Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 17 2017

The Fountain of Youth Ancient Mysteries, and Modern Anti-Aging Science

BY Micah Hanks

It is a quest as old as humankind�s own awareness of the Self: to ascribe ways through

nature, or perhaps otherwise, that eternal youth might be obtained.

In modern times, age-regressive therapies and other innovative techniques aimed at staving

off the aging process are becoming more and more prevalent, although even without technologies

that can actually reverse aging, average lifespans have increased over the last several centuries,

thanks to general improvements in health and nutrition.

In ancient times, of course, many fables existed which told of mysterious �fountains of youth�,

which could somehow prolong the life of those who visited them.

For instance, in the written exploits of Alexander the Great it is said that Alexander and his

servant traversed �The Land of Darkness�, while in search of such a mythical youth-restoring


We also find mention of a fountain of youth within the writings of Herodotus, where he

mentioned the Macrobian people, said to be able to well outlive the years of the average

person: ��most of them lived to be a hundred and

twenty years old, while some even went beyond that age.�

Herodotus described the Macrobians as having subsisted mostly on a diet of boiled fish

and milk.

However, this alone had not been the sole source of their longevity:

�When the Ichthyophagi showed wonder at the number of [the Macrobian�s] years, he

led them to a fountain, wherein when they had washed, they found their flesh all glossy

and sleek, as if they had bathed in oil, and a scent came from the spring like that of


The water was so weak, they said, that nothing would float in it, neither wood, nor any lighter

substance, but all went to the bottom.

If the account of this fountain be true, it would be their constant use of the water from

it which makes them so long-lived.� Of the Macrobians and their diet, having a

penchant for boiled fish would indeed be recognized as a health food staple today, as a food source

which helps fulfill dietary recommendations for protein, lipids, and the daily consumption

of Omega-3s; in particular, salmon and mackerel are among the highest recommended by nutrition


Herodotus�s writings provide one of many accounts of an alleged �fountain of youth�

which stems from antiquity.

Later, we see a similar motif that appeared in the memoirs of Hernando D�Escalante Fontaneda,

who chronicled the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon�s search for a �fountain of youth�

while surveying the New World.

In his account, Fontaneda described a long lost river called Jordan, said to possess

a strange and magical youth-restoring potency.

Nonetheless, even Fontaneda seemed to doubt whether the river actually existed.

By today�s standards, the notion of an actual �fountain of youth� would seem to be a

thing of bygone days.

Nonetheless, a unique discovery in 2015 may point to how mysteries of the ancient world

still could, in some ways, contribute to our search for a fountain of youth.

A cover story featured in Bloomberg Businessweek in February, 2015, discussed a chance discovery

by biochemist Suren Sehgal, who may have stumbled onto a clue in the great mystery of longevity�which

he found beneath one of Easter Island�s stony heads.

The article reported: �A Canadian medical expedition had collected

the soil from beneath one of the mysterious stone heads on Easter Island, a speck in the

middle of the Pacific Ocean.

In the dirt, Sehgal had discovered Streptomyces hygroscopicus, a bacterium that secreted a

potent antifungal compound.

This intrigued him; he thought perhaps it could be made into a cream for athlete�s

foot or other fungal conditions.� Once purified, Seghal named the substance

he discovered rapamycin, after Easter Island�s native name, �Rapa Nui.� Soon afterward,

one of Sehgal�s neighbors was diagnosed with an unusual skin condition, to which Sehgal

tried applying his newly synthesized rapamycin as an ointment.

To his great surprised, the ointment successfully reversed the condition.

But treating skin conditions may not be the only area where the unique medicine could

be useful.

�Over the past decade, it has shown promise as a drug that not only can extend life by

delaying the onset of ageing-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer�s

disease, but also postpone the effects of normal ageing,� Bloomberg reported of Seghal�s


Though such chance discoveries may not occur every day, perhaps there is nonetheless hope

that future breakthroughs with anti-aging science could indeed result from discoveries

made while in pursuit of answers to our ancient past.

For more infomation >> The Fountain of Youth Ancient Mysteries, and Modern Anti Aging Science - Duration: 5:36.


