Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017

Weather forecast for Yakima, February 6-10.

Previous weather: High in 2013 is around 52, low is around 25.

2014 was much colder than 2013, with a high of around 25 and a low of around 10.

Returning to warmer weather in 2015, with a high of around 55 and a low of around 38.

In 2016, the high was around 50, and the low was around 30.

Previous precipitation: [awkward silence] ... In 2013, we got 0.03 inches on the sixth,

other than that we got none.

In 2014, we got more precipitation than 2013, 0.17 inches on the sixth and over half an

inch on the eighth.

2015 had less precipitation than 2014 around 1/10 of an inch on the seventh. (fixed in CC)

2016 had absolutely no precipitation.

Five day forecast: Expected highs for this week is around 45

degrees, expected lows for this week is around 28 degrees.

For more infomation >> Forecast for Yakima, WA Feb. 6-10, 2017 - Duration: 1:10.



For more infomation >> FOR SALE 3 X KEMPER MIXER + 5 BOWLS + LIFT INDUSTRIAL BAKERY - Duration: 0:41.


Elorza to Unveil Vision for Kennedy Plaza - Duration: 0:23.























For more infomation >> Elorza to Unveil Vision for Kennedy Plaza - Duration: 0:23.


40 Years of Social Justice - Duration: 7:40.

When I was detained I thought that at some point I would be dead.

They think we are animals and we just have to accept whatever they say.

One night when I was in a lot of pain, I asked the guard for help but there was no doctor

or nurse available.

I feel like you fear for your life.

In detention, I went through the most critical and undesirable process of my life.

The pain and suffering I experienced is something that cannot be expressed in words.

I almost lost my life.

Prior to detention I was actually maintaining my health issues, but once I got picked up

by ICE, I went into detention, my health issues got worse.

Before I got in detention, you know, I handled everything myself....

Go to my doctor...

I no feeling anything, problem...

When I get in detention, everything discouraging me.

I having, like, severe pain.

Our clients are under the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and ICE will contract

with local jails to rent out a wing to house ICE detainees.

People are just housed there anywhere from several months to a year to two years while

their immigration proceedings are happening.

Most of the people are lawful permanent residents, predominantly Green Card holders, mostly people

with very low-level interactions with the criminal justice system, often people who

have not served more than or even a day of incarcerated time or time in jail.

Civil detention isn't punishment, or it's not supposed to be punishment.

And yet, they're housed in jail facilities.

Well, in March 2015 I was actually shot.

From that point on I've been experiencing a lot of chronic pain within my left leg.

The bullet's still logged in my leg and in detention, they were supposed to do surgery.

They asked for ICE's permission for me to get surgery done and they ended up denying my claim.

One of the other cases that we worked on involved a review of medical records of a patient in

detention who was having issues with his gallbladder.

He was complaining multiple times of abdominal pain and was just receiving medication for

gastritis or heartburn basically.

So he was in excruciating pain and he was finally told that he had gallstones.

He needed surgery but throughout his time at detention he didn't get the surgery.

They continued to detain him for four months until we finally won his release on legal

grounds from the immigration judge.

Once he got out of detention he started having really intense pain.

He went to the emergency room and they had to conduct an emergency operation because

the problem had gone untreated for so long.

He said, "That's emergent surgery.

You have to immediately ... You have to get surgery.

You're not to go nowhere because your gallbladder is gonna blow inside."

The immigrant detainee population is much larger than I think a lot of people realize.

They are not provided with the healthcare that they need.

People who have family out of here, their lives are disrupted.

Their health is in danger.

They are put at risk.

If you have something that's bothering you, 90% of the time you're prescribed Motrin or

Tylenol and told to go away.

When I expressed my pain that I was experiencing to the medical staff, first they had me on Tylenol.

It wasn't working. Then they put me on Motrin.

Then I started bleeding internally.

The medication given in the ICE no worked.

Anytime when I got a medication, this no work in my body.

I don't know what's going on.

We've seen delays in access to surgery.

We've seen inadequate pain management, delays in mental health services or refusal

to provide those services, including discharge planning.

