Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 17 2017

Germany has been a close friend of America for decades.

That is about to change.

Learn where a surge in German nationalism is leading—next, on The Key of David, with

Gerald Flurry.

Greetings, everyone.

In the late '70s, Germany was considered one of America's very best friends, if not

THE best, and yet today if you ask the German people, 85 percent of them will tell you that

they have a NEGATIVE view of America.

Now, the Bible DOES talk about them being our "lovers," and we have literature that

will explain that to you.

And they became our "lovers," let's say after World War II when we really had

a lot to do with DEFEATING them and then we spent billions and billions of dollars to

rebuild Germany and bring them back into, let's say, the civilized world.

Germany started World War I and World War II, and the Bible prophesies that they're

going to start World War III and ALL of that is going to lead directly into the Second

Coming of Jesus Christ.

Christ is going to have to STOP it because of all the weapons of mass destruction.

Germany has really—along with the Holy Roman Empire—has been a curse on this world in

many ways from 554 A.D. when we saw the first Holy Roman Empire, and Germany has been the

one that has LED that empire most of the time.

And I want to talk to you about Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, and let you know that

it IS going to become a very great ENEMY of ours in America and Britain and even the Jewish

state in the Middle East.

But did you know—and the Bible talks about this a great deal—that Germany and this

Holy Roman Empire are called a MYSTERY to this world?

This world doesn't understand what the Holy Roman Empire is all about, and Germany's

role IN that empire.

They don't understand that.

And you can go all the way back to that first head and there have been six heads, and now

they seventh and LAST head is about to burst on the world scene, and we need to know WHY

it is still a mystery when it's been such a world power.

I mean, it's been one of the greatest world powers in the last few hundred years, why

do we not know more about Germany and the Holy Roman Empire?

Notice Revelation 12 and verse 1.

It says: "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman," which is a type of

God's Church in this case, a woman is a type of a Church, but this is the Church of

God and it's "clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head

a crown of twelve stars:" symbolic of the twelve tribes of Israel.

But it's clothed with the sun!

Here's what Hugh Ross wrote about the sun: "In one second the sun produces more energy

than the entire human species has consumed throughout its entire history."

Well, how about that?

One second!

And the sun produces more energy than this human species have used throughout its human


THAT is amazing!

All that POWER of God BEHIND a little Church, a little REMNANT of people who were loyal

to God when most of them turned away.

Notice verse 2: "And she being with child," that is, the true Church.

Christ came in through the true Church, "cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

(3) And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven

heads and ten horns," well, there you have it, the seven heads again and the ten horns,

or the ten kings of the last head.

Seven heads throughout over 1500 years of history.

And yet, the world finds it such a mystery; isn't that amazing?

And there's a lot of people that work hard and calculate all this to make sure you DON'T

understand a LOT about the Holy Roman Empire and Germany's involvement IN that.

So here you have these ten horns or ten kings that are going to be ruling in the last head.

Germany is going to OVER ALL of it and really empower ALL OF IT and virtually control ALL

OF IT, and that's the way it's always been in the past.

Nothing new about THAT.

And there are over 100 prophecies that tell you what I'm telling you here in THIS scripture,

just a lot of prophecy about this.

Notice this comment that we wrote in our booklet on Germany in prophecy, and here's what

I wrote: "Today the Germans in the European Union are once again focusing the people's

mind on the Holy Roman Empire.

European Parliamentarian Otto van Habsburg said," he recently died, "'The European

community is living largely by the heritage of the Holy Roman Empire, though the GREAT

MAJORITY of the people who LIVE by it don't know by what heritage they live.'"

Now, you see, since World War II it's gone UNDERGROUND.

The Bible talks about that, too, and even talks about that great abyss that they've

operated under SINCE World War II.

But here it is again.

It's such a mystery that even the people who are living by that heritage don't even

know that they're a part of that.

Well, why don't they talk more about this Germany and the Holy Roman Empire and how

it went underground after World War II and began to carry on again and prepare for another

Holy Roman Empire head, the last one?

And because Christ is going to destroy the last one and destroy that empire FOREVER very


All of this is leading DIRECTLY into that!