How To Navigate Into The 5th Dimension - Duration: 6:37.

How To Navigate Into The 5th Dimension.

by Marco Said,

to ascend is to be your true self. To be true to yourself.

Sounds easy and simple, huh? It actually is. What�s a little difficult, though, is to

get to know your true self.

So here�s some basic guide lines.

How To Navigate Into The 5th Dimension

To achieve the state of ascending consciousness is to place your self within the confines

of your signature vibration, which is, simply put, the chord you have been naturally tuned

in. The information contained in this vibration is a mix of the genetic heritage kept along

the bloodline of your family and the vibrational configuration of the particular portal that

allowed you to inhabit your present body. Your signature vibration is what makes you

you, a formula of characteristics, themes and directions that naturally resonate with

your personality and core beliefs. A very intricate design, indeed, that involves all

scales from planetary to local and a certain framework or belief system to relate to. Everyone

has a beautifully crafted chord, unique to each individual.

But, how to detect which is your own signature vibration? And even more, how can we stay

in it?

We live in the land of separation. We perceive through the mind. We took the journey into

this physical world after a fall in consciousness, so we lived ages seeing through a veil. Without

a third eye compass our experience has been one of growth through difficult challenges,

and boy, we have struggled, we have sweated, and we have bled for it. But finally it all

paid off; we are now wise with human experience, we are now, after all these centuries, the

masters of limitation. We have conquered 3rd density, and most important: we have brought

light, unconditional love, to a very dark corner of the universe.

So let me tell you this: I am proud of us. Whoever you are, wherever you are, I�m grateful

for living this process of change with you by my side.

Because it takes courage to live life.

So now, in the verge of this rewarding shift of ages, it�s time for us to start enjoying

the fruits of our work, to feel gratitude for our accomplishments, and to walk the path

that was set for us by generations of light workers and star seeds and wanderers before

us: the path that would lead us all to achieve our natural state of harmony and balance.

And to do so, first we have to work with our current state, which is physical, unbalanced

and partly veiled.

So, what�s the translation of this signature vibration, of Source energy, into the physical?

Excitement. Excitement is the direct translation of placing your physical self in alignment

with your true self. Excitement is the compass, excitement is the tool. But to navigate in

the seas of limitation you first need to know your uniqueness, and in doing so recognize

those topics, those patterns that are meaningful to you in the most profound and personal way;

these are the guiding stars, the constellations that shine in the night reminding us of home,

of Source. It could be a book you read when you were a child that changed your mindset,

or a person you met at a party that made you feel you. It could be dogs, just feeling good

around them, or cats, or birds. A theme you like to explore, a bench you like to sit in,

a favorite place, or something you saw in a movie. A song that moves you, deep within.

A dream that didn�t die after childhood because what is essential stays.

Everyone is so different, that there are many different topics or subjects that would produce

different reactions on every person. That�s why some feel the call of Source in music,

and some in numbers or philosophy. Others feel the call when they�re surrounded by

nature, and there are some that even thrive in the artificial. And because to ascend is

to simply raise your vibration, when you base your life and actions, career and social life

around the topics that are inherently matching your signature frequency, your life becomes

a sequence of aligned actions; Excitement after Excitement solidifies into Passion,

and Synchronicity comes in naturally. This state of continuous flow, of perpetual Well

Being and connection to Source, although is only the first step � and in a wider interdimensional

beings scheme actually basic knowledge- represents huge change in our human experience. Total

change. Because once achieved, the body-mind-soul construct becomes like an open valve for Source

Energy; the individual, now fully integrated, becomes a 5th dimensional being.

The veil finally fades away and now, you can see. So, stop waiting the sky to open up.

Just dive into your passion, and let the universe do the rest. Before you know it, we�d be

all glowing back home.

P.S. A few nights ago, I picked up my acoustic guitar and made a little experiment. We all

have different voices, different vocal structures, so no one talks exactly like any other person,


This is, too, another expression of our uniqueness. I have a rather low toned voice. So I held

an �Om� mantra with my natural voice, and lowered the sixth string (the first one

from the top which is also the thicker) until I matched the sound. I actually tuned the

whole guitar down to my own voice.

The result?