We have also seen difficulty getting access to interpreter services.

This is, you know, a crisis.

It's absolute crisis.

We were really finding that this issue of needing to advocate for our clients who weren't

getting the right access to healthcare was coming up over and over again, and it really

went beyond the capacity that we had.

At that point the Health Justice Program decided that in order to assist people who are very

vulnerable and very isolated and often are Limited English Proficient, that we would

begin to provide advocacy to people who are in immigration detention to help them get the healthcare that they needed.

We advocate directly with ICE for better healthcare and we advocate with immigration judges for

release from detention so that they can have access to healthcare in the community.

We also have brought impact litigation on behalf of some recently detained individuals

on the failure for discharge planning.

We represent two people who were detained in immigrant detention at Orange County Correctional

Facility and were not provided discharge planning before they were released.

Discharge planning, in layman's terms, is how the patient is going to transition to

other care after they leave an institutionalized setting.

When they go from having stability to an absolute stop of care, they're vulnerable to myriad

dangers including mental decompensation, unemployment, homelessness, increased risk of suicide.

Now, in the case of Mr. Charles, for example, he was being detained up in Orange County, New York.

He was brought down to New York City, basically just put on the street with nothing including

no measure of discharge planning, no medications, no nothing.

The lack of discharge planning meant upon release, within two weeks he was hospitalized

for two months and it's been over a year since he was released and he's still struggling

to get himself back to where he was, living his life fine.

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest would like to hold ICE and these jails accountable

for their actions.

We would also like to see some change, some systemic change, in the way individuals who

are detained are granted access to healthcare.

We have just released a really great report spotlighting our work and the experiences

of the individuals that we've talked to where the goal is to shine a light on this forgotten population.

I think it's fair to say that we're not in a political climate where things are going

to get better and easier more naturally for immigrants.

I think one of the things we're committed to in this case, and I know NYLPI's committed

to in this case, is whatever happens in the political climate is to ensure that underserved

people here, immigrant detainees in particular, that their rights are protected.

If we're working together, we can try to understand what these barriers are to healthcare access

within the facilities and try to address them as much as we can and document them.

Since our founding 40 years ago by the private bar, working closely with the large law firms

in New York has really been one of the strengths of the organization.

We have many, many tools at our disposal.

We also very much have an eye towards the issue areas that are of interest to the lawyers,

to the partners and associates that we work with, as well as in-house counsel, and thinking

about the things that intrigue and issue areas that excite people so that we can work together

to make New York a better place.

Basic fairness and justice requires New York Lawyers for the Public Interest to do what

it does, to make sure that everybody living in our city has the right to enjoy and live

their lives here in a productive way, and not be denied basic human rights like healthcare.

For the past 40 years, we have fought for dignity, equality and justice for all New Yorkers.

We remain resolute in continuing this work on behalf of the people that we serve and

that we partner with.

We will remain as a bulwark for their civil rights, protecting the progress that we've

achieved, but we also will make sure that New York stands apart as a beacon of opportunity.

Now that I'm out of detention I feel a great deal of hope.

I now have insurance and I can get

any type of medical treatment I desire rather than the type of treatment I was getting in detention.

It's like you come back to your life, you come back to the world.

Right now I'm taking care of everything, you know, my health.

And, I feel well.

Thank God I feel well.

For more infomation >> 40 Years of Social Justice - Duration: 7:40.


Mr. Golden Sun + weather | Nursery Rhymes | Songs for Childrens, Kids and Babies | 4K - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Mr. Golden Sun + weather | Nursery Rhymes | Songs for Childrens, Kids and Babies | 4K - Duration: 2:29.


