Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017

Hey guys I have a good amount of experience in the video production field, and in this

video I am going to be giving you some tips on what to look for if you are a business

thinking about video production for your company.

Stick around!

Whats up everyone my name is Matt Johnson from Mobius Media Solutions.

So we know that video is one of the best mediums to promote, and accelerate your brand, as

well as engage your audience, but the question is, what do you look for in a production company.

There are absolutely all kinds of production companies to choose from.

You could hire a freelancer, you could book out an entire production company, you could

go local, and look for a company that has been around for 30 or 40 years, or go with

the younger more hip agency that loves creativity, and thinking outside the box.

The best advice I have heard is this: think of your end result, and work backwards.

What is the purpose of the video you want to create, and from there you can decide what

kind of video you think you may want, and further more which video production company

would suite your needs best.

For instance if you wanted to truly brand your company, and design a campaign around

giving your business a look and feel, then you need to think about what that video looks


Well what is your product or service?

Do you want to stand out, or do you want something more direct and to the point?

Standing out would mean you are looking for a fairly creative agency that can inject a

certain amount of "left of center" visuals to help define you, and define your brand.

If you simply want a video that talks about the problem your product solves, then a company

that does more traditional "Interview style" videos, or a freelancer with a background

in news gathering may be just fine.

A lot will depend on your budget as well.

The more involved in the decision making, before the video is even made, the production

company is…the more you need to be willing to pay in most cases.

So if some of the previously mentioned questions seemed confusing you might want to look for

a production company, or agency that can come in and help you define all of that.

One type of hire for video production I always like to mention is the new freelancer.

These kinds of video producers can be gold!

Catching a budding film maker, or video producer that's just getting started with a great eye could be an extremely affordable

way to produce a high quality piece for your company!

You just need to make sure their work looks good to you.

That goes for any company really.

Make sure to ask for what is known as a "Reel" so you can see there work ahead of time.

So how do we sum all this up?

The biggest take away in what to look for in a video production company is to look at

yourself first.

Identify what your end goal is for your company, wether that is more sales, brand identity,

or whatever your goals are, and work backwards until you arrive at the type of video, and

message you want to portray.

From there you will be able to identify what type of video production company to contract!

Now Video Marketing isn't always a service provided from video production companies,

however that is an integral part of why you are going to make a video in the first place.

For some information on what video marketing is check our video on "what is video marketing"

Hey I hope you guys enjoyed this, and have some take aways, as always make sure to subscribe

here on YouTube, and follows us through social media.

We really want to add value to business owners small and large, and be a resource for you

guys, so comment below, and interact with us!

We want to know how we can help!

Take care!

For more infomation >> Video Production: What To Look For || Mobius Media Solutions - Duration: 3:41.


Public Health – Health of Special Populations: By Sarah Gander M.D. - Duration: 3:31.

Health equity is defined as each person in society having an equal opportunity for health.

The WHO defines the social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in which

people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping

the conditions of daily life.

These forces include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms,

social policies and political systems.

The SDOH are sometimes a secondary thought when dealing with a patient's primary or

presenting health problem.

However, to provide optimal care and achieve optimal health, the social determinants must

be considered in all patients and special consideration given to certain populations

of patients, as they may be at more risk for adverse health outcomes.

For example, poverty is not just about how much money you make.

Poverty is a condition of a person who lacks the resource, means, opportunities, and power

to acquire and maintain economic self-sufficiency or to integrate into and participate in society.

As medical professionals, we must screen for poverty and other situations that may make

our patients more vulnerable.

Here are a few groups and social situations to watch out for:

For example, in First Nations, Inuit and Metis, we might screen for:

Mental Health issues Residential school history

Truth and Reconciliation/Jordan's principle Traditional Health care practices

Federal funding practices In Global health and immigration, we must

be aware of: Refugee versus immigrants statuses

Language barriers Cultural sensitivity

Traditional Health Care practices Federal funding practices

Travel and disease migration/resistance patterns In People with Disabilities, be aware of:

Accessibility Coverage and cost of equipment and services

Planning for the future Homelessness/Inadequate housing/Poverty issues

might include: Mental health/Substance abuse

Food insecurity and Food deserts Access to Greenspace/Safe play

Poor Economic growth Lack Living wage

We must consider some unique patients at the extremes of age including:

Pre-conception/perinatal care Early childhood development

Literacy challenges Seniors

End of life care And finally in the LBGTQ populations, screen

for: Violence

Mental Health Support networks/Social inclusion

In general, it is important to ask patients about these factors, and create an open and

safe environment to discuss their practices and beliefs.

