Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 18 2017

The Illusion Of The �I�

By consciousreminder

he (I)dentity is the bondage. This is the limit of the human condition because the extraordinary

happens beyond the Ego�s reality.

The creation of the �I�

We didn�t choose to be born. We didn�t choose our bodies. We didn�t choose our

qualities and defects. We didn�t choose our parents and we didn�t choose the system

in which we live. We also didn�t choose the time and space in which we were born.

The same happened with our brothers and sisters, friends, parents, and so on�

Since we were born that we started to create an identity and adapt to the mindset of our

society through tradition, education, and later, through all forms of influence and

manipulation as television, social media and internet in general.

Therefore, since the beginning of our lives that we are told what is good and what is

bad, what is true and what is not, we were taught how and what to think, how to behave,

and so on� We get to learn how to judge ourselves, and how to judge others. We learn

the ugly, the beautiful, the fat and skinny, the black and white, the rich and poor, etc.

As an effect, we apply these judgments on ourselves, the others, and everything else

that is.

From all these conditions we start creating an (I)dentity which becomes then, our concept

of �I�. This �I�, plus the idea of our physical image (created by ourselves or

imposed by others), creates the Ego, our personal Ego.

This, of course it�s a complex and long process of psychological and physical factors

which are not to be recalled in this article. The article is rather driving into a Consciousness


The (I)dentity

It is important to understand that our identity it is not who or what we truly are. We cannot

create an identity and believe that we are it, because, before we created our own identity

we were already. We are, simply and unconditionally.

The whole process of the construction of our (I)dentity it happened from outside concepts

which were forced to be accepted. During its creation, at any point there was space and

time to stop and think by ourselves, to listen and observe our inside nature and learn from

the pure Self, as we were constantly influenced from outside impulses. We were always based

on what was already there. We always followed that which was ready to consume and adapt

to. In this way, for the most of us, there was never an opportunity to get to know the

inner Self, so we never knew who we truly are.

The �I� which we created is all about a combination of concepts, ideas and judgments

of ourselves and all the past experiences and accumulated knowledge. It is totally wrong

to regard oneself as what one knows or one thinks. We can say that it is from the Ego

that all problems and illusions arise. One can suffer with the idea of oneself which

is completely nonsense because he created it himself. One can suffer from comparison

with others when one is not happy with the idea with oneself and therefore, one will

always try to be better and to have more. One is forced to satisfy the Ego in order

to be happy but sooner or later the Ego will reveal its infinite cycle of needs. In modern

life one loses itself in materialistic endeavours to feed and satisfy the Ego. One is constantly

blind and lost when follows it, and it will always be like this until it will wake up

from the illusion.

The nature of the Ego is vast and complex and could be discussed in a further article,

but for now it�s enough to understand how Ego arises and takes possession and control

of the Self

The Realisation

There is deep within us a source of pure consciousness that keeps calling for our attention to wake

up from the illusion. One can call it intuition, light, the divine sparkle or whatever one

can imagine. This consciousness is saying that there is much more beyond the physical

forms of life. This light makes us question ourselves, the world in which we live, the

system, the universe, etc. It makes us be aware of the sunrise and of the touch of a

hand or a kiss. This consciousness is formless and timeless and it doesn�t belong to us,

rather be said that we belong to it, or we are One with it. This consciousness is what

keeps us alive.

The heart doesn�t need a �beater� to beat.

The lungs don�t need a �breather� to breath.

In the same way the mind doesn�t need a �thinker� to think, and the Self doesn�t

need an (I)dentity to be.

It all happens by itself, under the power of a higher force. There isn�t any (I)dentity

on the Self. There is again, the Ego�s illusion that we are our own body, mind and soul, or

feelings, thoughts and emotions. The (I)dentity is the bondage. This is the limit of the human

condition because the extraordinary happens beyond the Ego�s reality.

�When you drop the Ego�s illusions and you are no longer identified with the concept

or the idea of yourself, you will be as you are and always were: the pure self, part of

the Universe, in harmony with all, together with the Truth�

If you identify yourself with the Ego, then the mind will act according to it and all

the thoughts will arise from this same state of mind. If you want to control your thoughts,

you first have to realize where they come from and to whom they arise. Your present

life will rather be a product of the same condition. The mind can change its state so

when you understood the illusion of the Ego and all its concepts, and you no longer identify

with it, the mind then will change into a different state, starting to act according

to it.

So therefore, to drop the Ego is to shift one�s mind to a higher state of consciousness,

where you live as the pure Self, beyond all the illusions of materialistic and egotistic

mind, stuck in the matrix and living a lie.

