Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 17 2017

In this video we would like to cover all the main aspects you need to know about

Natural shilajit resin - what is it, where it comes from, main benefits,

dosage and why you should not buy capsules, powders or any kind of liquid shilajit.

Natural Shilajit resin is a mineral deposit that is made up of humus and decomposed plant remains.

Harvested from the Altai Mountains and Purified for Maximum Effectiveness and Potency.

Natural Shilajit resin contains loads of vitamins, minerals, Humic and Fulvic Acid

which are key components to a good cleanse since they remove heavy metals from the body.

Fulvic Acid in natural shilajit resin is in it's most natural and purest form,

that's why it can effectively prolong cell life and keep it healthy for a very long time.

It will not only improve your health from many points of view,

but it will also help you cleanse your body from toxins and regain the energy that you lost a long time ago.

With the help of natural Shilajit resin you can eliminate the chemicals that you ingest with food much faster,

and they will not have time to build up in your body and organs.

In natural Shilajit resin you can also find Potassium, and this might not seem like a big deal for you.

However, research showed us that potassium is absolutely necessary for the good function of the liver.

The liver is considered to be the filter of your body, and many of the toxins that you eat are stored in it.

When you have enough potassium in your body you can be sure that your liver works as full capacity and it is able to transform and dispose the toxins in efficient way.

Natural Shilajit resin has a superfine rejuvenating effect that makes the body strong and healthier.

No wonder the Indian Yogis called it as Amrita or the Elixir Of Life.

The recommended amount of Natural Shilajit resin for general use and to maintain optimal health

is around half of a gram which is approximately pea sized portion per day.

To consume, simply dissolve in warm, non-chlorinated water, tea or milk and drink.

There is a 6-8 week period for the therapeutic effects to be noticed.

Remember - consistency is the key.

Stay away from capsules, tablets, powders, extracts, or any kind of liquid Shilajit that isn't in it's natural resin form.

Capsules and pills are mixed with silica, cellulose and there's no way to really evaluate the quality of natural Shilajit

that has been granulated and mixed into these capsules.

Powders are routinely cut with all sorts of Shilajit substitutes.

Be very careful when trying cheap or generic seeming Shilajit products.

Also, be suspicious if it is sold cheaply or supplied in high amounts.

Always check the Quality:

Your Shilajit should arrive as a black shiny glasslike resin,

it should melts in your hands becoming gooey and sticky.

But if you place it in the refrigerator to cool, it will become very hard and shatter like.

Pure Natural Shilajit resin should completely dissolve when stirred into warm water.

Natural Shilajit resin is Top Quality Source of Organic,

Plant-based Nutrients for Energy, Detox, Weight Management, Libido and Vitality.

We test our Shilajit for safety at independent U.S. laboratories,

most recent test results are available on our website — our Shilajit is very safe.

Natural Shilajit Resin is Purest,

Highest Quality Shilajit available on market.

For more infomation >> SHILAJIT RESIN: Shilajit Health Benefits, Shilajit Dosage And Uses, Shilajit Side Effects - Duration: 4:16.


Is a scam😈😈 or legit | review - Duration: 2:57. what's up guys my name

is morning I'll freeze on the sky Hawk

and I want to give your review / doing

on time going out the gate it's a big

scam on I had came across this this scam

system this bullcrap

i'm on facebook and one of the i'll make

money online groups and people have been

blasting those things if you were trying

to get people to join if you are

considering joining duty on time I want

to congratulate you for doing your due

diligence and not being so naive and not

believing everything that you read on

the internet so thank you so much

I'm go ahead like comment subscribe but work at home scams,

this is a big skin and it's annoying

because of their just trying to get

money from you and I say this because

just look at it look just take a look

they put the money on top let you know

how much they made to dave and this is, job scams, job task scams, work from home

not the only website all they did was

switch out the template from a previous

website that i had did a review over on

my other channel but the crazy part

about this is people are actually buying

this people are actually buying it and

it's heartbreaking and they also want

they're also going to want your paypal scam,

information because they don't want to

take money out of your bank so they're

going to want all your information

promising you that you're going to be

able to make you're going to be able to

make money

you're either going to be able to make

twenty-five dollars just for signing up

they call this signup bonus on they let

you know exactly what you have to do to

create your job holding personal account

login and start at work but that's

simply not the case don't even have an

about page they don't even have a scam,

product page so this is a big fat scan

if you bought into this and you're one

of those people that are posting links

all over facebook group stop that shit

stop it

I'm just I'm just being honest if my

language is bothering you all well I scam,

know better systems at work i know some

that will teach you how to market brand

yourself and bring lead and automate

your business all you know and it's way

better than this i can tell you that for

sure if you're looking for alleged way

to make money online click link down

below only cost ten dollars to get scam,

started even get a 10

I mean 14-day trial if i'm not mistaken

well there's better opportunities out

there that y'all should be a part of

your you're looking to make money online

there's a way better opportunities out

there and with that being said i really

hope you enjoyed my review / duty on scam,


make sure to comment like and subscribe

and I'll see you later

thank you so much for watching

For more infomation >> Is a scam😈😈 or legit | review - Duration: 2:57.


