Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017

Breaking Myths And Misconceptions About The Law Of Attraction And Crushing The Confusion

Surrounding It.

by Neda Hasan,

Most of us have seen the �The Secret.� We�ve probably heard that �you become

what you think about most � and �thoughts become things.� We�ve devoted ourselves

to the teachings of Abraham Hicks and Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith. We�ve all

bought into �the power of positive thinking� and �don�t be negative.�


Everybody wants the sunshine-nobody wants pain. You can�t have a rainbow without any


True spiritual growth isn�t about ignoring all negative thoughts and feelings and beliefs.

The only true way out is THROUGH it. You can only run from your soul for so long, but old

gremlins from the past do pop back up, and the sooner we deal with it, the more we free

our spirit. The Law of Attraction is actually more subjective then it is objective. It�s

a very personal, rather than impersonal journey. The experience varies from person to person.

We�ve all had a bad day where something did not go our way and we want to vent, but

the moment we try to vent, our best friend goes, �Just be positive and forget all that


Another example is a man who is going through a divorce and he tries to explain how he is

feeling to his friends, but his friends just convince him to suck it up, go to the bar,

and have a drink. This is emotional invalidation. Temporary escapes only keep you satisfied

for a short while-perhaps just a few hours. It doesn�t erase the problem. Just like

me throwing my fist at the wall to relieve my anger, just helps me feel a sense of power

for a little while only. It doesn�t solve the problem. Not that there is anything wrong

with taking a break from the situation so that our energy is recharged, but that does

not mean throwing the baby out with the bathwater altogether.

We have confused our physiological and ego-based emotions with our soul emotions. They are

not the same thing. Our carnal desires represent only temporary satisfaction. Yes, we have

physical needs that are important, but we also have emotional needs. Our true emotions

come from our soul. Our soul sends us messages through some of our most hidden feelings that

we try to conceal from others. We hurt our spirits when we don�t listen to our souls,

when we turn away from our feelings, and when we try to run from them. This manifests in

the physical world too, in our relationships, our energy levels, and our physical health.

So How in the World does this all tie in to the LAW of ATTRACTION?:

The law of attraction is not just about eating a sandwich because it makes you feel less

hungry physically. It�s not about sleeping because you�re tired. Although those methods

do work temporarily to make you feel better, they aren�t the answer to deeper problems.

The law of attraction is tied into our CHOICES we make with our feelings and our BELIEFS

about ourselves. When we believe we do not have a right to express our feelings like

disappointment, jealousy, depression, insignificance, hurt, betrayal, excitement, joy, we turn away

from our true-selves (our souls), and we damage our self-esteem and our spirit. We are indirectly

telling ourselves �Our feelings do not matter.� Our lives reflect more seemingly proof that

our feelings do not matter such as someone telling you they are too busy to hear you

or spend time on you. Of course, our feelings are not us, but they are still a PART of us.

They try to tell us something about what we want. We all have a need to know what we are

feelings and be there for our feelings. That means ALLOWING OURSELVES TO FEEL HOW WE FEEL.

Our feelings show us the way.


THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU for feeling how you feel. You have EVERY right to feel

how you feel. Speak your emotions out loud if you have to. Speak it to a trusted friend.

Use statements like:

�I was hurt when.

We are not robots, we are all star stuff, made to shine. Why be silent? Why just be

a slave to obligation? Dare to be expressive. We must face our darkness within us with a

positive attitude until it is transformed into light.

We must be present with our negative emotions, without judging ourselves for having them.

We do not have to ignore them and keep them buried deep within ourselves, neither do we

have to act on them, but let them spill out at its convenience. Be present with them.

Attacking others just escalates the problems. But communication and expression with someone

we trust is a great way to feel relief.

We suffer low self-esteem growing up because often our emotions were invalided.

This is a form of emotional abuse. Our parents may have not been there for us when we were

unhappy. Maybe they fought in front of us. Maybe they used fear to get what they wanted

us to do. The hurt child inside us will not heal unless we are present with it and remind

it we are still there for it.

Anything we resist, persists. This is a demonstration of the law of attraction. If you�re worried

about getting into a fight with a parent or spouse and you�re desperately trying to

avoid it, do not be surprised when conflict just spills out! Because that�s what you�re

focused on! Invite arguments-it can actually make you stronger. But don�t play victim,

don�t attack, and don�t suppress your emotions. EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS- you don�t

have to bring the other person down. It doesn�t make you the weaker one.

It might feel awkward sharing your feelings with the other person, but that�s not your

fault. We live in a society that has made an enemy out of expression.

Resisting is not always a physical action, it�s a mental and emotional, internal choice

we make. Trying to RUN away from a negative thought will NOT help us to attract true joy

in our lives. This is like babying ourselves to only eat lollipops when we are supposed

to also eat our green veggies!

FACE your negative thoughts. Face your negative emotions. Sit with them. But don�t let your

negative emotions convince you that you are negative. Don�t believe the negative thoughts

to be true. Think of your darkness as the child within crying out for help. They are

here to make you stronger. They are here to point to your overall need of self-esteem.

When you have a negative thought, your self-esteem is threatened. When you feel fear as a result,

that�s a sign from your soul, that it is time to ALTER a negative core belief that

you have picked up about yourself throughout the course of your life. That means looking

for proof that dispels the core belief or replacing it with another belief like �Actually

I am lovable because I was told I did a great job the other day� �I am wonderful I helped

this person heal� Your soul always wants you to feel good about yourself. Your spirit

thrives and is joyous and fulfilled when you align with your soul. Don�t drain your spirit-

let it be milked and nourished by the soul.

So, this law of attraction is really about being true to the soul. It�s more than just

�thoughts cause feelings� and �feelings cause thoughts.� It�s fundamentally about

core beliefs we have not addressed. And they are always running around in our subconscious


We can think positive thoughts all day long and repeat affirmations all day long, but

if we have a core belief somewhere in the back of are minds that �We are not enough,�

and �my feelings do not matter� then this will be an obstacle for us- it�s a contradiction

to the statement- �I am wonderful.� Repeated subconscious beliefs rule us throughout our

day- governing our self-esteem and lives. True Joy is self-love. When we do an action

like beat someone up because we are angry, or punch the wall with our fists, that is

not self-loving. Why? Because it indicates we have a core-belief that we are powerless

and we falsely believe that the only way to feel a sense of power is to use our physical

bodies instead of summoning power from within ourselves.

So what is stopping you from living your best life and attracting the most joy and satisfaction?

