe would do the same thing, as Bandai Namco has stated that only

the European branch has answers, but these would not comment on the matter.

Now however, we can confirm that Europe's version does have the swords turned into sticks

as well.

As we discussed previously, the gamer Lars had contacted Bandai Namco about this news

on Facebook, and the answer received was that the decision for the change was made by both

Bandai Namco and Nintendo of America.

We even confirmed this with another Facebook account, receiving the same answer.

For now, it can be assumed the explanation is still the same regarding the European branch

and Nintendo, but it's still just speculation until we can get an official confirmation

from one of the companies.

Though one employee at Bandai Namco at the time did give their opinion, thinking the

game was more of a chibified universe and the decision didn't really bother them.

The specific reason for why this was decided by the two parties has not been given either.

It's not likely a rating issue as, in North America, it received a T-rating, and none

of the content within the game goes into warranting an M-rating.

There was also an update to Dragon Ball: Fusions in North America recently, adding things such

as an online mode, along with characters from the Future Trunks Arc in Dragon Ball Super.

For those wondering if this update will address the swords into sticks censorship, we can

confirm it does not, as characters such as the blue-haired Future Trunks still uses a

stick instead of a sword.

As of February 17, 2017, Dragon Ball: Fusions has been released in Europe, the Middle East,

and Australian territories.

Should more information about Dragon Ball Fusions censorship come to our attention,

we here at Censored Gaming will keep you updated.

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