The Truth

It is urgent to understand the Ego�s nature. All problem in the present world arise from

the Ego. Humans fight for more and better under the power of the Ego, their own (I)dentity

and its importance. The Human became aggressive and competitive with himself and its own race.

The Human is no longer aware of its own condition and where it it�s leading. It creates problems

and then finds solutions, and in applying solutions creates more problems. It lives

in war, with himself and his own race and family. The Human is in trouble because he

doesn�t know himself. He is lost and away from the reality.

�Reality is simply the loss of the Ego. Destroy the Ego by seeking its identity. Because

Ego is no entity it will automatically vanish, and reality will shine forth by itself.�

� Osho

For more infomation >> The Illusion Of The 'I' - Duration: 7:33.


Is soreness good or bad? - Duration: 3:30.

Today's question is, 'Anthony is soreness after my workout good or bad?'


When we talk about soreness a lot of people almost want to be sore.

It's something they chase - it's, what they think, is a good indicator of a quality workout.

Is soreness good or is soreness bad?

It really depends on how frequent you experience soreness and what's the magnitude.

How sore are we talking about?

When you do something brand new; like a movement/exercise that's brand new, a different range of motion,

your body is going to be sore.

That's how it responds.

So soreness is something you can't totally avoid.

We don't want you to get down and think, 'Oh, I got sore - I did something bad.'

But we also don't want you to think, 'Oh I got sore - that was a good workout!'

Let's think about that, anytime you go through a new range of motion you're going to get

a little bit sore.

We want to be testing different and new ranges of motion.

So whenever you come back around to a movement you haven't done for awhile - you may feel

a little soreness in a certain spot.

Or maybe if you go a little deeper in a range of motion than you have done in awhile - you

might feel a little more soreness than you've felt in awhile.

And that's A-OK, as long as it's mild soreness - something you feel, but not something that

affects your day or affects your quality of life.

You can also get sore by doing more of something than you're used to.

If you're coming in and you're used to every time you work out doing 10 push-ups.

But then one day you come in and you decide to do 100 push-ups - you're going to be really,

really sore.

Your body is not used to that kind of volume of work.

We have to make sure we're careful as to how much volume we do.

Let's think about the long game - we want you to progress slowly.

If you were doing 10 push-ups every workout and then all of a sudden you do 100 push-ups

- that's a drastic change for your body and it could lead to extreme soreness and maybe

even injury.

We want to focus more on increasing in slow increments.

Going from 10 one week to maybe 12 the next week to maybe 14, 15.

Just slowly add and progress.

Your body responds to progress; your body responds to progression.

It doesn't respond to trying to annihilate it in the ground.

So, soreness can be good if it's a little bit and shows you that you're doing new things,

going into new ranges of motion what we want to be doing.

But too much soreness - it it makes it hard to get out of bed, that it makes your life

just miserable - than really you're doing more work than your body can recover from.

Over the long-term that will be a negative for your body.

Slight soreness, maybe an occasion once a week, maybe if that.

But if you're having major soreness every single day - even multiple times a week - then

you need to rethink your workout program, how much volume and intensity you're doing

and really start to build in progressions.

Letting your body get used to movements so it can build on strength and progress that


Think about that.

Go through your workouts, how do you feel afterwards?

A little soreness is good - a lot of soreness, too many times, that can be a negative.

Use that as a gauge, try it out let us know how it goes.

So that's it.

We'll see you next time.

Until then, move better, train smarter!

For more infomation >> Is soreness good or bad? - Duration: 3:30.


How the bending knee affects the spine, kneeling over table (Feldenkrais ATM) - Duration: 8:42.

Bend the left knee toward the hip.

Do you feel the spine is moving?

The spine rotates, but there is other movements as well.

Change you direction of the head.Look left.

In that configuration, bend your right leg a little bit. The heel closer to the hip.

Then bring it back.

Do the same with your left foot.

Which is easier?

Which is smoother?


Can you elongate left hand toward the hip when you elongate right hand? A little more , then come back.

You already know how. How do you use your spine to elongate the left hand.

Yes, the head started moving.

Bring your right hand down to the hip.

Elongate your right hand toward the hip when you elongate your left had.

Toward the opposite direction.

Don't leave your hand off the table.

Bend the right foot along with the movement.

Good enough.

That hard!

Look the other way, again.

Bend both feet, heels to the hips.

What needs to do for that? Spine?


Right foot, heel closer to the hip, again.

Feel the difference.

Is it easier than beginning?

Come up slowly.

Rest on the table.

Great! I was not able to walk.

In fact I was crawling.

Stand up slowly, please.

Then walk easily.

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