Singing became effortless.


so can life.

For more infomation >> How To Navigate Into The 5th Dimension - Duration: 6:37.


Kara's Video Blog - "This is me" - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Kara's Video Blog - "This is me" - Duration: 1:38.


Worldkeymaster and Friends presents another: Rainbow Six: Siege Fails and fun Compilation - Duration: 19:45.

Hello Everyone.

My name is Worldkeymaster.

And this is another compilation of Rainbow Six with my friends.

I haven't been recording in a while now...

But I have no excuse for... not to do it.

But I feel that it's not... me anything back from recording if only two people in the world...

... see my videos.

I will explain this in another video someday

But now let's not...

..let my personal and selfish reasons get in the way.

Let's instead have some fun on me and my friends expense.

And if you like it, why not leave one in the... of whatevernes that's down there.

So yee...

Let's start the video. (We won't)

I hope you will enjoy this.

And before I forget.

Please go over to friends channels:




Without them, these videos... would...

Honestly not (even) be possible.

Now once again...

Let's enjoy this compilation...

... of Rainbow Six: Siege.

With me and my friends.

*sound of reinforcement being set up*

IEEZ: Okey, wait it's neede one more.

IEEZ: Okey, now test and lay down there Simpa.

IEEZ: Then lay down as far as you can and you will see that...

...your legs is smaller then the pillow is.

*Simpa laughing*

Simpa: GOOD JOB UBISOFT! *continues laughing with IEEZ*

IEEZ: What does A(WKM) then?

Starts crawling on you and some s*it


IEEZ: HALLO... (something like that)

Your butstock goes through the nose!

Simpa: No.

I shall only place a

IEEZ: Threw a grenade on you...

We heard a few explosions.




IEEZ: Then they shot at you... (sizzaling from next to Simpa)

*Simpa takes a deep breath as the battle starts*


*Gunfire and more explosions*

*Explosion almost kills me and Simpa*

*IEEZ laughing*

IEEZ: I actually survived!

I... YES!

*Laughing from the both of them*

Simpa: The whole room just got destroyed!

*Still laughing*

Simpa: (Unintelligible)

IEEZ: YES! (or something like that... combine with laughter)

Simpa: (Still unintelligible with laughter)

IEEZ: Best strategy ever!

Simpa: You killed me...

... in cold blood...

IEEZ: Why would I have killed you in warm blood?

Simpa: I am very disappointed...

...I thought you were my friend

IEEZ: But I did tell you "you make to much sound". (interupting Simpa)

Simpa: Do you want to play some casual?

IEEZ: We can do that.

IEEZ: Sorry, I was just fo... Simpa: I will have you... (unintelligible)

IEEZ: ...I just felt forced to kill you

Simpa: What did you say?

IEEZ: I felt forced to kill you.

Simpa: Why...

It existed a in...

...Some force within you

IEEZ: Mh...

Simpa: That just told you to kill me.

IEEZ: Mh...

IEEZ: He told me to kill you in reality too.

Simpa: Psychopath...

IEEZ: Be happy that I...

Simpa: What is that? (?) IEEZ: Just the front door.(?)

*Simpa laughing*

Simpa: I haven't said against mine, just so you know.

Will happen.

IEEZ: I said only that...

...said against.

I diden't say I wasn't having my fingers crossed.

Simpa: Okey...

But you said I...

...did you have both fingers crossed?

I don't know what that means... ( ;-) )

*IEEZ laughing*

Simpa: What does it mean with both fingers crossed?

IEEZ: I have both fingers crossed!


That means I am lying!

But I am also lying that I am lying...

... so that means I am not lying!

Simpa: Wait... (hopelessly) What are you talking about?

What are you trying to do?

IEEZ: But actually it's the other way around!

Simpa: I actually got a bit of a headache when you said that...

*IEEZ laughing*

Simpa: I am not joking.

I got a little bit of a headache... (IEEZ laughing)

Simpa: Congratualtions...

IEEZ: Thank you.

IEEZ: Thank you Simpa bl*at. Simpa: *Unintelligible*

Simpa: What?

IEEZ: Thank you Simpa bl*at.

I now saved this conversation.

