Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 17 2017

Hello, with you Vereshagin volleyball player

Today we will continue to study the attacking blow

The attacking blow, part second

In the first part we have studied as it is correct to execute running start

Running start from three steps, running start from two steps

As it is correct to use hands at the beginning of jump

It is correct to execute the beginning of jump

At take-off how to execute the correct movement of trunk, the movement of hands, the movement of legs

In order that we have jumped out most highly and have prepared body to to the attacking blow

You will see all this in the first part

In the second part we will consider how to execute the attacking blow

Directly swing for the attacking blow and blow on maximum force

We will do abrupt movements and not symmetric for backbone

If we have pass from above, then we have symmetric movements for backbone

And here we will have abrupt and not symmetric movements

Therefore we should make good warm-up

When I worked blows on force without warm-up

That was traumatized and week could not train

Also felt unpleasant painful feelings

That there were no injuries and effectively to give classes

We do warm-up

We do warm-up to muscles of back and muscles of stomach

We do warm-up of shoulder girdle

Elbow joint




That in cervical department there were no injuries

We do warm-up of shoulder girdle

Have made warm-up

That there were no injuries and that we have worked most effectively

In this video we will work the attacking blow on the maximum force

There are blows on force, there are high-speed blows to smaller force

There are attacking blows hand, in this case we have less time for amplitude

There are attacking pivot blows of trunk

And still there are side attacking blows

At first it is necessary to learn the attacking blow on force

In further we will be to study other attacking blows

That at us the attacking blow on the maximum force has turned out

It is necessary for us that the palm of hand has received the maximum speed

It is necessary for us that the palm of hand has received the maximum speed

This the first. And the second that shock moment of force, at the time of blow, was maximum

Because if the hand at you quickly moves, but at the same time the shock moment will be weak

That the speed of flight of ball will be small

Experts conducted researches and have come to conclusion that with the same speed

the hand moves, but the shock moment different, the ball flies away with different speed

I will give example. If you strike with relaxed arm ball

That the speed of flight of ball will be not big

Therefore, at the time of direct blow the brush actively moves

The hand is rigidly fixed in wrist and the hand is rigidly fixed in elbow at the moment of blow

Three components for the maximum speed of wrist

First muscular strength. Muscles of belly belt, back muscle

Oblique muscles, at the correct swing. Muscles of shoulder girdle, breast muscle

Muscles of forearm and muscle of palm

Force of blow depends at most the listed muscles

The second important component is flexibility of these muscles

That the attacking blow with the maximum force has turned out

We have to have good swing. We have to stretch muscles to optimum state

Flexibility is for this purpose necessary. That is if you have no flexibility, then you will be held down

Also you will not be able to make good swing to strike the strong attacking blow

And third component very important. It is technology of performance

The attacking blow is carried out on certain technology of performance

Here three components for strong blow. Working on each of them separately

Or working on all three, you will be able to achieve the maximum force of blow

In the seventies the Japanese experts have conducted researches

They have looked at the attacking blows of national players

And players of Olympic teams. Players of Olympic teams are more high-class players

Also have noticed such feature: at national players at swing the shoulder passed below rotation axis

Here we have axis of rotation of shoulder

And here at them the swing turns out here such. Swing - blow

And players of higher qualification, players of Olympic teams

At them at swing the shoulder is higher than rotation axis

Here we have rotation axis, the shoulder is higher than axis

What it gives. When we do swing and shoulder rotation axes are higher, the swing happens on diagonal

We have rotation of body in the top part

And at the attacking blow we make blow by bending of trunk and turn of the top part around

And at us oblique muscles of stomach and back participate

That is at swing when the shoulder above rotation axis at us more muscles participates. And at us the attacking blow is stronger

I show as it is correct. We note to ourselves

There is such swing when the shoulder is lower than axis, here the trunk will work only for bending - extension

Less muscles participate - it is not correct

Experts have still noticed that players weak, often at the attacking blow do swing by straight arm

Here so approximately

More quickly, more correctly, players of high qualification do swing by the bent hand

Why it turns out the bent hand quicker. Simple example

Let's take ball on outstretched arms and we will try to turn sharply

And now we will press this ball to ourselves and we will try to move sharply

That is so will be quicker. It from laws of dynamics turns out

That is the bent hands quicker. What it gives us

The bent hand, we will quicker make swing. We have quicker prepared to to the attacking blow

The beginning of the attack and the direction of the attack for the rival will be more unexpected

