Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017

EXPOSED Web Bot's Clif High Reveals Google's Secret Algorithm for Censoring "Fake News"

-- And How to Deal with it

What is the goal of this website?

Why do we share different sources of information that sometimes conflicts or might even be

considered disinformation?

Answer -- The primary goal of Stillness in the Storm is to help all people become better

truth-seekers in a real-time boots-on-the-ground fashion.

This is for the purpose of learning to think critically, discovering the truth from within�not

just believing things blindly because it came from an "authority" or credible source.

Instead of telling you what the truth is, we share information from many sources so

that you can discern it for yourself.

We focus on teaching you the tools to become your own authority on the truth, gaining self-mastery,

sovereignty, and freedom in the process.

We want each of you to become your own leaders and masters of personal discernment, and as

such, all information should be vetted, analyzed and discerned at a personal level.

We also encourage you to discuss your thoughts in the comments section of this site to engage

in a group discernment process.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting


� Aristotle

For more infomation >> EXPOSED Web Bot's Clif High Reveals Google's Secret Algorithm for Censoring Fake News And How to - Duration: 1:54.


What is God's purpose for my life | Christian Youtuber - Mat - Duration: 6:30.

hi guys welcome back, hang on

hello, hello (no answer)

(scary voice) do you know who you are

no no no no, who am I? what is the meaning of life, what is God's purpose for me? what is God's plan for me

(scary voice) your life is a LIE MAT!

what the heck is his problem?

hey awesome people, welcome back and if your new

why not consider subscribing

Just hit that button

have you ever wondered what is God's plan for my life (what is Gods' purpose for my life)

I mean like there's a reason I'm here

surely i didn't just slip through the net

one day you know. if you have wondered that

you're in the right place

oh yes but in order to answer this

question we must first ask another

question... that's annoying

why cant you just answer the question

you gotta answer the question with another question you don't

know what you're talking about Matt what

is God's desire for your life (what is God's will for your life)

Bible tells us that God desires us

to be reconciled to him to walk with

Him to to love God to join his family

so if we are to love God we need to know what that looks

like or at least an aspect of it when

people ask Jesus they say Jesus how you

gonna know that these people look you

and he said, i will know that they love

me because they will keep my

Commandments, that they will obey me

they will listen to me and put trust in


OBEY those commandments are you serious...

..ok now Jesus taught a lot of stuff

like a lot a lot, I mean a lot I.. want us

focus on a powerful core, he says that

if the whole of the law could be

summed up it would be this first to love

God with all your mind with all your

body with all your soul just to love God

with everything, now second to love other

people at yourself now what's this got

to do with my purpose

let's get to that I think in life we can

get so caught up with let's call it the

details now the details of our life

might be really important but it's not

the core.. what job

should i do what car should i drive

who should I marry what breakfast should

I eat

what it's not so much about what we do

as it is who we are... we spend all our

time focusing on 'am I in

God's plan' am i doing what God wants you

to do when maybe we should be asking the

question am I being the kind of person

God wants me to be... so all these

other things all these are the details

job, car, education whatever all those

choices they stem from the core they

stem from the heart

we need to peel it right back and go

straight to the heart.. way need to make sure we

have the right substance and that is

character... that is these commandments

that is these commandments that Jesus

speaks off because when we get the

core down all those other things will

be built upon it when we figure out who

we are supposed to be... then we will be

doing what we're supposed to do... hear me


I just don't think on judgement day when

I'm stood before all powerful King Jesus

I just don't think he's going to be

saying you know what mat... you did alright

but if you just got that one last

promotion then you would have been onto a winner

if you had just made a bit more money

I tell you then I would be really

impressed.... i want to get that promotion

I want it..... I worked really

hard..... i just don't see that happening

like that stuff can be important but i

think really what he is gonna say is Mat you

know what you stayed faithful you try to

hold fast to these Commandments even

when it did not make sense to what

everyone else said you were crazy for

doing it mat, you held the line you held

fast and I saw that the way you treated

those other people no one will ever see

that no one would ever know about that

but mat the way you cared for them that was

just everything to me that just moved me

well done faithful servants i am well

pleased with you. so don't hear what I'm

not saying the details yes they are

important but we need to actually focus

on who we are.... what is your purpose

your purpose is to love God first with

everything you have and second it's to

help its to love other people

as you love yourself... sometimes we over

complicate things when you when you work

on those things, you're just going to

be doing amazing things for the

kingdom you're going to be walking in

God's plan God's purpose (God's will) i'm sure of that.

i want to leave you with three questions

question one how do you feel about Jesus

linking this idea of love to obedience

2) what does it means to love God with with

your mind your body with your soul with

everything... what does that look like to you..... three do

spend most of your time

focusing on what you supposed to be

doing on who you are

thank you guys as always let me know

what you thought in the comments below

and I'll see you awesome people and next

time.... mat... ive got a better idea


For more infomation >> What is God's purpose for my life | Christian Youtuber - Mat - Duration: 6:30.


Tony Robbins: Psychology Strength ( Tony Robbins Psychology ) - Duration: 23:07.