Somewhere down the line, you have a core belief that is detrimental to your sense of self.

�If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you

do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.�


Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, �Wealth is

not in having many possessions. Rather, true wealth is the richness of the soul.�

Source: S?ah?i�h? al-Bukha�ri� 6081, S?ah?i�h? Muslim 1051

The soul who meditates on the Self is content to serve the Self and rests satisfied within

the Self; there remains nothing more for him to accomplish


You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your

love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere.

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.


No matter what any of the religious scriptures say or do not say or partially say or leave

out, we know our awareness is in our own bodies. We have a choice to believe the beliefs about

ourselves that cause us pain, and we have the choice to not believe it. Our minds may

remember negative events. But we do not have to believe anything anyone tells us. We all

come to this world, and we all die. But what we believe about ourselves is bigger than

even our mental perceptions about life.

For example, I could watch a scary movie or ride a scary roller coaster, and although

it may look like I am in danger to my physical senses, my belief tells me I am not in danger.

It is just a ride. It helps to look at life like that- Just a ride. Although we may believe

it is real, at least we can choose not to believe the external world is an accurate

reflection of who we really are. It�s not. The external world is only a partial mirror.

It�s not the full reflection. Just because life might be bad around you, doesn�t mean

you are bad. What you get in life is a portrayal of your thoughts and feelings. It�s only

a fraction of the magnificence that lies within your soul. Your physical self is nothing compared

to the beauty of your soul. When we realize wonderful our souls are, we feel good about

ourselves. Our souls are so expressive and so patient. It always gives us a chance to

connect with it and know it. And when we finally do know it, we can�t help but love ourselves.

That�s why true knowledge is internal knowledge. True Love is Knowing The Soul, the core of

the true self.

A sin is anything that goes against yourself � Miguel Don Ruiz

The voice of the soul is peace. It peacefully sends us all of our emotions at all times,

effortlessly. Even though we feel dramatic and hurt and our spirits feel drained, our

soul is always at peace. The problem is we interpret the dark feelings our souls sends

us as �bad,� when really they are an emotional guidance system to let us know we have a core

belief that is detrimental to our self-worth. We all long to love ourselves. We are meant

to love ourselves. And we deserve to love ourselves, eventually, anyway. Peace is quiet,

yet it speaks the loudest in our minds about who we really are and what we really want.

For more infomation >> Breaking Myths And Misconceptions About The Law Of Attraction And Crushing The Confusion Surrounding - Duration: 12:45.


Lawful Money or Private Credit Why You Should Learn How to Redeem Lawful Money - Duration: 20:51.

Lawful Money or Private Credit Why You Should Learn How to Redeem Lawful Money

by Pao Chang

If you knew that you have always had a choice to either endorse the private credit of an

International Banking cartel, which would then lead you straight into financial hell,

or to elect to turn the fiat currency note into Lawful Money by making a demand to have

it redeemed for lawful money� which would you choose to do?

This is an excellent starting point.

FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES in their default form is an invitation to endorse private credit

and slides one down the slippery slope into financial hell.

However, there is always a way to correct a mistake.

But, remember, the first time it is a mistake, the second time it is a choice, and the third

time its negligence.

So choose wisely.

America has a history that is not taught which reveals that a Central Bank has always lead

the people into disaster.

Just ask the people of Iceland.

Oh, that�s right, they got rid of the bankers, didn�t they?

Now, why haven�t American�s learned the same lesson yet?

I will be honest here and state for and on the record that Americans are not looking

to intelligent for not learning by their example.

Therefore, this complaint is not without good cause in relation to what a Central Bank is

verses a National Bank.

There IS a difference!

The question is, do you know what that difference is, and if not, then why do you not know?

Lets get on the ball here people!

The Federal Reserve Act was passed into law on December 23rd of 1913 at 11:30pm at night.


Does this fact cause any kind of question to stir-up in your mind?

I certainly hope so.

The interesting thing is that there had to be a remedy left in the Federal Reserve Act.


Let me put it to you this way.

There will always be people who are intelligent enough and Spiritually in tune to figure out

that something is wrong and then seek a solution; but then, there will also be those who will

know that something is wrong and do nothing about it for whatever lazy-azz excuse they

select to justify their unwillingness to study to show themselves approved.

Approved for what, you say?

How about understanding how to walk on the waters of the commercial world of capitalism

commanding and controlling their own vessel, rather than being commanded and controlled

by and through the use of a vessel created by another man, which volunteered them into

a form of financial slavery.

Replace the word BITCOIN with LAWFUL MONEY, and the conversation is exactly the same.

However, the difference with Lawful Money over BITCOIN is that BITCOIN is truly NOT

a PUBLIC currency.

So then, I caution all to consider carefully all the clauses of the contract of making

a use of that private credit.

The question is, are you exchanging one man-king and master for another man-king and master?

Or, are you going to manage your own estate held in your own Private Trust, and then choose

to stay in honor with the statues and codes of the PUBLIC TRUST, which does not infer

that you have to be UNDER them, as a Peacemaker and Ambassador for Christ?

I know, that is one LOADED question, but it is necessary to be asked.

However, the real question is, can you stay in the Private and then honorably use the

PUBLIC TRUST without violating its laws, rules, regulations, statutes and codes to affect

a peaceful means and/or solution for providing for your family and estate without violating

the Law of the Private Trust you administrate under the Law of your Creator through your


If you see what I am saying, then it is very possible that you have firm grip on how PUBLIC

and Private works.

It is a fact supported by OPERATION OF LAW that if you do not demand the currency you

make use of to be redeemed in lawful money per 12USC411, then you have indeed elected

to endorse the private credit of the private Federal Reserve Bank.


You are in bed with Darth Vader, and/or the devil.


Did I just put it that way?!


I most certainly did.


Because a remedy and solution is given and if you do not use it then you are in rebellion

towards it, and the fact is, it has been provided because all the Sin/Debt has been taken away.

The question is, do you see that connection, or do you think that the Creator and Redeemer

is imaginary as some are of the foolish tradition of thinking?

For it is written that, �Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life,

and there are few who find it.� Why do you think that faith without works is dead?

Why do you think it will only be OVERCOMERS that will sit with Yehoshuah in His Throne

upon His return?

Why do you think you are here experiencing this world and being tested and challenged

by and through what appears to be an evil financial system?

Is it really so evil?

Or, are there some that have used and abused it thus making it look like it is evil because

their intention overwhelms the good purpose of it being used to test one�s faith unto


I know� this is heavy, but far to many of you are not getting this and what it means

and I have written plenty on this subject showing the connection between belief, faith

and trust being THEE test that is ultimately going on that everyone experiences while in

this physical body of flesh.