For more infomation >> Public Health – Health of Special Populations: By Sarah Gander M.D. - Duration: 3:31.


Energies Of Evolution - Duration: 5:41.

Energies Of Evolution.

By Dylan Harper.

If you are having experiences of energy winding or rolling up your spine, creating involuntary

spasms, and rippling in strange ways through your body, you are possibly one of thousands

each year experiencing what is known as a kundalini rising or awakening.

You may feel frightened or disoriented by this non-ordinary shift, but if you can relax

with it and understand it as simply a dynamic of your own evolution it can become a treasured

ally on your spiritual path.

When we understand that all of creation is formed as molecular structures, mostly space

and energy manifest in a multitude of forms, it becomes easier to meet the empty/spaciousness

and the enhanced vibrational energies that appear in our bodies, and face all the changes

they invite.

There are many reasons people suddenly have these shifts and awakenings.

Often an intense spiritual or energy practice will open the body to the heightened energy

known as kundalini by the ancient founders of the yogic system.

Sometimes an intense concentrated period may activate this sleeping power, even such innocent

practices as biofeedback, meditation, prayer, love-making, or the charge projected by the

touch of another person who has this awakened energy.

In the thousand reports I have collected over the last 30 years many people write of spontaneous

awakenings, sometimes in moments of great interior stress, or while using plant medicines

or psychedelics, or while sitting in silence at retreats.

So if you are feeling as if your energy field has jumped from 110 to 220 or even 2200 you

are not alone, although unfortunately you live in a culture that is totally unprepared

to understand the power and potential of this experience.

If your experience plunges you into fear and anxiety, if it explodes you into ecstasy,

or if it hits the brain centers that produce imagery you will likely be afraid you are

losing your mind, and if you meet up with the wrong therapeutic model others will support

this interpretation.

But some part of you will know this is real and it is meaningful, even while the mind

freaks out about it.

If you can just be curious and open instead of afraid and contracted this will help it

calm down considerably.

You need to nourish the witness within you, that which is simply aware.

Kundalini energy is an aspect of your own life force.

It is what happens when the normal pranic energy field or bioenergy of the body is infused

with a powerful rush of energy from the base of the spine, the feet, or occasionally pours

down into the body through the top of the head.

Naturally you are startled.

Even people in spiritual communities who have longed for awakening for years can be both

astonished and terrified by this new dimension of interior activity.

It was a naive assumption that spiritual awakening would be a sweet, simple release into peace

and harmony and improved character and life would be forever blessed.

It is true that awakening leads ultimately to peace and harmony, but it does so by stripping

away every identification we hold dear, and releasing every old bit of suffering and confusion,

all of which was held in our minds, bodies and subtle energy fields.

It tries to release all stressors and heal all wounds, in the process freeing us from

our assumed self image and personal history.

I have come to see kundalini as essentially a clearing out process, and then an opportunity

to live from clear seeing and presence, which doesn�t change the content of life itself,

but profoundly impacts our relationship to it.

Whether kundalini activation is sudden and traumatic, or slow and gentle, it is almost

always a factor in a full spiritual realization process.

It may initiate the process of consciousness awakening, or it may fall into place after

an initial shift of consciousness into the recognition of It�s true relationship with

what we might call Source or Universal Consciousness, (that which cannot truly be named, but we


This might be called the non-dual experience, and to the mind it might feel empty and unbounded

while to the spirit it is felt as unlimited spaciousness and dissolution into the whole

(or some such image).

Utimately awakening is the stable recognition of what is awake in every moment here and

now, and not the dramatic experiences, visions, insights, dramas and traumas that may accompany

it for awhile.

All experiences will pass.

More will appear.

Life is awakeness moving through experiences.

