Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017


by Madeline

Guest writer for Wake Up World

As a United States Citizen or a �person�, did you know that you do not legally own anything?

That is right!

You do not legally own your land, your home, your car, your clothes, your money, your name,

your body, or even your children � by the law of the State, they belong to the State.

This is why government agents can legally take your kids and property, and throw you

in jail for violating the rules they call �laws�.

If you were to truly own property, you would have the exclusive right to regulate it and,

therefore, no government would be able to legally confiscate it (unless you use it to

harm someone.)

Is it hard for you to believe that you do not legally own anything?

Read further and I will show you the evidence to prove that you do not legally own any property.


According to Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session, all property of United States

Citizens is owned by the State.

Below is an excerpt of a paragraph from Senate Document 43 that openly admits this fact.

The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called �ownership�

is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in

accordance with law, and subordinate to the necessities of the State.

You can read the whole Senate Document 43 (PDF) below.

If for some reason you cannot view it, visit this link.

As a United States Citizen, you own no property because you are considered a �legal person�,

which is an artificial or dead person.

A dead or artificial person can not own property because it is not living.

The legal system tricks you to agree to act as a �legal person� by deceiving you to

participate in the legal name fraud.

As a United States Citizen, you are also an enemy and a slave of the State.

As described in the article below:

After thorough research in North Carolina by a team of 5 people, we came up with documentation

between the United States, and not only North Carolina, but other States.

It was to slowly induce people into obtaining licenses as now the people, being declared

public enemies, had to have licenses.

The documentation showed how all people that were not required to have a license to drive

were now required to have a license merely to travel as a right because they were the


My mother and father, both deceased, told me that they never had to get a license until


This documentation also showed how speed laws were set; how federal labor laws and unemployment

compensation was legislated into the States; and the most important of all the social security;

touted as insurance, it was in actuality a means of licensing the �enemy� to track

their commerce under the Trading Acts with the newly revised 1917 Trading with the enemy


This enemy surveillance is very evident today by the use of what should be termed the Social

Slave number but is called Social Security.

It was instituted by the President, NOT Congress as most people believe.

Oh sure, Congress passed legislation so it appears they instituted it, but under the

war powers only the President institutes anything of importance and Congress under the constitutional

war powers takes a second seat.

They, in effect, become the puppets of the Executive branch.

While under the war powers, all branches that should come under the Legislative branch and

even the judiciary are controlled by the executive department through the Commander-in-Chief.

Since 1933, and before then, we have always been under Executive Emergency Orders despite

in 1974 all was repealed EXCEPT for section 5(b) of the Trading With the Enemy Act of


You can find it alive and well in Title 12 USC 95 (a)&(b).

You can also find the other emergency war powers acts still existing from 1862 which

have NEVER been repealed.

They have their genesis from 12 Stat 319, and are 50 USC 212, 213, and 215 and 28 USC

2461 to 2465 as statutes passed as a direct and immediate result of declared emergencies.

You will see how this is done as you read through this memorandum of mine.

This is totally under military powers of the Commander in Chief, The President.

This military Rule allows the civil government to operate as it has, only it all comes under

administrative directives of the Commander In Chief.

This explains the reason all courts fly the Executives Commander In Chief gold fringe

flag and Federal courts have stationary using the United States Executive Seal.

Now that you know that, you have been under executive Rule before and since 1933.

I will now go back to the first President to institute the Emergency War Powers Act

to make the people the enemy of the State.

Roosevelt just made you the enemy of the banking cartel to protect them.

That is why the private banking system Board can do what they want with impunity.

They even wrote in the law that the signature card you sign when opening a bank account,

unbeknownst to you, states in the 35 to 38 page contract they are to give to you, but

don�t, that you assume the debt of the United States.

This is unconscionable under the commercial law that you were never informed.

This is your promise, assumpsit in legal terms, which obligates and binds you to pay the debt

of the United States by becoming the surety.

Remember all Banks controlled by the Federal Reserve System are agents of the United States


(To learn more, please read: The Federal Reserve Bank � 100 Years of Deception.)