Simpa: Eh...

Joker IEEZ: Are you coming my friend?

We are waiting for you in the lobby...

*Faint maniacal laughter*

Very bad mic WKM: Well of course I am going to...

...get to you...

If you just, wait...

Joker IEEZ: Please...

Please... come into the lobby... *Unintelligible WKM...*

*Chocking IEEZ*

WKM: Unintelligible... Joker IEEZ: I am like a...

WKM: What are we playing by the way? Joker IEEZ: ...that is running after a car...

WKM: Oh, Terrorist Hunt.

Joker IEEZ: I have no what I am going to do if I caught up with it, I just...

I just... do things... WKM: Umm... que...

IEEZ: Shall we try that thing were I climb up on you A?

*WKM exhales in bitterness*

Simpa: Yee, we can try.

WKM: Oh, that was just in time.

WKM: What climb up...

Simpa: Wait, we climb a top of each other.

IEEZ: Yes A you climb up first.

WKM: Okey... (confused because he has forgotten what happend last time.)

Fuse: Focus on the task at hand. (Which is apperently to kill me...)

IEEZ: There, then you stop.

Simpa: Have they fixed that bug or...?

IEEZ: I don't know.

Simpa: What happens if I...

No, I can't hop on yet...

IEEZ: No, wait A, you had jumped of the ladder right?

WKM: No, I haden't. (Just remembered...)

IEEZ: No, but somehow you got stuck, can you climb down?

WKM: No, I can't.

Simpa: Can you slide?

IEEZ: If you slide into me A. (^_0)

Slide in...

WKM: How do you do that?

IEEZ: Hold Shift.

WKM: But I hold down Shift and nothing happens.

IEEZ: BBut you should only hold down Shift, nothing...

Okey, it doesn't work, because, its someone under us.

They must have fixed it, how did you get of it last time A?

WKM: No, I just stood still then...

...he jumped and I stood there:

WKM Mega Ultra Impression: "Ehhhhh...? Okey?"

*Small laughter*

Simpa: I have a very nice view here my friend...

IEEZ: Are you waching my butt?

Simpa: Nope, nope.

Warning! Loud!

Simpa: I just try... IEEZ: BUT!

*Thacher screams...* IEEZ: Why are you doing...


*Thacher down...*

WKM: No I sild off... *Laughing*

Simpa: I only see one...

Simpa: ...solution to this... WKM: Please...

WKM: Help...


Don't do this...!

WKM: Firemen...


WKM: What?

Simpa: How quiet it got...

Laughing IEEZ: What the sh*t happend really? *Me laughing*

Simpa: What?

WKM: What... (into jiberish)

*Just after last session...*

Joker IEEZ:Why are you so mean against the president?

He's just trying to do his job...

Joker IEEZ: Why did you just tell everyone where we were?

*Simpa laughing*

*Simpa laughing... again...*

Simpa: I need to get a...


"collateral" kills. (What?)

Simpa: A you stand on me!

Simpa: What is happening?


WKM: Eh?

Simpa: What is happening?!

WKM: What?

Simpa: Okey, this must...

What on earth is happening?

Simpa: Do you see what happens IEEZ?

IEEZ: No, for me A is here...

...right in front of me. WKM: Hey!

Simpa: For me, he is falling...

...down the ladder the whole time.

WKM: Heeeeeey!

*Simpa Laughing* IEEZ: But he is gliding up and down.

Simpa: Oh.

Simpa: How are you...



*Laughing IEEZ and Simpa*

Simpa: Okey, this I am...

What on earth is happening?

*WKM Laughing*

Simpa: How did you get up so fast?

I don't understand a thing...

WKM: No, no, NO! What are you...

Simpa: A?

IEEZ: Why are you falling of a the time? Simpa: A?

WKM: Stop it!

Simpa: What happend? WKM: JUST GO UP!

*Simpa loses his grip...*

WKM: Eh?

Simpa: Oh, you release...

... you use the Spacebar to release it.

Then you can stand on the one below.

WKM: No I clicked Space and nothing happens. IEEZ: No, I am clicking space too.


WKM: *Panic sounds more*

Simpa: A went right through me. *Laughing*

WKM: Can we just go up?!