Because we have quicker made swing. From it the attack will be more effective

If we do swing by straight arm, the attack will be later

And it is simpler to understand to the rival where there will be direction of the attack and at what moment the beginning of the attack

The optimum movement of hand on swing at us happens as

We it is not simple trunk and hand have taken away back

We have to have certain sequence of the movement

For achievement of the maximum speed of ball we have to have effect of whip

There is such movement, as at whip

For the account it is reached. We begin the movement with slower, powerful muscles

That is since the beginning the trunk, then shoulder, goes then forearm and then palm

And at swing, since the beginning we reject trunk, actively the shoulder deviates then

Further actively the forearm, palm joins

And when our forearm still moves back, the trunk already goes forward

It to us creates effect of whip

That is the trunk has already begun forward motion, the forearm still goes back

The attacking blow is carried out so: since the beginning the trunk actively moves

Then actively the shoulder moves, the forearm moves then and the last the palm moves

The movement begins so: the trunk has begun the movement, the shoulder still actively does not work

Then actively the shoulder further actively moves the forearm joins

And the last the palm actively joins

We reach the movement as at whip

You have to feel it

About palm. The palm at us during swing is relaxed

In the first part of the shock movement it moves too is weakened

And already before hit to ball we strain palm and then there is already active work as palm

For what the palm is relaxed. That to give to palm the maximum speed

I will give example. Strain hand and try to strike quickly. Have strained hand - have struck blow

Due to the fact that the hand is tense, rapid impact will not

To make high-speed blow we do the movement by relaxed arm

And already at the time of touch we strain hand

Try and you will see that you will have speed more

And here, at us in start of motion the palm is relaxed

The hand actively moves palm is still relaxed

And already just before blow to ball we already begin to work with palm actively

Let's sort in detail each element

The shoulder at us at swing moves above rotation axis, on diagonal

We have here such extension

And when we strike the attacking blow at us there is bending of trunk and rotation of trunk. Also oblique muscles participate

Correctly when shoulder we take away it on diagonal

That is not so

And on diagonal

Elbow. The blow is made by almost straight arm.

At the time of blow at us hand almost direct

For this purpose the elbow at us moves so. I show as

And then there is movement palm

I show in front

The elbow has gone, then the forearm and actively moves then palm

Bringing exercise that the elbow correctly moved

Attention to elbow. Have turned and down

Sideways I show. Have turned and down. Have turned and down

We look as the elbow rotates, then such movement by palm

The palm is relaxed in start of motion, and then there is active work as palm

That the blow has turned out strong at the time of contact with ball wrist we strain. The wrist is rigidly fixed

The elbow is fixed rigidly. Blow by straight arm

Blow by straight arm approximately in 30 cm before

When you have correct this movement

You will feel that at the time of blow, you have hand as a unit

If you beat with the bent hand, then at you it will turn out here so

Straight arm so

When you attack will feel it, even without ball

That to transfer us the maximum moment of force during blow

The upper body and lower body as a unit has to work for us

And hands too as a unit. When the left hand goes to that moment down, right moves up.

We have to have components as links of one chain

If at us it is separate. That is the hand so goes

We will not have that total addition of forces of all links

At us the upper body, lower body, the right hand, the left hand has to

Everything has to be as a unit

At the expense of it we at the time of the attacking blow will have the maximum pass of force

Now we will try without ball everything together. At us the effect of whip has to be reached

Correct movement of shoulder, elbow and palm

Now sideways I will show

The palm at first moves is relaxed, then there is active work of palm

Correctly to fulfill the attacking blow. I recommend to hit with ball not into floor

Because the trajectory will be not such, as at the usual attacking blow

I recommend to hit into wall at height from floor meter and above

Here or it is above

With ball the attacking blow in wall is fulfilled

We work exercise so. At first we do slowly, on correctness of the movement

Then we do on average speed and then we increase speed. We do not hurry

After that we pass to work with ball

Since the beginning we do on correctness of the movement

On average speed we work

We try that the movement was like the movement of whip

Also we do not forget about elbow, the elbow at us moves so

Have fulfilled at slow speed, on average speed, in accelerated and already then we begin to work with ball

Do not try to execute many times, several blows are better, but it is qualitative

We place emphasis on quality

Feel that you have enclosed all body in blow and have executed blow by straight arm