And everywhere I go I see people that

are extremely stressed too much stress

as ever before and even spoken to the

economy of begun to turn around the

economy turning around the stock market

maybe but most people are not feeling

here that the jobs are turning around a

lot of people experiencing enormous

straps so how are you doing really well

here to congratulate you and I'm not

gonna share something within the

introduced to help somebody that you

care about that maybe not doing quite as

well as you are by the way we can always

do better so i think these five monkeys

are going to share with you could be

helpful for your own life as well no

matter how great you are kick it to the

next level if you are facing challenging

times for someone you really care about

you about you know what can I just real

quick on the internet you know that

could add some value maybe give you some

perspective give you just a little bit

of a quick plan to remove yourself for

working where I came up with five kids

well that's really interesting last

October myself in a position where you

know everyone the world was concerned

getting calls from my barber to

billionaire financial person that I've

managing coach to help for the last 17

years so respecting everybody trillions

of dollars disappearing stock market

people's nesting disappearing everybody

freaking up being what to do and then

simultaneously international calls and

his men to come on and motivate people

question my god not what I do or can you

tell them something that could really


well yeah how much time do I happening

well five minutes

I got work to do in five minutes I began

to think about it said well let's look

at what you can do that you will be real

it's really simple but there's really

worked from have so many tools and

strategies just like you do in your life

i'm using the got to get the call when

somebody really challenged by whatever

that was different when I look at what

are you going to my life trying my most

difficult project and it might be useful

for you to look at your own life and say

when I was in the toughest times i was

able to put my cultural how do they do


what were some of the elements that may

be the biggest difference in your life

when you did those turn around when you

made it through whatever you can for me

those tough spots before anyone was

secured my mom and dad step here

come on put on my dad's side so she

kicked me out you can come out already

that yeast and I was literally sleeping

in my car training for your house

survived you know who was trying to do I

have to figure out what am I going to

change myself because I'm just

practicing overwhelming but we're going

to you I had a similar experience in a

different way a totally different

beautiful eyes in my early thirties when

some we are finally having a tumor play

and all the sudden your whole life

becomes totally what do you do to turn

things around while at the most

fundamental level 56 and 125 and invite

you to consider look at your life and

you take yourself to the next level

people slide times difficult times or

turn yourself around you can begin to


first thing I believe you got to do you

turn yourself around it really take

control of your model for specifically

you gotta speed and strength come on the

mind of an interesting place for me

fear can take over uncertainty kind of

unleashes always locks make a start to

believe Mary offering that things are

always bad that will never be able to

turn it around we don't have a


it's just nature both here away from

everybody all the time maybe not feeling

it right now I'm sure the time tap so to

take control of your focus

what do you do well that was total from

meijer 2morrow way back when when i'm on

my own trying to figure out what to do

I realized that I'm how to control my

mind have seen it and I didn't see my

mind I'd you know I've been living on

the weave it came around doing today if

all you do is you pick up your phone

you've got all kinds of messages to get

home attentional clip on google and

check out the news or watch me an and

whatever it is you do it's constantly

coming out of one of my teachers around

topping something years ago is Tony

everyday you can stay and guard the door

of your mind you know i'll give you good

left and think about this what if your

worst enemy and a whole one came for

some sugar in your coffee

what happened to you obviously

architectural character can start going

to have to make sure that you didn't

want you back strap with the best

intentions in the world drop one drop of

strychnine in your coffee

I'll be dead but that's right remember

like a children's goodnight and you

better stand guard your coffee can guard

at the door of your mind because things

being in there you start to expect from

my struggles come believe mr. to make up

meaning the tickle your life right

fastest way of providing that while it's

fresh brand new detective to do with my

life was to read and I was globally be

my car so I'm ancient remember when

there wasn't an internet and when I

would go to the library and thereby

breaking my balls to feed the mind in

mind for at least an hour minimum day

I'm like more than where i would lead

somebody biography and read the story of

somebody went to some unbelievably

difficult time

how do i turn it around and gave me

perspective are going to look like a man

thinkers have credited for training

again and again you can read the book

about 20 minutes while i read man's

search for meaning where all the sudden

Viktor Frankl a man who was literally

moving about time and wash with losing

all of us Napoli and figured out how to

make it through that time and add value

these stories is being spent my mind

something shipping strong if we are what

we eat we are what we read we are what

we listen to where are they got to feed

my mind at all about understanding ideas

about how place wasn't how people turn

themselves around about towards red

cancer i'm thinking most of my life

starting with MTN by listening to audio

tapes i went out i was constantly

feeding my mind I didn't let our hope

that a good I'm good idea winter

interrupt me or energetic self up on you

a great idea to be pursued how to go

after i have been strengthened my mind

everything go back to identify

audiotapes magazines with folks and I

didn't like literally doing incantation

saying to myself something over and over

here with such intensity to my mind

began to believe so

reading listening speaking your mind for

the rush to get out of that place i'm

certainly and start to recap into your

reelabilities tribe and what's the

second key number two is you're gonna

feed and strengthen your body simple

background if you've been around any

work at all

you know I believed to be ology

sometimes even trying to feed your mind

you can see that those spots keep coming


what's going to change their minds after

anything else radically changing about a

radical shift in your physiology

how do you do it well thank our parents

when times are really unsure of your

crepes there what is here there's

something quite physical you want to

really very intensive all have that gut

level fear that dark night of the soul

of times I feel like a nothing's going

to work

so how do you turn around yeah you see

in your mind you all she's thinking that

body with the last time you really push

yourself you went on the run like jog or

walk but at the end you push yourself