Deep Learning with Tensorflow - Recommendation System with a Restrictive Boltzmann Machine - Duration: 5:42.

Hello, and welcome!

In this video, we will show you how to build a collaborative filtering based recommendation

system using a Restricted Boltzmann Machine, and the TensorFlow library.

To recommend items, this system will find users that are similar to each other based

on their item ratings.

Let's download the datasets that we'll use for our application, and extract the contents

into an accessible directory.

The datasets were acquired by GroupLens, and they contain movies, users, and movie ratings

by these users.

Next we'll import the necessary libraries.

TensorFlow and Numpy will be used for the RBM model, and Pandas will allow us to easily

manipulate our datasets.

Now we'll load the data into our program.

The .dat files containing our data are similar to CSV files, but instead of using the comma

character to separate entries, it uses two colon characters instead.

To accommodate this, we can simply call the "read csv"

function with an additional sep="::".

Our datasets don't have any headers so we'll also add in the parameter "header=None".

We just imported and displayed the movie dataset, so let's do the same for the ratings.

Our "movies_df"

variable contains a dataframe that stores a movie's unique ID number, title, and genres.

Our "ratings_df"

variable stores a unique User ID number, an ID for movies that the user has watched, and

the user's rating for the movie.

Let's now rename the columns in these dataframes to something more intuitive.

Here are our final datasets.

Now let?s take a look at our RBM model.

A Restricted Boltzmann Machine has two layers of neurons: the visible input layer, and the

hidden layer.

The hidden layer is used to learn features from the information fed through the input


For our model, the input is going to contain "X"

neurons, where "X" is the number of movies in our dataset.

Each of these neurons will possess a normalized rating value ranging from 0 to 1.

0 means that a user has not watched that movie, and the closer the value is to 1, the more

the user likes the movie that the neuron's representing.

These values will be extracted and normalized from the ratings dataset.

Let's format the datasets so that they conform to the RBM's structure.

To begin, let's see how many movies we have, and if the movie IDs correspond to that value.

Notice that we have 3883 movies, while our ID's vary from 1 to 3952.

Due to this, we won't be able to index movies through their ID since we would get memory

indexing errors.

So instead we can create a column that shows what spot in our list that particular movie is in.

Now let's merge the ratings dataframe into the movies one so we can have the List Index

values in both dataframes.

We're also going to drop the Timestamp, Title, and Genres columns since we won't be needing

them to make recommendations.

Now, we can start formatting the data into input for the RBM.

We're going to store the normalized user ratings into a list of lists called "trX".

Let's build our RBM with Tensorflow.

After choosing the number of hidden layers, we create placeholder variables for the visible

layer biases, hidden layer biases, and weights that connect the hidden layer with the visible layer.

We arbitrarily use 20 units in our hidden layer.

Next we create the visible and hidden layer units.

For the activation functions, we?ll use the"nonlinear tf.sigmoid" and "tf.relu" functions.

Now we set the RBM training parameters and functions.

And set the error function, which will be Mean Absolute Error.

We also have to initialize our variables.

Thankfully, NumPy has a "zeros function" for this.

We'll train the RBM for 15 epochs.

Each epoch uses 10 batches with size 100.

After training, we'll print out a graph with the error by epoch.

With our model trained, we can finally predict movies that an arbitrarily selected user might like.

This can be done by feeding the user's watched movie preferences into the RBM

and then reconstructing the input.

The values that the RBM gives us will estimate the user's preferences for movies that he

hasn't watched, based on the preferences of the users that the RBM was trained on.

To find the 20 most recommended movies for our mock user, we can sort by the scores that

our model provided.

Feel free to modify the parameters like the number of hidden units or the loss functions.

These parameters have an impact on run time and performance.

By now, you should understand how to implement a basic recommendation system using an RBM

and the TensorFlow library.

Thank you for watching this video.

For more infomation >> Deep Learning with Tensorflow - Recommendation System with a Restrictive Boltzmann Machine - Duration: 5:42.


Theater Talk - John Breglio, producer/author of "I Wanna Be A Producer" - Duration: 26:47.

