Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 17 2017

Today, dear viewers, you will get a chance to witness one of the most unusual space experiments

– we will be operating robots located back on Earth by controlling them remotely from the space station.

Also you will see a re-docking of a Soyuz spacecraft and a satellite launch directly from the ISS,

as well as some more of Mikhail Kornienko's space tricks.

And now let's add some fizz to our water bubble and watch what happens!

- Moscow Mission Control, come in, ISS-1 here! - Yes, Mikhail, copy!

While Mikhail Kornienko is talking to the Mission Control, scientist teams in St. Petersburg and in Munich

are preparing to start receiving the telecommunication signal from space.

Russian and German Robotics Institutes are running an unusual experiment together – it's called Kontur-2.

- We are ready! - When are we starting? - In an hour?

Scientists from the German Space Agency's laboratory will be watching over the experiment running in St. Petersburg.

A special kinematic manipulator was designed here at the Russian State Scientific Centre for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics.

Scientists dubbed the device "Meerkat" for its resemblance to the little animal, known for standing up straight and tall.

Alexander Silinenko, Laboratory Manager at RSSC for RTC, St. Petersburg: We are aiming to develop

an infrastructure for remotely controlling robots, for example during exploration of other planets.

Today the task for our robot will be to hit the surrounding targets with this stylus.

The remote control device for operating robots from space was delivered to the ISS in summer 2015 by one of the Russian spacecraft.

Oleg Kononenko was the commander of that particular flight. He had already worked with this device during his training,

but in weightlessness the conditions are very different. So the orbital part of this experiment will be a test not only for the equipment but for the crew as well.

Oleg Kononenko, Russian cosmonaut, ISS flight engineer: Remote control robotic technology has a long

has a long history in our country, going all the way back to the development of moon rovers like Lunokhod

for the exploration of lunar surface in the 60's and the 70's.

Kontur-2 experiment recreates a possible scenario of exploring a surface of a planet, like the Moon,

for example, by using robotic manipulators controlled remotely by an operator from an orbiting spaceship.

In our experiment today the Earth will represent a planet being explored, with ISS as a manned orbiting spaceship,

and I will play the role of an operator remotely controlling one or more robots working down on the surface.

This joystick device, developed by Russian and German scientists, allows the cosmonaut to manipulate the robot from a distance of 400 km.

During the experiment I will control the robot using the robot's camera video stream, which will be transmitted

to this laptop here. Usually there shouldn't be any distractions during an experiment like this, but today I am making an exception.

- Ok! Let us know if everything's alright! - Yes, let's go!

The cosmonaut will need to get the robot to hit all surrounding targets as fast as possible.

They are pre-programmed to make it hard to guess which one will light up next.

Let's start!

I am now making the robot hit the targets as they light up.

You can see how Oleg's arm muscles are tensing up. Even though he has done this before back on Earth,

microgravity makes it much harder and at first the robot hits some of the wrong targets.

Soon, however, the cosmonaut and the "Meerkat" start working as a team quite well.

During the Kontur-1 experiment things were reversed – the robot was on the ISS and the operator was back on Earth.

The second stage of this space research program is truly unique thanks to the equipment that is unaffected

by the high speed of the space station and the enormous distance between the robot and the operator.

There have been previous experiments in controlling robots remotely from orbit, but this one is special

in that we are using force feedback from robot to joystick.

The cosmonaut feels the force with which the robot is touching the surrounding surfaces.

We have programmed the device so that the operator cannot move the handle faster than the robot can actually move around down on the planet.

This is the first time when such precise operations are performed from space. The margin of error here is less than one centimetre.

Task complete! Repeat task applying force to joystick, when ready press 'Start'.

I'm now pressing start and applying force. Touching the lights… Left, right… Go clockwise…

Task complete. Let go… I'm letting go!

Thank you! Session complete, see you next time! That's it!

The experiment lasted 8 minutes, and both St. Petersburg and Munich teams were satisfied with the results.

There will be 19 more sessions like this one, and each time the assignments for the robots to complete will get more complicated.

So what is the purpose of this experiment, you might ask… It's actually a rather important mission

and a serious step towards the exploration of the Moon, which would first of all require building a base on the Moon's surface.

Such construction would only be possible with the use of robots, controlled remotely from Moon's orbit, or maybe even from Earth.

Robots would replace people during the first stages of lunar exploration, until the necessary conditions can be

created for continuous human presence on the Moon, just like we created living conditions here on the ISS.