about last two minutes five minutes

whatever it was you felt like my heart

was pumping up my going to spit out

blood where there was an intense you you

doing that over-the-top determined

self-reliant way back then when I was

literally just starting my journey was

three accounts have time now and I

started my mind was enough

how do we see my mom we're doing but

exciting ones run

picked up you know these are the most

name is Seth tapes and tell me and i am

starting time for another time before

you know I positively about nature i

listen to this song this step tables by

this group email group called heart

follows calculus and forget I went out

there and I just like to go on a mud and

one sir

God we know how long you know hearing

that makes me back belly right now I

push myself so hard like I'm not be more

push myself even when we're not blood

started gushing in me when that was

pumping in my brain and my body or go

out with weights going to push yourself

and feel yourself up to force through

whatever was your limitation for when

that gets inside you that physical

strength again that since breaking

through every part of you start

operating on your body changes so does

your mind what's the third case

well first step is you got to get a role

model that inspires you and really show

you the way one of the biggest things

will change once you're mentally

physically strong as you need to believe

you need not just a sensibility can't

believe that there is a pathway to get

to where you want to be whatever you

want to change your body your mind your

emotions your finances your relationship

you need to roll off so we have a last

October I realize we're even television

target these people thinking walks will

never come back to not just becoming

popular show them a real example of such

a role model

the real example so that was the best

examples showing history talk about

times on the internet connection and

while many knocks upon from eighty

dollars and last few months are going to

eat dollars actually type of goodness in

the back some of the English toxic five

dollars or two for a dollar menu-aire

going to 70° 56 people that think

that's not my popular people here its

poverty if you study the potteries of

history if you look soft welcome to my

team after nineteen forever juice during

that time as well when a market with

your huge crash into the question on the

seventies there was a period of time not

long afterwards were this big room and

another stock went down with dollar

seventy-five going to make it back to

any dollars like way that took decades

but nobody five senses dr. eighty

dollars with your 6475 sense to five

dollars only have 12 inches it's

happened twice before chapter 3 the same

pattern there's a role model that means

you've got 45 minutes to five dollars

for 2,000 percent increase that a

greater return the most investors will

see over the entire lifetime it could

happen two to three months you can make

it back now i can I don't know that

we're trying to jump and I just know

that time is coming up and I told the

doctors marketer John Capleton

you just passed away a few months

watching up to know if you don't know

the names when the greatest about your

history anything became invested

billions x 10 investors time with temple

develop he didn't because people can

make all your money times of maximum

pattern that was role model in 1939

passion is going on man bangs poland and

even a place where all Texas breaking


he took us ten thousand dollars invested

and only could have stopped on the box

stock cost a dollar

many of these docs your bankruptcy even

captain more things got back to normal

with you can always come back became

billionaires no concessions invested in

Japan when no one would invest in Japan

role model would do not go

they just got bombed country founded

Martin not he bought things for pain

that grew in solar for each box if

you're looking to make a brilliant

successful today to try to spot i use in

this economy come out roll out around

you still doing well on people just

gotta find look at that those apples of

the company only a few years ago hours

around the garage and the commutator

private selling shoes to a billion

dollars of the ship while better yet if

you're just feeling like you lost your


now you lost your home roster income the

next girl you facing just unbelievable

challenge to look at somebody like

nicotine you know i'm talking about go

to my blog and watching video i'm

showing anger hard to pronounce

available to provide kind of cool story

three watching the guy was born with no

arms and no legs literally can't test

yourself cat food can't be impressed you

want to die

he's totally depressed and one day we

could not a different way of life

somehow extreme mind body and you've got

a different role model was possible and

private well now fires people only the

world little kids we have a big problem

don't think every part of me here we go

how to even make a phone call

you know you can do it you've got one

little back foot to go to use you'll be

inspired we only contrast from touch

with most about having it done because

from the robots have you will not

comment on challenging to get a role

model that will inspire you enjoy the


and 14 hours you got to get a proven

plan and you got to take massive action

anyway about a proven plan there are

lots of role models but we won't

prosecute you plan to do something I

tell people all the time you just gotta

remember the power of mass adoption so

often like people don't begin the

journey they're not quite sure what to

do how to do it right how to do it


you want to change your body get up move

not wait for the puppet trainer just got

up your brother she was a move and get

momentum just remember problem which

equals happiness if you can start to

make progress you just off call you want

popping it doesn't want people with the

beauties changer pumps out of the work

change your approach but there's

anything will ship your life will get

you to thrive in a typical situation to

take the math and i can try something

else change your try it music I water on

this but just a little time so let me

give you the final key number 55 and the

most important also just remind you

lightning you got to do is strengthen

that mind we listen to feed the mind to

control that focused and guard whatever

people are spending focus on one of

these you're here to get what you can

control what you can be capital what you

interesting that body remember fear


physical experience so that's when

people come to go to capture change that

body's going with some ways go forgot

run do something that's going to get you

in that stage you've been to our seminar

here exactly but kept out our power

going that 15 minutes drive if you're

familiar with that to train your body

and mind the strong number 3

make sure you put yourself in that

position we find a role model is going

to fire you and show you that way maybe

the crime traffic controllers you think

your life rooftops like somebody with

poppers really turning around or maybe

it's just somebody who's really succeed

you can now see that isn't way there's a

later there's a way to make your time

and even in the toughest part there's

always wear haha

make sure you get yourself into action

get a plan take massive action and the

number five most important of all of

them feature spirit speed constraint mr.