For more infomation >> Theater Talk - John Breglio, producer/author of "I Wanna Be A Producer" - Duration: 26:47.


dit hoor je waneer ik online kom :P mijn mc naam is TheLaw3016 xD - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> dit hoor je waneer ik online kom :P mijn mc naam is TheLaw3016 xD - Duration: 0:18.


Faithfulness - The Fruit of the Spirit 5 Minute Family Devotional - Duration: 3:30.

Welcome to the JellyTelly 5 Minute Family Devotional!

The Fruit of the Spirit

When you have the Holy Spirit, you'll produce

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.


In a world where fairweather friends are everywhere -

Hey! That's a cool hat! Wanna be friends?

That was lame! We're not friends anymore.

And gossipers betray the trust of others -

I have a fear of toast. Please don't tell anyone.

Your secret is safe with me.

Pssst, Gabe is afraid of toast. What a nerd!


From the creator of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness and Goodness.

Comes a tale of three friends -

Friendship! Friendship! Friendship!

who thought nothing could come between them.

The Captain Karate Dino Cop 3D movie is coming out. We have to go see it!

We'll see it together!

But when one of them forgot to do their homework -

I forgot to do my homework! I can't go see the movie!

But we had this planned for months!

Ugh! We bought the tickets already.

Their friendship was put to the test.

Our friendship is being put to the test.

Hey! I just said that.

This wouldn't have happened if you didn't sleep through math class!

I can't help it! Math is so boring.

A decision would have to be made.

A decision has to be made.

Come on guys! Get your own lines!


We can't just leave him like this. You know how he is with math.

4 + 12 equals...


With time running out -

20 minutes until the movie. We don't have much time!

Go on without me, I'm not gonna make it.

Would they abandon their friend - or would they show -

Let's do this!


1st Peter 4:10 says:

God's gifts of grace come in many forms.

Each of you has received a gift in order to serve others.

You should use it faithfully.


Let's talk, what did we learn?

What does it mean to be a faithful friend?

How did Armin and Lydia show faithfulness to Micah?

How can we live out what we've just learned?

What is a way you can show faithfulness to your friends and family?

How can we ask God to grow the fruit of faithfulness in us?

Let's pray together.

Let's thank God that he is always faithful to us and will never leave us.

Keep learning!

Get a free printable activity everyday on the blog at

Not coming soon to a fake theater not near you.

For more infomation >> Faithfulness - The Fruit of the Spirit 5 Minute Family Devotional - Duration: 3:30.


Girls Taking a Dip!! | LIFE IS STRANGE Walkthrough Part 10【Episode 2: Out of Time】 - Duration: 28:57.