Awakening helps us to take it more lightly, to feel peaceful even when we�re not, and

to find beauty in the every day forms we encounter.

For more infomation >> Energies Of Evolution - Duration: 5:41.


How To Make Your Bald Beard Look Amazing In Minutes - The Ultimate Guide Of Natural Hair Remedies - Duration: 5:40.

Hello viewers, Good Morning, good afternoon and good evening, whoever and where ever you


Today we shall discuss bald beard.

Oh yes, how to look your best with, bald and beard.

Let us move on to our video.

For whatever reason, the man who is both bald and beard always seems to give off a hint

of brutality.

It is not clear why but just look at any of these bald beard men and you will see a common


Whether it is Jeff Bridges in Iron Man, John Travolta in From Paris with Love, Bryan Cranston

in Breaking Bad, or Edward Norton in American History X, there is something about being

bald and beard that just exudes power and masculinity.

As advertisements Hollywood and the behavior of countless men demonstrate hair represents

strength, power and virility.

Some also used to argue that a man's hair symbolized his penis so losing one's hair

amounted to symbolic castration.

Some people believe a man's shame over losing his hair can become a form of body dysmorphic


If balding men are ashamed of the way they look and they declare their shame by trying

to disguise or hide their thinning hair that's a huge turn-off.

Women find it more attractive when a man has more confidence in himself, so a balding man

should just embrace being bald.

If a man acts as though being bald does not matter to him then it does not matter.

And there is even hope on the Hollywood front in that regard.

Look at Bruce Willis, he has been bald for decades but because of his relatively un-lined

face he has had women of several generations fawning over his bald good looks.

There are several other film stars such as Ed Harris, Samuel Jackson and Sean Connery

project self-assurance by making no effort to hide their thinning hair.

The bald head on its own already looks tough with the ridges of skull showing under the

skin and add to that a thick beard and suddenly it is not an aging man you see but an older

man with years of strength and virility.

Despite the limitations of the bald head there have been some creative approaches to the

bald and bearded combo in recent years.

One recent popular trend is the bald head with beard fade.

In addition to the fade there are three classic bald with beard styles: bald with full beard,

bald with goatee and bald with stubble.

Bald and Fully Bearded This is the most intense look of going to

be bald and fully bearded.

The contrast between the long beard and bald head allows them to complement each other,

so that the fullness of the beard makes the fine ridges of the skull stick out.

Jeff Bridges in Iron Man conveyed his powerhouse aura by adopting this look for the film.

Try to maintain the neat look by regularly trimming and maintaining the long beard.

Beard oil is great to have for long beards because it helps keep the beard from becoming


The same goes for a beard comb.

Combing your beard helps keep it untangled and as sharp looking as the bald dome.

Bald with a Goatee A goatee already adds some sharpness to the

wearer's face with its clean lines and pointed tips.

The bald and goatee look has been sported by John Travolta, Bryan Cranston and other

celebrity men when they need to portray hard men in a hard world.

There is actually quite a good variety of goatees out there from short to full grown

ones, so it helps to look through a guide to find the best one for your face type.

For bald heads and short beards especially, it helps to be get the right short beard style

for your face shape.

Men with weaker chins, for instance, will want a thicker beard to give the impression

of a more robust jaw line.

A pointed goatee can also help extend the jaw line.

Bald with Stubble The beard and stubble power duo is the kind

of style that Jason Statham rocks in basically every action film he has ever starred in.

In addition stubble is seductive to a lot of women and coupled with a bald head you

could be the hero of your own action movie.

To keep the fine balance between a bald head and consistent stubble it helps to have a

decent stubble trimmer.

Bald, Black and Bearded Different takes on the bald beard look have

also been popular amongst many black men.

In addition to the beard fade the bald beard look has been popularized most notably by

the rapper Common.

We hope viewers, you must have liked this video today.

Keep on watching our videos, like them, and subscribe to our channel, natural hair remedies,

so that we may be encouraged to upload more good, and valuable videos for you.

Good Bye.

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Bald Beard Look Amazing In Minutes - The Ultimate Guide Of Natural Hair Remedies - Duration: 5:40.


Trump: "Press is getting information illegally - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Trump: "Press is getting information illegally - Duration: 2:35.


