Title: Emotional Music: 2 Hours of emotional music instrumental playlist video
Flynn's ouster leads to more chaos in Trump world | Trump News - Duration: 7:59.-------------------------------------------
Releif Efforts by SROA for communities effected by Oroville Dam Evacuations. - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
ABC Casts the First Black 'Bachelorette' for Upcoming Season - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Pastor Bobby Prays For Cotton | Season 1 Ep. 8 | STAR - Duration: 1:22.Cotton, 20 years ago I broke off my relationship with God.
I was in this exact place.
The church was no place for a sinner like me.
I asked for God to put forgiveness in my heart,
and only through prayer I was led back to God.
I'm doing this for my mother.
And she appreciates you for it.
I'm gonna ask that you join my hand in prayer.
Hold on, let me get my bible.
Hold my hand in prayer.
Bow our heads as we pray.
Dear Lord, forgive us for our failures.
Guide this mother and child relationship the way
it ought to be.
I call on you, Lord, as I pray.
This young soul has been lost for so long.
Please, God, bring Arnold back to his mother.
포 아너 스토리모드 바이킹편#3[For Honor Viking Story][フォーオナー実況][도살장] - Duration: 30:01.-------------------------------------------
포 아너 스토리모드 바이킹편#2[For Honor Viking Story][フォーオナー実況][도살장] - Duration: 24:49.-------------------------------------------
Star Suggests That Alex Ask Her Mom For Derek's Bail | Season 1 Ep. 8 | STAR - Duration: 1:10.Star, you ever been locked up?
A couple times.
Petty stuff.
Assault. Why are you asking me?
You a sometimey bitch.
And you got a big ass head.
What's up?
How's Derek?
His head's getting twisted.
Talking about taking a plea deal.
That's what they do to you, man.
They're trying to get in his head.
We can't raise 25k at a block party.
We gotta try.
What about your mom?
Why don't you ask her for some help?
Well, I wonder who else has got money?
포 아너 스토리모드 바이킹편#1[For Honor Viking Story][フォーオナー実況][도살장] - Duration: 20:34.-------------------------------------------
A Cure for Wellness Movie Review - Duration: 8:00.A Cure for Wellness is two and a half hours long
- yeah, let THAT sink in -
and for the first two hours
it had me!
I was like on creepy cloud nine!
But then for the last half hour
it turned into some real...
Josef Mengele sh*t.
With Only 2 Cups a Day You Will Lose Belly Fat! - Duration: 2:49.With Only 2 Cups a Day You Will Lose Belly Fat!
With Only 2 Cups a Day You Will Lose Belly Fat!
Scare In The Air For Harrison Ford - Duration: 1:33.AT A CALIFORNIA AIRPORT
Quick Tips: Getting Ready for Your First Experiment in Optimize Free - Duration: 3:53.Hi everyone, I'm Krista Seiden,
Analytics Advocate at Google, and today I'm joined
by Rotimi Iziduh, who is a
Product Manager on Google Optimize.
In this Quick Video Rotini is going to walk
us how to Get Ready for Your First
Experiment in Optimize Free,
or really how to set up your container and your
account to get ready for that experiment.
So with that I'm going to go ahead and
and opportunity also Thank You Christa
once you initially get access to go to
optimize you will be in the Google
optimized accounts page while you are
there you have the option to view the
accounts that you have as well as any
containers a part of those accounts I
google optimized automatically creates
you great for you a default account
called my account as well as a default
contain and in my container from this
view you can actually edit the account
details of that default account as well
as any other container information with
that said most of the of your work will
be done within the container so let's go
through and check out what's in my
container once you access the container
of you you're presented with this handy
checklist to the right
these provides for you the sequence of
steps that you need to complete in order
to be able to create experiments in
Google optimize the first step is to
link to a Google Analytics property so
go ahead and click on the link property
button once you do so Google optimized
automatically pulls in all of the ga
properties that you have access to in
this case i only have access to my
sample website at once that is completed
you need to select at least one of you
note that I go optimizes these views to
collect goals objectives and other
useful metrics during the experiment so
go ahead and link to RG property once
that step is completed you get a prompt
asking to add optimized slip into your
site the optimized a bit is what
actually runs experiments and creates
the various variations for your
customers to try out so we click on the
gets the bed button and you're presented
with the optimizer like
snippets this is actually a very simple
process and only requires the copy one
line of code from here in this case that
is the one outline that is bolded and
you need to then place it in your GA
tracking code so i have some sample GA
tracking code set up here and you would
just need to add that line that was both
previously at this point
additionally it is also recommended that
you add the page hidin snippet the page
is that basically helps to minimize any
flickering that could occur as the
variations have been created for your
customers to do so simply copy this bit
of code below here and add that as early
in your head tag as possible
this is not mandatory but it's
definitely recommend that to get the
best experience with google optimized
alternatively you can install the google
to my snippets using the google tag
manager to do so please follow the
instructions outline in the Help Center
article on deploying optimized with tag
manager now that we have created without
we have installed the optimized lipid we
actually ready to go
please note that the install optimize
that step will not be automatically
checked as it is something that you need
to validate on your great thanks for
teaching me that was really good
overview of how you can really quickly
get set up to start your first
experiment in Google optimized thank you
Fake News Is Contagious. Is It Coming For You? - Duration: 3:13.[news alert]
Hey, listen to this:
It says here that the Cincinnati Zoo
is trying to bring Harambe back from the dead, Frankenstein style.