wine is such a classic Marg let's see if

i can find items release the crackin we

got the one can take it all my knee

now we need to get the duct tape only

three more I to go always worried items

shit ok we get that we gotta can get

duct tape we've got measuring tape and a


wow they're your sugar sodium can

duct-tape in sodium chlorate ok

the turkey nice

ok where's this answer when you get

inside the sanctuary at the center of

the century was the way i remember


thank you

perfect get the chlorine was like being

cracked hate that for months now the

real question is chemistry stuff perfect

now this mixture not not work

ok so where we'll be

glory glory

34 through use of good luck your heart

and it's not a scientist but this is so

not sodium chlorate what how's that

supposed to know I can't see what you

see right away from the windows

what was it I never said they were great


a TV predictable table diagram of sugar

take the sugar


you think that the way home max you

think the science before being the

turning of being minus would have

shattered my face of course i'm barely

passing science up there i have

calculator like oh we could change the

very Wayne Morten's for taking on me but

every little bit counts

oh maybe that was a bad idea just ask

biology haha gross

everyone needs to know how the rector

works at a periodic table wish I knew

what periodic means maybe two dozen oh

ok good for this would be a good place

to find the glory open that door

ok what about across the street here

nothing okay well you guys keep locker

locate your locker looks only that's the

thing to overcome it

ok electric are true maybe mrs. duck

taken here

it's just like this scene horse movie

contest pictures we could take a look at

page even when you're sad you try to see

the good in the world hangover better

illustrated and photographer said max

the art critic Victoria that is pretty

fucking sweet how can I hate somebody to

shoot like that you can trust me with

this i feel gross even looking at

nathans work but he does have to work ok

your back you get you the photo you can

never escape the lighthouse here

ok it doesn't that's kind of communist

if you think about it with this

Victorian cigarettes

I'm sure mr. Jefferson is impressed

they're out there is a duct tape

I knew we could find in here to take is


ok now we just need the core one more

ingredient match

where would that be I could have sworn

it should have been in the science room

right you think it would be

let's check one more time kind of find

the right chemicals it's not in this

camp bowie what weed killer

here's the sodium chloride box oh my god

you know your comebacks don't wait

you're rewind power you a damn care what

she did that without me having to pick

it up that ok well now it's time to show

Khloe that Max is the farm literally


ok let's just get there we like breaking

anyone else's Locker now

no you cannot ok just blow is a shit

wide-open you get in

take it easy on the dark alley let's try

this instead who literally yes the

bullshit up you feel like the candle so


ready to haul at oh nice I can cool we

are told sure you're comfortable Arcadia

Bay fire ants we should you go inside to

rewind it go inside there is one time do

it that way that way you don't have to

worry about it there then unlock it will

get the attention she was bullshit

fucking door

welcome to my domain if your magic

I have no clue how you got in there for

a few minutes is a the company aqui

now let's finally want to feeding my

powers only goes so far

man I can see where the principal locks

with room up fancy flower crap you must

want everybody to know he has money but

no taste but we don't worry about the

cops at least not yet to the light dog

man how can you trust somebody who has a

fucking broads bird in his office

I'm glad I was expelled yes only the

principal had a monet and picasso you'd

still be a black while eight me i'm

going to pilfer the papers on this ugly


interesting ok sure it's my grades but

damn is it goes it there

that's not helping because your chance

to truly get all productive and shit

Sherlock find some clues about Rachel


Nathan anybody I'm on the case okay

thats let's do this

I don't want to lamp on but I'm still

way of doing it though

okay look at this pretty much sums up

Kate shine sweet and then the wrong


ok GP a 3.9 damn ok yet i'll do that

later you guys can read it now only two

more files to go but we take the files

though I certainly can't use this

okay but that's wasted with buttons have

to do that you're there i can't speak

nothing nothing search

wowzer this will also not coming Andy

will assist I drink too if I was the

principle of Blackwell are the little

bourbon more problems nothing here

not good with cabinet the permanent


Rachel doesn't seem so troubled based on

office I just not much here about the

police investigation

GTA four point oh oh the connection and

I don't blame the principal for

expelling Chloe bad qui GPA 1.7 that I'm

sorry that's not good like navigate last

file Sherlock weird to ask to have a

spotless record you know the black I'm

not gonna read my own personal file GPA

to point it got to go to work on that

max you gotta work on that

this file is going to be so spotless of

projectile vomit

I have to make sure Warren doesn't have

a criminal background

yeah they're gonna be going on a date

with me know what you guys gonna go

don't eat with each other

I think we found everything in here was

that I should go join Chloe now

no we're gonna find what this is so

makin Prescott dad is a bully to shocker

principal walls and light of the recent

outrageous allocation of allocations

against my son and his suspension I feel

that my large contribution to Blackwell

Academy should also be suspended

of course the situation can be rectified

once nathan is reinstated at Blackwell's

with written apology

along with that i lived in that tragic

event involving miss Marsh give you a

pause but i would suggest that canceling

Thursday's party is not conduct its not

conductive to the can-do spirit of black

clothes Academy expect you to reconsider

and come to some obvious conclusion

thank you shaun prescott what a dick

always a letter of here we didn't see

this one if i would have signed a

petition I could have made a difference

alright what dear miss grant as

principal of black academy you can read

it this way

read their go at the principle of