If you liked my video put Like, subscribe to the channel

Talk about video friends who play volleyball, let them also look

And write what you liked, did not like

At once not to master all elements about which we spoke today

You look at once, pay attention to some nuances

Have remembered them, have fulfilled. Then once again watch video

Have paid attention to some nuances and with them have worked

When you begin to apply it at you perhaps the accuracy of the attacking blow will fall

But gradually, when you learn to carry out correctly attacking blow

You will see that force of the attacking blow has grown

And the speed of flight of ball will grow

We worked for blow with the maximum force now

The blow with the maximum force demands high bounce, the pass has to be high

And at the expense of this time it will be prepared at defenders more. Because for the attacking blow with the maximum force

We spend more time than if we have attacking blow with the shortened swing or the hand attacking blow

But since the beginning the volleyball player has to master the attacking blow on the maximum force.

Then we already can we will study other kinds of the attacking blows

Good luck ! :)

For more infomation >> Volleyball. Training Video. Spike on force. Part 2 - Duration: 18:35.


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A woman who allegedly lured several children for pedophile Peter Scully and Liezyl Margallo

was arrested on Thursday (February 17) in Cagayan De Oro City.

The suspect, Ma.

Dorothea Chia Chi, was believed to helped the Australian suspect in recruiting several

children including street children for cybercrime activities.

She's facing four counts of qualified trafficking and currently detained at the city jail in

Barangang Lumbia.

Some victims of Scully, Margallo and Chi said that they were promised a good life when they

agreed to come with the suspects, but instead they were raped and tortured in front of the


The footage was sold in exchange of money in darkwebb and after their arrest, several

videos that their made were circulated on social media.

Last year, Peter Scully was arrested by the authorities and on January 25 Liezyl Margallo

was arrested in Cebu City.

For more infomation >> Woman who lures children for "Daisy's Destruction" producer Scully arrested - Duration: 1:40.


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Hi Kids,

Today Funny Clown Bingo will present you a funny but scary story on how Farmer Tom and his farm Animal suffer from scary evil wolf

In this video for kids you will see a toy play on how Robocar Poli team, Poli, Helli, Roy and Amber will help Tom the Farmer from Tom and Jerry cartoon to overcome problem with wolf

Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it

Click on the picture to see other funny videos

For more infomation >> Robocar Poli & Funny Clowns | Farm Animals & Tom | Rescue Animals for kids from Wild Scary Wolf - Duration: 5:58.


Britain most tattooed man with Jeremy Kyle Show inked on head reveals: "I was stabbed in hate crime" - Duration: 3:01.

Britain's most tattooed man with 'Jeremy Kyle Show' inked on head reveals: "I was stabbed

in hate crime"

Britain's most tattooed man has called for an end to discrimination against people with

body art after revealing he was stabbed in what he believes was a 'hate crime'.

The 37-year-old, formerly known as Matthew Whelan before changing his his name to Body

Art, hit out at laws that class people who willingly undergo some body modifications

as victims of abuse.

The Birmingham man, whose full name is King of Ink Land King Body Art The Extreme Ink-Ite,

became a walking advert for his favourite TV programme when he got 'The Jeremy Kyle

Show' tattooed on the back of his head before appearing on the show.

He has devoted his life to body modifications but he said it had exposed him to abuse from


He told the Independent : "It's a very mixed reaction.

I find it quite fascinating when I'm with new people because I'm unique people stare,

and it's a new experience for them.

"I'm used to it as it has been happening for years.

You don't do something like this and not expect that.

"The reactions can go from amazement to hate crime."

Body Art was stabbed near to Birmingham police station in 2009, leaving him in intensive

care and later confined to a wheelchair for weeks while he recovered.

As well as prejudice among the public, he said he faced discrimination by the state

and employers.

Offences against the Person Act 1861 classifies people who undergo extreme modifications such

as dying their eyeballs as consensual victims.

Body Art died both of his eye whites, or sclera, black after 15 years of research and deliberation.

He has also amended most other parts of his body - removing his nipples to make room for

tattoos, carving 'teeth marks' into his ears and splitting his tongue in half.

Body Art, who got his first tattoo when he was 16, said: "Modified people are proud people,

we are proud to be modified.

They haven't been forced into it, it's something that many people will have thought long and

hard about.

"It doesn't matter what you look like, on the inside every is the same.

We are people at the end of the day."

He added: "But they say we are consenting to bodily harm.

It's ridiculous and it embarrasses us.

The law is wrong."

For more infomation >> Britain most tattooed man with Jeremy Kyle Show inked on head reveals: "I was stabbed in hate crime" - Duration: 3:01.


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