And at that point it will be possible to control the robots directly from our Moon base.

Robots assisting humans in space explorations is no longer science fiction but a part of a very real

and not so distant future, especially taking into account successful use of remotely controlled devices on the ISS.

Most of the US segment of the station, for example, was assembled using the Canadian manipulator arm.

Many open space experiments use robotic facilities of the Japanese module that can also be controlled remotely.

The Japanese module has its own manipulator arm. It's similar to the Canadian one, but with a bit less freedom of movement.

However, it is still very useful for many operations outside the station, for example reinstalling

a piece of equipment from one part of the station onto another or unloading cargo spacecraft…

In 2017 the Russian segment of the ISS will also receive a manipulator arm, which will be delivered into orbit together with the new Nauka laboratory module.

ISS is the perfect place for fine-tuning robotic technologies that can be applied both on the station itself and on the other planets of the Solar system.

Today these technologies allow for less spacewalks and generally make life on the station easier.

However, without human input and control all this equipment is nothing but a pile of very expensive metal scraps.

And due to the wide variety of their tasks the cosmonauts today are truly the most

multi-skilled professionals on the planet. And off the planet too, for that matter.

A cosmonaut on the ISS has many jobs. Sometimes we get to be researches, engineers, equipment operators...

Sometimes baggage handlers – when loading or unloading Progress spacecraft. Educational experiment

called Great Start also allows every Russian cosmonaut to become a teacher.

This time it was Oleg Kononenko's turn, but soon I will also get to try it.

And I will be telling the internet users about the Russian-American year-long medical research program and my very active participation in it.

Today the International Space Station is not only a unique laboratory with plenty of research opportunities

but also a convenient launch pad for small satellites, thanks to its altitude and technical capabilities.

Another satellite launch from the Japanese manipulator…

Just waiting here, about 30 seconds to launch now!

Such microsatellites are sent into space by a special launching device that uses a spring mechanism.

- Three, two, one, go! - There they go…

We'll see them from the other window in a bit… Perfect launch!

Cosmonauts will be watching over the little orbiters for a while. Many of these are just as advanced

as standard size satellites launched into orbit from Earth by carrier rockets, and are used for a wide range

of purposes, such as ecological monitoring, orbital photography of Earth, educational projects and scientific research.

Russian crew launch microsatellites during their work in the open space. But there are also proposals for creating

a separate launching module in the Russian segment of the station.

If the project is realized then such launches will become a usual occurrence during the orbital expeditions.

And now we invite you to witness a very rare manoeuvre – re-docking of the manned Soyuz spacecraft.

Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka by now has already returned to Earth,

setting the record for the most cumulative days in space – over his five space flights he spent a total of almost

900 days in orbit, more than anyone else. Gennady was the commander of the spacecraft that had brought

Mikhail Kornienko and Scott Kelly to ISS for their Year In Space. And just before returning home from his mission

Gennady was entrusted with a complicated operation that we called orbital "re-parking".

- Undocking complete! - Copy!

- Monitoring undocking, timer on. Let's go to digital loop control mode…

- Confirm! - Copy!

Safety procedures require all of the crew to board the ship and don their spacesuits. For Mikhail Kornienko

and Scott Kelly this is their last ride on this particular Soyuz. They will be returning back to Earth

in March 2016 on board a different spacecraft. And it is for this spacecraft that a re-docking is being done to free up the required parking spot.

- Starting to tilt. To the left, 45 degree angle. - Copy!

Re-docking the Soyuz is a rare occurrence, and very few crew members get to do it. The ship must undock,

move away from the station, realign itself and dock to a different module.

- About 28 metres to the station. - Copy!

- After 30 metres take it slow. We are waiting for the station to realign.

- Copy!

Due to close proximity to the station re-docking is always done in manual mode,

unlike during standard flights when Kurs automated docking system is on.

Using it in this situation would have required significantly more time and fuel. Re-docking is one

of the few examples when manual control is still a preferred option.

Most of the spacecraft operations are fully automated as a result of continuous development

of the Soyuz which today is the most popular mode of space transportation.

Sergey Volkov, cosmonaut, Hero of Russian Federation: It's like with the cars we drive – it may still look

the same on the outside, but every 3 to 5 years there's an upgrade of some sort or some new system is added,

so there are many versions of the same vehicle. Also everything is computerized these days,

development and improvement are ongoing. The only downside, I guess, is that there are less and less

opportunities for the cosmonauts to actually drive a spaceship themselves.