Yo, I would definitely go see that.
I'd go see it. It's amazing. That's pretty dope.
OK, but like, we can't bring gorillas back to life.
OK, yeah, but it says CNN though.
No, that says CMM.
That's fake news.
And that's not a credible news source?
100% fake news.
You gotta be careful 'cause that's just going around right now.
Yo, I wasn't listening to anything you just said.
You have to read this, though.
It says you, Mamoudou, own a dolphin.
Yeah, I got that, too.
I don't own a dolphin.
I don't own a dolphin.
I don't know, man.
I mean, we haven't been to your apartment in a couple months now.
That wasn't even CMM.
That was MSABC.
The epitome of truth.
No ability to raise aquatic life in here.
It's just me and my roommate.
Uh, yeah, I totally thought there was enough room for a pool in here.
Oh my god.
This article from SHAMU.FREEDOMEAGLE eagle
says you kicked a gay dolphin out of your house
because you don't approve of it's lifestyle choices!
What is that?
That doesn't even make sense.
What the fuck man?
OK, I'm gay.
Are you going to, like, kick me out of your home next?
Is that what you're gonna do?
No, I would never do that.
Oh my god.
Shamiroquai is dead.
Who's Shamiroquai?
Who's Shamiroquai?
Um, he's your gay, dead dolphin son.
I don't have a son. [news alert]
OK, I'm not a homophobe.
I'm not —
You know, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I don't have a gay dolphin son, guys!
Come on!
This is all fake news.
Guys. Guys.
None of this is real.
While we're in arguing over whether
dolphins and humans can have kids,
Donald Trump's out there banning Muslims from this country!
[news alert]
No, but I, like, really want to talk about this dolphin thing.
I think it's a little bit more pressing. Yeah, that's so pressing. So pressing.
I mean, look at it! Seriously. Shamiroquai was a fashion voice
It's just crazy! of our generation.
I can't believe you already forgot a dolphin –
[news alerts]
What's wrong?
People keep believing all these fake news stories about
killing tacos —
[offscreen] Oh, I heard about that!
... resurrecting gorillas,
people thinking that humans and dolphins —
People just need to apply a little bit of logic to the situation.
That's it, but they're not doing that.
I totally get what you're saying.
Thank God.
What you're doing isn't easy.
So brave.
What? Because I have a gay son?
Because you're raising a dolphin.
And so far from salt water.
So, so brave.
I didn't tell you that. How did you know?
News travels fast.
Fake news.
It's all around. It's happening.
It seems fake, but it's not.
It's very real.
I thought – I thought you were dead.