How many people would enter a contract like that, knowing they are responsible for the

national debt?

Since the Federal Reserve is a private corporation and was made the fiscal agent of the Treasury

to collect and disburse money, or chose in action called federal reserve notes, is the

reason the 1040 IRS Form is a return; a return of a use portion of the debt that is circulated

around by the enemy, AKA the people of America.

This is a very insidious scheme that people have no idea exists.

In fact I have found and written on the fact that in Title 31 it states that banks can

collect taxes on the 1040 form that is presented to them.

I have posted this research on

The first President to use the Emergency powers was Washington.

He used it to institute the first private bank of the United States, which, was against

all principles of the constitution, EXCEPT, when instituted under constitutional war power

it became constitutional.

Then in order to control the banks in each of the separate states, which Congress could

not do under the Constitution in time of peace, he made districts out of each of the states.

So now you had states and district states and that is how the district courts of each

state were formed so the United States could now have control where it dared not tread


Once emergency had been declared then all done under this act is constitutional.

Contrary to what people believe this act DID NOT set the Constitution aside.

It only operated in a different way under emergency powers.

Now with all this in mind that the Commander in Chief can operate within the Constitution

when military rule under the Emergency Powers Act is invoked; we move to Lincolns time and

his Solicitor General of the War Department who wrote the book to show how common people

have always been considered as nothing but mere chattel property of a group of aristocracy

that was called Congress.

From the beginning, this is the foundation that has caused people to slowly lose what

rights they THOUGHT they had, but the plan was to get where we are today without a major

rebellion by the people.

This almost took place in 1861 with the Southern States wanting to secede from the Union, and

caused Lincoln to invoke the Emergency Powers Act in Order that he could control the Government

without Congress.

He did this under the guiding of the works of Whiting.

Once he invoked it Congress could do nothing to stop it and the Courts, under this Act

cannot stop it at all as you will see why in End Note 17.



Nintendo Switch & Hideo Kojima! 🎮 - Duration: 3:28.

Hideo Kojima think the Nintendo Switch

is a gamer's dream


what's up everybody Lee The Fourth coming

out to once again and this time I want

to bring to you some information about

Hideo Kojima and what his opinion is on

the Nintendo Switch in an interview that

Hideo Kojima recently did with IGN he

said that he really liked the switch of

capabilities as far as the the hybrid

thing go if you like that you can take

it out on the girl he likes that you can

keep it in the home and he stated you

might be familiar with the fact that for

a previous game that I did we had a

specification that we call transform

where you could take the save data from

the PS Vita and move it over to the PS3

and back and forth like that i believe

Nintendo Switch is an extension of that idea the

effect that you can play something at

home and take it outside this is the

gamers train the Nintendo Switch is an evolution

of that the offer mention how you know

how sometimes you back in the day or

even now currently i'm not too sure i

don't do a lot of a blu-ray purchases

anymore but a lot of times you know you

purchase your blu-ray and you get a

little cold in there that allows you get

the digital version

I'm call you mine essentially saying

that that's similar in that Nintendo

Switch I like the next evolution of that

fav this is how movies and TV are moving

this is how games should go

I feel like cloud technologies but

everything will eventually move to is

further behind right now then I think

where people thought it would be at this

point but i think it will go there and

when the infrastructure is ready you'll

be able to play everything on every

device anywhere the Nintendo Switch is the

predecessor to this that Kojima also

talked about how after he left Konami

are getting all kinds of heavy-duty

offers but he chose to go with Sony

because of the mutual respect and

because he's going to have a hundred

percent creative control he doesn't have

to worry about compromising and doing

all that stuff you had to do with

Konami so he feels that this will be

his best work yet he also fielded that

partnering with Sony is going to give

his new game Death Stranding the best

leg to stand on

he was also asked about the VR prospects

for the game he said at this moment he

has no plans for VR which i'm personally

okay with

about really care for it but yeah that

pretty much sums up the info I have on

Hideo Kojima miners opinions towards the new

Nintendo Switch

what do you guys think of it comment

down below let up brother

no and as always if you liked this video

be sure to attack that like button also

share this video with your friends and

your family hit that subscribe button

and join the rebel community hit that

little bells well for the you can get

the notifications when i post i post

videos every week so keep checking back

to it and as always remember that party

after the next encounter or

For more infomation >> Nintendo Switch & Hideo Kojima! 🎮 - Duration: 3:28.


