Hey everybody this is Eric Worre. And welcome to
Network Marketing Pro.com. Today I want
to share one of the principals that's
worked with me, and many of the top
earners that I've known in my career. If
you want to accelerate your growth,
accelerate your success, accelerate the
number of goals that you're going to hit,
not only this year, but next year and
Follow this principle. Now it's an
old principle, but I think I can tell you
why it works, at least from my
perspective. Ok. Here's the idea. You've
heard about it in the, in the the movie
The Secret. There's lots of old ancient
texts that talk about it. But here's what
I believe is the most powerful force, one
of the most powerful forces on earth. And
that is your imagination. What you can
imagine. Now most people misuse their
imagination, in other words, they think about
what bad things could happen. They let
their imagination go wild to the
negative side. How they could get hurt, how
they could get rejected, what could do
all the terrible things that could
happen. But the most successful people
and, I will tell you, I've used this
in my life, for my whole life, and it's
well my whole adult career at least. And
it's worked unbelievable. Is using your
imagination for good, using it for growth.
Now here's what I what I what I mean by
that. If you pick a goal, whatever it is,
let's say you want to meet someone, let's
say you want to achieve a rank, let's say
you want to get to an income goal, let's
say you want to have a certain number of
people in your group at the next company event,
whatever it is.
Ok. I want you to clearly imagine it.
Get it so clear in your mind, that it's
like you're living it in reality. What
does it look like? What does it feel like?
What does it smell like? What does it
taste like? As clear as you can get it.
And when you're talking about what
this picture in your mind, it's
good to put in writing, and it's good to
make it as detailed as you
possibly can.
How do you feel, now that you've achieved
that goal? How many lives are you
impacting now that you've accomplished
that objective? Whatever it is. It doesn't matter
what it is. But the key is detail. The key is
specifics. The key is a clear, crystal
clear mental picture.
Ok. So if you have a goal I'd like you to
just go through this exercise with me today.
And get a clear mental picture, of what
it looks like. Ok. What it feels like,
what it tastes like, what it smells like,
how you feel, how other people, how
they're looking at you because of how
what you've accomplished. What is your
how are they reacting because you've
made that objective a reality. Ok. So
get it clear. And then just go about your
life. But here's what ends up
happening, and it's happened to me so
many times you can't even imagine. As
soon as I get it clearly in my mind it's
not long before that thing becomes a
reality. Now it's not a magic trick.
Ok. You can't just sit at home and
imagine a lamborghini and it pulls up
into the driveway and somebody gives you the
It's not a magic trick like that. Here's
why I believe it works. Your subconscious
brain is working all the time, no matter
what you're doing. It's working, it's it's
it's helping you guide, and shift, and
make different decisions. But if you get
a clear picture in your mind, I believe
you unlock the power of your
subconscious mind. And when you unlock
the power of your subconscious mind, it
starts to grind and grind and grind and
grind to make the picture that you have
in your imagination a reality. And there
starts to be thousands, of what I like to
call micro decisions, that start to
happen. Little left turn, right turn
little course corrections, thousands of
them, that are happening all the time.
While you sleep your subconscious brain
is is working to help you guide you
towards that objective. If you're mowing
the lawn, if you're doing the laundry, your
subconscious mind is working, if you're
is strong enough and clear enough
your subconscious mind is working and
working and grinding and grinding and
moving. It's not like you're attracting
those things to you, you're attracting
yourself to those things because your
subconscious mind is working for you.
It's like a slave for you, working and
grinding and working and grinding and
working and grinding to help you get to
your objective. Thousands and thousands
of little decisions, you didn't know why you
made them. They were made because, one you
had a clear picture in your mind, two your
subconscious brain went to work without
you even realizing it. And three step by
step, inch by inch, you moved closer to
your objective until you obtained it.
So the picture that you have in your
mind is incredibly important because
guess what, if you have a negative
picture in your mind, a negative picture
in your imagination, your subconscious
mind is going to go to work to make that
a reality too. Thousands of little micro
decisions to guide you towards the
negative. So who wants to live with that.
Who wants to put your subconscious mind
to work as your employee, to work for
you, and work against you,
why would you want to do that. So get a
clear picture of your goals, of your
objectives, of your vision, of anything
you want to accomplish, anyone that you
want to meet, anything that you want to
I've envisioned getting on stage that I
wanted to speak on. I've
envisioned having thousands of people in
the room. I've envisioned relationships
with top, of my heroes in personal
development. Jim Rhone, and Tony Robbins
and Richard Branson's and
all the different people. I've imagined
those relationships long before they
became a reality. And then my
subconscious mind went to work. And it
ground, it was grinding and grinding
and grinding and grinding, thousands of
decisions until it became a reality. So
one think of something that's important
to you. Get it clear in your mind. And then
let your subconscious mind grind for you,
let it work for you, let it create
results for you, because you deserve it.
That's our show for today. Ladies
gentlemen, my wish for all of you is that
you decide to become a network marketing
professional. That you decide to
Go Pro, because it is a stone-cold fact
that we do have a better way, now let's go tell the
world. Everybody have a great day.
We'll se you tomorrow. Take care bye bye.
Hey my name is Eric Worre. And if you're involved in the
network marketing profession, I want to
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tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with
million-dollar earners in the profession,
interviews with global icons like Tony
Robbins or Sir Richard Branson. Lots
of different things that we provide.
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