and only one way to find what you're

grateful for and take time want to be

clear for you or just taking a moment to

think about what do you get so lucky and


there's there's a rejuvenation in our

spirit when we start taking things for

granted and when most importantly feed

your spirit is the gift to find a way to

do something for someone else who's

worse off than you are

what is this all about about strength

it's not protective it's about action

it's about emotion it's about part and

so many people you know miss the

opportunity to feel like the light makes

a difference

I'm a big believer that load of doesn't

matter why you do something people can

feel that people may be skeptical we may

have their judgments or their spheres to

be mentoring so much but in my

experience ultimately why you're doing

something people feel that you're doing

this because some sort of you knows that

you're here might not just to get back

to give fingers spark to happen to other

people who feel the genuineness about

there's a spark to happen uke that

reminds you what you're made for you

know I'm telling you this now share this

with you gonna give you some tools but

also because i want to invite you to

participate in something

Thanksgiving is coming and it's supposed

to be a time of giving thanks but

unfortunately for a lot of people were

finding us

it's just about eating turkey or you

know you so much on watching the

ballgame and forgetting with the spirit

always really about many of you who know

we probably know the story what happened

my likely why I'm sharing this with you

right now because when i was 11 years

old my family and I'm wondering sister

on the almost and my father and my

mother we were the position where my

bottom lock this job we have no money

and no food and we want to start

certainly we're going to have

thanksgiving you that's for sure and it

was depressing and my father were saying

things my mother thinks father that

you know you never forget and you can

never take that and we win this

psychological emotional that was nothing

to get better and what changed my life

with a simple act of kindness somebody

who keeps day much you think about stone

so I want to talk to you today this

matter who it was but i'm excited for

newer family I Gaston skinny guy

delivered a knock on the door and you

know I catch you fighting so i have to

the door and there was this tall man any

of the big box of food everything you

could imagine for this holiday and

decide on the ground with this black can

with an uncooked turkey unit is your

father here and that's just one moment

but quickly went over and grab my dad

didn't tell whether the doors you've got

to actually got answer it and opened the

door and unfortunately my father didn't

take in the gift he was angry that you

know we don't accept charity very

intense about it and it was with a

similar experience of my life because I

wanted to celebrate and ultimately

became a celebration for the rest of my

family my father didn't take in the fact


strangers can carry the strangers could

really look out for you that there could

be an opportunity to take a gift of life

and my father shortly after that

experience left our family with one more

intense moments of my life but the

beauty that came out of that events that

we have one here right now I'm not just

talking to you and just conversation on

the internet but the reason I do what I

do is because i was penetrated by this

kindness because the meaning i gave it

was it's dangerous care exchanges cannot

need I tell about strangers are going to

find a way to give back and I promised

by the way to give back and so I time

are 17 years old going to do it was a

potential you like apple cider is going

to be to family went to the grocery

stores that to basket I went around and

put enough food and opportunity for

families have this incredible dinner i

started the journey began by beating

family with 510 to have no clue moderate

last and it was still definitely means

next year I decided with some moving an

emotional i was going to come for

families and I didn't tell anybody

next year aight i'll be doing it four

stars on my chart but eventually

eventually i thought i could use help

Stoke not my friends involved and

gradually resume small companies and my

employees involved and really proud to

tell you that you know 30-plus years

later today we're in a situation now

where to the foundation together with

people like yourself

we can more than 3 million people last

year in 32 countries so my final kind of

offering to my invitation is come join

me let's go on touching souls

let's go out on thanksgiving and maybe

we can just touch it doesn't take I

don't want your money i mean welcome to

spend some money foundation if you want

to talk about was not what I really

wanted you to have the experience we can

touching a stranger for no good reason

except that's right angle to your spirit

if you're successful it's going to make

you feel something more than success

will give your life meaning if you're

facing some real challenges and you went

to a place like why would have the South

Bronx have never forgotten you enter

your place or no electricity where

people were literally starving or a man

who was literally on the streets that we

bought in this big basket with uniforms

and blankets socks and food and

literally jumped on Ravana was with this

amazing map elevation honors driving

around jumped out and this big back to

shoot baskets man I mean first he just

looked shocked doing these targets big

smile and you got teary-eyed never

leaving the moment you you never forget

you can do this you can do this by

yourself you can do this with a couple

family members you can just do to back

super food we're feeling like a gift

it's not a handout like my father

expected brilliant Kepler it feels like

a present something special and if all

you do is go to empty Robbins foundation

dotwork and Robin you can

put yourself into that like to be a

coordinator for a basketball game even

if it's just you and you look at how to

do it you have a book called notes for

offline which is this tiny little book I

wrote show somebody how to turn their

life around you can give back what you

can just get food

I'm order to do this with your family

you can do this with your company and

get that spirit back and back to company

with employees and do easily walk all

over the country and all over the world

we have large basketball games where

people come together and you could join

a group that's going to do this so

different application i think it's been

14 hopefully during the holidays

hopefully after value to remind you what

I know you know you can thrive no matter

what the obstacles are going to be

caught in a matter what the challenge

the fundamentals are really basic and

you can take back control of your life

that you're doing well miss Devane you

man you and I were doing well we have

responsibilities come not only

responsibility for the opportunity so

thanks for looking strong health and

start emotional that doesn't matter how

many decades other part of this there

are people out there suffering people

identity could touch i'm one of those

people not touching I'm sure because of

making people to help a lot of people in

my life because of those challenges and

recovers someone carrying I know you

care to know what we watching screaming

no thank you for watching

we're going after you have foundation

org and joining the basket today we'll

do something to make this Thanksgiving

different or more meaningful help to

speak to your life in some way and again

I appreciate your time and I look

forward to hopefully our paths cross

again sometime soon

chill man with strong with passion and

God brush

For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: Psychology Strength ( Tony Robbins Psychology ) - Duration: 23:07.


Hexham's future is looking bright! - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Hexham's future is looking bright! - Duration: 1:54.



I am Back, I am back.

I am trying to talk Dutch, I forgot.

I am going to show you all a... eyebrow video today.