WKM: Godt, damnit...

*distant gunfire*

Central: Visual, we need to secure the hostage.

Simpa: Three shoots.

Simpa: One C4. Joker IEEZ: What a nice as* you have there...


*Simpa and WKM begins laugh*

*WKM is broke down...*


*WKM continues his laughing...*

Simpa: You two idiots!


Simpa: Ah, a grande!


Simpa: A grenade!

WKM: NO, No not again!

*WKM real broke*

Simpa: IEEZ... IEEZ: *Laugh* NO!

WKM Central: He's dead.

IEEZ: Thank you for the information man!

*Twitch twitches in pain*

WKM Central: He's dead.

IEEZ: F You.

WKM Central: Dead.

IEEZ: I know.

WKM Central: Twitch are you there?




WKM Central: TWIII...

Glaz: Reloding, cover me.

WKM: Moving over...

IEEZ: You did not see anything!

WKM: Oh yes I did!

And I have it on recording!

IEEZ: F off.

*Manly IEEZ scream!*

*WKM laughing*

WKM: Hey, you just sounded like a girl. No. (laughter)

IEEZ: Alt+F10

WKM: He blew him self up.


And figurally.

*Sound of doom...*

*WKM breaks into manic laughter*

IEEZ: Fu*king got a heart attack man!

IEEZ: AND HE GAVE ME ANOTHER ONE! *While WKM is still recovering*


*IEEZ and WKM laughing of impending doom*


WKM: NO... (and laughts)

*WKM breaks into total maniacal and sadistic laughter*



IEEZ: No... ;(

He was the last one right?

WKM: Yes.

He was the last one...

WKM: Doof!


WKM: Oh, come on seriously now!

*Deep breath*

WKM: Just so you know I am dead down here.

WKM: Eh?

IEEZ: No, I won't cover you, stop asking...

Very slow IEEZ: Ahhh...

*Both laughing*

IEEZ: It wasn't my fault!

I was going to shoot the manaquin!

*WKM and IEEZ continues to laugh*

WKM: It was perfect!

*Static in video...*

WKM: Heard you there.

*Blakbread in pain* WKM:Ehh...

IEEZ: Helo


IEEZ: I like you too WKM But he activated hos bomb... oh...

*Shoots bombers jacket*

WKM: Okey, that was...



WKM: Okey!

Simpa: Okey, now he's here

WKM: Why me?

Simpa: That was kind of ironic.

*Laughter* Why did it happen to just A? *continues his laugther*

WKM: I can not take it

IEEZ: That wa... WA! (Warning Loud!)

*WKM Burst into laughter*

IEEZ: No! Really?!

*WKM mentally broken*

IEEZ: No...

Simpa: YOLO!


*Jup, he is broken...*

IEEZ: Please say that you recorded A...

*Not mentally available yet*

IEEZ: You forgot to record right?

Simpa: It's a suicider!

And he's shooting me...

... he is not running against me.


Simpa: Now I will hide behind this wall...


IEEZ: Your jocking with me...

Simpa citing himself: Now I will be...

... now I will hide behind this wall.

Then one comes... *fades*

Simpa: Behind us?

IEEZ: Yes!

IEEZ: He's dead!

Got him.

Simpa: There's one in here too...


IEEZ: I was going to knife him, I had a...

*Panic shoots*

WKM: Eh?!

I see no one.

WKM: You got to be kiding...

Simpa: Well...

Where's the C4...

No, wait we make this a bit fun.

Simpa: Ba!

I just kill myself...

*WKM laughing*

Simpa: WAHR!

IEEZ: Why did you fly forward...

...when the granade was in front of you?

Simpa: That's a good question...

IEEZ: Thats... Simpa: Why...

WKM: Thanks!

IEEZ: Is it safe?

On the way down to the basement?

Simpa: There comes a suicider...

WKM: Bye bye!

He just finished me.


IEEZ: One comes from below.

Simpa: Throwing down a granade.

*Distant explosion*

IEEZ: I don't think he's that close...

*WKM laughing*

IEEZ: What?! *And Simpa joins in the laughing community*

IEEZ: What happend there?!