Constipation - Sample 10 Natural Remedies for Immediate Relief - Duration: 5:37.Constipation Sample 10 Natural Remedies for Immediate Relief.. How To Relieve Constipation Naturally 10 Natural Remedies how to get rid of constipation immediately. If you're like most people, you have probably experienced uncomfortable bloating and constipation found out for yourself just how debilitating they can be. Constipation is merely a symptom with an underlying issue. By approaching the root cause, it is possible to relieve constipation before it starts. When constipation happens, you can save time and money by utilizing natural remedies, many of which you probably have around the house. Before you run to the pharmacy, give these 10 natural remedies for constipation a try. 1. Water It may seem simple, but keeping hydrated facilitates digestion and supports muscle function. When the body receives enough water, the digestive system can process nutrients and move wastes along smoothly. Bowel muscles are also more efficient and are able to keep things moving. The question is: how much water is enough? If you feel thirsty, that's one indication that you should probably take a sip. If you're feeling a little backed-up, try 8 to 16 ounces every two hours. Generally speaking, you should divide your body weight in half, take that number and drink the same amount of water (in ounces).(getting rid of constipation) If you weigh 150 pounds, then you should drink 75 ounces per day. You may need to alter this based on your activity level. 2. Prune Juice and Prunes I bet you probably expected this one. Prunes are high in fiber and sorbitol, a carbohydrate the body digests slowly. As the fiber and sorbitol move along the intestines, they collect water which softens fecal matter. Start with an 8 oz glass of prune juice or 2 or 3 prunes. Give them a little time to work before trying more.(getting rid of constipation) Too much fiber and sorbitol can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
3. Coffee This morning brew does more than wake you up. Coffee — particularly dark-roast coffee — stimulates digestion and contains fiber, oil, and water, all of which help keep the bowels moving. A cup or two will do the trick. As a diuretic, more than a couple cups may make for too many trips to the bathroom. Plus,(get rid of constipation) the excessive caffeine may cause nervous symptoms. Choose organic and fair-trade varieties when choosing coffee. 4. Olive Oil Take a tablespoon of olive oil before eating breakfast in the morning. As a nutrient-dense oil, it stimulates the digestive tract. It also lubricates the bowels and provides antioxidant protection at the same time.(constipation naturally) 5. Probiotics Yogurt and kefir make for an excellent breakfast, whether it's consumed as is or mixed with your favorite breakfast cereal or grain-free granola. The probiotic strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium encourage healthy bowels which translates to easier evacuation. Increased frequency, better stool consistency, and a reduced digestive transit time have all been observed with individuals who consume probiotics. [1]
. Beans Rich in fiber, a meal containing beans shares many similar benefits as one containing prunes. The fiber keeps stool soft, and the protein has added benefits for growth and repair of bodily tissues.(immediate relief) Beans also possess nutrients essential for muscle health and function. For many people, beans may be easier to incorporate into their daily meal plans than prunes. 7. Magnesium-Rich Foods Magnesium is essential to muscle health and peristalsis, or the movement of food along the digestive tract. Low magnesium consumption has been associated with increased incidence of constipation.(im constipated) [2] Adequate magnesium intake directs water to the bowels, keeping the stool soft and easier to move.(cure constipation naturally) Green leafy vegetables like spinach, nuts, and fish are high in magnesium.
8. Baking Soda and Warm Water Mix one teaspoon of baking soda in a quarter cup of warm water. Supposedly, this mixture is said to relieve pain and pressure associated with constipation,(relieve constipation naturally) and the bicarbonate is believed to reduce the symptoms associated with heartburn. The quicker you finish drinking, the better it seems to work. 9. Exercise Movement encourages muscle health and stimulates digestion, so going for a walk after eating may help get things moving. For cases of occasional constipation,(constipation relief foods) pelvic floor exercises have proven more effective than laxatives. [3] Yoga, pilates, and even running may encourage the movement of wastes along the intestinal tract. 10. Herbs Flax seed, psyllium, and fenugreek are generally the herbs recommended to start with when it comes to fighting constipation. These are easier on the stomach and fall under the category of bulk laxatives. Purgative herbs such as senna, aloe, and buckthorn are also effective when it comes to constipation;(fast constipation relief) but remember, these herbs are meant for short-term use.
My Dinner with Alleged Time Traveler Andrew Basiago - Duration: 7:50.My Dinner with Alleged Time Traveler Andrew Basiago
By Dr. Kathy Forti
Present day scientists agree that the ability for time travel and teleportation IS possible,
but don�t say WHEN.
Would it surprise you to learn that we already have the technology and ability to transverse
time NOW and that we�ve had it for well over 50 years?
It appears that the government has been experimenting with teleportation since the 1950�s, according
to military whistle blower and Washington attorney, Andrew Basiago.
I was up in Mt. Shasta, California recently and had the opportunity to dine with Andy
and question him firsthand.
Unusual dinner conversation?
You bet!
I found his story compellingly credible and his memory for details worthy of a Mensa candidate
(which he is).
I can hardly remember what I ate I was so captivated by his story.
Basiago�s involvement as a time traveler for Project Pegasus, a Defense Advanced Research
Project Agency program (DARPA) started as a young child in the late 60�s and continued
through his teen years.