- Pitch. Pitch angle too large I think.

- Copy that, slowing down. I can't see the target yet though. Got it! Slowing down!

- That's it, another 15 degrees. I see the target now.

Now the ship's commander must carefully approach the station and precisely hit the docking target,

all in manual control mode. Only an experienced space pilot can accomplish a task like this successfully.

- Contact confirmed. Very smooth. - Copy!

- Capture confirmed! - Copy contact and capture confirmed!

And now let's speed it up and review the flight again.

You are now watching the whole 18-minute manoeuvre in just 18 seconds.

- Come on, open!

Don't worry, this particular emergency only happened inside a training simulator. This is Sergey Volkov's crew,

filmed not long before their launch into orbit. Sergey relieved Gennady Padalka,

and will be taking the year-long expedition crew back to Earth at the end of his mission.

Cosmonauts' Training Centre runs these simulations all the time. All crew members, and Mikhail Kornienko

among them, must practice their response in every possible emergency situation, including having to control

the ship manually and dealing with any unexpected circumstances.

Luckily, many of these skills never get used, and instead of putting out fires the cosmonauts

spend most of their expeditions doing scientific research.

Are we part of the big science? Of course! Just think of the amount of scientific institutions involved in making

manned spaceflight possible! This is large-scale scientific work that will definitely make

a difference and yield significant results. And although we may not yet see those results today,

or even tomorrow, we are certainly building a strong foundation for our future.

It may take years, even decades for the orbital research to be incorporated into practical applications.

Some of it will be implemented in Mars exploration program, and some during the upcoming ISS expeditions.

Certain experiments might prove unnecessary and will soon be forgotten. Some, on the other hand, will have

a lasting impact on the way of life in this unique environment where things are so very different from the way they are back on Earth.

And now a little bit about liquids in weightlessness! I think you'll enjoy this, let's have a look…

And now let's add some fizz to our water bubble and watch what happens!

We want to avoid this little bubble hitting a panel or something

so we just guide it a bit like so…

See how cool this is!

And now that the tablet's dissolved, I think…

…I'll have a sip. Nice and fizzy!

Alright, now this is getting out of hand a bit... Anyway, that's how carbonated liquids behave in space…

Have a good day everyone!

For more infomation >> Road to the Moon. One-Year Mission: A Year in Space - Episode 6 @ Science - Duration: 26:06.


SCOM0605 - Bear - Notes for iPad, iPhone & Mac - Preview - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> SCOM0605 - Bear - Notes for iPad, iPhone & Mac - Preview - Duration: 0:56.



For more infomation >> A Cure for Wellness I THE TASTELESS INTRICACIES OF "A CURE FOR WELLNESS" - Duration: 4:01.


✔Top 10 MOST DEADLY INSANE Waterslides - YOU WONT BELIEVE EXIST! - Duration: 9:33.

Hello Friends!

Welcome to Top 10 Facts.

Taking risks is what gives people the rush, be it driving at insane speeds or walking

on the ledge of tall buildings.

Amusement parks are one such source of fun that are easily accessible to the general


Let us take a look at some of the most insane water slides in the world.



The German term for insane, Verruckt, perfectly describes the tallest water slide in the world.

Located in Kansas, this slide is nearly as high as a 17 story building.

Rider speeds can reach up to 65 mph in this aptly-titled ride that is recognized by the

Guinness Book Of World Records for being the tallest water slide in the world at a whopping



Scorpion's Tail

Scorpion's Tail water slide in Noah's Ark Water Park in Wisconsin is the next insane

slide to feature on this list.

At a height of a 10 stories and a length of 400 feet, this place is ideally suited to

overcome your fears.

As you fall through the nearly transparent tube, you can be clearly seen by the spectators

who get to enjoy the ride without getting wet themselves.



Located in Australia at Wet 'n Wild water park is AquaLoop.

The slide is filled with twists and turns and inversions that are best for only the

most seasoned adrenaline junkies.



Mammoth broke the world record of Wildebeest as being the longest water slide in the world

in 2012.

At 1761ft in length, it takes a whopping 3 minutes to complete.

If you're into long waterslides, head to Holiday World & Splashin' Safari to ride the two longest

ones in the world!



Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana is the home to two of the world's

most amazing water coasters in the world.

Wildebeest was opened in 2010 and was then the longest water slide in the world.

