Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017

Geophysicists Earth�s Magnetic Poles Could Be About to Flip

by Jake Anderson

Life on Earth would likely not exist without the geomagnetic field that encases the planet.

The product of iron convection churning deep within the planet�s outer core, the magnetosphere

creates a literal force field that prevents solar winds from breaking down our atmosphere

and allowing radioactive particles to besiege the surface.

It has functioned in perpetuity for over 3 billion years, but every few hundred thousand

years or so, the poles flip, weakening the field and leaving the Earth vulnerable to

charged particles.

The last magnetic pole flip took place during the Stone Age, 780,000 years ago.

New evidence suggests the next reversal may be close.

According to geophysicists, over the last 160 years the strength of the geomagnetic

field has declined at an accelerating rate.

The most salient example of this weakening is the South Atlantic Anomaly, the name given

to a geographic expanse stretching from Zimbabwe to Chile, where the field has grown so weak

that satellites are no longer protected from radiation.

In 2012, SpaceX�s Dragon spacecraft experienced such extreme disturbance that it had to shut

down and reboot.

Recent observatory and satellite data show that a magnetic pole reversal has already

occurred beneath Southern Africa.

If a compass were burrowed deep below the surface here and pointed north, it would register


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Numerical simulations show circumstances like the South Atlantic Anomaly appearing just

before pole reversals.

This evidence suggests to scientists that the next magnetic field reversal � which

is long overdue � could be closer than expected, though the timeframe for that in geological

terms is still in thousand-year increments.

The poles flipping would not likely portend the apocalypse, but there would be significant

global consequences.

According to two geophysicists familiar with the recent observations:

�Such a major change would affect our navigation systems, as well as the transmission of electricity.

The spectacle of the northern lights might appear at different latitudes.

And because more radiation would reach Earth�s surface under very low field strengths during

a global reversal, it also might affect rates of cancer.�

For more infomation >> Geophysicists Earth's Magnetic Poles Could Be About to Flip - Duration: 3:07.


To Study Plant Population Frequency by Quadrat Method - OLabs - Duration: 2:58.

To Study Plant Population Frequency by Quadrat Method

Materials Requires:

Nails, a hammer and thread


In the selected site of study, hammer the nails firmly in the soil without damaging

the vegetation.

Fix four nails to make a square.

Tie each end of the nails using a thread, to make a 1 m X 1 m quadrat.

Similarly, make nine more quadrats randomly in the site of study.

Select the plant species for study of the population frequency.

Observe the presence of species 'A' in the first quadrat and mark it in the table.

Similarly, check for the presence of species 'A' in other quadrats respectively and record

the data in the table.

Observe the presence of species 'B' in all quadrats and mark it in the table.

Repeat the same procedure for species C and record the data in the table.

We can calculate the frequency of plant populations by this equation:

Percentage Frequency=(Number of sampling units in which the species occurs)/(Total number

of sampling units employed for the study)*100 Frequency value indicates the number of times

a plant species is present within a given number of sample quadrats.

For more infomation >> To Study Plant Population Frequency by Quadrat Method - OLabs - Duration: 2:58.


The Science Behind The Fiction | Parallel Universes - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> The Science Behind The Fiction | Parallel Universes - Duration: 1:47.


Revised Drake Equation Gives New Hope in the Search For Smart Aliens - Duration: 5:09.

Revised Drake Equation Gives New Hope in the Search For Smart Aliens.

As it turns out, the number of advanced alien civilizations in our universe could be much,

much higher than previously thought.

Five and a half decades ago, following years of research and listening to the cosmos, Dr.

Frank Drake and a group of enthusiastic astronomers came up with an equation that aimed to give

us a rough estimate of how many active and advanced alien civilizations could be out


The famous equation makes use of seven variables (the rate of star formation in our galaxy,

the fraction of stars that can form planetary systems, the fraction of said planets that

could potentially support life and so on) but many alien hunters believe it to be a

bit outdated.

In the half century that elapsed since the equation was first presented, the Search for

Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program managed to amass a trove of data that gave

astronomers a new perspective on how the universe looked and behaved.

As a result of new parameters being understood, the Drake Equation needed to be adjusted.

A new study published in the Astrobiology scientific journal did just that by incorporating

recent exoplanet data gathered through Kepler and similar space programs.

The study also adds two new notions in the mix: pessimism and optimism and seeks to correlate

these factors with the effort to find alien life.

�The question of whether advanced civilizations exist elsewhere in the universe has always

been vexed with three large uncertainties in the Drake equation,� study coauthor Adam

Frank states.