Everything of the physical is a type of the Spirit.

Everything we experience is by design and for a good and grand purpose unto the fulfilling

of one�s destiny.

It is my hope that you come to know, realize and manifest this.

It would appear that the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK does serve a purpose in testing the heart

of men to either elect to live by the Law of God, or to chose another created being

to be their King� as in Man-King� as in 1 Sam 8.

Read it!

We were all given notice by the Creator El Elyon of what the folly of that decision would

do to us and yet we still have chosen to ignore His wisdom and go our own way.

No wonder Hosea 4:6 is in full force and effect.

When we choose to elect another man to be our King this is the result of that folly.

What better example do you need that this?

Or, do you think that this example is in error?

If so, I do hereby formally challenge you to show how this is not true.

Good luck with that.

BUT, there one other difference!

One of them can be REDEEMED FOR LAWFUL MONEY PER 12USC411 as clearly stated in Section-16

of the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT thus taking whatever the transaction is out of the FEDERAL ZONE

making it a NON-TAXABLE EVENT!

Yes, you have been redeemed without money.

This is a fact for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

�For thus says the Lord: �You have sold yourselves for nothing, And you shall be redeemed

without money.� Indeed, we have all been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, and His

Blood was and still is PRICELESS.

That is why He took away all the Sin of the world by His Blood.

Now then, why do men still toil around in SIN/DEBT unto unbelief in that being taken


Because of stubbornness!

Because of unwillingness to finally come to the end of one�s own way, which is against

the Will of God.

Until one surrenders their own Will and Way for THE WAY and His Will that one is essentially

�LOST AT SEA.� And that brings the connection directly into why there is a national debt,

because people are still believing in Sin and that Sin has more power than the Redeemer�s


Do you see how the physical is a reflections of the Spiritual state of mankind?

It gauges it perfectly!

So then, only those that do believe, agree and place Trust in His Blood for doing exactly

what He claims it has done.

Indeed, these are Redeem without MONEY.

But, for those that have no such faith unto Trust� what are you going to do for your

own salvation, not to mention your own Estate and Title whilst you are still here in this

physical body of flesh?

How are you going to even bring balance to the physical books if you are not balance

Spiritually by submitting to the Law of the Trust of God in obedience so that not only

can you see the provision that has been provided, but also claim it and use it according to

the Will of God?

Yes, for those of you who disparage those who do have faith, how will you redeem yourself

without the Redeemers blood?

There can only be one way, and you better make sure that your blood IS as pure as His


Else, you are sunk by your own arrogance, ignorance and egotism.

Basically this image is true, because the entire world has been held hostage by the

FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM through its international agent called the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND


The world was forced to use only the Federal Reserve Note to buy and sell oil.

This is why the Federal Reserve Note is also called the PETRODOLLAR.

This has all been effectively done at gun point.

You can still have virtually the same affect by redeeming the fiat currency into Lawful


This is an election.

You either endorse private credit by not demanding lawful money, or you demand lawful money and

redeemed yourself from the FEDERAL ZONE and out the taxable jurisdiction under the power

and control of Caesar.

If GOLD is the currency of Kings, and SILVER is the currency of Gentlemen, and BARTER is

the currency of peasants, THEN debt is currency of SLAVES!

So then, MANY people have indeed chosen by their actions to be a SLAVES rather than a

King and/or Gentlemen, because they are unwilling to OVERCOME this world and learn what they

need to apply so that the physical world no longer holds power over them.

And, like it or not, or, agree with this or not, all things happening in this physical

world has a direct connection to spiritual matters.


And, by doing so, you will also be declaring that you indeed are REDEEMED WITHOUT MONEY,

but by blood, so that your faith is now with works that back up your claim to having faith.

�But why do you call Me �Lord, Lord,� and not do the things which I say?� Yehoshuah

walked on the waters of the commercial world of His day and by doing that He set an example

for ALL people to follow, no exceptions.

He commanded and controlled His PUBLIC life by and through the power of His Private Life

and Relationship (Trust) with His Father.

He kept, which is to fulfill, the Law of the Trust that He was bound in agreement too,

else Men would have no reason to have faith much less a valid place to Entrust.

So then, can you follow His example?

Yes, you can!

Albeit, not like He accomplished it, but, it is most certainly possible as with God

ALL things are possible.

Remember, a big part of the experience of this Life unto OVERCOMING this world is to


�And you will be hated by all for My name�s sake.

But he who endures to the end will be saved.�

But, the question is, are you willing to do what is necessary to do the same thing and

thus OVERCOME this second age?

�Many are called but few are chosen.� This does not mean that the many are going

to go to hell, and that the few are not.

On the contrary!

The many will be given their opportunity to choose God�s way, or their own way, during

the millennial rule of Yehoshuah at the beginning of the Third Age.

(SIDEBAR: Understanding the Ages is one major KEY to understanding The Holy Bible and putting

things into context and order.

If you are unaware of this knowledge, then I encourage you to seek this knowledge out


It is a warped religious organization that does not teach the truth about the Ages.

What is really ugly is the vast majority of RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS (501c3�s) are exactly

that� warped, because they do not teach the doctrines of the Law of God, but rather

the traditions of men.

If you do not chose to learn what you need to learn so that you can fulfill, �Come

out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues,�

then all that you have been doing is making a use of a fiat-fictional currency, which

involves you in directly DEBT and the expansion of the national debt.

Now, replace the word DEBT with the word SIN.

STOP being involved in Babylon/Rome�s debt, which is the same as sin.

Any claim of a debt against you is a claim that you are a sinner, and God does not hear

sinners, John 9:31, �Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a

worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him.�

So then, the connection of Spiritual to Physical is this� if you do not redeem the currency

then how can you claim to be redeemed by the blood of Christ?

You will be swimming in SIN, which is DEBT, if you do not redeem the currency, or claim

to be Redeemed by His Blood.

Do you see the connection?

There is a connection whether you agree with this or not.

This world and this AGE was designed to test this very thing!

Everything of this physical world is a type of the Spiritual!

In addition, the weapons of our warfare are spiritual and are therefore unseen.

The fact is the affects of the world of fiat currency (usury, interest, unbalanced scales,

unequal weights and measures) is unseen, but it is felt, and its affects are made known

as they do manifest.


The purpose is all about testing your faith in light of the Biblical Maxim, �No man

can serve two masters.� If you choose not to redeem the currency into Lawful Money,

then how are you doing the things that Jesus said one is to be doing?