Now, the last one; that's very inspiring when you understand what an EVIL input this

empire has been in this world.

Continuing in my booklet: "The people need a more specific focus to stir their imaginations,

and they are getting just that.

Mr. Habsburg, a descendant of the Habsburg dynasty, which ruled the Holy Roman Empire

for 400 years, talked about a CROWN in a museum in Vienna, Austria, which symbolizes a great

deal to the Germans.

He said: 'We possess a European SYMBOL which belongs to ALL nations of Europe equally.

This is the CROWN of the Holy Roman Empire, which embodies the tradition of Charlemagne.'"

In other words, this man is going to be a king!

And he's going to rule over EVERYTHING in Europe virtually; that's what it's all


And he's coming in the tradition of Charlemagne.

Well, now, they don't tell you that Hitler also came in the tradition of Charlemagne.

Charlemagne was like his HERO, and Charlemagne filled Europe with BLOOD, converting people

to his Christianity, and if they didn't convert, they died!

I mean, there were just rivers of blood flowing in Europe at the time of Charlemagne.

Now, they tell you about the "tradition" of Charlemagne, or they'll write about it,

but then it ends there.

They don't tell you what Charlemagne was really like, and they don't talk about Adolf

Hitler, who was one of the most blood-thirsty tyrants ever on this Earth, and he headed

the sixth head of the Holy Roman Empire.

They don't tell you about THAT, though, because well, they want to keep THAT part

a mystery.

They don't want you to know the TRUTH about Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.

They want to FORGET that, they want to COVER that, and they get upset with people who don't

abide by their wishes.

But here you have this tyrant saying, 'Well, you either convert to this religion or you

die,' and Hitler LOVED that man, and Charlemagne's empire was called the First Reich, and Hitler

called HIS empire the Third Reich.

He LOVED what Charlemagne did, and tried to IMITATE it in every way that he possibly could,

and yet, it is a mystery to this world.

It is a mystery.

Notice, here's an article by Deborah Cole from AFP, which is an international news agency,

headquartered in Paris, France.

This is January 3, 2017 and it says here in the title: "Hitler's Mein Kampf Becomes

German Best Seller.

Mein Kampf outlines Adolf Hitler's ideology that formed the basis for Nazism AND the sixth

head of the Holy Roman Empire."

So it says: "The first reprint of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf in Germany since World

War II has proved a surprise best seller, heading for its sixth print run, its publisher

said Tuesday."

And then they've just been FLYING off the shelf, and this is about Hitler's anti-Semitic

way of life and how he tried to EXTERMINATE the Jewish race, and DID for the most part

in Europe.

And now he's getting popular again, his book is getting popular.

Now, most people are downplaying this, but they shouldn't.

They shouldn't.

It is a SIGN of what is to come, and we need to understand that.

"It had initially planned to print only 4,000 copies, but boosted production immediately


The sixth print run will hit bookstores in late January.

For seventy years it refused to allow the inflammatory tract to be republished, out

of respect for victims of the Nazis and to prevent incitement of hatred."

But Mein Kampf, which means My Struggle, keeps right on being sold today.

The article concludes: "Partly autobiographical, Mein Kampf outlines Hitler's ideology that

formed the basis for Nazism."

It formed the basis for Nazism, and it's very popular today in Germany, that book is.

"The book set out two ideas that he put into practice as Germany's leader going

into World War II, annexing neighboring countries and to gain 'lebensraum,' or living space

for Germans and his hatred of Jews, which led to the holocaust.

Some 12.4 million copies were published in Germany, and from 1936 the Nazi state gave

a copy to all newlyweds as a wedding gift."

Now, it's back.

And yet people, well, they sort of hide the problem here and keep it a mystery and don't

want to talk about it too much.

But this is a SIGN and an indication of the RISE of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire

on the world scene again.

That's OBVIOUSLY what it's about.

It's RELATED to that.

Let me read you something from The Encyclopedia Britannica, which says: "The violent methods

by which the missionary task was carried out by Charlemagne has been unknown to the earlier

Middle Ages, and the sanguinary," or bloody, "punishment meted out to those who broke

canon law or continued to engage in pagan practices called for criticism in Charles'

own circle."