Your character stands and smiles!

In the killcam!

Simpa: I, I promise...

... it, it wasn't nere you!

IEEZ: No it was...

Simpa: Wait, what... IEEZ: ...below

Simpa: Did, did you see that IEEZ?

IEEZ: It was below!

Simpa: And that kill... what...

Simpa: Okey...

Something happend in editing, the whole clip was not supposed to be there [sorry... ;( ]

Simpa: I, I promise...

... it, it wasn't nere you!

IEEZ: No it was...

Simpa: Wait, what... IEEZ: ...below

Simpa: Did, did you see that IEEZ?

IEEZ: It was below!

Simpa: And that kill... what...

*I put in a extra OnScope for you, I suppose...*

*A mix of cliping voices*

Russian IEZ: Hwe was to my left I...

... I knew i all along.

I told you!

You need to trust me my friend.

Russian IEEZ: Suicider!

He dead man...

WKM: Did you try to kill me?

Russian IEEZ: How many points do you have?

WKM: 50...

WKM: Oh no!

IEEZ: Good bye my friend.

*Mentally broken WKM*

IEEZ: I feel that we sould go in from a new place.

IEEZ: I think we should go in from here.

*WKM frustrated*

IEEZ: I'm coming.

WKM: I got over enthusiastic...

... with my aim!

WKM: Vault?!(?)

WKM: Fu... *... k...

IEEZ: It's okey.

IEEZ: One's coming.

WKM: Okey!

*WKM is broken... again...*

WKM: Bam!

WKM: Tell me if we need one shoot mode.

IEEZ: It's a lot of C4 here.

WKM: *incoherent*

IEEZ: Mm...

I will do that.


IEEZ: That, that was my fault...

That was my...

WKM: Indeed it was his fault!


But seriously

Thank you everyone for watching

Me and my friends playing RBS: Siege.

I hope you enjoyed it.

As much as me and my friends...

...enjoy playing this game together.

Good bye.

And I hoe to see you...

...again in the next video.

Good bye.

For more infomation >> Worldkeymaster and Friends presents another: Rainbow Six: Siege Fails and fun Compilation - Duration: 19:45.


What is Speaking in Tongues ( Talking in Tongues / Praying in Tongues ) | - Duration: 4:44.

Question: "What is the gift of speaking in tongues?"

And is that gift still given today?

In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.

Afterwards, I'll point you to some helpful resources so stick around for that.

The first occurrence of speaking in tongues occurred on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-4.

The apostles went out and shared the gospel with the crowds, speaking to them in their

own languages: "We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!"

(Acts 2:11).

The Greek word translated tongues literally means "languages."

Therefore, the gift of tongues is speaking in a language a person does not know in order

to minister to someone who does speak that language.

In 1 Corinthians chapters 12–14, Paul discusses miraculous gifts, saying, "Now, brothers,

if I come to you and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you

some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction?"

(1 Corinthians 14:6).

According to the apostle Paul, and in agreement with the tongues described in Acts, speaking

in tongues is valuable to the one hearing God's message in his or her own language,

but it is useless to everyone else unless it is interpreted or translated.

A person with the gift of interpreting tongues could understand what a tongues-speaker was

saying even though he did not know the language that was being spoken.

The tongues interpreter would then communicate the message of the tongues speaker to everyone

else, so all could understand.

"For this reason anyone who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret what

he says" (1 Corinthians 14:13).

Paul's conclusion regarding tongues that were not interpreted is powerful: "In the

church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand

words in a tongue" (1 Corinthians 14:19).

Is the gift of tongues for today?

First Corinthians 13:8 mentions the gift of tongues ceasing, although it connects the

ceasing with the arrival of the "perfect" in 1 Corinthians 13:10.

Some point to a difference in the tense of the Greek verbs referring to prophecy and

knowledge "ceasing" and that of tongues "being ceased" as evidence for tongues

ceasing before the arrival of the "perfect."

While possible, this is not explicitly clear from the text.

Some also point to passages such as Isaiah 28:11 and Joel 2:28-29 as evidence that speaking

in tongues was a sign of God's oncoming judgment.