I am going to use a pencil & I am also going to use a cream

Both are from ABH

Because this is what I have

But of course you can use what you want.

For cream

You can just use a brown cream liner for your brows,

for your eyebrows

if you can't... If you can't find one

That's specific for your brows.

You can just find a brown one.

& then a eye no, A brow...pen.. eye pencil

A brow eye pencil

No, that's wrong

You can just use a brown.. A brown eye pencil

If you can't find a eye brow pencil.

You just have to make sure that

That if your going to use a pencil for your brows

That's its not too ummm, How do you say that word?

How do you say soft?

I don't know

But it shouldn't be too soft

If your going to use a eye pencil for your brows,

You must make sure thats its not too SOFT!

Let's first start with the eyebrow

umm the pencil brow

Let's first start with that.

So, your going to need ummm a spoolie,

& than your going to ...

My God... My dutch :(

Your going to take the pencil & Brush your brows.

& I use both

I use a pencil or I use a cream

I find that the cream stays on longer then the pencil.

So when I wear the cream.

This, when I wear this,

then umm I know my brows will stay on all day.

But if I am going somewhere really fast then I am using my pencil.

& people also say that the pencil is more natural

I think that ummm

The pencil or the cream can be natural

Sorry I had to speak English, ok.

ok, so I am going to take my pencil,

I am going to exactly follow the way my brows grow.

I hope my wig looks amazing, because I had a few problems with my wig today.

So you are just going to fill in

fill in, I don't knoooww

Ok, I am back

I was eating... how do you say popcorn?

My god.

Maybe its just popcorn

I was eating popcorn, now I need water.

But umm my camera, the memory card was doing something stupid.

Lets continue.

I am going to take the pencil, then I am just going to

right, then I am going to leave it like this

then I am going to take the spool again, & comp it out.

out comp

Listen you all have to follow me on Snapchat.

Because I always answer people on Snapchat

Because umm its just easier there

I get a lot of messages because you all love me

So I get a lot of messages and I cant always answer them.

But on snapchat, I look at that always

So I always answer.

Because I answer fast.

But I have a lot of messages on FB

Its a lot for me to answer by myself

I get a lot of messages on youtube and Instagram

But I have a good ummm

So, if you ever want to talk to me then you must go to my Snapchat.

Of course, My snapchat is Kluermoi.

Everything is Kluermoi

So now I am going to do the other brow.

Im going to do this one.

I am going to use the ABH Brow Pomade.

Of course you can use a brown cream that is for your eyes.

You can also use that, ok.

Black Opal, I am sure also has a cream like this.

So I am going to take that & I am going to take that with a ummm

with a angled brush.

I dont know how to say Angled brush ok,

Aye aye, I wanted to tell you all something really quick,

I am so sorry that I said Taki Taki

I didnt know that we no longer using that.

I didn't know, ok.

So, I am very sorry and now I know that it is not Taki Taki and it is Sranan!

Just wanted to say sorry real quick, because I didn't know.

You know I love you!

So, I am going to do the same with this eyebrow

I am going to ummm

Comp it up

& if you can see, I have more hair here than I have here.

I dont know why.

Then I am going to fill it in.

& you have to do it real soft ok,

very very soft strokes.

You dont want it to be too thick.

Aye, the camera is acting real stupid man,

Stops every 5 mins, I don't know why!!


Nobody has time for the technical difficulties,

Because I don't know, ok.

I only know how to turn the camera on & off.

& Thats it!

So it better stop because soon I wont do no damn video

So what I am going to take now because we are going back to the pencil

The is the pencil eye, & this is the cream.

So I am going to ummm...

I'm going to take my concealer now

The concealer that I use is from Kitoko Cosmetics

I use it very often in my videos.

& Su, I have good news!

Kitoko cosmetics Hired me

To go to London in March

& also hired me to go to Africa

In December.

Of course I am going to go to Africa because Its for work

But in December I wanted to come to Suriname

Because everyone knows that December in Suriname

Is the right time to be there

Tell me that my dutch isnt getting better.

I am going to take the concealer and I am going to put under my eyebrows.

& ofcourse you want it to be lighter than your skin tone.

Because then it will really ummm

Its going to be more define, if its lighter.

Ofcourse you dont have to do this step.

Of course, you can just leave it.

But it looks very pretty with it.

Now, you are going to take a blending brush, like so.

Then you are goig to blend it out.

You all know, you have to leave me comments and let me know how my Dutch is.

You are almost finished with this eye.

You want to blend it really well.

& you know the saying right?

So, dont stress yourself if your brows

don't look the same, the same.

It cant be completly different now!

One cant be here and the other here, no!

But dont stress yourself if it

So now lets do the eyebrow with the concealer

That we used the cream on.

Then we are going to do the same

We are going to blend it out

Am I saying that correct?

out blending?

it doesnt feel right

Tell me please with a comment.

How do you say that? I don't know you know.

But you have to let me know below.

So the last thing that I am going to do now

I am going to take a gel

for my lashes.

Not my lashes, my eyebrows.

Then I am going to put that on them

Because this will make that my eyebrows stay in place.

It has a little color, a brown color

I have one that is clear but I cant find it.


I am trying to say clear.

I am trying to say clear.

I dont know if I said it correct.

Clear, no thats clothes

So now I am finish with Both eyebrows

& the "conclusion" is...

I dont know if "conclusion" is a word.

How do you say Word in Ducth?

Thats what I want to know

But the "conclusion" is, Thats not it

Maybe it is, sometimes I say Words... WORDS!

Let me know how to say word in Dutch.

This is the Finale of my Brows.