Now, that's just an amazing statement.

That's a very disturbing statement from The Encyclopedia Britannica, and it talks

about that Charlemagne was being so VIOLENT and so BLOODY that even his own inner CIRCLE

were alarmed!

This is the TRADITION that Europe wants to follow; this is what they're talking about


'Let's resurrect this Holy Roman Empire in the tradition of Charlemagne!'

Let me read you verse 6 now of Revelation 12.

Verse 6 of Revelation 12: "And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a

place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore


Or 1260 years.

This is the true Church of God had to FLEE the Holy Roman Empire, essentially, for 1260


That's the POWER this empire had!

And if they had caught God's people they would have killed them.

That's what they did.

So in the end time there is a Church of God, the true people of God, the very elect of

God, have to flee for 1260 DAYS.

They will be protected by God.

But just IMAGINE this great empire that kept God's Church on the run for 1260 years!

Well, surely we ought to understand something about that history in this world!

I mean that is POWER par excellence!

It doesn't get any better than that, and that's a shame that most people STILL find

this a mystery today.

They ought to be educated into that history and know what it all means.

That's what they OUGHT to be aware of.

Here's just a comment from our booklet: "In December 1978, the then-president Valerie

Giscard d'Estaing and Germany Chancellor Helmut Schmidt held a summit in Aachen,"

Aachen, Germany, the main seat of Charlemagne's authority.

"'They wanted to hash out details of the European Monetary System and the symbolism

was heavily underlined in both France and Germany,' wrote Bernard Connolly in The

Rotten Heart of Europe."

Now, Bernard Connolly was an insider into that monetary system, and he said that the

entire European Union was just a cloak for German ambition!

Well, now, that sounds like the history of Germany; that's the way it's almost ALWAYS


The REAL MOTIVE, you see, they don't want people to know; they want to HIDE that, they

want a cloak for the REAL AMBITION or the REAL MOTIVE behind the Holy Roman Empire.

They don't want people to know anything in-depth.

And Paul Johnson goes on to summarize this and says that, he's a great historian.

"We are right to regard the total Christianity of the Carolingian Age as one of the great

formative phases of human history."

I mean, this is a great part of human history, what that Holy Roman Empire has impacted in

this world.

Now, that's something that ought to be alarming to us, but it is a mystery.

People understand very little about it.

Even those who live under that heritage don't understand it, the great majority of them;

that's what Habsburg himself said.

Notice verse 3 of chapter 17 of Revelation: "So he carried me away in the spirit into

the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast," this is ANOTHER

woman, another Church, but this is the great false Church and it will sit upon a scarlet

colored beast, "full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns."

Well, there it is again.

Seven heads, and then that last head is going to have ten horns, or ten kings, and ALL of

it is going to be DOMINATED—well, I'll say, even DOMINEERED—by Germany!

That's what your Bible prophesies in over 100 prophecies.

Notice verse 6: "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the

blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

(7) And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel?

I will tell thee the mystery of the woman," Well, what do you know?

It's all a mystery!

Why is it a mystery?

Well, there's a lot of people that don't want you to know the TRUTH about Germany and

the Holy Roman Empire; that's what it's all about.

There are some very UGLY scenes to talk about IN that history, and they KNOW it!

And that's why they go UNDERGROUND, or that's why they keep it a mystery, "I will tell

thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven

heads and ten horns."

This is the MYSTERY, and it's called the Holy Roman Empire.

It shouldn't be called HOLY, if you understand it, but here again, it's just DRUNK on the

blood of God's own righteous little remnant, drunk on their blood.

Well, it's actually the lukewarm ones who have rebelled against God that God allows

to have to EXPERIENCE that, but they're still God's people.

They've sinned, as well, as we all do, but they've just REBELLED against God.

Now, this is why God, see, in this very end time, has to take His own Church, His own

very elect to a place of protection.

That's how dangerous this world is about to become in many ways unless there is a deep

repentance, and nobody sees THAT coming.

Nobody can see any evidence of that.

But verse 8 talks about it "…ascend[s] out of the bottomless pit…"

Well, what does THAT mean?