The water slide is almost a third of a mile long and takes nearly 2 and a half minutes

to complete.

But then along came...



If you travel to the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, you will come across an amusement

park known as Water Safari.

This park happens to be most famous for the waterslide Kilimanjaro.

At a height of over 160ft, this slide is the equivalent of a 17 story building.

It is officially the second tallest water slide in the world.



The Wave water park in Austria is famous for its L2 waterslide.

It is not famous for being very high, but what makes this slide popular is that it's

the only waterslide that features a double loop!


Leap Of Faith

Atlantis Paradise Island in The Bahamas is the home to the Leap Of Faith waterslide.

The fact that this slide starts at a great height is not its most incredible feature.

What's more amazing is that the slide passes through a pool filled with sharks!

Actually, the rider is nice and safe, protected by a transparent underwater tunnel.



Located in Fortaleza, Brazil, Beach


is one of the city's biggest tourist attractions.

This slide holds the accolade of being the third tallest waterslide in the world.

The slide is as high as a 14 story building, while the descent lasts less than 5 seconds

in total.

Rider speeds can reach up to almost 62 mph during the fall!


Summit Plummet

Located in Florida, Walt Disney World's Blizzard Beach is one of the most popular water parks

in the US.

It is the home to Summit Plummet, an astounding 120ft tall water slide that's the flagship

of this amusement park.

It is nearly 12 stories high and the descent is nearly a free fall at around 62 mph.

For more infomation >> ✔Top 10 MOST DEADLY INSANE Waterslides - YOU WONT BELIEVE EXIST! - Duration: 9:33.


Swimava review! スイマーバって危険なの? - Duration: 5:36.


I bought Swimava!

As you can see in this picture,

This is a pool/bath ring that fits snugly around baby's neck while in the water.

Babies can play in the water

It helps them exercise in the water.

It is so popular all over the world,

so I bought it.

It includes

a hand pump

and a swimava starter ring

You put the air in it and use it.

It might be hard to imagine how to use it

I took a video Sora using it

Let's get started!

I'm cold...

I let him play for about 5 minutes

and set the temperature low.

I don't want him to get dizzy.

But if the water is too cold, he might get cold,

so the temperature should be 34℃ or 93 °F.

Wow good job!

Are you pooping!?

Don't poop!

I'm not doing~

About the water level,

a baby can float and enjoy free movement in the water.

American bath tabs are not that deep like Japanese one,

The length/height is about my knee.

It is pretty safe.

We are going to finish soon!


Sora seems like really love Swimava

There are two places that you need to put the air


another place in the back


You have to put the air into these two holes.

According to the instruction,

Pump up the top chamber until it is full and firm.

But don't put too much air

If it is not enough air, it is very dangerous

so the air should be enough.

Ensure each valve is securely plugged after being filled.

Can you see it?

Like normal swimming rings, just push the valve in the chamber.

Then, put the ring completely under water for 60 sec

and check for any air bubbles indicating leakage.

Swimava's logo should be in front

so this side is back

Like this

Why did you put on?

Then, check if you can put your two fingers between your neck and the ring

If there is not enough space, babies might not able to breath

so do not use it

Even though Sora is little bit chubby,

there is quite enough space

I feel like choked, adults shouldn't wear it.

Of course.

Close the ring securing both the top and bottom buckles.

Don't be lazy!

By doing so, it won't open

so a baby won't fall from here.

What happen to you...?

As I see the internet,

many people mention that Swimava is dangerous.

But if you use it correctly,

and adults watch a baby while using it

it is not dangerous

and it is really good exercise.

Becasue he gets tired after playing this,

he takes nap

and sleep well at night.

I really like it.

What you need to care is

to watch a baby while time while using Swimava.

You should not wash your hair or body while a baby is in the water

I thought if you look away for a second, it might be dangerous

While using it, you never look away and watch a baby whole time.

Adjust the water level that your baby's foot can touch the ground.

If it is too deep, seems little dangerous.

but if it too shallow, a baby cannot move well

so adjust the water level

I use it as a pool not a bath.

I really recommend this

I'm glad that I bought this!

I hope this video will help people who are interested in Swimava but haven't decided to get one

Thank you for watching this video

If you like this video, please like this video and subscribe the channel

See you~

For more infomation >> Swimava review! スイマーバって危険なの? - Duration: 5:36.


how to increase memory card size to 32gb Real With Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 3:36.

how to increase memory card size to 32gb

how to increase memory card size to 32gb urdu

how to increase memory card size to 32gb in hindi

how to increase memory card size to 32gb urdu

For more infomation >> how to increase memory card size to 32gb Real With Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 3:36.