I am Back & I did my whole face

I am Finishhhh.

Of course, If you want to see this look. I will have a video

I dont know if the video ummm

Before this one or after this video.

But ummm

I tried to make my brows look the same for this video

So that they go good with this face.

Yes so this is it.

Let me know if you use pencil or a cream.

If you never used a cream for your Brows

Then you must try one time

Because it last longer on your eyes (Brows)

But of course Pencil is very easy and I also love Pencil.

If you love this eyebrow tutorial

If you learned something

Then you must please leave a comment down beneath.

Down beneath? down beneath?

Then you must please leave a comment below

& tell me umm if you love it.

Of course, you have to give me a BIG thumbs up

Of course, you must subscribe to my youtube channel.

What do you think, is my Dutch getting better or worse

Because sometimes I just don't know.

& Of course you have to turn on your notifications, ok.

Because if you click that, then you will know everytime I upload a video.

Because youtube is going to let you know that

Aye Kluermoi, she's back.

Ok, So I will see you all Next time video. Byeeee

For more infomation >> BROWPOMADE OR BROW PENCIL? WHICH ONE IS BETTER? - Duration: 14:38.


Supriya Kawade - The Playful UI Pro (USense Team Experience) - Duration: 7:16.

Hello everybody. My name is Supriya Jadhav.

I belong to Kamothe, Navi Mumbai.

I started my USense career had begun back

in August 2012

as a UI trainee.

And today,

I hold the UI Lead position.

I have many fond memories with this company.

Of them, one is very close to me.

The one being our PX project

which Zakir sir had taken the risk of

assigning it to us freshers.

It was because sir's motivation

that we were able to successfully complete the project.

And it is the same motivation which drove us this far.

Along with work, we would also engage in many fun activities.

I still remember,

on my birthday,

I was gifted Complan by Saleem.

In our previous office,

I would be called in for weird requirements.

Like for example, to check minimum height while installing the biometric machine.

Here, we not only know each other professionally but personally as well.

We also support each other through both personal and professional fronts.

So much so that Zakir sir even supported me in my decision of marriage.

So I'd like to thank Zakir sir for that.

The best part of USense is its open environment.

For example,

we never refer each other as sir or mam here.

But we respect and refer one another as Di or Bhai.

I say this because we don't just consider

USense as our family but we really mean it.

We take each other as family.

Once an incident occurred in the company.

Due to a mistake of one of our members,

the management had decided to terminate him

If he'd left the company,

we would lose a family member.

In this situation,

Akbar sir suggested us

to form a team

and approach management regarding the issue.

To convince the management to change their decision.

And we did exactly the same.

To our surprise management decided not to terminate that employee.

We got a very huge example of teamwork due to this suggestion from Akbar sir.

what do I say of Supriya.

She is a playful, and cheerful personality here.

First day of her joining,

she was given option to choose

front-end or back-end teams.

But I felt she would be comfortable with anything coming her way.

She's so customizable - put her in any complication

and she would emerge victorious out of it.

I've never seen such a fast learner in the company ever before.

Regarding her management skills,

all she needs is a demo.

Just give her a demo,

and she'd pick it up from there.

Moreover, she will do it in a much better way.

So this is about Supriya.

Supriya is very emotional,

but she never shows that. She is always silent.

She mingles very well with her team.

She is one of the greatest team leads we have here.

She is a perfect manager.

While completing our vision for USense,

we also need to make sure that we do not lose out on our open-culture environment.

And this would only be possible if all of us take on this initiative, instead of a couple us.

This is the responsibility of all of us

to work together.

Supriya, murti lahan - kirti mahan

I've been telling this to her many times now.

She behaves like a child here.

whenever we say anything

bad or serious,

her eyes give a pleasing smile.

Supriya's peculiarity is in her eyes

Her eye contact gives confidence.

I realise her confidence

Whenever she's given any kind of challenge,

she's never fearful or inconfident of it.

Supriya takes every challenge positively

and she knows how and when to tackle.

There's always been a different bond between me and Supriya.

We've spent much time completing projects together.

I've also guided her on a personal front apart from being professional.

I've always seen a different level of maturity in her.

Supriya takes everything positively and ensures that she follows what's been told to her.


there was a time when she had to take a crucial decision in her life.

And Supriya was very terrified due to that.

She would think she would lose her association with us.

She was also afraid of her future.

Due to such complications,

I noticed that her crying was her weakness.

I hadn't seen this before.

It was indeed painful to see the ever-smiling Supriya crying.

That time she needed guidance,

so I guided her and motivated her with life lessons.

I told her to expect good things in life

and to accept things how they are.

And, always be positive.


I am glad to see her happy and satisfied in life.

I believe I've supported her well through her ups and downs.

Apart from that,

I've enjoyed every moment with her

it's been fun and happy.

Whenever, we had any functions,

events, or picnic

she would join in and and gel with everyone.

She's like a kid,

but there's a joking side to her as well.

She would pull others' legs

and prank but never in front of me.

That makes her the most entertaining member of our family.

Had she not been like this,

we would've not mixed with each other like this.

For more infomation >> Supriya Kawade - The Playful UI Pro (USense Team Experience) - Duration: 7:16.


Wow!!! Enjoy Amazing Cooking Style of Mutton – Delicious Mutton Recipe | Traditional food cooking - Duration: 4:55.

Delicious Mutton Recipe

For more infomation >> Wow!!! Enjoy Amazing Cooking Style of Mutton – Delicious Mutton Recipe | Traditional food cooking - Duration: 4:55.


Natural Remedies For Intestinal Parasites - Duration: 13:27.