�We�ve known for a long time approximately how many stars exist.

We didn�t know how many of those stars had planets that could potentially harbor life,

how often life might evolve and lead to intelligent beings, and how long any civilizations might

last before becoming extinct.�

In the past few years, NASA�s Kepler satellite measured and photographed tens of thousands

of exoplanet candidates, leading astronomers to the solid assumption that one out of five

stars has planets in what is called the �habitable zone�, the area around a star where water

can exist in liquid form and thus create conditions favorable for life to arise and sustain itself.

The scientific world estimates the number of stars in our observable universe to be

around 2 billion trillion (2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) so you can already see life has had a great

chance to appear elsewhere.

But the two most troubling questions posed by the Drake equation remain unanswerable.

How often does life evolve?


How long does an alien civilization survive for?

Since mankind is still alive and kicking, the last question is particularly difficult

to answer and that�s where the optimism/pessimism notions are factored in.

The study authors write that their method only needs to establish the probability of

mankind being the only intelligent species to have evolved in our universe.

This is the pessimism line.

If the actual probability is greater than the pessimism line, then a technological species

and civilization has likely happened before.�

Drawing on SETI and Kepler data, the study established the probability of us being alone

at one in ten billion trillion, so chances are high that we really aren�t the sole

children of the cosmos.

�Think of it this way,� Frank said.

�Before our result you�d be considered a pessimist if you imagined the probability

of evolving a civilization on a habitable planet were, say, one in a trillion.

But even that guess, one chance in a trillion, implies that what has happened here on Earth

with humanity has in fact happened about a 10 billion other times over cosmic history!�

The search for alien life has never been this hot.

The groundwork for a multi-million dollar mission to Alpha Centauri is currently being

laid out and scientists are outspoken in their optimism for finding alien life.

So it appears it won�t be long until we finally have an answer to one of our oldest,

most pertinent questions.

Are we alone?

For more infomation >> Revised Drake Equation Gives New Hope in the Search For Smart Aliens - Duration: 5:09.


Living Life To The Fullest Is Something That You Will Never Regret - Duration: 2:13.

That little baby, I don't know who it was. I just heard the baby laughing,

and I was like, this know how kids laugh, that gurgle,

you know, just that...and I was like, I'm here, complaining in bed.

I have the bucket of throw-up, and I'm feeling sorry for myself,

and I'm like, "Why me, oh my God. My partner left me. I don't have anything.

No one loves me. I'm bald. I'm ugly, and this little baby's just laughing,"

innocent. And I'm like, I have a choice to sit, like, wallow in this shit,

or I can make a difference. You know? And so, like, little things happen like that.

And then, also, my grandmother was going through...she was 93 years old at the

time, and...94, and she was going know, she was having a

series of strokes and, at some point, we had to have her hospitalized.

And so, one of my other 'a-ha' moments was that, as I was going through chemotherapy

and going through my radiation, all of that whole process, I'd go to see my

grandmother in the hospital every day after work. And then, at some point,

she wasn't able to talk. She lost her ability to speak, and then

she would talk sometimes, and she wouldn't talk. And so, one of the last things I

heard her saying, I went to her in her hospital bed in the home,

and she was mumbling a word. She couldn't always talk clearly.

And I said, "Grandma, what are you saying," and she, very faintly,

breathed, "I'm telling God thank you for my blessings. I'm telling God thank you

for my blessings." And this is as she was laying in bed, unable to move,

unable to change herself, unable to barely speak. Knowing she's dying,

she's thanking God for her blessings. And so, my

grandmother's grace, through her transition and her ability to thank

God for the time she'd had was so powerful for me, because whether it's...whether you

have, you know, 10 years, 20 years, 15 years, 32 years, I think there is so much

grace in being able to be thankful for what you've had, and if you live your life

where you're thanking God as you're living in the moment, that when that time comes,

you know, you'll regret the sunshine, you'll regret the birds,

the rainbows and friends and flowers, but you won't regret having lived your life.

For more infomation >> Living Life To The Fullest Is Something That You Will Never Regret - Duration: 2:13.


Is that really from your CEO | Impersonation fraud - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Is that really from your CEO | Impersonation fraud - Duration: 2:04.


#199 Jacqueline is a wild swimmer and celebrates life to the full - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> #199 Jacqueline is a wild swimmer and celebrates life to the full - Duration: 3:00.


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Arpo The Robot for all kids - arpo air rescue HD 2017

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Arpo The Robot for all kids - arpo air rescue HD 2017

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