�But why do you call Me �Lord, Lord,� and not do the things which I say?


To be involved in and with the National Debt IS TO BE involved in SIN.

How can one so involved be doing the things which He commanded?!

There is salvation by simple belief unto faith, and this is for those of the outer court of

the Temple, but then there is also the elect who will rule with Yehoshuah in His Throne.

�To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and

sat down with My Father on His throne.� (Rev 3:21) Which one do you intend to be,

and why would He put someone in His throne that does not understand how God�s system

of Commerce works righteously and fairly for ALL, no exceptions?

Notice I said commerce, NOT capitalism!

The difference is in God�s system of Commerce every one wins!

But, in capitalism, which warps Godly Commerce into profitable enterprises for the selfish

and greedy, there are winners and losers.

This goes directly against the Law of God and His Will for ALL things to be EQUAL and


(See DEUT 25:13-16 and Proverbs 11:1) Do you see the difference?

Do you understand the importance of this delineation.

I can only hope and pray that you do, for without such knowledge, understanding and

wisdom salvation could hang in the balance.

So then, what are you going to do with this knowledge now that you have read all the way

to this point?

You do realize that by being informed of this choice that you have automatically incurred

a duty and obligation unto doing the wise thing according your understanding and knowledge

of these things.

Be mindful that you are now with knowledge that many will flat-out reject without evidence

to the contrary.

Take care to not be one of these and as always, use this knowledge in concert with, �Be

wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove.� For, �When a man�s ways please the Lord,

He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.� So then, resolve to BE the PEACEMAKER

and be recognized to be an Ambassador for Christ.

In another post, a poster attempted to explain that they used THEIR MONEY to set off a debt.

Without more detail to explain exactly what they did as well as to vet and validate their

claim, I proceeded to point out with the question, �How does one pay a debt with a debt note?�

For FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES being a fiat currency is a note of debt in their default form.

UNLESS one avoids that pitfall and elects instead to make use of Lawful Money.

This can only be done with a demand that the currency be redeemed, else it is not redeemed

and is a debt not by default.

In short, Isaiah 52:3 says, �For thus says the Lord: �You have sold yourselves for

nothing, And you shall be redeemed without money.� This is in conjunction with 1 Samuel


For a Living Soul to be redeemed that can only happen by blood.

Specifically, the blood of the Lamb of God.

But, while the children of God are in this physical form how shall that redemption be

carried out so that one is not involved with Sin, which is Debt, and effectively complies

with Revelation 18:4-5 to, ��Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins/[debts],

and lest you receive of her plagues.

For her sins/[debts] have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.�

This can only take place by the determination of one who understands that the manifestation

of the Kingdom of God that is within them can indeed take place NOW for those who have

placed their Trust in the One who is with their Eternal Life.

�Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered

them and said, �The kingdom of God does not come with observation; 21 nor will they

say, �See here!� or �See there!� For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.�

(Luke 17:20-21)

Everything that one experiences in this physical world has spiritual ramifications.

This is why, �For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling

down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against

the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.� (2 Cor


What is learned of the Spirit is demonstrated by and through the physical.

So then, if one refuses to redeem for lawful money and thus exit the Federal Reserve Zone

of Sin and Debt, then how shall they claim that they are redeemed by the Blood of the

Lamb of God?

Is it not written that faith without works is dead.

So then, if you claim to have faith, then just don�t say that you have it, show it

by your works.

Else do not speak of the matter until you do.

What I am saying is that if lawful money is not demanded to redeemed the claim of there

being a debt then the books have not been balanced to zero and the debt still does exist.

For a debt not cannot and never will pay a debt IN Law!

This a fact of basic algebraic mathematics.

A negative plus a negative does not and never will equal a positive.

[ -2 + -2 <> 4 | -2 + -2 = -4 ] And what one has actually done has expanded the debt and

is directly involved in increasing the national debt.

This is the end result of a little bit of ignorance and a lot of presumption with do.

Therefore, the debt/sin was not settled, extinguished and closed.

For Caesar has no willingness to oblige anyone who does not have enough knowledge know these

things, nor is willing to learn them of their own initiative.

The key comes with understanding how one is endorsing the private credit of the private

FEDERAL RESERVE BANK because IF one does not declare their intent to STAY OUT OF THEIR

FEDERAL ZONE, then by the design of that fiat currency note, one has volunteer into that

zone and is under the jurisdiction thereof wherein no man can serve two masters.

And, since Caesar�s world is a world that operates on the Rule of Bankruptcy, Debt,

and Usury, then this reflects that one has determined for another man to be their king

just as Israel did in 1 SAM 8.

For more infomation >> Lawful Money or Private Credit Why You Should Learn How to Redeem Lawful Money - Duration: 20:51.


Trump's Empty 'Ultimatum' to NATO - Duration: 7:22.

Trump�s Empty �Ultimatum� to NATO.


Defense Secretary Mattis just called for Europe to increase defense spending or else...what


President Donald Trump�s �ultimatum� to NATO is, at best, as clear as mud and,

at worst, an empty threat that will harm U.S. security interests. It�s a vague call for

European member nations to increase their individual defense spending, which is the

same thing four previous defense secretaries under President Barack Obama said every time

they traveled to Europe for this thrice-a-year meeting of national security heads.

In Trump�s message, delivered by Jim Mattis during his first trip to Brussels as defense

secretary, is a threat: pay up, or else. But what else, exactly? All Mattis said is that

if European members states don�t do more, America will �moderate its commitment to

the alliance.�

So, let me get this straight: Washington thinks Europe isn�t taking the threat to NATO seriously

enough. It says pay up and do more. If not, Washington threatens to defend the rest of

NATO less? How does that make America safer, again?

�NATO arose out of strategic necessity. NATO must now evolve out of strategic necessity,�

Mattis said, according to prepared remarks. �We all understand that the alliance must

transform to remain relevant.� Then he said that he �registers� Europe�s nervousness

about Trump�s commitment to alliance and pledged the new president�s �strong support�

for it.

Look, we�ve heard some version of this for years, if not decades. In his final trip to

NATO in 2011, then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates really let �em have it amid fears

that NATO would stop spending on or sending troops to Afghanistan. Before the Chicago

summit in 2012, I wrote about the worry over NATO�s �paper-mache� commitments to

Afghanistan. Leon Panetta, Chuck Hagel, and Ash Carter have since gone to Brussels and

told the rest of NATO they need to increase defense spending. Here�s Obama, Hagel, and

Secretary of State John Kerry pushing NATO in 2014 to open their arsenals and pocketbooks

after Russia invaded Ukraine.