Blacklands as principal of Blackwell

Academy it is my set unpleasant regret

to inform you that your petition to

block the new surveillance system has

come up literally a handheld very short

okay you guys can read that and what

about the session you're not attacking

of class

alright what it was a Khloe fine

hopefully she found something good

max you better come check out these

files Nathan accuses Rachel of bringing

drugs on campus and my step troll went

along because he thinks that Rachel was

a bad influence on me

if David is teaming up with Nathan

Prescott at a bad time

Nathan Prescott the third movie so money

and you know the Prescotts dropped major

bank to bury Nathan's real file

look everybody rap sheet bad grade

teacher complaints secret probation but

I would've felt at least making finally

suspended check out that don't open it

for some crazy drawing it's not a

drawing walk

Rachel in the darkroom Rachel into the

darkroom over and over that's it that's

fucked up

what does it even mean even is truly

psychotic I know he has something to do

with Rachel missing while listening to

this baby and always asks what's going

on in my head

David and always helping me follow those

he follows pretty cryptic know it sounds

like they form some sort of we're Team

the superheroes David was talking paid

half way and now we know he was all over

Rachel 20 we are so going into his

garage files plus i'm getting a little

paranoid in here we gotta wrestle with

bail but maybe we should leave without


no you are not taking the code each year

max your powers include mind reading or

did you just rewind because I tried to

steal the tear shit i'm confuse his

powers of their friendship I know how

you roll we should definitely get out of

here we press our luck know what have we


holy shit that but King wow that's a lot

for the Handy have fun dude that's

$5,000 here i could pay sprint back

tonight will kill him after our night

showdown yesterday I wouldn't forget

are you going to make a big issue out of

this or just rewind to the greenback for

yourself i hope you do that instead of

lecturing me

now leave the money and feel the money

while already in deep shit matter if

it's for the handicapped but I really

don't want to take it i'm not going to

be a dick I can't be a dick you really

want to take money from the handicapped

fund i know you need to pay Frank back

but I've got my power to protect you


there's a lot of power in that horse

children lot of cash but yes morale max

is right against I guess let's get the

hell out of this office 10 Red know that

money would have helped Chloe me I kind

of want to see you at the game would be

like if you just kind of like played as

a dick and do up the nauti-luxe cares

whose care for a midnight swim the

Blackwell pool is Alice swimming you

want to take that risk now it's been a

crazy week you can let me take that

money to pay off Frank so if you pop the

cap in my skull at least allow me to

have a little carefully fun for a few

minutes to splash you're right we have a

deserving splash did you actually just a

hella I think I'm a good bad influence

on you but a good bet his words

yeah i did enjoy swimming like anyone

else but i don't know i don't think I

break into a school just to go swimming

whistling in the dark never know what

was lurking in the deep dark water in

Hartley big fucking deal

I want that he had water we still have

to play it cool

okay even if I'm suspended you can own

this hellhole once you figure out your

wheel and power but that's according to

respect for girls night out so it's

better follow her evil plan or even

ships let's see we got some looks like

laze in there to get some don't know

guys with I think it's skills can't get

all right let's just go to go let's go

there's some ad women's locker room the

fire thing

men's luckier now we don't go in there

point the girls obviously you're going

in the girls room occurrence of course

girls let me check to see two pools

heated you guys don't want to go into

the boys bathroom and it's probably


oh then probably a what we want that to

stop calm

well there you go in the pool room with

this get more graffiti others eat

beavers I I get it I get the fun a weed

bag is clearly here okay

yes slippers

towel you put the weed inside Victoria's

locker so victoria secret is selfies go

fuck you know Jefferson said don't

confuse art with the artist

these are cool shots with the wii dinner

thing they call the police you ever

heard of Brooks locker able to hear

looks like Brooke wants to go to the

drive-in with Warren really okay well it

looks like we got nothing in here but

let's continue on a pool rules i can't

see it it's morbid Victoria chase rules

that she doesn't use a dick now the

zombies up Rachel abide we want to feed

your Kate I don't care god oh man using

persons posters to get

I guess the shampoo but never PQ I feel

like everybody brings around soap

hello gorgeous english max you just look

like a soup that you do that

anything in the poolroom we can use

she's swimming already this year

let's just go let's just do it

not going to explore what's going to

jump into the pool

next I find the light for the pool I

want to be the shark others don't like

sure they bite

how do i get that light some of the

Darkman this keyboard there's a light

foot but in case I run out of there I

know where to come true for the life

which we have already seen born your

know what was it nothing

you shouldn't run in the pool area for


what is this guess with you it looks

like I'm the vortex club bouncer all

decisions decisions

if you add the names for just one

picture of their faces when they see my

name and then removed from their yeah

oh I'm sorry your name's not on the list

you'll have to eat shit now i hope you

erase the wood looks like I'm the vortex

Club bounce

ok decisions decisions I was hoping it

was going to tell me who was on the list

or not you can't go in there look like

the weight room where today I'm light

I'm gonna fall into the pool watch the

no running where the where the same

light I don't go don't know sort of the

way we can see that you have before

ok now i'm a little confused because I

could like that's the lights lit right

there you have to be control panel for

the light around here i am dumb

there we go

that's actually really cool holy crap

she changed real quick do some searching

for scooping yeah we get ok anything