First Corinthians 14:22 describes tongues as a "sign to unbelievers."

According to this argument, the gift of tongues was a warning to the Jews that God was going

to judge Israel for rejecting Jesus Christ as Messiah.

Therefore, when God did in fact judge Israel (with the destruction of Jerusalem by the

Romans in A.D. 70), the gift of tongues would no longer serve its intended purpose.

While this view is possible, the primary purpose of tongues being fulfilled does not necessarily

demand its cessation.

Scripture does not conclusively assert that the gift of speaking in tongues has ceased.

At the same time, if the gift of speaking in tongues were active in the church today,

it would be performed in agreement with Scripture.

It would be a real and intelligible language.

It would be for the purpose of communicating God's Word with a person of another language.

It would be in agreement with the command God gave through the apostle Paul, "If anyone

speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret.

If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself

and God" (1 Corinthians 14:27-28).

It would also be in accordance with 1 Corinthians 14:33, "For God is not the author of confusion,

but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."

God most definitely can give a person the gift of speaking in tongues to enable him

or her to communicate with a person who speaks another language.

The Holy Spirit is sovereign in the dispersion of the spiritual gifts.

Just imagine how much more productive missionaries could be if they did not have to go to language

school, and were instantly able to speak to people in their own language.

However, God does not seem to be doing this.

Tongues does not seem to occur today in the manner it did in the New Testament, despite

the fact that it would be immensely useful.

The vast majority of believers who claim to practice the gift of speaking in tongues do

not do so in agreement with the Scriptures mentioned earlier.

These facts lead to the conclusion that the gift of tongues has ceased or is at least

a rarity in God's plan for the church today.

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And check out the details section below this video: There are several links to related

articles, along with one to a book I recommend.

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Remember, got questions? The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them.

For more infomation >> What is Speaking in Tongues ( Talking in Tongues / Praying in Tongues ) | - Duration: 4:44.


What to Do if Your House is Haunted - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> What to Do if Your House is Haunted - Duration: 1:27.


Houston Life - Emily dAyala - What is Love? - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> Houston Life - Emily dAyala - What is Love? - Duration: 8:24.


Bodybuilding Motivation - Fear Is Not Real 2017 - Duration: 2:35.

Bodybuilding Motivation - Fear Is Not Real 2017

For more infomation >> Bodybuilding Motivation - Fear Is Not Real 2017 - Duration: 2:35.


The Forgotten Link: Your Network Backbone - Duration: 2:29.

So there's a transition going in our industry right before our eyes.

Five or six years ago, it used to be a lot of 1 gig drops to a wall outlet.

Typically it was 4 drops to a wall outlet.

And what's happening today is those 4 drops are turning more into 2 drops, but we're starting

to put a lot more 10 gig drops to the ceiling.

And that's what we're illustrating here at our BLT booth.

See we've got an illustration of a conference room and we've got wireless access point up

here and that's supported by 2 10 gig cables - and that's the LANmark XTP.

We're part of the BLT CX6850 solution.

They're also supporting with 10 gig drop, this HDBaseT video application.

PoE is another big driver in the market.

You can see we've got a PoE LED light.

Berk-Tek will be coming out with a new cable; a 22 gauge 5e cable to support those low bandwidth,

high powered applications.

Customers sometimes think: okay, I've put in my new access points, maybe 802.11ac and

I'm connecting them with the latest and greatest 10g solution, I should be all fine.

But there's something they're forgetting.

All of that data has to come back to the backbone.

And traditionally, even today a lot of customers put in OM3 fiber for their backbone, typically

that backbone is 10 gig.

The issue now is you're getting a lot more 10 gig drops out into the Enterprise, coming

back to that same 10 gig backbone.

There's not enough of a buffer there to handle that, there's going to be problems moving


So Berk-Tek has the only solution where we can get you to a 40 gig backbone out to 500

meters using multimode fiber.

And we do that with our OM4+ Gigalite blast, as well as our enhanced transceiver.

And the magic of this is, it's only about a 10% increase over what you're OM3 backbone

was versus going to single mode which many other vendor would have to provide to you

which would be about a 300% increase to get that kind of distance at 40 gig.

