Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 16 2017

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law of success

For more infomation >> The Law of Success: Billionaire Mindset Motivational Videos For Students Entrepreneur Advice - Duration: 44:31.


Study of Pollen Germination - OLabs - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Study of Pollen Germination - OLabs - Duration: 2:45.


Lady Altagracia | Episode 57 | Telemundo English - Duration: 15:11.



Yes, Lady Altagracia threatened me in Daniel's office.

She confronted me.

She admonished me for that time she found us sleeping together.


She has no right. We're not together anymore.

Well, yeah, but she thinks you aren't together because of me.

She wants to drive me away from you.

She said to give you up

or start worrying about Dad.

She said he could die at any moment.

-Just like that? -Yes.

She threatened to kill your father?

Not outright, but basically. Yeah.

That's why I'm upset!

It pisses me off!

I don't want people like Altagracia to use their power

to walk all over people like us.

-Calm down. -No!

-They do as they please! -Wait!

I didn't tell you so you'd get upset.

I told you so you'd understand

why I'm moving away to another country.


-Yes, you have to understand. -No, wait.

Saul, you want to protect your mother

and I have to protect my father.

Look, I went to the tenement to say goodbye to everyone,

especially to you.

My relationship with Monica has nothing to do with Saul.

He can't go around beating up cops just because.

I'd lose the respect of all the people who saw me.

We were the only witnesses and we won't...

I don't care.

I won't look like a coward.

Oh, so there he is. The big Alpha male.

Yes, Lydia.

All men want to be Alphas and that's not going to change.

It's an inherent desire we're all born with.

In a dog eat dog world, you have to be an Alpha.

Is this you trying to justify your violent outbursts?

Growing up, I was taught never to cry.

Being emotional is a commodity only women have.

I was taught to fight for what I want

and to not let anyone walk over me.

Even if it means losing Monica,

I won't be humiliated by another man.

I don't agree. You don't have to fight.

You have a choice.

You can choose between being a good man and being a macho man.

That's enough, Lydia.

Stop trying to convince me.

I'm warning you both.

If you know where Aguirre is, then you'd better tell me.


You'd cover for that criminal?

I need to take this phone call.

Will you give me a few minutes?

I won't go anywhere, especially when I'm unarmed.

Come on, Jorge. Let's go.

I'll keep an eye on you.


How's it going?

Have you thought about a way to throw Monica in prison?

I almost had her,

but Saul caught me off-guard and attacked me.

They're together.

I don't want any excuses.

If you show Monica any mercy,

I promise you I won't do the same for you.

It's not an excuse, ma'am.

Saul caught me off-guard and attacked me.

Don't worry.

I'll make sure they're arrested.


Leave Saul out of this.

I need him to be free.

With all due respect, ma'am, Saul attacked me.

You're not listening! I don't care!

I can destroy you just as easily as I can help you.

We had a plan.

Monica's the one I want in prison.

I want her arrested as soon as possible.

You knew my father would want to leave eventually.

Yes, but I thought you'd go to Tamaulipas, not Europe.

Besides, how will you...

My mother paid my father a lot of money so we'd leave.

Can you imagine?

But you don't want to go.

I know you don't want to go.

Besides, Lydia's here and Margarita.

I'm here too.

I won't let Altagracia hurt you.

It's not just Altagracia.

It's a lot of things.

It's Gabino and my issues with him.

It's my mother, who I'll want to meet if I stay

and to whom I'd like to say a few things.

Why stay?

In any case, I'm leaving for my father's sake.

He's very sick. He's extremely anxious.

I want to please him in any way I can.

I don't know.

Once you told me you wanted to leave because of me.

You were afraid of being close to me.

Is that also why you're leaving?

When I first got here,

you promised you'd show me around the city, right?

-You said you'd show me places. -Yes.

Right now we're in a plaza.

We're in Plaza de Santo Domingo.

That's right.

Yes, but don't do this.

Please, this isn't a goodbye.

But it is, Saul.

This is goodbye.

We're saying goodbye before you get that call

and you have to go back to the tenement.

-What are you doing? -Don't turn around.

There are cops behind you.

Just hug me.

They'll think we're a couple. We just need to wait.

I feel so alone and so empty without you.

But I'm too prideful to let them know how much I need them

and how much I love them.

They have to come back.