This beast power ascends out of the bottomless pit, out of this underground.

All of a sudden, there it is, in reality, just like the Bible says!

And it just rises up and SHOCKS the world.

Here it is again!

This time, much more dangerous and much more lethal in its killing of people than ever


Isn't that astounding?

And yet it's still a mystery.

Verse 12 of this same chapter 17: "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings,

which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

(13) These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

(14) These shall make war with the Lamb," capital L, that's Jesus Christ, "and the

Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are

with him are called, and chosen, and faithful."

Now, what good news is that?

I mean to tell you, they're going to fight Jesus Christ and He's going to wipe them

off the face of the Earth!

And notice the good news to you if you want to be a part of this, or those who decide

to give themselves to God's Work and do it BEFORE that Second Coming; they are going

to be the kings and the priests UNDER the King of kings.

Notice, the King of kings comes with kings and priests, other kings and priests.

God says already in Revelation 1 and verse 6 that His very elect are "kings and priests,"

NOW in embryo!

And they're going to come back and return with Jesus Christ and help Him to put down

the Holy Roman Empire and other great powers in this world, and bring peace and joy and

happiness to this Earth forever, and to the universe FOREVER!

That's where this is all leading.

Though it looks BAD, that's where it's ALL leading!

Jeremiah talks about this same conglomerate of EVIL.

In Jeremiah 1, verses 11 and 12, I'll just paraphrase it, but he talks here about the

"rod of an almond tree."

It really should read "a vigilant watchman" or an "early watcher."

God sends a WATCHMAN!

He wants to WARN people!

He wants them to AVOID what's coming, but if they won't listen to God's watchman

and God's Word, then they're going to have to EXPERIENCE what I'm talking about


That's the tragedy of all this.

Verse 13; I'll just read a little bit of this to you: "And the word of the LORD came

unto me the second time, saying, What seest thou?

And I said, I see a seething pot;" and he talks about this is "toward the north"

and the kingdoms of the north.

That's the same ten kings that I was talking to you about previously.

And Jeremiah asked when he talks about these people forsaking God, both God's own Church

and the people of Israel overall, the nations of Israel, and God asks Jeremiah TWICE, two

times in verse 11 and verse 13 He says, "Jeremiah, what seest thou?"

And he said, "I see a seething pot."

'I see this great CAULDRON of EVIL!

I see it!'

And he repeated it!

'I see it!'

Now, this is something you and I should SEE!

We should SEE it and understand it and know what it all means, and get busy and repent.

Europe is looking for a strong leader, and we believe we know who he is and he's coming

on the scene very, very soon, that strong man that they're looking for and waiting


And all of this you can see unfold.

I mean, you can SEE it; it's not something that should be HIDDEN, but God's own people,

95 percent of them, anyhow, are BLIND through all of this.

They're blind because they're in rebellion and God won't REVEAL it to them because

of that.

But you can know, we can all know if we WANT to, and be aware of all this beautiful news

about the wonderful world tomorrow.

Until next week, this is Gerald Flurry, goodbye, friends.

Germans take pride in the legacy of Charlemagne who waded through rivers of blood to convert

Europe to Catholicism.

They are snatching up copies of Hitler's memoirs.

These alarming trends reveal the potential for a return to Germany's dark and murderous


Request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire to learn how Germany has charged

down the warpath for thousands of years.

Many people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War 2 but would consider

them ancient history.

These people are completely unaware of the legacy which Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating

his Nazi war machine.

The earliest mention in the Bible of the German ancestors describes them as vicious warriors.

Secular history also uncovers the war-making legacy of Germany.

Hitler was merely the most recent and the most brutal of Germany's tyrants.

Did you know that the Bible prophesied of his regime—as well as an even more terrible

reemergence of the Holy Roman Empire in our day?

To learn how German destruction will soon cease, read Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.

You will also receive our free reprint article "The Final Resurrection of the Holy Roman

Empire is Here."

Gain a vital understanding of the previous six reigns of this deadly empire.

Prove how the seventh reign will be worse than the rest.

Learn about the perfect kingdom that will put a stop to this evil empire once and for


All of our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you.