Professional Rugby Union Footballer Ed Quirk Takes On The Men's Health Pushup Challenge - Duration: 1:31.

How ya going?

I'm Eddie Quirk

And I'm here to do the

Men's Health Pushup Challenge

For more infomation >> Professional Rugby Union Footballer Ed Quirk Takes On The Men's Health Pushup Challenge - Duration: 1:31.


Week 8 • Rob's Lenormand Card Reading - Duration: 5:15.

Welcome to Rob's Lenormand reading week 8.

How are you?

That's the big question at the moment.

That looks good. This is the card the House.

But that is not the answer to the question. For this is the theme of this week.

The House is your body, is your life .

The point is that this week is correctly plugged into your body.

As a spirit in a body.

You get a lot of support from the upper world.

The condition is that you ensure that you are properly grounded.

You down to the soles of the feet becomes in your body.

Then everything will work out in your life. Then everything becomes a huge success.

Believe in your home. That's your body.

Believe in who you are.

How Are You Now? That is the question I asked first.

But where it concerns.

I am now going to shake a card.

Lying on its head. But one does not.

The card Dog. You're a loyal person.

There is no one to trust as good as you.

But a card is next. Lying on its head.

That is to say that dog got a bite.

That's the card Heart. I also put on its head.

You trust the people around you anymore. You trust the life no more.

They catch you.

You think, what a nasty gang here on the earth.

It is three times nothing. I dare any man to trust.

Maybe your dog yet. That could be.

But yourself no more. That can not continue.

It is the theme of going to live in that body.

Yourself to trust. That shows this House.

So I'm going to see what is almost about to happen in your life.

What hangs over your head? There is the card.

And he is open. That's nice.

It is the card the Tree. A solid powerful oak .

That's who you are.

This week, wants you to be a solid oak.

That is properly grounded.

All of which stress that head through can remove the feet to the ground.

All the stress, all the tension.

How will this develop?

I wonder what you with information that does.

With that situation occurs, I must say.

A card on its head.

You're still in the opposition. You do not want to have.

That's the card Lily.

Lily means that you're a pure man.

You're very pure.

But your purity, your purity has become clouded.

As someone once something has done it. Since you're still angry.

That anger is still like a black pit in your heart.

And colors you thinking and feeling with a kind of negative charge.

The upper world asks, I ask it of you.

Forgive that person. Release it from your heart.

Maybe it's someone who is already deceased.

Maybe it's someone who hops around here on earth.

Forgive that person and you will be released.

You can really live in that house. live in your own heart.

What have you got blocked to be yourself?

I am now shuffle a card .

You have blocked your happiness. It's in your freezer.

This card thereby ensures that you do not want.

Lying on its head. That's the card Pisces.

Fish stands for the flow of your feelings.

If you feel not flowing. Then the flow of money is becoming more and more dense.

That makes you have no money to do fun things.

To eat deliciousor something along those lines.

By removing it from the freezer. And to believe again in your happiness.

By your feelings to flow again. The overall situation is going to change .

Suppose you have the courage to do that.

I want to shake a card for you how these leggings then expires.

You're tired, that's obvious. That's the card the Bear.

But you're also very strong.

By removing the blockade. That you should not be happy.

It is for others. That is a nonsense story.

You have as much right to happiness as anyone else.

Your feeling is your feeling. You do not have to prove to anyone.

Just dare to express your feelings. Dare just be yourself.

Go live in that body. Stand in your power.

The strength of the bear.

Stand in your power. The strength of these solid oak.

That is not to blow over. That is indestructible.

Because that's you.

Do not let your boxes by the people around you.

Choose for yourself. Your life is about one person.

That's you.

I want to thank you for watching. And see you next time.

Thank you, bye.

For more infomation >> Week 8 • Rob's Lenormand Card Reading - Duration: 5:15.


Julie McNiven What's a Babymoon Mean to Her - Duration: 1:51.

We're with one of the stars of the film, Julie McNiven! Hi Julie!

Hi, how are you?

I think that's one of the great things about this movie,

both the writer/director and the

star of it just had children. Literally within six

months so everything was fresh.

Is it true that Bailey made you get

pregnant to get this job?