Can A Small YouTuber Make Any Money? - Duration: 2:51.

so is it possible for a small youtuber

to make any money on youtube I put

together some information for my

channels i want to share with you so

let's check it out before we start in

order to make money

you first need to make sure that you

have an adsense account linked to your

channel and that all of your videos are

enabled for monetization how much you

make really depends on your channel

niche and on your audience's engagement

with the ads on the channel so let's

look at my channels

here's my channel that I enjoy the most

my simple man channel it's more of a

personal vlog type channel and I don't

really do this channel to make a lot of

money i just have a lot of fun doing it

but i do have monetization enabled

because after all who doesn't like to

make money right

I started this channel in November of

2016 for reference also if you haven't

subscribed feel free to do so

so far i've only gotten 8140 views on

this channel and my total revenue is six

dollars in 36 cents which comes out to

about on penny for every 13 views i get

now let's take a look at the channel that I

do for my profession education

technology i started this channel in

December 2016 here's the breakdown of my

channel for the last 90 days in that

time I've got 8840 views and a total

revenue of eighteen dollars and eighty

one cents most of my views come from one

video which really took off

it has 6280 views so far and it's

made me $12 and 83 cents so for me the

channel has made eighteen dollars and

eighty-one cents for 8840 total views or in

other words and make about one penny for

every five views better than my vlog

channel which makes only one penny for

every 13 views and the video that really

took off on this channel makes about the

same one penny for every five views now I

have a secret channels

I'm going to keep it a secret because

it's a simple channel that's easy to

create content for requires little work

and has a good payout for views in other

words i don't want somebody to copy it

i only started it 10 days ago it has

several videos on it but here's one

just for reference in 10 days they got

393 views and it made about one dollar

and thirty-three cents so that's one

penny for every three views much better

than my blog and my technology channels

i think the reason is because the ads

that run on this channel are actually

really engaging and entertaining

well guys that's all I have to show you

on my channel but if you're curious

about how other youtubers are doing

checkout socialblade com

this will allow you to see how other

channels are doing so the earnings can't

be one hundred percent trusted because

of other factors but for my channel they

are right in line

well guys there you have it it is

possible for a small youtuber to make

money while having fun on YouTube but

the most important thing is you have fun

doing it

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Can A Small YouTuber Make Any Money? - Duration: 2:51.


Crews Searching for Cause of East Greenwich Fire - Duration: 0:28.





























For more infomation >> Crews Searching for Cause of East Greenwich Fire - Duration: 0:28.


How to remove warts - Get Rid of Warts with Garlic Lemon Treatment - Home remedies for warts - Duration: 4:56.

Preventing the growth of warts it is important.

This home remedy will help to strengthen your immune system and lower the chance of future


Warts are small skin abnormalities caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV).

There are 70 sub-types of this virus.

This virus causes a sudden acceleration of cell growth.

As time goes on, it produces painless and benign growths that spread quickly.

And while their appearance doesn't mean anything serious is wrong, it is a sign of

a weakened immune system that didn't manage to stop the spread of the virus.

In addition, many want to get rid of them for aesthetic reasons.

Luckily, there is now a wide range of commercial and home remedies with active ingredients

that allow reduction or even complete removal of warts.

Among these remedies we find this simple garlic and lemon treatment.

When used for a time, this treatment speeds up healing without leaving marks or scars.

Try it!

Garlic-lemon treatment to fight warts, The age-old combination of garlic and lemon

is one of the most widely used natural antibiotics and antifungals for skin infections.

Both ingredients have powerful active agents.

Once applied, these agents destroy and inhibit the growth of several types of fungi, viruses,

and bacteria.

As if that wasn't enough, they are very economical, widely available, and, unlike

their commercial counterparts, don't contain compounds that cause undesirable side effects.

The benefits of garlic:

Considered the most powerful antibiotic in nature, garlic has been proven to be very

effective at eliminating infections that lead to warts.

Its active agent, allicin, gives it its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

They are ideal for reducing the growths that tend to form on the fingers, neck and other

visible parts of the body.

Both eating it and directly applying it help heal this unsightly issue.

This is because its nutrients strengthen the immune system and stimulate the immune response

against the attack of microorganisms.

Best of all, it promotes cell regeneration, which reduces the appearance of scars after

the complete removal of warts.

The benefits of lemon: Lemon juice is rich in acidic compounds that

help regulate skin pH levels.

Therefore, it encourages the elimination of blemishes like warts.