Please, VOTE for 015 bicycle project - Duration: 0:46.

Hi everyone

this is very important

Sorry for interrupt you

I am participating on the art competition

or rather my bike

just 24 hours I can get votes

there are 2 steps of voting

now is first step

all details about second step I will tell you later

You can vote at the links below the video at description

At Youtube, Instagram and Facebook

My number is 015

For vote, just leave the comment "015" below of these attached links

I will get art supply from art resin

for future projects

thank you for your support!


For more infomation >> Please, VOTE for 015 bicycle project - Duration: 0:46.


BMW F800GS oil & filter change - Commuter mods ep.5 - Duration: 7:13.

hey guys Albe here for episode 5

BMW F800GS commuter mods

in this episode we are gonna tackle an old classic,

oil and oil filter change, it's going to be easy it's going to be quick

but mostly it's going to be

done properly so let's get on it.

before we get on with it

there are a few things worth mentioning

if we want to do all these property

first in my case I'm using Motorex

and as per BMW specs is going to be a

15W-50 weight, so this is 4 liters, should

be more than enough

other than that i'm going to replace the

OEM filter with a K&N performance

filter this filter comes with a nut welded

on it so that you can actually use

a torque wrench to to figure out the

torque of your filters, so there are a few

things I'm going to do to prep the

bike before i actually get on with the

old change first and foremost i'm going

to remove my Altrider skid plate and get it

out of the way

second of all I'm going to clean around

those areas

we're gonna remove something, for example,

I'm going to clean around the oil filter

I'm going to clean around the drain plug

and the dip stick, so that no

contaminants fall into it when those

parts are being a removed and third I'm

gonna run the bike and warm up the oil

a worm oil will come out way easier and

all the gunk and stuff will actually mix

up and come out as well so let's prep it

up and I'll catch you up in a minute.

ok, now that the bike has warmed up

get a 10mm hex key (allen key) get the drain plug off and let

the oil drain

BMW recommends that you change the crush

washer on the drain plug every single

time the drain plug

as a magnet on it to catch all the fuzz

clean out the magnet

let's take the crush washer out of it and

replace it with a new one, before we do that

let me pull the dipstick

and clean it. we can put the oil stick back in

now it's time to remove the oil filter. there

is obviously an actual tool to do this

but I don't have it

therefore i'm going to MacGyver

something together because why would I

ever have the proper tool for the job

would be way too easy

i'm actually

actually going to put in the description

a link where you guys can get a tool for

this thing because this is proposterous.

it seems like there's nothing else coming

out of the drain plug hole time to put the

drain plug back on, old drain plug

with new crush washer on it

ok torque it to spec which is 30 FT/Lbs

there you go, you guys can actually use a T55 torx in

lieu of the 10mm Hex key, ok so

the new oil filter going in, before we put

it on what we need to do is get some

fresh oil on the rubber gasket

let's torque it to 8 FT/Lbs, here we go

and that's it.

everything is back in place everything

torqued up the only thing left to do is

to add some fresh oil, let's put the

funnel in

now let's pour in 2.9 liters

BMW says that "too much or too little oil will

actually damage the engine" either way

time to put the dipstick in

and it's in between MIN & MAX, now run the bike until

the fan comes on, and

when the fan comes on run it for an

extra minute and then we're going to

check the oil again

ok so it's been running so now i'm going

to pull the dipstick and check the oil

level again and it's just the low to mid

line so I'm going to add a little more

and re-check, okay and now it's actually

where it's supposed to be

now what I suggest to do is, the next

time you take the bike out for a while

when you get back home

check the oil again and see if the level

is still up at this point what you can

actually do is check for leaks and it

looks like they didn't so let's button

everything back up so another task is

complete we change the oil and filter on

the BMW f800gs, I'll give it

a 2 wretches on a scale of difficulty

for more information go check my website

either there or there, remember if you

need anything to complete the task

links are in the description and well if you

liked it, like, comment, share and most

important SUBSCRIBE, see you next time.

ok let's take a look at the tools

you're going to need for the

installation first and foremost

obviously gonna need an oil filter, oil

a 10mm hex, a wratchet a torque wrench

a tool to remove the old oil filter

a 13 millimeter socket and an extension

For more infomation >> BMW F800GS oil & filter change - Commuter mods ep.5 - Duration: 7:13.