What is spiritual awakening? - Duration: 9:57.


My name is Jonas and today I would like to share my perspective on spiritual awakening.

What is spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening is a process of self-discovery, self-inquiry, inner exploration that centers

around the question, "Who am I?"

What is the deepest truth of my being?

Of what this is, of what this life is?

What is the essence of who I am?

What is this spark of life within me?

What is this awareness, this consciousness?

This self-awareness, what is this?

In this area, where there is a head...what is just behind the face here, in your experience?

There's like this clearing in the universe, there's this opening, there's this window,

in which seeing, hearing, tasting, thinking, feeling, is just happening.

This moment is just happening.

Just happening.

And notice, also, that this observer, the one who is aware, this pure awareness this

pure consciousness, this pure aliveness, is the only thing about you that has never changed

since you were born.

Every aspect of your body and mind has constantly changed since you were born, constantly dynamic


But you have always been you.

You have always been you.

The only thing that has never changed about you, about what this life is, about what this

being is, is that pure aliveness, awareness, consciousness, the spark of life.

That is the truth of what we are.

Spiritual awakening is to go deeper into exploring this mystery of consciousness.

I'm alive, I'm aware, I am!



What is that?

Who is that?

What is this that's here?

What is this space of awareness in which life just flows into, flows through?

What is this?

This is about re-connecting to that space of pure aliveness, that spark of aliveness

within each one of us.

This is about pausing the constant doing, doing, doing, doing, doing, going, getting,

of life.

This is about pausing, even if just for a moment, the story.

And settling in, relaxing in, re-connecting with, becoming intimate with, life!

Which is only ever happening here, in this moment.

And as you do that, as you allow your mind to settle, and you allow the light of pure

consciousness to shine through in what you are, as what you are, you might be tremendously

delighted to find that in that stillness, in that purity of what we are, there is a

deep sense of peace.

There is a deep sense of joy.

Love, gratitude, bliss, freedom.

Liberation resides within what we are.

The ultimate contentment, the final rest in lasting peace, is within what we always already


That is awakening to a life of liberation.

The enlightenment that everyone is searching the world for, could it be?

Could it be so simple?

Could it be that it's always already here?

And the only thing that's separating us from relishing the beauty, the freedom, the joy,

the bliss of that is: just these little thoughts in our mind that say, "This isn't good enough.

This is wrong.

There's something missing.

I'm not worthy."

That's a deep one.

Having that realization, that's, in a sense that's step one.

Step two is a process that takes time, years for many people.

And step two is a process of integrating that knowing, that truth, that insight, that awakening,

integrating it into our daily lives, how we interact with the world.

How we move through the world.

How we relate to people.

Integrating that purity and that truth into how we move through life.

Which takes time, again, as I said, because this ego, this identity, has been hardwired

very, very, very deeply into our, down to the subconscious.

Down to the unconscious deep mind.

Deep mind.

So it takes time, it takes time, before you're living your life fully from that place of

freedom and liberation.

But just that first insight, "I am not who I think I am.

I am way, way beyond that."

That is the beginning of an incredible, miraculous, never-ending journey through this roller coaster

thrill ride of a life of liberation.

For more infomation >> What is spiritual awakening? - Duration: 9:57.


Holy Motors: Is All The World A Stage? - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Holy Motors: Is All The World A Stage? - Duration: 7:32.


President Donald Trump - WTF America !? | TheVeganAtheist - Duration: 8:03.

Fellow Americans and people of the world, I Donald J Trump.

I know words, I have the best words, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Hear these words.

January 20th 2017 will be remembered as the day America elected a stupid president.

I am laughed at by the rest of the world.

Starting right here and right now, there was little to celebrate.

I am stupid, the level of stupidity is incredible.

I am constantly complaining making myself a major sleezebag, right?