Request Germany and the Holy Roman Empire and "The Final Resurrection of the Holy

Roman Empire is Here."

Order now!

For more infomation >> Germany and the Holy Roman Empire - Duration: 27:31.


the life is dance - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> the life is dance - Duration: 7:22.


[KDMO]: GOTCHA EVENT IS BACK!! FREE DIGIEGGS, FREE ARCHIVES AND MORE! (Events - February 2017) - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> [KDMO]: GOTCHA EVENT IS BACK!! FREE DIGIEGGS, FREE ARCHIVES AND MORE! (Events - February 2017) - Duration: 7:40.


UFO Experts Warn of Fake Alien Invasion to Achieve NWO - Duration: 8:05.

UFO Experts Warn of Fake Alien Invasion to Achieve NWO

As our world become ever more strange by the day, numerous UFO experts are warning about

what might be the most bizarre event in human history: A �cosmic false flag� where,

they claim, desperate governments of the world stage a massive fake alien invasion to finally

complete their goal of ensuring total human obedience under a never-ending �the aliens

are coming� false hysteria.

It may sound crazy to the uninitiated, but listen to the experts below before making

up your mind, and check out the Washington Post�s coverage of some of the technology

that can help make this happen (link below).

Such an event, the experts say, could be pulled off by a combination of advanced human-made

exotic aircraft, advanced holographic technology and a complicit global media already practiced

in the art of engineering elaborate fake news (CNN, Washington Post, etc.) to propagandize

gullible viewers.

Truth be told, most humans believe whatever they�re told to believe, even it�s based

on no supportable evidence whatsoever (case in point: the global climate change hoax).

(Note: Based on what I�ve seen from humanity so far, people don�t even need holograms

to fall for a false flag.

Most people will literally hallucinate whatever images the mainstream media is trying to put

into their heads, literally fabricating false visual memories to fit the narrative they�ve

been exposed to in the controlled media.)

Dr. Stephen Greer of Sirius Disclosure

One of the best known researchers who speaks publicly about a �cosmic false flag� event

is Dr. Steben Greer of Sirius Disclosure, an organization dedicated to unveiling the

truth about real extraterrestrials as well as organized human hoaxes intended to trick

the masses.

According to Dr. Greer, many (but not all) of the so-called �UFO� events being witnessed

around the world involve craft that are manufactured by humans.

He furthermore asserts that the �military industrial complex� consists of a power

structure far beyond the reach of even the U.S. President, and that such interests are

planning a �cosmic false flag� event to trick humanity into thinking an alien invasion

is taking place.

See his full lecture here (story continues below):

CLAIM: A global power structure will pursue the radical depopulation of the planet in

the very near future via �scripted Armageddon.�

According to Dr. Greer, if people across the planet become too awakened and start to challenge

the status quo power structure, an �alien invasion� will be staged through the deployment

of convincing �alien� aircraft that have actually been developed, tested and perfected

by secretive weapons companies like Northrup, Grumman and Boeing.

With the help of the fakestream media � CNN, NYT, WashPost and other presstitutes � any

narrative can then be pushed as �fact.�

Now that a mass global awakening is accelerating by the day, the staging of this �cosmic

false flag� seems imminent, warn researchers.

�If someone tries to stage an event, we�re all going to call it out as the hoax that

it is� and not go along with that what I�m calling �scripted Armageddon.'� says Greer.

He explains that the �cosmic false flag� may be the cover story to engage in a partial

extermination of humanity:

They would love to see a shut down of our civilization and the extermination of about

five billion people, through a conflict that they will stage, and they will manufacture


And that�s the big deep plan that has been in place since the 50s.

Those people in the intelligence community who know of this� I can�t even put in

words the extent to which they are devastated when they learn this.

Because they know how these folks are utilizing religiosity, racism, alienism, division to

keep the fire burning.

But the big one is going to be the launch of a hoaxed attack on the planet that would

look 100% like an extraterrestrial event� and it is not.

A New Religion and World Domination: The NWO�s Project BLUEBEAM

The technology already exists to pull it off

The technology already exists to carry out a massive fake alien attack that can convince

most people of its authenticity.