Trump is asked again about a sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Trump is asked again about a sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents - Duration: 1:31.


The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority board modification bill is heard in committee - Duration: 31:19.

For more infomation >> The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority board modification bill is heard in committee - Duration: 31:19.


REMINISCING!! | Life is Strange Walkthrough Part 9【Episode 2: Out of Time】 - Duration: 23:22.

I've got everyone and welcome to episode

3 chaos theory now I gotta say the last

one out of time

good got the ending I I fucked that up

so sorry you guys I tried I tried so

hard to save her but I really did

and with that let's just jump right on


what's gonna happen now that is the


we not sleep because of what happened

I know you're suspended


does that mean we have to leave a

dormitory as well that leave campus or

are we just like chillin on here for


we have I really do bet that max going

through some

some things right now after seeing that

loss of keep jumping that's got to be

really depressing it's got to be really

pressing the button we did we did

everything we could to try to favor but

in the end it didn't help

welcome to chaos theory like this

strange get confused water that plant

listen it's a little brown when do we

get a hamster

we have not been feeding that

you know messages of important

get that ass in gear new quality all

over i begin

ok so before we do that I still can't

stop thinking about Kate I can awaken a

battery oh no sorry Lisa too much water

I can complete my plant alive much less

Kate know we killed the plants are you

hungry bunny here

not unless what was the rabbit Kate's or

why do we get a rabbit out there I don't

think today is a good day to the guitar

so we're not going to do that

come on max no Mikey you have to act not

react at the good observations life the

dark oh ok this is scary dark let there


oh wow the kids door barricaded late

rest in peace I'm sorry Kate we love you

how much she cries baby cries it's like

some awful TV crime scene in our dorm

you gotta like what is my prayer for you

Kate glass you can't fall that's just

really that this is really sad to be

honest I why is this door open we go in

I missed your light cake we going

Donna Tina data about how are you doing

i just can't stop thinking about key and

if this is my fault too

she was depressed blame Victoria we're

all responsible uh obviously blend

Victoria come on don't blame yourself

there are other people involved like

Victoria chase

she definitely deserves a face punch for

picking that video and getting do enough

to step up you a nice it doesn't matter

you're nice you feel like to have

changed your ways in the end I I'm gonna

I'm gonna be nice to you a nice to Kate

that's all she needed from everybody

else here how that's a Victorian the

vortex Club Dana there's more to this

than just Victoria and the vortex Club

being so what exactly are you seeing max

does this have something to do with why

you got suspended yesterday

tell me the truth mm it's complicated

i'm not sure yet i'm not sure yet but

I'm on it weird shit is going to hit


I'm going to find out why I'm getting

scared now but people here are still

seeking out tonight

what like who Victoria bound side here

earlier and now you Charlotte

not me i need a break from today

get some sleep to Dana see you later


it comes with sticker yes the fort

ex-club does indeed suck you got a paper

ball in the trash should take a look

this is both sad and pathetic are wow ok

maybe we should be reading that personal


let's get out of here Victoria isn't

here maybe I'll just wait and bide my

time going through her shit what Juliet

you know what Victoria is not here we

get her breakthrough break into her room

I want to break into a room victoria is

not here

oh hell yeah that could some

incriminating evidence across the line

from snoop detective my socks cost more

than my wardrobe sorry i interrupted her

chat shoes those boots are made for

walkin runway

ok get a desk search it up idol this one

portrait be like assholes key totally hi

she looks confused not like she's party

okay we've got evidence was you with

hubcaps got a weird here they are

getting loaded with Satan

ok don't need any of that shit sittin

lovers we can't forget you with food as

a lot of paint just to clean paint from

a flutter holy crap

victoria's secret she's like eat blowing

glow-in-the-dark interesting on the


wow maybe Victoria isn't the monster

after all

hi sweetie what's up i'm just avoiding

some lame-ass science homework how can

anybody do fucking homework after seeing

somebody jump to their death I can't

believe we all saw it happen live

it was like watching a reality show and

I've never seen the campus so quiet like

everybody's hiding or crying I feel like

total shit for everything I said about

Kate and that stupid video