One, for the good times we had.

Two, for all the memories we shared.

And three, for everything that's still to come.

I'll take these out once they come back to me.

How'd it go at school?

No one knows anything yet.

Did you talk to Diego? Did you tell him we moved out?

No, I didn't get a chance to talk to him.

He wasn't at school today.

He's your boyfriend. Call him.

I actually talked to Emiliano,

and he didn't mind our current situation.

You spoke to Emiliano?

Do you trust him so much that you told him?

I told you I didn't want you to be with him!

I don't like that you're with Felipe either,

but that doesn't stop you!

Are you denying you saw him today?

That's different. I'm the mother here!

I'm sick of this!

How long do we have to keep living like this?

-Here you go. -Thanks.

Why won't anyone give us an update on Lazaro?

The doctors are probably checking him up.

Don't worry.

It'd be best for you to talk to Monica.

What happened, Yesenia? How's Lazaro doing?


Wait, I think I know you.

Aren't you Lady Altagracia's ex?


you said you wanted to light a candle for the Virgin, right?

-Yeah. -Pray for the both of us.

Give us a sec, will you?

Altagracia did one of her numbers.

She got rid of the bodyguard and she broke into the house.

Not only did she take our money,

she also told Lazaro...

What'd she tell him?

She told him a secret that I can't tell you.

Only Lazaro can tell you.

That's if he makes it.

The doctors haven't told me anything.

Adolfo's been in there for hours.

It's my fault, Felipe.

I was part of that secret that's hurt Lazaro so much.

I broke his heart.

Gabino, I already told you

that if you even think about going after Saul,

Monica will hate you till the day you die.

You'd better think carefully before hurting Saul!

Stop defending that idiot.

He doesn't need you to.

You don't have to worry.

I won't have him arrested. He's protected.

What does that mean?

Your son, the guy who loves saying that I'm crooked,

is even more crooked than I am.

You know what?

He's in as deep as I am in this.

I'll never forget the beating he gave me today.

He'll pay for it dearly.

I won't use my position as a cop to make him pay,

but he'll pay.

Matamoros, let Braulio in.

There's something he's not telling me.

I'll play along and see what he tells me.

Yes, ma'am. Let him in.

What's going on?

Since when must I wait

or ask for Matamoros' permission to come in here?

First of all, lower your voice.

Things are getting dangerous

and I need someone loyal to watch my back.

And what does that make me?

I'll be very honest.

A lot has happened,

a lot that's making me question your loyalty to me.

Absenteeism, unfinished work, excuses.

If you're referring to Saul's girlfriend...

Monica's not Saul's girlfriend!

You see? I can't tell you anything.

That's why...

I went to see Yesenia and Lazaro.

That's all I wanted to tell you.

Matamoros found them living in a very luxurious house.

They were very comfortable.

What'd they tell you?

What's that supposed to mean?

Yesenia and Lazaro are together. Doesn't that surprise you?

Doesn't it surprise you that they're living together?

Don't tell me you already knew and you didn't tell me.

Alright, thanks.

Yesenia, I was just on the phone with Monica's bodyguard.

Someone attacked him.

What about Monica?

When he came to, she was gone.

He checked in the tenement but she's not there either.

It can't be.

If Braulio finds her...

Adolfo, thank God! How's Lazaro?

He's in critical condition.

I don't want to give you false hope.

Yesenia, this has accelerated the process we'd slowed down.

Lazaro could die any minute now.

I don't think these guys are leaving anytime soon.

Let's walk away slowly. Let's act normal.

Let's go.

What is it?

Are you afraid they'll recognize us?

No, it's not that.

Well, you can let go, Saul.

No, I can't... and I don't want to.

It was one thing for you to go back to your town.

I'd still be able to see you or visit you or hear from you.

But now I know I might not see you again

and that changes things.

I won't let it happen.

Let's try to remember the good times.

Let's hold on to that.

Let's hold on to the good moments we've shared.

Just remember me as the crazy chick who made you laugh.

No, I don't want this to be a happy or sad goodbye.

I just don't want you to leave.

You're saying that because you insist on protecting me...

No, it's not that.

I know you're not a girl. I know that very well.

You and I have been through a lot together.

Through things only a woman could go through.

You're a woman who knows how to love and how to fight.

Why are you telling me this? We're just friends.


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