As the Mark Dice video explains below, the Washington Post even ran a story in 1999 detailing

how the U.S. military planned to stage an �appearance of God� in Iraq in order to

make the people there fall into line.

That WashPo story, which also describes how the U.S. military was able to perfectly fake

the voice of any person saying anything they wanted, is still published at this link.

Note that this technology already existed in 1999.

It is now 18 years later.

Imagine the applications for a massive �cosmic false flag� roll out that fakes the voice

of Donald Trump�

The false flag �alien attack� can also be augmented, other experts say, by present-day

audio projection technology that can literally project full human speech (and other sounds)

into the heads of large groups of people.

It�s called a �radio frequency hearing effect.� Search for it on

at this link to learn more.

The following video provides a quick demonstration of this technology at work as part of a city

billboard marketing campaign:

UNACKNOWLEDGED documentary in the works

Dr. Stephen Greer is working on a new documentary called UNACKNOWLEDGED.

It is described as �a groundbreaking film providing the best available evidence in regard

to Free Energy Suppression, Illegal UFO Secrecy, and Government Coverup.�

In the trailer (see below), he explains:

�The most dangerous thing going on on the planet today isn�t ISIS, it�s not Iraq,

it�s not Russia, it�s not China.

�It�s an out of control covert group that is not being overseen by the People, Congress,

or the President, who have developed these technologies and are recklessly using them

to track and target extraterrestrial vehicles.�

Watch it here:

Former Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer shares his own warning

In a similar warning, former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer warns about the �deep

state� power of corporations, intelligence agencies, the U.S. military and weapons manufacturers.

�Their collective power is incalculable.

And it is their plan is an empire greater in size and power than any empire before it.

They call this the New World Order,� he says in his video.

�It will end all government pretense of government of, by and for the people.

It will be a dictatorship� of the privileged elite,� he warns.

Watch his warning here, where he also describes the �cosmic false flag� that he warns

is coming soon:

Is any of this true?

That�s for you to decide.

Just make sure the things you believe have a basis in fact and aren�t elaborate hoaxes,

illusions or deceptions you�ve been tricked into believing.

If any of the warnings cited above turn out to be true, discernment is about to become

a crucial survival skill.

For more infomation >> UFO Experts Warn of Fake Alien Invasion to Achieve NWO - Duration: 8:05.


Identity theft: Is anyone safe? - Duration: 2:44.

installing a credit card

skimmer. It only takes minutes,

but for victims it can

cause endless hours of financial


17 Million. That's the number

of Americans whose

identities are stolen every

year. The Federal Justice

Department keeps

track of the numbers. But there

are steps you can take to

protect yourself.

27 Investigates reporter Amanda

Smith has our top story tonight

at six.


[C16]20170216 ID FRAUD 27-PK

Identity Theft is like a weed-

Cut down one path to crime - and


more spring up to take its


This is Nichole Ambiega of

Youngstown. She knows first hand


identity theft.



Five different times, she's hit

by identity thieves.




adds up. A few hundred there, a

thousand dollars there. All told



about 20 bucks - and 5 minutes

- to get access to someone's

name, birth date, bank card and

pin number on

this web site. Even in the store

you still aren't safe. This is

from the Ohio County Auditors

Association. Watch as hackers

install a card

skimmer in a matter of seconds.

Now - every bank card used at

that store is compromised.

Stephen Reynolds is with the Ice

Miller law

firm. They have offices in

Cleveland - and they help

companies nationwide prevent

cyber attacks.




the biggest mistake many people

make - is assuming their social

security number is private. He

points to web sites like

this one- where you can BUY

access to someone else's S-S-N.

I'm not going to

show you the actual links - I

don't want to make it too easy

for criminals who might

see this story later on.





As for Ambegia, she says she

learned that some banks are

better than others when it

comes to fighting back.




There are some steps you can

take to protect yourself. One

way is to keep a close

eye on your credit. There's a

government website where you can

check your credit

report for free, every year.

Many banks now offer free credit


monitoring and fraud protection.

Plus, there are companies that

for a fee, will monitor your

credit for you - and block any

unwanted activity.