So, we call this the forgotten link because typically a lot of times customers forget

about the backbone parts.

This can be the weakest part of the network if you don't keep it in mind.

So to learn more about the forgotten link or anything else you've seen here, please

see graybar dot com

For more infomation >> The Forgotten Link: Your Network Backbone - Duration: 2:29.


LBR200 - Week 1 Information Literacy - What is information? - Duration: 7:23.

In this class, we are going to explore information literacy. But before we delve into the details of information literacy,

we have to answer a more fundamental question – what is information?

Information seems to be all around us, it is everywhere; it is "as ubiquitous as air, heat, or water, but is has far more mysterious nature".

Let's take a look at this ordinary scene.

You wake up from an afternoon nap and come into the living room,

not paying too much attention to the comfortable couch in the center of the room,

you peek at the antique clock on the wooden wall – almost one o'clock.

The blossoming flower outside of the window makes you feel warm, and you think that might be a good time to take a walk outside.

Without any effort, we absorb a lot of information from the surroundings, we also filter it and set it in a context and make several steps of reasoning.

Every day, we get information from signs, signals,

from newspapers, magazines, televisions,

and from our electronic devices.

We exchange information with our friends, families and colleagues through conversations,

text messages, emails,

social media

or even apps.

Since we were babies, we have interacted with our external environment, constantly sending and receiving information.

This process consciously or unconsciously shapes our understanding of the world as we grow up,

and forms our perspectives or even biases.

Scientists say that information is also encoded in our genes and passed down from generation to generation,

which means we are not only receiving information from the environment; we are evolving organisms of information ourselves.

In the recommended video, Louie Schwartzberg will introduce you to a world that we do not normally see or recognize as information source.

We will know that information may also exist out of the reach of our own five senses, beyond our mental capacity to observe, and even beyond our consciousness.

Today we are living in an information-saturated society, and people are even beginning to bond with each other over information technologies.

Today, information is often defined in an abstract way "to denote any amount of data, code or text that is stored, sent, received or manipulated in any medium.

Many disciplines have adopted their own definition of the term "information" for their own purposes and use it in their specific way.

For example,

anthropologists believe that information is culturally derived, while linguists believe information is what we produce through languages,

and computer scientists think information relates to data values.

In criminal justice, information is interpreted as intelligence;

in information theory, information is defined as the process of relaying signals and receiving messages,

and in philosophy, scholars use probability, computation, quantum mechanics, and even true belief to define information.

Although many fields have different perspectives on information. Most would agree that information reduces uncertainty and is crucial for decision making.

One of the key conceptual models in Library and Information Science is the "information spectrum",

or the DIKW hierarchy from data to information to knowledge and to wisdom.

As the slide shows, data means characters, symbols, numbers, signs whose meaning may or may not be apparent;

information is data with labels or definition that gives meaning - that is data with structure or relationships;

knowledge is collected, combined, organized, processed information for a purpose;

wisdom is knowledge over time and knowledge without thinking.

The concept was firstly introduced by Robert Taylor in his book, Value-Added Processes in Information Systems as the "Value-Added Spectrum" .

Mike Eisenberg, Dean Emeritus and Professor at the Information School of the University of Washington developed this concept to an "information alchemy".

He called this movement up the spectrum an "information alchemy" process,

because the transformation from information to knowledge has a special, almost magical quality to it.

The goal of traditional alchemy was to turn base material into gold; Information alchemy is similar - turning common data and information into valued knowledge and wisdom.

The moment of transformation from information to knowledge is nearly tangible - that "aha" moment when things come together and you "get it".

Things suddenly make sense, you see the pattern, you understand, and you get it. You know something. And, along with knowing, comes a warm and wonderful feeling.

Take a moment to recall some "aha" moment you've had. Think about what happened and also how you felt—enlightened, pleased, relieved, inspired, empowered…and more!

This movement up the spectrum from data and information to knowledge is what we constantly strive to accomplish.

In problem-solving and decision-making, we want to take actions and make choices based on knowledge not just data or information.

Knowledge is valuable and precious. Knowledge helps us to accomplish tasks, to make better choices, to be effective and successful in all types of human endeavor.

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