But here�s the problem. Europe has decided what level of defense spending and posture

it needs for its defense. Just like in Washington, every year, each country has a budget process

or elections, and no matter how hard or forceful American defense secretaries shake their fists

the needle has not moved that much. Here�s two handy charts on NATO spending.

NATO members so often are pressured to �reform� that they set up a permanent unit in Norfolk,

Va., called Allied Transformation Command and led by a 4-star general or admiral. You

know who held that job? Mattis. He knows plenty about NATO reform and relevance. On Wednesday,

he cited Gates� frustrations of 10 years ago and the reality of today. But he gave

no clarity as to what Trump would do if NATO members do not do what Trump wants.

�America will meet its responsibilities, but if your nations do not want to see America

moderate its commitment to the alliance, each of your capitals needs to show its support

for our common defense,� he said.

For several years, the favored path to a more efficient NATO had been �smart defense�:

allowing members to determine what capabilities they can each afford to support and lend to

NATO, so that everyone doesn�t have to possess and know how to do everything.

In 2014, former British Ambassador to the U.S. Peter Westmacott outlined the UK�s

vision for NATO at a Defense One event. He said even smart defense requires commitments.

�Clearly, this requires all allies to pull their weight. That includes those member states

whose defense spending has fallen below the agreed threshold of 2 percent of GDP,� Westmacott

said. �Just a few months ago, people were asking why we even needed a Summit. �The

Cold War is over,� they said. �Europe�s security is assured. No need for a transatlantic

Alliance.� Nobody is saying that any more. On the contrary, there�s pretty much universal

acceptance of the importance of the alliance today as in the past.�

Little has changed. Either Washington accepts what Europe wants for itself or Washington

is going to have to fill that gap alone, through bilateral agreements to put additional American

troops and equipment in place on its own, at a much costlier rate than if done as part

of the NATO collective. That doesn�t square with Trump wanting Europe to pick up more

of the defense tab.

The real concern here is that NATO�s effectiveness is being measured too much by its budget balance

sheets. Since 9/11, NATO has shifted from being a standing defensive alliance into also

an expeditionary one that deploys troops to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and across

the Middle East and Africa to help fight terrorist groups. And in the past year, NATO has sent

more American and NATO troops to Eastern Europe and created its first intelligence-sharing

shop. Here�s �everything you need to know about NATO,� today.

The bottom line is Trump�s campaign fist-shaking somehow has to square with reality. Rhetorically,

Trump is all over the place. He called NATO �obsolete� last March, then backtracked

to say NATO was important, then said �obsolete� again in January. Now Mattis is, too, calling

NATO a �bedrock� and then threatening to weaken it, all on the same trip.

U.S. generals don�t want to go against their civilian commander publicly, but you can�t

find one who agrees that NATO is �obsolete.� Just the opposite: they give NATO robust support.

If all that this is about is defense spending, then Trump and Mattis have a tough fight ahead.

They aren�t fighting internal Pentagon bean-counters and planners, or a single NATO budget office

or NATO leader. They�re fighting 27 parliaments and the entirety of European electorate.

But they�re also being watched by the entire senior U.S. military command who works day

in and day out to keep NATO together, show a unified front to Russia (the reason NATO

exists), and to the fight against Islamic extremist terrorism at it�s Southern doorstep

and growing from within.

Trump�s NATO �ultimatum� is as precarious a red line as Obama�s was on Syria. If NATO

countries call Trump�s bluff, then what? The U.S. still will honor Article 5, Trump

already has said. Anything short of that would mean the U.S. would pull out of NATO with

less troops, funding, intelligence sharing, or some other capability. Those options only

seem to weaken European security. And that weakens American security.

For more infomation >> Trump's Empty 'Ultimatum' to NATO - Duration: 7:22.


Mayor: MGM Springfield is keeping their commitments - Duration: 0:39.
































For more infomation >> Mayor: MGM Springfield is keeping their commitments - Duration: 0:39.


Book a Tearfund speaker to inspire your church - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Book a Tearfund speaker to inspire your church - Duration: 1:26.


Dark side of the Moon (eng subs), 1x05 - Duration: 55:01.

[SREDA Production Company]

Karl Vladimirovich! Karl Vladimirovich! For 2 minutes!

If you're about Solovyov, then we have nothing to talk.

Prognosis is negative.

There's no sense that he occupies our best ward.

But in this one he will die over the course of a few days.

I've seen his medical record.

There will be no miracle.

Consider him already dead.


[Dark Side of the Moon]

[Episode 5]

Good morning!

How did you sleep?

I guess, tight.

If I didn't even notice how my clothes have vanished.

I washed it. Where's it?

It was time to wash the shirt and trousers were dirty too.

What will I wear? Here, bathrobe.

I will wear bathrobe to work too? I didn't ask to do the laundry for me.

Don't be mad, please.

I made breakfast.

There's no need to serve me!

I don't need breakfast.

You won't have it?



I'm doing everything myself. I'm used to.

Laundry, cooking - all on my own.

I'm sorry.


Maybe we'll be friends with America soon.

Will be visiting each other.

I would like to see New York. Yeah.

Their next president will be an actor.

He wouldn't want to kiss our dear Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev - and things will get ugly.

In general...

You'll see New York.

In 20 years. I promise you that.

Who are you?

Where are you from?

I'm from Moscow.

Ordinary soviet man.


What are your work hours?

Today - from 12 to 8.

I'll take you there.

You wait for me till the evening.

You will do everything as I tell you.

And nothing bad will happen to you. Clear? Ok.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Give me a towel. Here. Thanks.

[Take Mishka to hospital. We need to talk! Am I a father or... Hottabych? September 10th] ("Old Hottabych" is soviet fairytale about genie. "Hottabych" was also a name for homemade firecracker)



Is this today's date?

Yes, yes. 10th.

Damn. Long break will start soon. Get ready, let's go.

Let's go.

Where, Mish?

I'll hold...

Watch out, guys!

"Hottabych" is done! Let's make one more!

Run away!

[Run away, quick! It's gonna explode!] Lay down!

Lay down!!!

Are you ok? Mishka? Ok?

What are you doing?

We were launching "Hottabych".

What the hell "Hottabych", do you have brains at all?! Do you use them?!!

When you were a kid, did you made everything right?

I did all the right things.

Then why don't you act right now? Why are you with her and not with mom?