let's get some peeps to meet up later

this girl needs a serious curfew

cocktail will drink to kate i don't i

don't trust her

I really don't i'm so sorry Victoria I

can't stop seeing Kate Fox I need a

drink that let me know the time

oh there we go

I still trust it ok though there's not

anything extra dirty on her first Rachel

and now take this is the end of the

vortex Club you bag searches unique

point of view is right thanks to

Courtney Wagner ghost writing this paper

mm we turn that in what we don't need


no having people do your own homework is

not really going to help you the long


victoria is about a street as you but

she really appreciate nothing to see

here i guess i shouldn't be so bummed

oh I have no idea Victoria's parents on

the chase space how impressed he looks

like God we didn't find anything with

luck I'll talking here to find something

something incriminating but you just

said that's my trip don't want to go

there with the person

Avenged Kate Marsh okay well

we didn't find what we wanted to find

here so let's get to continue on working


oh yeah the regular one coming back to

leave the girls dormitory

butterfly doing things for calling

inflating from the front of the main

hall was the brunch at something on it

so just allows me to fit lose out gotta

know what I want

wow are you serious talk to me nobody

can expel me

not yet anyway

shit we do I can realign time can get

past him look at feeling sorry for

yourself when Kay Barnes is fairly the

morning probably sue the academy right

outta order now I understand why the

students call this place

black shell no man come on you can you

talking want to hear more

I don't think there's another way for me

to go through Chloe as we should keep it

max I know I'm trying to get there i'm

trying to get there who warned

then suspended is just icing on the cake

I'll call you later and private number

you have plenty of time to ponder what a

fuckup loser you are

then he doesn't know how to spell fuck

up what a dumbass and then his mom

oh no they're causing time I can't like

meat by Thank You Candice run Robin miss

Caulfield you have to beat out the other

match you're not supposed to be outside

your dormitory at this hour plus you're

on suspension

i'm sorry principal well I'm still upset

about Kate and he did some errands space

to walk

I'm sorry you had to go through that

today you tried to help but god dammit

blackwell is my responsibility and I I

let her and take down go on back inside

get some rest it's been a shitty day or

night max maybe he's my time so how do i

get asked him to meet quality shit maybe

there's another way around there's got

to be another way around i grew up this

way into the woods the to bank it does

look pretty scary night

please don't destroy me i can't go up

this way

no okay Oh is a thing for Kate let's

take a look at it real quick memorial


oh that's really sad

I squirrel not let me okay

ok so i know to do now we have to go

back over here and then sneak by real

quick back like a ninja selfie and



men so much power here we go to get

going okay that should be enough oh shit

go go

Oh max inches by clicking we did it

I kind of feel bad for the principal to


ok so we are now in the front of the

campus we're gonna ask you get it

booya like I was very punk coast like a

scary insensitive asshole

Chloe I watched my friends jump off a

roof today I don't think you need to

prank me tonight

you always trip out on me for not being

there for you but it's how you're there

for me

I'm sorry max that wasn't even thinking

I'm not trying to be a bitch but i'll

never get the image out of my head of

Kate jumping off a roof all because my

power didn't work it can mean shit I no

siente Paul was horrible i don't even

know how to deal with that so I just a

comedian but it's your badass power

that's going to bring all this to a


we just need to connect the place and

find out who really killed Kate we have

to stop this from happening to anybody


oh yeah and somehow stop that tornado

from wiping out Arcadia Bay right

didn't you see that it was all about

chaos theory i don't see any control

over this chaos all right except for

your ability to oh yeah

manipulate time and space no biggie

Chloe I just feel weird about some of my


I mean I even got my own dumb ass

suspended you do not even torture

yourself like that

let's focus on looking for clues ok


for one thing there's too much

coincidence between the people around

Kate and Rachel like step brick and

Nathan Prescott course they're both

sociopath like Psychopaths at least

David doesn't try to beat down women

like Nathan and even though i don't know


it feels like rachel is guiding us to

the truth

fuck the truth i just want to find my

friend right now it scares me to think

where she could be you think she's

kicking it dead or alive alive

I have to think that Khloe her spirit is

so powerful here maybe too much power

next we have to find Rachel food we have

to i promise you we will like you said