I don't know what I said, I don't remember.


Trump Bless America.

Thank you.

Alright, I had fun with that.

Now onto something a bit more serious... my thoughts on President Donald Trump.

Through my online poll, you my fans have requested that I create this video, my first political

video of TheVeganAtheist channel.

If you want to see more, or less, leave a comment below and vote to make your views


Please remember to like or dislike this video, and share it with others.

If you like my channel and the videos I produce, nothing helps grow my audience more then likes,

shares and comments.

Now with all that self-serving stuff out of the way, lets get started.

As many of you know, I am not an American citizen, but rather a neighbour to the north.

So you may be wondering why I should give a damn about American politics at all.

Good question, with an easy answer.

The United States of America is our largest economic partner, and thus the success or

failure of their economy has an immediate effect on ours as well.

The rational part of me wishes Trump's administration all possible success, because, frankly it

is self-serving to my country's interests.

However, the emotional part of me hopes for a total disaster, because I honestly don't

like Trump, and I think he is a fool elected by a scary number of gullible people.

If this statement shocks you, what I wonder is what did you expect from not only an atheist

but a vegan as well?

If you are an atheist or vegan (or both) and support and believe in Trump, I'd love to

hear about it in the comment section of this video, because I really don't get the appeal,

at least not the rational one that would motivate one to actually vote him into power.

So, why is it that I dislike America's newest president?

Well, lets start with what I believe ought to be the foundational characteristics of

a great leader and see if President Trump displays them.

Focus: Being a great leader requires focusing in

on the pressing issues of a country and not getting bogged down with trivial matters.

Unless you have been living under a rock, you ought to have been inundated by the media

reporting on Trump's obsession with tweeting anytime his ego is bruised.

Here is a man who is so self-absorbed that he cannot put his job ahead of his pride.

Confidence: A great leader should instill confidence in

his/her people by showcasing empathy and a strong vision for the future.

Trump fails massively on this trait with his history of petty crass remarks of women, people

with disability, Hispanics, Muslims, the media, and anyone who dares criticize him.

He may be confident in himself, but he does not illicit confidence in others.

Honesty and Integrity: A great leader should also be committed to

truth to engender trust in his people.

President Donald Trump, since taking office has lied about voter fraud, lied about the

size of his crowds, lied about the murder rate, lied about the media not reporting terrorist

attacks, lied about facing historic delays getting his cabinet nominees confirmed, and

lied about Bernie Sanders being dropped off CNN.

If that wasn't enough Trump has a list of lies a mile long from the years leading up

to his presidency.

He is not an honest person who holds truth in high regard, and he will say whatever he

wants to sway the gullible, stroke his ego and rewrite the past.

Competence: Running a country ought to be reserved for

only those who are very well educated (both schooling and matters of world affairs), have

tremendous experience managing people and issues (in previous leadership roles), and

have demonstrated a commitment to working in the best interest of their fellow citizens.

Donald Trump, while having a University degree, does not hold pertinent degrees in politics,

world affairs and diplomacy.

He has some business leadership experience, but little to none that aides him in his running

and managing the highest office of the country.

His whole career has been about growing his real estate empire, his ego and his business

influence, often at the expense of others.

His past embodies that of a self-interested capitalist, not one who works for the benefit

of society and those less fortunate.

I could go on and on listing characteristics that a great leader ought to hold, and demonstrating

again and again how Donald Trump lacks them, but this video is not meant to be complete

account of all his failings, but instead one man's opinion piece.

I do not have the desire or the time to devote countless hours detailing all the ways that

Trump has shown himself not to be fit for the job he holds.

So in closing, I want to express a few remaining thoughts and concerns.

I never dreamed that Trump would actually win the election, and was disheartened when

he did.

I was disappointed more in the realization that there were so many gullible, confused,

mislead Americans who voted him in.

Millions of people, many of whom I'm sure are otherwise rational and well educated,

bought into his racism and misogyny, and believed that his crass egotistical nature was a sign

of transparency, and a passion to change the country for the better.

What I saw, and continue to see is that Trump has always been more concerned with leaving

a monumental legacy and inflating his own ego.