Natural Remedies For Intestinal Parasites

Natural Remedies For Intestinal Parasites

Natural Remedies For Intestinal Parasites

For more infomation >> Natural Remedies For Intestinal Parasites - Duration: 13:27.


Breasfeeding Husband Enjoying His Wife´s Body - Duration: 2:19.

Breasfeeding Husband Enjoying His Wife´s Body

Breasfeeding Husband Enjoying His Wife´s Body

Breasfeeding Husband Enjoying

His Wife´s Body Breasfeeding Husband

Enjoying His Wife´s Body Breasfeeding Husband Enjoying His Wife´s


For more infomation >> Breasfeeding Husband Enjoying His Wife´s Body - Duration: 2:19.


Neha Jha - USense's Walking-Talking Badlapur Local (USense Team Experience) - Duration: 8:51.

Hi! My name is Neha Jha.

I live with my family in Badlapur.

I've successfully completed my five years in this company.

Here, I'd like to share all the ups and downs I went through during my journey.

To start with,

my first experience here was a bad one. Let me tell you how.

I live in Badlapur and travelling all the way to work is not only hectic but costly as well.

In the start, the company wouldn't pay me salary for the first 3 months of work.

It was a bit discouraging to know I wouldn't get paid.

ok But still I began working with a view to get to learn how things work.

Not every company gives break to freshers.

But then I thought, at least I'll be able to perform something over here.

Monetary benefits would come later on.

So I joined in with a view to gain experience and improve on my skills.

When I joined, at the time of the interview,

I was asked regarding my skills.

To which my reply was that I've studied some skills from my 12th grade.

There was a slight miscommunication and

the interviewer interpreted my statement as "I've 12 years' work experience".

On the first day of my joining, everyone was staring at me as how do I ever have 12 years' experience.

From day one, till now, people accuse me here of my 12 years experience and joke about it!

Although my initial salary was very negligible,

it was the kind and amount of work that held my interest.

When travelling or while in sleep as well, I would think of my work and how I can perform even better.

Everyday brought me a new challenge and I would love that.

Each new day began with a new task and ended with another task.

I would even love working on Sundays here, it's great fun.


Things like salary and package never hit my mind.

All I knew was to work, perform my best, I wouldn't have progressed in my career like this.


how can i describe neha...!

All I can say is that she loves facing challenges.

She doesn't have any free-time with her.

She would only be equipped with work, work, and work.

So much so that, whenever she is hardly free - then too she'll be only working.

She is so passionate of her work. Neha also acts as a mentor at a level.

She has a couple of team members to whom she mentors and guides while doing her actual work.

I believe this is her actual strength. Management is really happy to have

such a hardworking personality among us.

I need to travel a very long distance to reach here.

I wake up at 5.30 in the morning and get myself prepared for the work.

need to disturb my family in early morning too

need to plan my lunch also

I board 7am train from Badlapur

and reach here within 8.00am - 8.30am around

Mostly, I'm the first and the only one to reach office.

And, there are no fixed timings for making an exit from here.

whenever feel windup by 7 sometime 8 or 9 this way it goes

the way it goes i reach home around 11:00

Even at home i use to work and Mom shout on me

What , always sitting on laptop

Even though i reach late at home in night , I get ready next early morning.

This is because I love working here and things like time and money hardly matters for me.

i will always follow my daily schedule

Once Zakir sir had taken a session regarding timing and punctuality.

Sir would say - if she could make it reaching here on time, why can't others follow the same.

Because of my punctuality, others are made to face penalty for reaching office after time.

I like to tell you all that

your children are working here

They need your love and support regarding their career, help them and guide them in every decision.

The way this company is growing,

I've worked and gained knowledge in a span of 5 years.

But those who joined later than me,

are able to gather the same knowledge and expertise in just a couple of years.

So you all support him

so that they can accomplish their goal

and even accomplish company goal

you all will be seeing some other face next year - elaborating to you their 5-year journey with USense.

Neha Ja, our very own Badlapur local.

About Neha, I feel that the first train to leave Badlapur must be bearing the Neha flag.

I say this because she's even broken my record of reaching office on time and being punctual.

Neha Jha is the very first girl to be present in the office early morning.

I used to be very surprised to see that how can someone who stays so far can reach office on time.

Despite me staying nearby, it doesn't matter when I reach early or on-time in office.

I would think how she manages to be on-time and it only motivates me to be more punctual.

If she can come , then Even I should come

As a Punctuality is concern No one is compare to her

and whatever committed till today i found her hard work and punctuality to his work , none of them compare to her

and this is her specialty , even in initial stage , when she was struggling

we found that her dedication and her capacity towards work was excellent and this motivates us more

later on when we got to know each other well, I got to know so many things of her background.

So much so that I found a good personality to make fun of and joke around with.

Our bond strengthened over time, and I've taught many her so many things while joking around with her.

that she put in practice

and whenever i meet her without teasing her in any matter i wont go

this kind of our relation

along with that

special about her is that her punctuality, hard work, and other qualities,

she has shown us her team building capacity.

that is that once in the time of appraisal very badly

leaving behind friendship,

for me is like friendship is kept aside when the matters come to work

i have to be strict, i have to show right direction

and in appraisal, i badly shout her

and even hardly i increase her appraisal

that doesn't mean i want to punish her

it means that i want to improve her

at that time, she wouldn't talk to anyone in the office, only kept crying because of the same.

But I didn't pamper her otherwise she wouldn't improve,

instead things would've worsened.