it's time to start the search for cruise

now tell me what's your secret

drumroll please I present to spare keys

to blackwell

Thank You step prick you are such a boss

Chloe I just don't want you to get into

any more trouble look at all the trouble

dropping in Arcadia Bay at this point

who gives a fuck anymore

you're suspended anyway max lead the way

I'm so glad you're my partner in crime

as long as you're my partner in time and

start growing here

the nice thing about being suspended is

you don't have to worry about classes

anymore you can focus on trying to find

clues and find out what's going on

thanks for helping me get that portfolio

hopefully the rest of the class will

follow your lead

sorry I was distracted you know it's not

been a good day for black well I know

this has been an awful game you can talk

to me any tanks for Jefferson Thank You

Victoria imagine it pretty upset over

Kate as well and like still in shock

I've never seen anybody die I really

cared about Katie Katie I had no idea

you two were that close to chi well how

does this affect the everyday heroes

contest it doesn't the contest is still

go and i still have to pick the winner

to best represent blackwell

I've got all the photos to accept one

from max I'll give you a one-word sneak

preview of Maxim photo selfie listen

you've seen my entry you know what's

better than that will not be so cool to

hang out together in San Francisco mark

stick to mr. Jefferson Victoria please

and I i haven't picked a winner you you

already love my work so it's not like

you're playing favorites

just imagine if you picked my photo

though we would have to spend a lot of

time together that could be fun don't

you think i'm going to think that you

didn't say anything you might have to

excuse me otherwise I might have to tell

people you opportunity to my photo for

favors and something as a favor to your

future also ignore that disguise threat

this conversation is officially over

miss chase I suggest you go back to your

dorm great really all you got

fuck this fucking kidding me

so Justin I think Victoria can't get any

more evil and is about to get real black

well let's go find out

oh shit you guys were going in breaking

and entering is it was breaking entering

into this folder i was just hot a

clearly you you know

ok just I don't know about this

we're both are you so much trouble not

to mention the waiter brought into my

room so confused we're not kids anymore

with breaking entering I have a key how

can it be breaking get charges for

entering from series we could go to jail

not if I'm related to the head of

Blackwell security steps it will not let

me enhance a local police so we better

find out within the principal's office


you can rewind if we get caught right

you have mad powers max how much heat

that is true me to come on your coat

when we're doing our work here is done

you know just rewind time find out what

happened and black thing right we're

gonna hear back it was just a hunting

hat only a total phoning bread crappy

hat like that

k can get in you don't

fuck the security officer should have to

carry the principal's office

he's hiding shit like everybody here

well now we definitely have to get this

door open believe it or not I know a

little about locking thanks to write my

will test out my face kill Alfred were

already in this deep well you could look

for the key in case

why yes I could

we're we're good at the I wonder if you

hear and you know filing cabinet course


which means probably any of those over


no key here of course is by looking it's

not going to show itself we must do

investigative work i can hear nothing to

see here attack without you near

desolation no okay what about inside the

box schools like not because I mean

Samuel is no not poop oh wow really

here are the keys not for the

principal's office

maybe it isn't one of these drawers crap

maybe not know key for me

we have to find another way in and spend

enough time with Frank but i'll use my

DIY lockpick tools while you come up

with a better plan my plan having me

hey one you busy just bobbleheads you'll

be okay listen I need your business

expertise stat without mean if somebody

had access to the art and science labs

and wanted to construct a device but

would say open a locked door

what you may be kind of know how huh

no I'm just asking for fun Thank science

guy I'm no no safe we need to get back

up just gonna text instructions now yet

i'm still all end to go eat with you the

giant thanks for the help you hear that

bubble horse acts have to want trying to

wake up everybody at black 13 max I got


what about your plan

well i'm going to put it together can

you stay here and not get caught i might

get on the other side of that door

before you losing the race is on peace

in with that if you enjoyed this video

hit that like button and subscribe for

more otherwise thank you guys for


life is strange and as always a few guys

in the next one

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