else in the schoolroom got a cup with

the cup day copying some me good

compound you get your energy you get

your caffeine I don't think there's

anything else over here who ah look at

the baby halloween pumpkin kind of cute


that's the entrance where we came in at

so I guess time to go swimming you guys

you're jumping ok

I don't think we have your diet max okay

go didn't you been

oh yeah baby feels like a hot cup too

bad you made me feel like the queen of

assholes because I wanted cash how many

are not going to stand there watching me

like a zombie you bring you some soup

so it's Darren's i'm stopping hippie ok

you asked for it with your lips I don't

think you have a suit underneath their

most people i know i don't okay

Cowabunga do oh there's light looks and

higher in my wife Catherine sentence

going to Benden you're so obvious and I

think it freaked out by that movie stop

I came too much any instructions while

but shark week amazing actually not like

shark week

your daughter's why no Chinese authors

revenge she hurt

yeah you would know about that


I'm not a good thing to say hi stranger

was here she would totally love being

here tonight if you got men each other

we will with all this stuff going on

I starting to think everything is

related and I want to find out why for


she didn't deserve to tie your power is

changing everything x especially you can

already tell you're not the chicken shit

anymore thanks girlfriend you know what

I mean you're becoming like a force of


more like luck come on my power failed

trying to rescue case maybe I'm just

stumbling back and forth in time for


you didn't stumble when you save me max

all what

what if I had a few not at time but

that's because you were here to kick

start my power so it's time to start

moving forward in time and we're

obviously connected since without me

with discovered your power right

obviously absolutely

you make me feel like I know what I'm do

when you make me feel like I have a

reason for still being in Arcadia Bay i

hope so

stop being so goddamn humble you're like

the smartest most talented person I've

ever known more than Rachel amber dude

I'm not her groupie okay and sure you

have Blackwell bows all over you like

Warren for tonight

you're the broke iller and growth

oh you and go with your bro killer

you're the real killer happen to you did

not just say that

plus I am NOT down with Arcadia Bay

hillbillies I don't blame me anyway we

have bigger fish to fry right no worries

once you get over yourself you're going

to make the world valve as long as

you're there with me

don't look so sad I'm never leaving

now i'm going to call me when I want to

implement yapping and kind of attacking

each other

Auto versus truck style i think i've had

my cool experience for the year

let's just let's call it a draw I'm

gonna freeze my ass off when i get out

well you know if you will freeze your

ass off that you're pretty

and we are the truth of this meeting

with you're gonna get caught

Brooks I feel like we just went swimming

in chlorine is a you know cute with your

hair so chemicals think you would know


I don't know we are going to get caught

talk because the fuck out of here

don't go go get out of here quick quick

go now

Shane know are no dude height like we

were can't I keep my power or just look

for a hiding spot or both getting here

giving us shit

no no no get me toilet

good idea good idea fuck God

hello way there

don't go away go away please don't do

this work thing and check the salt

better not try any halloween pranks

after today

serie oh boy I heard something over here

one here one here I got a flashlight a


oh no I don't know he's coming back I



and I actually find a good hiding spot

I actually do that oh my god

well shit which way do I go now let's go

out back out here there's the exit over

there we are still invisible veil

oh my god now it's going to close

probably shit

ok turn around for coming have to find

another way out

why are there so many people bullshit

you can't go back to your dorm now

you're black fusion crash at my place

tonight you will need to crash with a

black hole security officer lips all the


ok that means that the car no damage

you rock

we are so fucking hot well my job with

that if you enjoyed this video hit that

like button and subscribe for more

otherwise thank you guys for watching

life is strange and as always a few guys

in the next one

For more infomation >> Girls Taking a Dip!! | LIFE IS STRANGE Walkthrough Part 10【Episode 2: Out of Time】 - Duration: 28:57.


The CHRONOVISOR A device used by the Vatican to look into the future and past - Duration: 6:50.

The CHRONOVISOR A device used by the Vatican to look into the future and past.

According to numerous reports and stories that have been published through the years,

among the many alleged secrets the Vatican has, there is a device called the Chronovisor.

The device enables its user to observe future as well as past events. Many believe this

device is one of the greatest guarded secrets humanity has ever had.

Some even believe it is a crucial �tool� which has allowed the Vatican to preserve

its influence and power through the years.

Ever since H. G. Wells composed his novel �The Time Machine� many people have been

left fascinated by the idea of time travel. Even Theoretical Physics dreams of the possibility

of making it work one day. Everything related to time travel today is related to science

fiction, or so it seems at least. Interestingly, on May 2, 1972, an Italian newspaper shocked

the world when they published an article with a provoking headline: A machine that photographs

the past has finally been invented.

The news article indicated that dozens of scientists created an artifact that allowed

them to photograph the past, and even witness important historical accounts directly connected

with Jesus Christ.

The alleged device �which according to many is nothing more than science fiction� was

built in the 1950�s by a team of scientists led by Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti, an

Italian physicist who eventually became a priest.

It is believed that the team received important help from Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi and

famous rocket scientist Wernher von Braun.

The Chronovisor is a relatively small object that is equipped with a number of antennas

and is composed entirely of precious alloys, cathode tubes, some dials, and levers.