I'm talking about you now.

Moralize me at home, then I'll behave! Understand?!

So, are they all fine?

Yes, it's all right.

Horrible. This could kill.

Yes. One boy once got his neck all cut open.

Inflammation, 3 weeks in a hospital, he had to repeat school year.

After school he failed to enter university.

Went straight to the army.

And 2 years later - to the police.

And it seems like he has died in the line of duty.

Twist of fate.

Well, yeah.

Let's see how fate will twist now.

Misha. How did you know about here, today? Just how?

I felt it. I'm a father after all.

He had scar, I definitely remember, scar on his neck!

Old scar - and it's not there anymore!

Ekaterina Ivanovna, I got enough sleep.

I definitely saw the scar.

Who's there?

Does Igor Kramer live here?

Kramer lives here. Who are you?

Police captain Solovyov. Open the door.

Show me your ID, please. Open the door, Kramer, come on!

Or are you afraid?

I'm not afraid, I'm just surprised - police has never visited me before.

You recognized it. Already half the battle.

Let me in, we'll talk.

If you don't mind, I'll have second breakfast.

And you tell me...

Who have you made this signet ring for?

I didn't invite you to the table, by the way.

Waste of food.

You won't eat now, anyway.

You're just standing and shaking.

Of course. You barged in...

Showing me some weird signet ring.

Of course, I'm scared.

Just tell me, who you've made it for. Of course, I'm scared.

Just tell me, who you've made it for.

How to find him - that's all.

We'll go separate ways. For the time being.

What do you mean "for the time being"?

You'll know later.

The main thing is that you don't deny that it's your work.

I deny.

I deny it right now - this is not my work. It's yours. No.

Yours, Kamer. It's yours.

Your signature design. You will use it later all the time.


How to understand this?

You're a godsend master.

You'll spend a decade in jail.

You'll get out (of jail), leave (the country).

You'll come back.

You'll open your own chain of jewelry shops.

You'll get rich.

Then you will have problems.

One person will help you.

You'll give him a pen.

Made by you.

With this design. Exactly like this.

Are you insane?

Who have you made this signet ring for?

You tell me...

And everything will stay between us.

You keep mum - and I'll give the ring to expertise.

And start the investigation.

You made it from illegal gold.

I don't work with illegal gold.

I don't need you, Kramer.

I need the one who ordered the ring.

Tell me and we'll go separate ways.

It's not my gold.

He brought it.

A chain.

15 grams, all went in there.

He ordered a signet ring.

He said "with any predator", so I made this.

I'm an apprentice.

Leonid Markovich doesn't let me do the work.

I decided to try.

Not for money - for experience.

What do you know about him? Not for money - for experience.

What do you know about him?

He's ginger.

Obviously. What else?

Nothing. He ordered, I stayed after work and made it.

Next evening he came...

Was reading a magazine.

What magazine?

"Behind the Wheel".

He was laughing all the time - I thought what's so funny he found there?

What else?

Nothing. I finished polishing and gave away the product.

He gave me the magazine and went away.

Ginger. If I see him - I'll recognize, that's for sure.

He gave you the magazine. Where is it?

At the workshop. Let's go.

You tricked me?

What's going on? I don't know either.

Let's go and see.

Come on, get out.

Leonid Markovich...

Solovyov. What are you doing here?


Police does the work.

And you're on a common basis now. Therefore, you'll come in for interrogation. Do you understand me, Solovyov?!

Zhelobov, wait, calm down.

I'm going to talk with the captain myself.

But... But you suspended him, tovarishch Kotov.

Dubchenko, don't you get involved in this. But... But you suspended him, tovarishch Kotov.

Dubchenko, don't you get involved in this.

Let's go have a talk.

What's going on, Solovyov?

Maybe you can explain?

What are you talking about, tovarishch major?

Trofimov called me today.

He withdrew his complaint from the prosecutor's office. He has no problem with you.

You are good honest policeman, can serve again.

Nice to hear this.

How did you do it?

He overreacted.

Calmed down.

Withdrew his complaint. It happens.

How did you get here?

How did you know about the murder? I didn't know.

I came here minding my own business.

Solovyov, what kind of personal matter can you have here?

The guy that I came with.

Kramer, Igor.

He could help me to find one person. He made a ring for him.

Who do you work for so well now?

I'm working with you.

For the good of the country.

Ok then.

Let's say, we came to an agreement.

One stab wound in the heart area.

Firm and accurate hand.

I'd even say - jeweler work.

So, come on...

Tell us.

Why did you fight?

With whom? What "with whom"?

With him.

With your master.

We didn't fight with Leonid Markovich.

He's like a father to me, how dare you.

What do you mean?

There's a living flat above the workshop.

The residents have heard that yesterday evening, around 10pm, you argued.

The victim yelled "Igor, you're a bastard!" You are Igor, right?

I didn't kill. I... I didn't kill.

How can I believe you?

You've just said that you didn't even argue.

Preliminary I can say that time of death was about 10-11pm.

So what?

Come on.

Speak up.

Full confession (of guilt).

I didn't kill. I swear.

Everybody says so at first.

We'll sort it out at the department. Dubchenko, take him out.

[You look like your father]

[exact copy]

[I remembered his mug forever]


(his mug) that ruined my whole life.

I'll revenge him, through you.

So he'll turn over in his grave.

Is something wrong, Karl Vladimirovich?

No, everything's right.

Everything is exactly as it should be.

Solovyov? Are you feeling sick?

I'm fine.

That's good.

Well, everything's clear to me.

Take the jeweler's corpse to the morgue.

Solovyov, come one, come on! Get up!

We're going to the department, to rattle your "friend".

Yes, sure.

Tomorrow I'll definitely fix it.

You're in the service, Solovyov. Sit down.

So, what about the strangled girl?

What's her last name... Milovanova?

You still have that version? You insist on it?

About the maniac?

Nah, this can't happen in our country. About the maniac?

Nah, this can't happen in our country.

What about "MosGas"? ["MosGas" was the nickname of one of the first serial killers in USSR, because he introduced himself as Moscow Gas Service worker to get into the flats]

["MosGas" was the nickname of one of the first serial killers in USSR, because he introduced himself as Moscow Gas Service worker to get into the flats]

You had maniac, who introduces himself as "MosGas". ["MosGas" was the nickname of one of the first serial killers in USSR, because he introduced himself as Moscow Gas Service worker to get into the flats]

"You had". See, how he's separating himself from the others.

Dubchenko. Do you have a version?