I get it.

I understand that many people felt their voices were not heard, and that Washington was concerned

with lining their own pockets with money.

I really do get.

I am often apathetic to politics because I believe that politicians are all to often

not held accountable for their promises and their actions.

Did I think Hillary was a great choice.

No not at all, she represented much of whats wrong with politics today, but I believe that

she would have been a much better President then Donald.

Like it or not, Trump will leave a legacy that will not be forgotten.

What concerns me more about the future is not so much what Trump says or does, but who

he puts into positions of power and influence.

I fear his legacy will be one of dividing a nation, reversing many of the social and

environmental advances of the last decade, and entrenching further religious and corporate

self interest into the fabric of government.

I hope I'm wrong, but thats the emotional side of me speaking.

The rational skeptical side of me is not impressed with how things are unfolding and I dread

the day that President Trump will be impeached and Vice President Mike Pence will take office.

If you enjoyed this video, click the like button below.

To ensure you don't miss out on future content, don't forget to subscribe to my channel.

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Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> President Donald Trump - WTF America !? | TheVeganAtheist - Duration: 8:03.


Is Conor McGregor Dissing or Complimenting Khloe Kardashians Big Booty? | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:23.

















For more infomation >> Is Conor McGregor Dissing or Complimenting Khloe Kardashians Big Booty? | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:23.


@torontopolice supports #capesforkids - Duration: 1:56.

SANDRA HAWKEN: We're so excited to be here today to officially kick off Holland Bloorview's

"Capes for Kids" Campaign and especially to kick off and celebrate

our extraordinary new partnership with the Toronto Police.

MIKE McCORMACK: It's a great children's hospital. One of the great sayings that we hear is, it's the best hospital

that nobody's heard about and the "Capes" Campaign is to bring out the superhero that everybody has in them,

to identify, to bring attention to it, not only for the people who are donating to Holland Bloorview

but also the superhero's who are there or the benefactors, the children and the families

who rely on Holland Bloorview.

HAWKEN: Holland Bloorview is Canada's largest pediatric rehabilitation hospital and we work with kids

with disabilities who have autism, cerebral palsy, amputations, brian injuries

and a thousand more different diagnoses and we help kids create a world of possibilities

and are thrilled to do that for kids all across Toronto and the Province.

CHIEF MARK SAUNDERS: We got involved with Holland Bloorview because we were asked,

they came here and they showed me what this program was all about and I thought "You know what,

this is stuff the community needs to know". You need to know what exists out there,

what opportunities are out there and the type of tremendous work that is offered to the city.

TAI YOUNG: I want to say thank you so much to the Toronto Police officers that are joining forces with

Holland Bloorview because this cause really helps a lot of kids who need it.

McCORMACK: I would encourage not only all of our membership, police, uniform, civilian,

but also the community at large to contribute to and donate to a hospital like Holland Bloorview

HAWKEN: "Capes for Kids" is a great chance for all of us to be raising our capes and fundraising

and you can sign up or donate by going to and the donations are going to

make a huge impact in the work that Holland Bloorview does to help kids with disabilities.

For more infomation >> @torontopolice supports #capesforkids - Duration: 1:56.


Challenge Accepted | McGohan Brabender - Duration: 1:28.

in our world changes in optional it's necessary and where there's change

there's a challenge challenge accepted we are

agile advisers forging new path an evolving marketplace

our mission to change the way you approach

health benefits here's the thing when you got healthy people

you got happy people trust us, we know, we are our own test subjects

we live our programs day in and day out

so when we say our methods are tried and true

we mean it we've got the insight to cut through the chaos surrounding health benefits

and we share that knowledge every chance we get

because we believe that the more you know the more equipped you'll be

to make smart decisions we take your help personally

literally from the ground-breaking solutions we develop to the customized

service we give.

we get it's hard work but we wouldn't have it any other way

because taking care of people is in our DNA

besides we've all got a little something to remind us why we do what we do

and at the end of the day when all is said and done

we can celebrate knowing that we don't just make more birthdays possible

we make healthier birthdays possible ago when McGohan Brabender

empowering business

empowering people empowering healthier


For more infomation >> Challenge Accepted | McGohan Brabender - Duration: 1:28.