He was recruited by his father, who worked in military intelligence.
Andrew�s dad was a part of the �time-space program� known as Project Pegasus which
utilized Nikola Tesla technology for teleportation.
(This explains why over 50% of Nikola Tesla patents and research materials have been placed
under lock and key by the defense department for reasons of �national security�).
The military�s experimental use of young children of military intelligence personnel
is legendary.
As a clinical therapist once practicing in the Norfolk, Virginia area, home of the Atlantic
Fleet and several military bases, I treated a few grown-up candidates from some of these
covert programs.
They included everything from mind-control to inducing dissociative states in children
to create an alter personality to carry classified information without detection.
It was the penultimate spying program (see MKUltra).
It was hard to believe such tales at first, but their stories were all eerily similar
and were not elicited under hypnosis.
Most of these programs are covert and not openly sanctioned by the government or, oftentimes,
not even known about by even the top military brass.
So it wasn�t much of a stretch for me to keep an open mind about what Andy was sharing
regarding his own experiences working for several secret military programs.
Much was first reported about Andy�s time travel in the Huffington Post in 2012.
He recounted how he had traveled back in time to President Lincoln�s Gettysburg address
(and was caught in a photo), as well as forward in time to the year 2045.
Each time his handlers had him report back in detail what he saw, political and social
details, and who the president was during that time.
He claims that after a very early time traveler leap into the future he reported back that
there was a black president named Barack Obama.
He confides that his handlers were especially interested in identifying future presidents
in order to foster and shape their early development.
Andy claims that many of the most recent presidents, including both Bushes, Clinton and Obama were
told of their future presidential roles long before they came into power.
Andy even reports being involved on a project where he briefly roomed with a young black
man named Barry Soetoro (later to take the name Barack Obama).
Interestingly, Obama has acknowledged knowing Andy Basiago as well as being familiar with
Project Pegasus.
As to any further details regarding his involvement � he has remained mum.
As Captain Spock would say, �Fascinating.�
Some people may recall hearing the term Project Pegasus from its use in the Stargate Atlantis
TV series.
However, it�s no secret in Hollywood that deep space stories as well as the film The
Day the Earth Stood Still were scripted based on info gathered from military film consultants
who suggested such ideas.
Truth is often hidden in plain sight under the guise of fantasy.
I myself wondered how accurate time travel was, as portrayed in film and TV, with Andy�s
own experience.
Can we go back in time and correct some horrendous event such as the realm of Hitler or John
F. Kennedy�s assassination?
Unfortunately, the answer is �no.� If it could be corrected, we wouldn�t even
know about it ever having happened to go back and try to correct it in the first place.
Not even Stephen King�s time traveler character could go back and undo the Kennedy assassination
in his book 11/22/63.
Too bad.
I also had to ask Andy whether teleportation is anything like Star Trek�s �beam me
up Scotty� holodeck?
According to Andy, this would be impossible for humans, unlike inanimate objects.
Atomic cellular reconstruction from point A to point B is just too complex.
The re-assembled human version would arrive dead.
Andy says he traveled through man-made time vortals (vortex portals) that used pulsing
radiant energy.
One had to take a fast running leap into the vortal or the body could start dis-assembling.
He recalls how one boy, who faltered, came through with both legs cut off at the knees.
Inside the vortal he would often see other alien-like entities observing him, and experienced
the feeling at times of both falling and not moving.
As for the actual logistics � his time leaps might take from a few seconds to as long as
one minute, during which time he was instructed to fill his lungs and hold his breath.
There was little oxygen in the vortal and having breathing control was necessary to
avoid passing out.
If he passed out, he might not come back.
Teleportation, however intriguing as it may seem, also sounds kind of dangerous.
Is that why they sent expendable children?
Andy says that since the 1970�s they have perfected the technology and today it could
be used to clean up the earth.
He came forward as a whistle blower because he believes such highly advanced technology
should be freely available to the world and that it would positively change humanity.
Just in transporting goods, it would alleviate the need for combustion engines, fuels, and
other materials that deplete and/or pollute our environment.
This lawyer, turned activist for truth and transparency, ran for the U.S. Presidency
in 2016.
His goal was to get the government to finally release this incredible technology and bring
it out in the open.
He foresees escalator transports (kind of like subway stops) becoming the new teleportation
vortals of the future.
Hey Andy, if teleportation technology can put an end to enduring the gridlock traffic
of the Los Angeles 405 freeway, you certainly got my vote!
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