Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 17 2017

What is it like when you pull back the curtain

And realize every wrong is a right?

Your world is rusted like a dirty razor

The edge is calling tonight...

The edge is calling tonight! (The edge is calling tonight)

The sun is setting, darkness taking over

A date with chaos and you're dressed to the nines

Salt of the earth salting your own fields Road to destruction that is true and tried

You walk the path laid before you The call of reason, you refuse to abide

Necessity is an inventive mother Promising sanctum that She cannot provide

She is the hand that rocks the cradle The wind that breaks the bough and leaves you to die!

And there She leaves you to die (And there She leaves you to die)

You'll find slumber when the world comes tumbling down Sweet dreams, baby. Sleep tight!

Retreat where lesser men lead Flee from what you do not see

Heed the dark within your being Turn away, Disobey...

I'm the end and the beginning The faith that feeds the unbelieving

A tightening knot to staunch the bleeding Say my name, Say my name...


The seventh hell's become your seventh heaven Rose of redemption but a thorn in your pride

Waste no more time fighting your demons Lay down your arms and let the evil inside

And then you let it inside (And then you let it inside)

You let it eat you till there's nothing left at all So you can feel that you are truly alive

Better to serve in a waking nightmare Than rule in their paradise

What is gold, always glitters But it still comes with an unpayable price...

Treading out upon the stagnant waters Our savior waiting for a turn in the tide

You are the night at the end of the tunnel The empty void where the serpent lies!

Where the serpent lies (Where the serpent lies)

The angels graze in the meadows of excess They must needs go that the devils drive!

Retreat where lesser men lead Flee from what you do not see

Concede your mind unto the fiend Turn away, Debts are paid...

I'm the end and the beginning The drug that gives the wretched meaning

The answer every soul is seeking Say my name, Say me name!


For more infomation >> Final Fantasy XIV OST : Sephirot's Theme - Fiend - Duration: 3:54.


What is Creativity? | Philosophy Tube - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> What is Creativity? | Philosophy Tube - Duration: 6:33.


Dragon Ball Super Episode 79 "Majin Buu Wrecks Basil?" - Preview Breakdown - Duration: 10:05.

So we are already two episodes in the much anticipated Universal Survival arc, and shit

is getting real.

The Tournament of Power has been declared officially, however, to get the Future Omni

King hyped up about the tournament a pre-tournament exhibition match between Universe 7 and nine

has started.

Three fighters each team, three rounds of the singles match.

Majin Buu vs Basil started in the last episode and will end on Episode 79.

In this video, we'll break down the preview trailer of ' Dragon Ball Super Episode 79

'. Spoiler alert for episode 79 and 80.

Before, we get into the frame by frame analysis; let's take a look at the preview summary!

February 19th, Dragon Ball Super Episode 79 Title: "Universe 9's Kicket Basil Vs Universe

7's Majin Buu!!"

The showdown between Majin Buu and Universe 9's Basil in the first round of the Omni-Present

Match Has begun.

Basil's kick techniques connect one after the other, and Universe 9's kaioshin is

sure of his victory, but Buu hasn't taken any damage.

A battle with their homeland at stake!

Universe 7 Vs Universe 9 The Omni-Present Match Finally Starts!!

The Contestants for Universe are Goku, Gohan, and Buu!

The losing Universe Will be wiped out??!

Their opponents are the fighters of Universe 9, "Trio the Dangers" : Basil,Lavenda

and Bergamo.

Basil[red wolf with cape] Lavenda[slouching wolf with suspenders]

Bergamo[ tall wolf with scarf] Omni King This Week: deeply interested in

Buu's battle!

The two Omni Kings(present and future watch over the outcome of the battle from the spectator's


Omni- King leans out of his seat as he watched Buu laugh despite being at a disadvantage

Translation Courtesy- Herms98 So, now let's breakdown the preview, So

first scene in the trailer Basil still kicking Buu's ass much like how 78 ended.