This is because of it antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

They all support the elimination of many germs that affect health both internally and externally.

That's why lemon juice is ideal for relieving some skin problems that irritate and cause


In addition, it has an interesting lightening effect.

After a time, it significantly reduces the appearance of spots, scars, and other kinds

of blemishes.

How to make a garlic-lemon wart treatment:

Garlic and lemon are two ingredients most people always have on hand, usually for their

culinary uses.

Thus, this remedy is really easy to make and doesn't require a big investment.

It's important to understand that its effects don't happen with just one application.

It must be used every day to get good results.

Ingredients: 1 clove of garlic,

The juice of 1/2 lemon, Tape (as necessary),

What do I do?

Crush the garlic clove until a thick paste is formed.

Then mix it with the juice from half of a lemon.

Wait a few minutes while the ingredients gel, then apply it directly to the wart.

Make sure to cover the affected area and seal with tape to let it work overnight.

The next day, rinse the skin well with a generous amount of water and dry well.

Repeat every night until the wart has been removed.

Keep in mind: Never try to forcibly remove the wart.

This can cause injury and infection.

To prevent the spread of warts, avoid reusing items that have had direct contact with them.

If you must use them, be sure to disinfect them first.

To go along with this treatment, consume foods and supplements that support the immune system.

For more infomation >> How to remove warts - Get Rid of Warts with Garlic Lemon Treatment - Home remedies for warts - Duration: 4:56.


Automated System to Detect Cracks in Nuclear Power Plants - Duration: 1:32.

The nuclear reactor, which is very sensitive.

It's under the water, in order to be cooling the system,

and direct inspection is impossible.

In order to inspect the surface, we need to have cameras under the water or

a robotic arm that collects the videos.

We have been working with Electric Power Research Institute to develop

a software system that can process the whole video.

And provide some probabilistic report for an inspector, so he or

she can easily look into the areas that are potentially defective.

The previous studies for crack detection are typically based on edge detection or

morphological approaches and basically they are focused on the intensity change.

And since in our case, the intensity is low, the cracks are tiny and

the videos are under the water, these techniques do not work well.

So what we did in this study, we used texture components or

texture analysis to differentiate between cracks and non-cracks.

Because we had videos, we tried to process

different frames and extract the information from each frame.

And then fuse the data that we extract from each frame to make a better decision.


For more infomation >> Automated System to Detect Cracks in Nuclear Power Plants - Duration: 1:32.


Learn the ABC's of infant sleep safety | Make Safe Happen | Nationwide - Duration: 0:44.

Open on a parents' bedroom.

In a corner, a crib is set up.

A Dad gently paces with a newborn in his arms.

We see a rocking chair by the crib, and the camera pushes in on ABC plush toys that are

perched on the seat.

In a voiceover, the ABC toys whisper to us.

ABC Toys: Hey.

It's me.

The ABC's.

Someday I promise to teach your kid the alphabet.

With the baby in his arms, Dad walks over to the safe, empty crib.

ABC Toys: But for now, I'll remind you of an important lesson: The ABCs of putting a

baby down to sleep.

Cut to the safe, empty crib -- there's just a mattress with a fitted sheet.

ABC Toys: A is for Alone.

Without anything that could block his breathing.

We see Dad lay the baby on her back in the empty crib.

ABC Toys: B is for Back.

Put him on his back.

Cut to a wide shot of the baby on her back in the empty crib.

ABC Toys: C is for Crib.

That's the safest place.

Alone, Back, Crib.




Mom peeks in to see how Dad is doing-- he gives her a little thumbs up.

She smiles.

He creeps out of the room.

ABC Toys: Nice work, Dad.

We cut back to a close-up shot of the ABC plush toys.

ABC Toys: Learn age-specific safety tips at

For more infomation >> Learn the ABC's of infant sleep safety | Make Safe Happen | Nationwide - Duration: 0:44.


Wedding Hairstyles For African American Women - Duration: 1:46.

Wedding Hairstyles For African American Women

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Wedding Hairstyles For African American Women

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