The United Arab Emirates want to build a CITY on MARS - Duration: 3:56.

The United Arab Emirates want to build a CITY

on MARS.

The United Arab Emirates is going to Mars.

�We aspire to great things, so my brother Mohammed bin Zayed [the first president of

the UAE and crown prince of Abu Dhabi] and I today decided the UAE will join the global

effort to send humans to Mars��

Surely, if there�s anyone on Earth who can build a city on another planet, it may be

the country that�s built the most extreme and luxurious city on Earth.

It seems that Mars will definitely become Earth 2.0.

In the last couple of years the red plant has become the next best thing in our solar

system, and apparently, mankind wants to land on Mars as soon as possible.

Recently, Vice President and prime minister of the United Arab Emirates and Emir of Dubai,

Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, announced the country�s goal of constructing a �miniature

city and human community on Mars� with international cooperation.

�We aspire to great things, so my brother Mohammed bin Zayed [the first president of

the UAE and crown prince of Abu Dhabi] and I today decided the UAE will join the global

effort to send humans to Mars,� Al Maktoum announced, as if going to Mars were as easy

as deciding what to have for dinner.

Referred to as �Mars 2117� the new heaven on Mars isn�t going to be constructed anytime


Sheikh Maktoum said that ��Mars 2117� is a seed we are sowing today to reap the

fruit of new generations led by a passion for science and advancing human knowledge.�

While these announcements are certainly exciting, Sheikh Maktoum didn�t say how the plan would

be carried out, but apparently, he has some 100 years to get the job done.

CNBC�s Arjun Kharpal reports that the UAE envisions a Chicago-size city of about 600,000


So far, only the United States have managed to successfully land a spacecraft on the red


In the past, both Russia and the European Space agency have tried.

But landing an unnamed spacecraft is much different than attempting a successful crew


Then, of course, there are the challenges of feeding the human population on Mars, housing

them and keeping them healthy and above all SANE.

A recent study revealed that exposure to high-energy charged particles, such as cosmic rays that

will �bombard� astronauts on flights to Mars, could cause brain damage resulting in

chronic dementia.

The first plan�according to the UAE�s space agency which was created in 2014�is

to successfully send a spacecraft�dubbed Hope�into orbit around Mars.

The UAE space agency plans to achieve this by 2021.

Of course, there is also the problem of rockets, since the nation doesn�t have its own, but

they do have lots of money so getting rockets should be the least of their problems.

For more infomation >> The United Arab Emirates want to build a CITY on MARS - Duration: 3:56.


Gear Aid Revivex Pro Cleaner Product Demo - Duration: 1:58.

Hey this is Amber with

today I'm going to show you how to use

one of our products that we carry by

Gear Aid called Revivex Pro Cleaner.

Tough on dirt this product cleans and

revives waterproofing. Pro Cleaner cleans

high tech synthetic fabrics including

Gore-tex garments. This will restore your

garment's breathability, water repellency

and warmth. This is one of my favorite

jackets but lately when is snows or rains

the water really seemts to stick to the fabric

so today i'm going to give it a good clean

and restore the waterproofing. If your

garment is dirty apply the cleaner

scrub with a soft brush.

Then once you're done with touching up

specific areas you can put it in the

washer and select the delicate cycle and

warm water. Add the cleaner as instructed

on the chart on the bottle. I'm going to

add a little extra in the fabric softner

compartment. After its done washing put it

in the dryer. Make sure that you check

your items manufacturer's label for

specific wash and dry care. Gear Aid

recommends at least 30 minutes of tumble

drying on medium heat to reactivate the

durable water repellent. Walah! As you can see

can see the water is sticking way less than

it was before.

Thanks for watching our tutorial on how

to clean and reactivate your water repellent.

Check out Revivex Pro Cleaner

on to get the most usage

out of your rain gear, sleeping bags

and shoes and you can also check out

some of our other products demos that

we have. Thanks again for watching!