You know these Universe 9 fighters, none of them look really powerful, but it's like

each of them has some unique technique which has the potential to take down opponents stronger

than them.

Basil here, for example, is really great with footwork, most of his attacks are based on

his legs with kicks and all.

Long story short, his character design as well as his fighting style is very refreshing

to watch.

He is so confident about his footwork; we see he has his arms crossed, he is not even

considering using his hands.

Of course, this extra cockiness comes from the fact that Buu isn't defending at all.

In 78, someone who doesn't know Majin Buu would for sure think Basil is winning.

Buu didn't try to do anything at all, no defense, no attacks, he didn't have even

his guard up.

If you know one thing about Dragon Ball, even the strongest of fighters takes a lot of damage

even from weaker attacks if they don't have their guard up, and Buu was like just standing

their chillin.

If I were to prepare power stats for Buu, I think I would give the highest point to

his durability.

We all saw how Buu survived even after Vegeta sacrificed himself giving everything he had

in that iconic scene.

So, Basil and his team might feel they got it all under control, but that's surely

not the case.

In this scene, Basil is shooting ki blasts from using his legs, now that's interesting.

As we always see DB fighters using hands for ki attacks, you know these are the type of

variation we need from the newer characters, and also from the ones we know.

I remember Goku using Kamehameha using his legs against Piccolo in Dragon Ball, we need

variation and mixes like that.

This tournament could be the perfect time to do that.

At the end of Episode 78, Buu smirked or smiled, and it looked like that expression you give

when you know, you are going to fu-k the shit out of our opponent, but let's look at it

from a slightly different angle.

Throughout, we see Buu keeps smiling as if he is very happy, and just after Mr. Satan

woke him up for the match.

He looked at Basil and said that Basil looks like a dog.

Now, in this shot from the preview looks like he is just holding or trying to hug Basil

or finds him adorable.

Remember that scene from Dragon Ball Z, Buu saga, when Majin Buu was going through evil

to good transition with Mr. Satan.

They became very fond of a puppy, and Buu resurrected him or saved him after he got


Maybe since Basil looks like a dog, it reminds Buu of a fond memory, and he is holding him

in a similar manner, but of course here Basil didn't react by liking Buu; so I think this

is when Buu will lose it and start beating him.

However, this Dog-Buu connection is just a guess, keep that in mind.

I love how this U9 Kaioshin reacts to everything; he was described as someone who has a tendency

to belittle or mock other Universes.

Sounds like a fun tool to have around, just look at how excited he is getting this was

probably when Basil was kicking ass, and then the transition to getting frustrated at the

powers of team U7.

He is going to get trolled big time at least in this exhibition match.

Regarding who is going to win, I think there's no way Basil can overpower Buu.

Unless Buu does something stupid or weird, he is going to win.

In this shot, Goku is excited, and it looks like Buu won.

Anyways, Basil will try his best and might have a transformation.

In this scene, it surely looked like he has another form.

He is larger and seems a bit changed, more like werewolves, but will it be enough?

Probably not because here Basil looks very frustrated and he is in his transformed form;

meanwhile, Buu keeps chillin.

Here we see he is just rollin n laughin, and Omni King really likes this childish attitude

of Buu even at such a serious situation.

Of course, why wouldn't he?

He's quite a child himself.

This might pay off good in the long run.

Regarding the destruction, I am not too sure about that either, is whether the losing Universe

of this exhibition be destroyed or not!

The Great Priest said losing team of the tournament will get destroyed, but mentioned nothing

about the exhibition match specifically.

However, upon asking he did say that it's possible if Zeno is not impressed.

That is there no confirmed rule about this.

So Buu making Omni King smile might be saving both the Universes.

Also, I think it would be unfair to destroy U9 because all other Universes are getting

ten vs ten matches after preparation, not like the Gods care that much; they are crazy

here, but still something to think about.

Besides, the Dwarf God has been a prominent face in the trailers and opening, so I am

expecting him to be around for a while.