I do... Tell us.

I don't.

We think that it's a "floater".

He wanted to rob her, she began to fight back. He strangled her and then stabbed.

To mislead the investigation.

It's a lost cause. The country is big, he can be anywhere.

At the Baltics. Or at Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan has nothing to do with it.

He'll appear very close soon. Yeah, wait for it.

The easiest thing is to blame "Jack the Ripper". That's it! STOP!

Enough guffaw! Come on!

Like it's not department, but some crazy circus!

From now on, all talks must concern work only, understand?

Not a single extra word, you see?

Dubchenko, do you understand? I do. That's better!

And find this bastard, that killed the girl.

And now, bring the jeweler here. At least we'll close his case, while it's still fresh.

I'm afraid that he didn't kill.

What are you murmuring, Solovyov?

Kramer's not a murderer.

I murdered.

I did. I.

We had quite a fight.

I don't remember how I grabbed the knife.

Excuse me.

Where's the knife?

I don't remember. I probably threw it away.

I was working till late at night, I couldn't keep up with the work.

Leonid Markovich was bugging me.

He came to check me, yelled, hit me. Leonid Markovich was bugging me.

He came to check me, yelled, hit me.

So I... (killed) him...

I don't remember anything afterwards.



Why the phone cord was cut?

What cord? Wait, Solovyov. Don't meddle.

Here's for you.

Write a confession.

Tovarishch, sign this.

The exit is there? Yes.


You didn't kill.

I've already confessed everything.

Why the phone cord is cut?

I don't know, I blacked out.

Why did you incriminated yourself?


What's going on? Take him away.

He didn't kill.

Solovyov, don't make me angry.

Work on Milovanova's murder.

Any questions?

No way.

Don't mess up!

I told everything.

You lied about everything.

I don't know anything else.

You don't know anything about this too, huh?

What's this?

Are you an idiot, Kramer?

This is a coin. I don't understand, why are you showing it to me.

Because it was made at your workshop.

I've found it there.

With witnesses. It was in the form.

Maybe Leonid Markovich?

I don't know. You usually worked till late at night.

Don't tell me that he was making illicit products and forgot to clean up?

He's old, he could forget.

There, near the furnace...

There's a thing for melting metal - what's the correct name?


Whose fingerprints will be found on the crucible? Yours.

There's plenty of evidence for a prosecutor.


I didn't kill! That's better.

Daisy, daisy: I killed him, I killed him not...

Tell me how it actually was.

Leonid Markovich accidentally found out that I was doing it. (illegal coins)

He shouldn't have come in the evening in the first place - he should have gone to his sister.

To her Birthday party - outside the city. Only he had a key.

He opened - I haven't even heard him at first.

We argued. He yelled, screamed, blamed me.

He kicked me out. He said that he wouldn't file a report, but he wouldn't work with me either

Why did you take the blame of murder?

If I'll go to jail for illegal gold, then I'll never be able to work with jewelry.

Who will hire me then?

There'll be a chance. Unlike in this case. You think, someone will hire a murderer?

Work is everything for me.

You. You don't understand.

I do understand. Who killed?

So, who killed? The coins should have been taken away in the evening.

I thought that he would go away.

He would go away, so that workshop would be closed. And he stayed for some reason.

Who was to take the coins?

Ruslan. What Ruslan?

I don't know. How to find him? Don't know.

Don't lie to me! I don't know! We got acquainted at the flea market. There...

Antiques, also coins. He was looking at the coins, we had a talk.

He suggested... Suggested what?

To cast royal golden coins.

He sells them afterwards.

He has illegal gold from somewhere.

Where's the gold from?

I don't know. I don't know anything else at all! He contacted me - he came to my home or workshop.

Ruslan is his name. Age 25-30. Looks like he's from Caucasus.

Don't you think that I do this for money - it's interesting work, casting forms, distressing.

Leonid Markovich. He killed him.

Why didn't you believe that I killed?

Good afternoon! Good afternoon. Good afternoon...

Can you tell me how to find Ruslan? Ruslan? No, I don't know. I have no idea.

I see, thank you. You're welcome. You're welcome.

Good afternoon! Good... Can you tell me how, how to find Ruslan? I don't know.

Maybe you can help me?

Can you tell...

... if these are real or not?

Golden coin.

Nicholas golden coin...

It's a stumer. What?

It's modern replica. Fake.


You started collecting recently? Yeah...

Why do you go for gold?


Gold is gold. Leads to no good. Exactly...

I'm sorry I upset you. Nevermind. Gold is gold. Leads to no good. Exactly...

Nevermind. I'm sorry I upset you.

Thank you.

Can you tell me...

How to find a real gold coin? I can't help you with that - I don't work with gold.

Who can? I don't know.

No, I just need to talk, to figure out these gold coins. I just want to understand.

Well, to figure out you need to find Kirill Andreevich.

He's not working with gold, but he's an expert.

Where to find him?

He's at the pool now.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Keep breathing.

Don't rush.

Look around carefully.

Hello. Tell me, nice lady, which one of these men is Kirill Andreevich?

Kirill Andreevich... Here he is, Kirill Andreevich, swimming here, with grey hair. Thank you. You're welcome.

Looking great.

Kirill Andreevich?

Yes, I'm listening. Good afternoon. Mikhail.

Nice to meet you.

I'm interested in numismatics.


That's a good hobby.

I decided to collect golden coins. Very expensive. That's a good hobby.

Very expensive. I decided to collect golden coins.

I've got money - worked at the North for 5 years, could have bought "Ford".

But I always wanted to engage in numismatics.

Well, this is noble hobby.

But I still can't understand. I've been told that you can help with the coins.

To begin with, I need something simple.

Nicholas gold coins.

Excuse me, who told you that I'm working with gold?

One very reputable man.

Excuse me.

I can't help you. I agree for a kickback, if you bring me to the right person.

Have a good day.

Are you afraid?

Do I look like a policeman?

No, you look nothing like a Soviet policeman.

But I don't understand why. Why do you need this?

"Collector's itch".

Numismatist avarice.

But you should know this yourself.

There's one person, who can help you. But you should know this yourself.

There's one person, who can help you.

A few of my friends bought Nicholas gold coins from him.

Alexander (gold coins)...

He said that soon he'll have a few Netherlands ducats.

From St. Petersburg Mint.

If you know, what I mean.

The last one - not quite. But I'm just a beginner.

It's always very dangerous.

But it's not the case. It's always very dangerous.

But it's not the case.

His name is Ruslan.

Ruslan. How to find him?