He did. He was like, you can have this role, if you have a baby. (laughter)

If you're already pregnant. And I was. It's crazy.

It worked out.

Did you have a babymoon in real life,

before this film? Had you heard of even the concept of a babymoon?

Yeah, I did hear of a babymoon. I thought is was really only for rich people. But I guess it's not!


That's what I thought too.

It's not, and I really think

that it could be a weekend, it could even be

in your own home. But shutting off your devices,


and enjoying a date night in, and just announcing that this is our babymoon.

It doesn't matter, it can be a date.

It's just the idea of recognizing. Like, you know, when you get

married and it's a recognition of now we're a team in

a way we weren't. It's defining it.

When you were just giving it away?


Ha, yes. True.

So, a babymoon is kind of that, like

your own little stamp of this is US now. We're gonna be three.

Really soon. So let's celebrate the two of us.

You're no longer going to be just the two of you.

And I think that you shouldn't feel bad about

that, because it is going to be different.

And it will never be the same.

It will never be... I'm gonna start crying!

It will never just be the two of you again!

And that's wonderful.

But it's also


And it's okay to recognize that it's different.

You know, I think we often times forget

about the transitions.

For more infomation >> Julie McNiven What's a Babymoon Mean to Her - Duration: 1:51.


Theory Why Goku Become the Worst Villain? - Duration: 5:40.

Hi Everyone!

What's up that dragon ball super when you watching and catch up to the latest episodes of DBS update

You already know that what's going on but for those goku has been acting strange in episode 77-78 it was the biggest mistake

Goku didn't know that Grand Priest announced when he put the entire universe in danger of being wiped out and beerus blame him who were fault made tournament earlier started.

Now let me elaborate this a dragon ball episode 77-78 more likely complicated because it seem like goku is the main character causing problem of goddamn that happen I mean he was at worse climax action like black goku.

That tournament set off of events where he's going to destroy all the universes that loses every time but he's making black goku right now look like the super shit hero at this point in time

Because somehow whis was like "We fell right of it" that literally mean they have no right to warned goku...

Morals are incredibly dangerous and this goku is so naive and doesn't give a shit about anybody else that he might kill everybody I mean that goku want restore all universes so you know the universes back normal with the super dragon ball but that's not a good solution problem to the end of series you know that.

He just wants to get stronger and that's all goku tapped out new transformation with godly ki, He's selfish self-center stronger than anybody.

He still does it like goku's getting more and more negligence, even more disrespectful grand priest in tournament you know fans are starting to notice like "what is wrong with him!?!" What point is this why goku become the worst villain

I still investigate as further in dragon ball episode 77-78 goku's kind of turning out evil in only seen when he tapped out transformation with smirk face

They know is so unpredictable, beerus even threatened to Goku but obviously he didn't go to being goku of major role. He always wanted for fighting strongest opponents obviously he had a good experience self centered learning new technique

There's no prize of winning tournament of power but grand priest test your fighting spirit power show off in universe arc tourney and if losing for a punishment and 7 universe will be able to continue survive with 10 opponents team

DBS is now trying to ruin your favorite character but vegeta is seem like more nicer than goku

Goku is starting to act like a God of Destruction not caring about how much destruction he is going to cause problem i feel like they're deliberately trying to make him unlikable

Goku doesn't give a fuck care about friends, earth, and chi chi family. All goku cares about is fighting stronger people. He's a selfish saiyan who the one only cares about fighting

Some people keep saying he's been selfish and an idiot but he's getting worse and it's goddamned annoying. there is no character development

Everyone thought "Mabye Goku use super dragon ball for revive entire universe" but even so the fact would never change that he put all those lives in danger for his own selfish reason

Well he's the villain, no doubt about it. I'm pretty sure this arc is when Goku faces the consequences of being Goku

Villain" is the word we used because it gets the point across of what we were discussing, but I suppose "Antagonist" would be a more technical term, but the other universes realistically will be frightened of him and the fact that because of his godly strength they will surely lose their lives and their universes

I don't think he will be villain in episode 77-78 , but if he did end up being one of the villains in the universal survival arc when entire universe already wiped out and last 7 universe

I believe that the power is so much that he can't control it and all his saiyan instincts take over and goes on a rampage with new transformation

Goku's pride is starting to peak where and if kakarot does show up NOW OF WORST TIMES IN THE SERIES. It is going to be a problem. Look how he treated Beerus.

No one knows exactly how powerful God Goku is.

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