In this shot, we see the stage has already started breaking, so I think transformed Basil

vs Buu will be somewhat extreme at least have some impact on the stage.

As far as the match result go, I wonder if they are even considering a winner.

Because this is a 3 round exhibition, we got every hint that Buu is going to win the first


In the 2nd round, it's Gohan vs Lavenda.

From the Episode 80 title and summary which I will let you know shortly, it also sounds

like Gohan is going to win.

On the other hand, in the new opening of DBS, we see Goku fighting Bergamo.

Meaning if that scene is from this exhibition we will have all three rounds played.

So, if U7 wins the first two rounds, and it's about finding a winning universe then 3rd

round shouldn't be happening.

So, either Buu or Gohan loses, or that scene is from the tournament.

If not then they are going to have all three rounds just to entertain the Omni Kings.

Take whatever seems right to you for now, and we will get more in the next episode.

Now, we got Episode 80 reveal,

Dragon Ball Super Episode 80 Title- - " Awaken the Dormant Fighting Spirit!

Son Gohan's Battle!!"

The second round of the Omni-Present match!

Facing off against Universe 9's Lavenda, Gohan is sprayed in the face with Poison mist

and loses his eyesight.

Unable to sense even his opponent's ki he is one-sidedly beaten down, but..

I have a separate video about Episode 80 spoilers, there I have discussed in details.

The link will be in the description; you can check it out.

So that's about all for this video.

Make sure to comment your theories, predictions or opinions down below in the comments section.

We have another channel named ' Dragon Ball Fanverse' there I upload some exclusive

Dragon Ball videos, usually shorter in length.

When you don't have much time but want some updates, that would be the perfect channel

for you.

For entertaining Dragon Ball posts on Facebook, you must like the ' Dragon Ball Fanverse

' page.

You can also find and inbox me just by searching for ' The Fan Guy ' on Facebook.

See you all in the next, Dragon Ball Super video.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super Episode 79 "Majin Buu Wrecks Basil?" - Preview Breakdown - Duration: 10:05.


How to Take Horny Goat Weed - Duration: 2:34.

Hey guys and gals, today we're talking

about Horny Goat Weed. I'm Logan Christopher

from Lost Empire Herbs and this is a

well the name says what this does.

It of course does more than just work on

the horniness, but really that's what

it's got its reputation for, that's what

a lot of people are using it for. Latin

name is epimedium, so you also hear it go

by that.

Now the interesting thing about Horny

Goat Weed is this mechanism of action,

the active constituent because you know

there's more than one active

constituent in any sort of herb, but what they

they've looked at the icariin in it, it's actually a

pde5 inhibitor. That probably doesn't

mean anything to you, except this enzyme

is the same thing that which certain

erectile function drugs work as well,

they're inhibiting that enzyme which

breaks down basically metric oxide blood

flow going to where you want blood flow

to be going to. So Horny Goat Weed of

course it's not going to work like a

drug because it's not isolated and

supercharged and its potency there, but

you've got a whole lot of other things

going on with it too so it is definitely

working through multiple mechanisms not

just that one component. The horny goat weed,

if you're going to take this by itself

we recommend 1/2 a teaspoon to 1

teaspoon twice a day and just take it

regularly for a while and it's really

going to kind of build up that ability

in you and you should see an increase in

what you're trying to accomplish with

that. But this is something that you

shouldn't be on long-term, so don't take

Horny Goat Weed for the rest of your


Really, you want to use it here in there

for what you're doing. If you want to

round out this power I definitely

recommend you check out our Thor's

formula, for that is really hitting on

multiple different mechanisms for that.

As for its taste it's really a pretty salty

one, not like overpoweringly so so you

can certainly add this into smoothies,

that sort of thing, or just mix it into

water and take it straight is the easy

way to do it. Once again the dosage 1/2

a teaspoon to 1 tsp twice per day.

Try Horny Goat Weed and well, you'll see why it got

that name.

Thanks so much for watching this video.