After this episode,

I was pleased to tell everyone that

Neha is one of who has capacity to bear and along with bearing

adamant to proving others that they are wrong and that is NEHA JHA

For more infomation >> Neha Jha - USense's Walking-Talking Badlapur Local (USense Team Experience) - Duration: 8:51.



Hey, BookTube, it's Sylwia. Actually, hey YouTube, it's

Sylwia, because I'm doing a little

something new here today, guys. This is

more of a YouTube video than a BookTube video.

Really, kind of combined. If you're new to

my channel and if this is the first

video you're seeing from me, the reason

that Anime Loot Crate or Loot Anime

reached out to me is because I read a

lot of manga. I review manga on my

BookTube channel. So, what happened was

Loot Crate reached out to me because of

their Loot Anime box. I guess they caught

wind of the fact that I read a lot of

manga and I watch a lot of anime. I've

been reading manga since I was little.

I've been reading manga since way before

I started reading other types of books. So

they asked me if I wanted to be one of

their influencers and what that means is

they're gonna send me two boxes, this is

the first one, and I'm going to show you

the boxes on my channel. I'm going to

give you a promo code for 10%

off. I will put that down below. My

promotional code is ANIMEFULFILLMENT

because my channel name is Wish

Fulfillment. And my URL is

/wishfulfillment. I have

not opened the box. It has been waiting

for me to open and I'm so excited to do

this with you.

Let's check it out together. Already I'm

excited. It's so colorful.

That is such a cool design. I've already

forgotten the theme of this box so I'm

just going to put it up on screen after

I remember what it is.

This is a character from Sword Art

Online. I don't like Sword Art Online,

though. I really like little anime

figurines. They're usually done very well

because a lot of anime is produced with

the intention of selling merchandise. I

don't know if you guys knew that. That's

how big creators of anime make money,

from merchandise. Usually this kind of stuff is

very fun and great for the fandom. I

watch the entire first season of Sword

Art Online and it was definitely not for

me, but let's open this up. This is pretty

cool. I really- I'm starting to get into

little figurines, as you can see. Okay, you

have to put together, so I'm gonna put

her together.

There's a cute little design on the

stand. How cute is she? That's actually

really adorable. I'm gonna put her right here. I have

a t-shirt.

Let's see what that is. I already love

that it's dark and it has a colorful

design. Let's see if they gave me the right


Okay, they gave me the right size. 2X*. This is

really pretty.

Oh my goodness. What is it? It says No

Game No Life. I have no idea what that is.

I've actually never heard of that. But I

adore this design. This is so pretty.

Let's see what's next. These characters

look like Fire Emblem characters and I love

FIre Emblem so much. Rotating picture

frame. This is actually really cool.

OMG. I really didn't expect-

Whenever I get a crate, I am almost always

disappointed by what's in them, but this is

actually really cute. So this is the

front of the rotating picture frame and

this is the back. And I could put a

little photo in there of my partner so I

can stare their beautiful face.

What is next? IS THIS A BOOK?! Ooooo, it's a book!

Oh, ho, ho! I'm really excited about this! It is

Log Horizon: the Beginning of Another


Uhhhh. this is a book, and I'm a BookTuber, so

I'm very excited about this. I don't even

care what it's about. The fact that I got

a book in an Anime Loot Crate box is

really exciting. And it says it's a Loot

Crate Anime exclusive? Okay, what's next?

What is this? Are these socks? These are


Oh, they're Sword Art Online socks ... These

are Sword Art Online socks. That is


Again, I'm not a big fan of Sword Art

Online, but I am a huge fan of fandom

socks. And I really think I'm just gonna

wear these anyway. How cute are these?

I'm gonna wear these,

okay? I don't care. If you see at my house

wearing Sword Art Online socks even

though i don't like Sword Art Online,

you'll know it's because this is awesome.

And the- I really love the fabric. They're, like,

stretchy. I'm feeling a little spoiled,

that's that's why my voice is getting

squeaky from the excitement.

Let's see what else is in here. What is

this? Okay, so this is a phone charm but who

is it of?

I don't recognize this young lady but it

says it is specifically a Loot Anime Crate

phone charm.

It is pretty nice. Look at that. It has this

little thing so you could put it into

your phone if you don't have somewhere

to put the strap, you can just clip it

into your phone. IDK if you can see that. I'm

gonna be totally honest with you guys, I

expected to be very disappointed by this

box. I have almost always been

disappointed by these kinds of boxes, but

I'm not today.

Okay, this is the last thing in it. It looks

like a poster and I'm loving this- I'm

not going to throw the box away. It's

really pretty. And let's see what

is this poster of? I see a card. I think

this is the girl from the phone charm.

This says something. It says DIMENSION?

Oh, okay! So you know how sometimes

crates have, like, a little card

explaining? This doesn't have a card, it

has a whole poster explaining what

everything is from. So this means that

some folks get the Asuna socks and some

people get the Kirito socks. But I have to

say, I am pretty pleased. And on the back

of the poster we have this young lady. Okay, so

she's actually a character created for

Anime Loot Crate. Uh, I kind of love

that? So, next month's box- This box is

done. It's sold out, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I

don't make the rules. It's sold out, And

next month's box:

the theme is *TOGETHER. Unless I got

that wrong, in which case I will put the

theme on the screen right now for you so

you can order that box right now. Use my

promo code and you'll get 10%

off. And if you do use the promo code, I

will be getting rewarded for that, so you

will be indirectly supporting my

channel if you do that. If you've been

thinking about getting this box, I'm very

very happy with what I just got and I

got a book! They sent me a book! Come talk to me

in the comments! <3

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