Reports by Father Ernetti suggest that whoever uses the device is able to capture and record

specific locations, important events and follow in history, noteworthy individuals.

It is even said that under the perfect conditions, the device offers its user the ability to

foresee what was going to happen in the near future.

However, Father Ernetti remained secretive and stated he was not at liberty to reveal

further details about the Chronovisor.

Father Ernetti did however reveal that the Chronovisor worked by ��processing residual

electromagnetic radiation left over by numerous processes��

According to numerous reports, Father Ernetti used the Chronovisor to witness important

historical events, with the most notable being the crucifixion of Christ.

However, Father Ernetti revealed that thanks to this invention had managed to witness the

destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and other major historical events such as the founding

of Rome in 753 B.C. Also, thanks to the Chronovisor, Father Ernetti was able to recompose the missing

work �Thyestes� , written by Ennio Quinto and represented in Rome in 169 A.C. in its

original version, and the original text of the the two stone tablets written by God (Exodus

24:12) which were given to Moses on Mount Sinai, apart from witnessing the likes of

Napoleon, Roman philosopher Cicero and other great and momentous historical and biblical


French priest Fran�ois Charles Antoine Brune was one of the first to hear about the Chronovisor.

According to Father Fran�ois, he met Father Ernetti in the 1960�s when the two were

traveling across the Grand Canal of Venice. As the two were experts in ancient languages,

they began to talk about the Bible and its interpretation through the years.

Father Brune that was very intrigued when the Father Ernetti revealed that there was

a machine that could answer all questions related to the Bible.

When Father Fran�ois asked about the Machine, Father Ernetti described the Chronovisor,

saying that it was device that functioned just like a T.V., but instead of receiving

transmissions from local stations, the chronovisor was able to tune into the past and allow the

viewer to �see and hear� events that had occurred centuries before.

Ernetti told Brune that the machine worked by detecting images and sounds that humanity

had �created� which were �floating� in space.

It is said that this intriguing device and the project behind it were canceled by the

Vatican but not destroyed. Some believe the Chronovisor is located somewhere in the Vatican,

hidden in one of the many chambers, hidden away from society.

However, there are other versions that suggest that father Ernetti and his team decided to

voluntarily dismantle the device because, since it could tune anywhere and anytime in

the past, if it were to fall into the wrong hands it could create the �scariest dictatorship

the world has ever seen.�

Interestingly, before Father Ernetti died in April 1994, he wrote a letter in which

he INSISTED that the device was real and was not a hoax as many believed.

Father Ernetti claimed that the alleged photograph the chronovisor had captured of Jesus Christ

on the cross, showing the sorrowful face of a bearded man gazing towards the heavens was

real, even though some critics argue that the image was a reproduction of a statue of

Jesus located in a church in Perugia.

Critics also claim that the alleged text the device managed to observe of �Thyestes�

included Latin words that did not exist at the time it was made.

In 1994, Father Ernetti also said that �Pope Pius XII forbade us to do disclose any details

about this device because the machine was very dangerous. It can restrain the freedom

of man��

However, in 1988, the Vatican issued a decree in which it warned that �anyone using, an

instrument of such characteristics would be excommunicated.� According to many, this

was an unnecessary warning since according to them the Chronovisor never existed. So

why issue a warning if it was just another hoax?

What do you think about the story behind the Chronovisor? Do you think it is another top

secret �object� kept away from society by the Vatican?

For more infomation >> The CHRONOVISOR A device used by the Vatican to look into the future and past - Duration: 6:50.


Hamburger Menus Hurt UX Metrics (Kara Pernice) - Duration: 7:37.

(Kara Pernice) The hamburger navigation is used

frequently on desktop and mobile. In our

qualitative studies over the years we

found that the hamburger menu is not

very usable for people on mobile or on

desktop especially so we decided to do a

quantitative study with a hundred and

seventy-nine users that my colleague

Raluca Budiu and I designed using

WhatUsersDo and we look at websites

that had visible navigation like the

traditional navigation where you see all

the links on desktop we looked at sites

that have a combo navigation which is

some visible and some hidden links

on mobile and then hidden navigation on

mobile and desktop and in these studies

we looked at factors such as how hard

was it for people to actually complete

the tasks. We considered how long did it

take people to complete the tasks. We

considered how long did it take people

to find the navigation we looked at

whether people chose to use the

navigation and we look at how

discoverable the content was. I am going to

talk about just the last two right now

the first one being content

discoverability. It was far less

discoverable on both mobile and desktop

when the navigation was collapsed like a

hamburger menu on mobile the content

discoverability when they were using

hidden navigation with sixty-four

percent and the combo navigation was

eighty-five percent. On desktop, the

content discoverability with only fifty

four percent when the navigation was

collapsed in a hamburger and it was

eighty percent and seventy-seven percent

when the navigation was combo navigation

or visible navigation respectively.