For more infomation >> Gear Aid Revivex Pro Cleaner Product Demo - Duration: 1:58.


What is a women's role in a relationship ? - Duration: 2:40.

What is a women's role in a relationship ?

What is a women's role in a relationship ?

For more infomation >> What is a women's role in a relationship ? - Duration: 2:40.


QVC Is Still a Thing… Here's How | Fortune - Duration: 3:44.

we are like the ESPN shopping...

so if you think about the best shopper that you know

she is probably the most skilled at operating deal websites

to learn about the host and the brand

and the inventors and the social

platforms and the interactive platforms

allow her to get a lot more in-depth in that shopping experience

So Amazon will have hundreds of thousands of items on their

website at any point in time but what we

want to do is tell stories around

130 amazing items every day

with about 40 items will be brand-new

that day never before seen on QVC

QVC's business model is very simple...

We build long-term relationships with customers

so our retention rate of existing

customers is 89% and if you just look at

our total revenue mix about

92% of our sales come from those

returning customers

So we can see call volume

down to the very second so we see that

certain presentation or demonstration of

a product... we see a lot more customer

activity or getting a lot of

questions either on our social

platform or on the phone about a product

We can use that in real-time to feedback to our control room

and they're using that to decide how to

change the presentation of the product

how long to give a product and how to

manage the overall experience with the customer on the platform

When we look at this sort of surprising

slow down we had in growth in Q3

I really point to two things:

First is that there were just a number of product categories that are facing some fairly challenging trends

Coupled with.. we are on the TV dial

from the election to terrorism that made it

hard for our customers to really engage with QVC

but we were encouraged by even

during this turn down

is that our tv viewership levels are at record highs

she still coming in and checking us out

but just a little more conservative on how she spends

The way we keep growing is to

keep reaching out to more and more

customers get on more and more platforms

and so that way things like Facebook Live

are really interesting for us

because all of a sudden the customer

thats never seen us on a traditional

paid tv service now can be presented with

live content on Facebook

We made this very big acquisition of zulily

and we think zulily in an e-commerce space

with that millennial mom

is many of the things what we try to do with our customers

in terms of building a lifetime relationship

QVC and Zulily combined is the third largest mobile retailer in the

country over half of our e-commerce

sales are transacted on a mobile device

so at 3.9 billion dollars in digital sales or ecommerce sales in 2015

over half of them are happening on a mobile device

What's really exciting about QVC and the world we live in right now is that I have absolutely no idea

idea what it looks like five or 10 years from now

virtual reality is going to be fascinating and maybe the QVC host will

be effectively in your living room in augmented reality

with the pace of technology changes almost hard to

imagine just want to be ready

for wherever she goes

For more infomation >> QVC Is Still a Thing… Here's How | Fortune - Duration: 3:44.


Learn the ABC's of infant sleep safety | Make Safe Happen | Nationwide - Duration: 0:44.

Open on a parents' bedroom.

In a corner, a crib is set up.

A Dad gently paces with a newborn in his arms.

We see a rocking chair by the crib, and the camera pushes in on ABC plush toys that are

perched on the seat.

In a voiceover, the ABC toys whisper to us.

ABC Toys: Hey.

It's me.

The ABC's.

Someday I promise to teach your kid the alphabet.

With the baby in his arms, Dad walks over to the safe, empty crib.

ABC Toys: But for now, I'll remind you of an important lesson: The ABCs of putting a

baby down to sleep.

Cut to the safe, empty crib -- there's just a mattress with a fitted sheet.

ABC Toys: A is for Alone.

Without anything that could block his breathing.

We see Dad lay the baby on her back in the empty crib.

ABC Toys: B is for Back.

Put him on his back.

Cut to a wide shot of the baby on her back in the empty crib.

ABC Toys: C is for Crib.

That's the safest place.

Alone, Back, Crib.




Mom peeks in to see how Dad is doing-- he gives her a little thumbs up.

She smiles.

He creeps out of the room.

ABC Toys: Nice work, Dad.

We cut back to a close-up shot of the ABC plush toys.

ABC Toys: Learn age-specific safety tips at

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