If you'd like to get more information

click the link around this video and

you'll be taken to our website. Once

there you can click around, we have tons

of information, scientific studies,

details about the earth and its

historical, use reviews, and so much more.

So head over there you'll be able to find

that info and pick up a back today.

For more infomation >> How to Take Horny Goat Weed - Duration: 2:34.


This is the Fruit That Will Make Your Liver 20 Years Younger - Duration: 2:41.

The liver plays an important role in many bodily functions from protein production and

blood clotting to cholesterol, glucose (sugar), and iron metabolism.

A variety of illnesses can affect the liver, With the help of certain vitamins like vitamin

K the liver produces important proteins that are essential for blood clotting.

The liver is the one that breaks down old and damaged blood cells and regulates the

chemical levels in the blood.

Another serious liver disease is nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

This disease can result in liver cancer and has been known to be fatal, which is why you

should learn how to resolve it.

It is usually caused by being overweight, rapid weight loss, unhealthy diet, gastric

surgery or intestinal disease.

Luckily, there are many natural solutions to most liver problems.

The liver is the only organ in the body that can easily replace damaged cells, but if enough

cells are lost, the liver may not be able to meet the needs of the body.

We usually eat different fruits every day without knowing their health benefits.

There are a lot of foods that can help you prevent liver problems but one very important

is the tamarind fruit.

This fruit will not only promote liver health but it will also influence your general health

for the better.

The tamarind fruit is great for eliminating fat in your liver and can treat almost all

liver problems.

This fruit will detoxify the body, improve digestion, protect your liver, decrease the

level of cholesterol, treat any problems with the bile and promote liver health.

This is how to use it in order to treat hepatitis and fatty liver disease:

Put two handfuls of peeled tamarind and place them into a blender with one liter of water,

mix them well, strain this mixture and consume the liquid

during the whole day.

If you like, you can add honey.

To make tamarind tea, put about 20 washed tamarind leaves in the pot and one liter water,

and boil this mixture for about 15 minutes and let it cool down.

Add brown sugar or honey to taste, but we recommend drinking unsweetened tamarind tea.

Consuming it two times a day will treat any issue with the liver and promote your overall


For more infomation >> This is the Fruit That Will Make Your Liver 20 Years Younger - Duration: 2:41.


Boy's lettter inspires "Sasquatch" bill - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Boy's lettter inspires "Sasquatch" bill - Duration: 1:03.


Indian Engineers ki halat - Dekh Ke Hasi aa jayegi - Duration: 1:45.

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For more infomation >> Indian Engineers ki halat - Dekh Ke Hasi aa jayegi - Duration: 1:45.


What Is An Adventure? | Channel Trailer 2017 - Duration: 1:18.

What is an adventure? You don't have to jump out of a plane to have an adventure.

You don't even have to le ave the house if you don't want to.

Adventures are about living life. Trying the things you want to try,

even if they don't make sense to anyone else.

Visiting the places you've only ever seen in movies,

but remember the places closer to home too.

Sharing your stories with the world is an adventure in itself

and it can lead to even more adventures.

Getting excited over what came in the mail

and finding others who will share your excitement.

Connecting with friends and creating something together that you're both proud of.

Learning from each other's lives - that's an adventure.

There's many types of adventures, big and small.

These are my adventures.

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> What Is An Adventure? | Channel Trailer 2017 - Duration: 1:18.


How to do a Bicep Curl: Health e-University - Duration: 1:18.

Bicep curl.

For this exercise we will be using dumbbells for resistance.

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and draw your belly button in

toward your spine.

Roll your shoulders back and down before starting.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms at your side and palms facing forward.

Curl your right arm up to your right shoulder, keeping your elbow close to your body.Keep

your back and your wrists straight when lifting the dumbbell up towards your shoulder.

Slowly lower to starting position while keeping your back straight.

Lift the dumbbell to a count of 2 and lower the dumbbell to a count of 3.

Do not hold your breath, breathe normally.

Repeat with your left arm and continue switching between your two arms.

Repeat until you have finished 10 to 15 repititions.

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