Let's look at navigation use whether

people even chose to use the navigation

when a menu is visible across the top

it's basically advertising this

navigation is there and people are also

able to see the links right away and

what is offered on the website versus

when it's collapsed so it's a shame if

you don't actually show those links on

desktop when the screen real estate

actually affords that

where the decision to use mobile on a

phone makes a lot more sense since you

don't have as much screen real estate

for the usage though on desktop people

when it had a hamburger menu people used

it on desktop in only twenty-seven

percent of cases and on desktop they use

expand it I mean visible navigation with

the links exposed in forty-eight percent

of cases so that's twice as much that

people used visible navigation on

desktops than hidden navigation on

desktop and on mobile people use the

collapsed hamburger navigation in

fifty-seven percent of cases. So more

than on desktop but still not very much

and they used the combination navigation

where some of it was visible and some of

it was collapsed eighty-six percent of

cases so visible navigation on mobile or

combo I should say was used one and a

half times more than hamburger or hidden

navigation on mobile. So what does this all mean?

No hamburger it doesn't work well on

desktops it doesn't work well on mobile

though it is a little better on mobile

than it is on desktop and what do we say

instead? Maybe use a small menu button

with a dropdown list something that at

least tells the user it's a menu and may

take up a slightly larger part of the

screen real estate on mobile and on

desktop always use a full menu there's

really very little reason not to unless

you're thinking that your design needs

to be exactly the same on mobile as it

does on desktop. No hamburger in the

interest of full disclosure I am a

pescatarian. So why does this happen

some organizations will focus most of

their efforts on mobile and that's fine

if that's your strategy and its impact good

if that's your strategy but it doesn't

mean that you shouldn't also focus on

desktop sometimes we find that people

say think mobile first is mobile-only

mobile-first is not mobile only.

(Angie Li) Here's a clip from a study we conducted

where we see a user struggling to

navigate using the hamburger menu watch

as he looks for articles about education

a category found in the navigation menu

after about two and a half minutes

looking for these stories the user was

unable to locate the education category

within the menu. (Test Participant) So I can see instantly

from going to the page there's no kind of

menu I'm sure see the menu button at the

top. There's not any kind of categories anything to

select from initially and scrolling down I

can see the number of articles and I can

these are just general articles and all

articles i'm going to click on that menu

and scroll through. I can't see anything on

education I'm gonna hit the more button


okay so it looks like that isn't actually a menu

and the items underneath there are actually the options

it is actually a heading rather than a menu and

some of the others are getting a menu

option so I'm going to try I don't know tech?

I'll go over and see if there's anything on

education here.

I'm trying to tap into tech to see if anything

else appears next to it look like a

kind of menu thing they way it is selected

that your might be able to scroll across but that

doesn't do anything. I'll go back to home

not having much luck there

how about if I type in education in the


and I see that these 5 education stories

will dominate headlines in 2016 and I'm

guessing that is going to be quite an interesting article

so I'll go with that for my selected article. From it's title I'm guessing

that it's got more than one

there and we're okay rate how

difficult or easy it was to do. Very easy to very

difficult time. I'll say in terms of finding a specific

education one I thought it was very difficult

so I'd give it a six out of seven.

For more infomation >> Hamburger Menus Hurt UX Metrics (Kara Pernice) - Duration: 7:37.


VOI in Beeld - Rick Brink - Duration: 13:30.

For more infomation >> VOI in Beeld - Rick Brink - Duration: 13:30.


Why is it important to teach Canadian history? - Duration: 1:31.

Because you can't know about your future if you don't know about your past.

This is essential knowledge. It's our origins. It's our culture.

I think we cannot achieve anything in the world today without knowing our history.

I think there is lot of people in the past who can show us how to live and how to live

better and how to think about each other.

It's an opportunity to work with students, to discover things

at the local, national, and global levels.

You're building people who know our past as Canadians and they will play a part in our future.

So I think it is absolutely integral.

It's really by opening our eyes, by trying to understand what has happened that we will

create a balance between our country's histories.

And I think we teach students to appreciate the value of what this country stands for,

in terms of human rights,

in terms, of acceptance of many different paths and cultures.

If we read our landscape and we truly become literate with what's happening here I think

that our history lessons will be more than history lessons.

We'll be creating history.

Because it's by understanding the past that we can live the present.

Because it is our story we need to know what our story is and we need to know our place in it.

That's it.

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