But one thing the experts all

agree on - you can't just assume

that you're safe from

fraud. Reporting in the

newsroom, Amanda

Smith, 27 Investigates.

For more infomation >> Identity theft: Is anyone safe? - Duration: 2:44.


GoT reactions- S1E1 - (Turn on Subtitles) -Funny short videos with Anand - Duration: 6:11.

It would have been better

if you had someone to turn on and off the cam

We could see if someone

comes in or goes out

You just sit a little backwards

Me: Let me open it

I cant ask the story right?

Me. Meh

Looks like that of Kashmir (place in India)

May be the hero

He may be the hero

the first scene itself looks kind of scary

Me: He is dead, your hero is dead

Go man, really?

Looks like that of Wagamon (place in India)

its shot there?

Me: Its Iceland i believe

Me: Iceland and places near to it

They have green fields there?

Nice grass!

Me: Its been shot over many places

I dont know where exactly now

Me: Its that guy, who escaped

3 there were actually, right?

Me: One of them

Him: Two are dead

They had a girl with them, right?

Me: No girl...

Ha..this guy, he looks like a girl

Looks so..

I thought he is a girl

Now they are going there, i guess

Or it may come here? (White walkers)

Me: Still in there place man

Someone is dead over there

Is that the king?

Ohh..a big army

Me: He is saying that the girl (Liana)

had been killed by another group of people


And, this new charector is a targariyan

Me: You saw them cut the hair right?

The guy who is giving the girl looks scared

he dont even know whats happening


Looks like a fruit then?

Me: Thats some egg

Me: Dragons egg


and sister?

Me: Yea

Me: Kings wife and her brother

King means that old guy, right?

who left?

Me: Yea

Him: For hunt?, the bearded man?


He is killed?

Episode is over

Last they made it thrilling..

What do u feel after first episode?

You just say what u really feel?

What u think about the king?

The fat man

Err...seems ok...first episode

Me: Ha, you dont understand all the charectors in first episode, its ok

But, good suspense

The story

By next episode, it will be better

More suspense?

Ok, we will end here now

Him: Ok

For more infomation >> GoT reactions- S1E1 - (Turn on Subtitles) -Funny short videos with Anand - Duration: 6:11.


What Scientists found deep in the ocean is SERIOUSLY unbelievable, I'm still shocked - Duration: 3:16.

What Scientists found deep in the ocean is SERIOUSLY unbelievable, I�m still shocked.

Off the coast of Egypt, divers discovered something that was thought to be lost a long

time ago.

In fact, it was only considered a myth, but you know what they say, a think line divides

myth from reality.

The Ancient city of Heracleion dates back to the 6th century B.C. and holds some of

the most beautiful artifacts, monuments and art you could imagine.

The city of Heracleion�not to be confused with the city of Heraklion which is the largest

city and the administrative capital of the island of Crete�is one of the many ancient

cities shrouded in myth.

Thought to be a mythical city for hundreds of years, Heracleion was swallowed by the

Mediterranean Sea, buried by sand and mud for a period of over 1,200 years.

Even though this now-submerged city was known to many ancient Greek philosophers, among

them Herodotus, who referred to this ancient city in numerous of his writings, the existence

of this city wasn�t proven until the nineteenth century.

The ancient port city was founded around 3,000 years ago, located today at Abu Qir bay, 15

miles north-east of Alexandria.

What was once a prosperous coastal city today it remains submerged under 150 feet of water,

in what is now the Bay of Aboukir.

Its beauty, unmatched for centuries is only part of the incredible story that encompasses

this ancient city.

For centuries it was thought to be a legend just like Atlantis, it was a city of extraordinary

wealth mentioned by Herodotus, and even visited by Helen of Troy and Paris, her lover.

Among the items found there were giant statues of the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, Hapi

and figures of a mysterious and unknown Egyptian Pharaoh, all of them were found in a surprisingly

good condition.

For Pharaohs of ancient Egypt Thonis, as it was referred to, was considered as the main

port due to its geographical position.

It was there, where trade was mainly done, and where visitors from Greece and other countries

sailed to.

Archaeologists have found over six hundred antique anchors of various shapes and over

sixty shipwrecks dating from the sixth to the second century BC.

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