He left me a phone number.

In case someone has serious interest.

You have serious interest? Very serious.

That's why I need serious seller. I've already bought a stumer once.

You can refer to me.

[turn your head]

[hold on]

[this has to be done]

[simple electric shock]

This place full of nerve endings.

I'm trying to connect body and brain.

I'm turning it on.


Soviet scamps...

Give me 2 kopecks, I'll give you 5.

What am I, a capitalist, to profit from this? Here, use it.

Do you know how?

I wasn't scared by IPhone... You weren't scared by what?

Hello, Ruslan? This is Mikhail.

Kirill Andreevich gave me you your number.

I have an interest. Do you know what I mean?

Fine. What restaurant?


Wow. Amazing. Is this Vysotsky?


With you?! With me. Vysotsky.

With me. With you?!

May I take a look?


Why is this photo so strange? It's Polaroid. How so?


I didn't know you have such friends.

Kotov would be very surprised too.

I'll go and surprise him then. You can't.

Why? He's not there. Everybody is away.

What case? Dinner break started 5 minutes ago!

On a case? What case? Dinner break started 5 minutes ago!

I'll go too, otherwise there'll be a huge line at the canteen, while I'm chatting here with you.



[pay 1.12 rubles]

I'm sorry, friend, I really have to... I'm sorry.


What do you need, Solovyov? Lend me some money.

You wish! You still owe me 10 rubles.

I really need, hey. I can give you money for the compote.

I really need, hey.

I don't need compote. I need money for the restaurant.

Wow, you're splurging. Police... Police doesn't eat at restaurants.

Wait for 30 years and you'll be too. What?! Wow, you're splurging. Police... Police doesn't eat at restaurants.

What?! Wait for 30 years and you'll be too.


It's not to eat. It's for work.

Talk with Kotov about it.

He'll decide is this work or stuff...

Listen, Pryakhin, I... Solovyov! You didn't pay for compote again!

Listen, dear... What again "dear"?

I don't have... Put it on my tab. Ok, fine...

Watch out. Pryakhin... I've been Pryakhin for many years.

I really need this. For work.


How much?

How much do you need to eat at the restaurant?

It depends...

If you don't show off too much, 5 should be enough.

Give me!

What? Why you've taken all money?!

I'll return everything. Are you...!? I'll return everything, I swear. Later.

I said, I'll return. Solovyov! Serezha.

Do you want me to introduce you to Vysotsky?

Can you?

With whom do you think I'm going to have dinner?

Next time I'll definitely take you.

Won't you trick me?

Bon appetit, Petrovich. Same to you.

He will trick me, scoundrel...


Thank you.

But we only have fish-soup, "Cheerfulness" salad and Chicken Kiev.

What's the point in menu then?

Don't show off.

The point is - the nice atmosphere of our place. What would you like to order?

Nothing yet, I'll wait for a friend. Where can I wash my hands?

As you wish. Go there.

Mikhail Sergeevich? (Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev - final leader of the Soviet Union 1985-1991)

And you? (Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev - final leader of the Soviet Union 1985-1991)

(Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev - final leader of the Soviet Union 1985-1991)

Excuse me, who are you? (Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev - final leader of the Soviet Union 1985-1991)

You don't know me. (Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev - final leader of the Soviet Union 1985-1991)

You don't know me.

I've seen you.

At Stavropolye? (Stavropolye = Stavropolsky kray - federal subject)

(Stavropolye = Stavropolsky kray - federal subject)

It doesn't matter.

I wanted to say:

Acceleration, restructuring - it's all right. (Acceleration, restructuring - parts of a slogan and a policy announced by Communist Party General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev)

But you can't do it half-way. You need to go till the end. (Acceleration, restructuring - parts of a slogan and a policy announced by Communist Party General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev)

(Acceleration, restructuring - parts of a slogan and a policy announced by Communist Party General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev)

Or not do it at all, you see?

I don't understand. Who are you?

Santa Claus.

Dammit, it doesn't turn off...

Everything is falling apart.

Something in our country needs to be changed immediately.

Ruslan? Sit down.

Would you like to order something?

You only have fish-soup and "Cheerfulness" salad?

Give him 10 more rubles and everything will be fine.

Shish kebab, yeah? As usual.

You've called? I called.

I'm interested in golden coins.

Mainly Russian.

Nicholas gold coins are available. A few Alexander gold coins.

How many will you take?

One of each kind.

Do you know the price? Specify.


Listen, friend. If it's cheap - it's a scam. This right here - has guarantee.

My granddad from Nazran got them from his great-granddad, and he got them from his father.

Saved them during the Revolution. And I need money now.

I can lower the price for you.

I like you!

Can you show them?

Sorry, friend, I don't carry them with me.

I don't know, who called.

And now I see.

You seem to be a good man.

You'll buy - you'll see everything.

What if I'd buy 10 Nicholas gold coins? What's your price gonna be?

You're a businessman! Can't tell at a first sight.

In 3 hours I'll have money. Where are we going to meet?

At Sokolniki (park) - there's summer theater.

You know - movies, wine and games.

This is not shish kebab. I'll be eating the right one at home soon.

In 3 hours.

Will you order anything or will you pay?

I'll stay for a bit. As you wish.

Allow me to report, tovarishch major.


The jeweler's murderer.

Today at 5pm he'll be at Sokolniki.

We can catch him red-handed.

With coins.

What coins?

Those are my coins.

Dubchenko, turn this off.


What's going on, huh?

WAS going on.

Probably the following:

Kramer was making fake gold coins for numismatists.

Someone called Ruslan was selling them.

Kramer's master didn't know anything.

But yesterday he accidentally caught him and kicked out of the workshop.

Ruslan came later.

Something happened there.

Maybe master didn't want to give away the coins.

Maybe he wanted to report to the police.


Anyway, Kramer...

Is not a murderer.

Did you bring the coins?

Did you bring the money?

I did.

Show me.

First, you show me.

You don't believe me, bro?

2 guys over there are my bros as well?

It's like you are by yourself?..

You bitch!


Stop! Stop!!!

I said STOP!

This is cop!

You caught him, Solovyov? Yes!

Great job, you're running like a horse! Take him!

I caught him.

We'll settle another time. Go!

You want to mess with KGB?

We've been chasing them for a year. They're exporting illegal gold from mines.

They're making coins and selling them to numismatists. ["Behind the Wheel" magazine. "LUNA 13-128" written in ink]

I'm seeing you way too often, Solovyov.


Don't mess with us. We don't forgive.

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