Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 15 2017

in video shield TV to nvidia announced

an update to its own shield TV device

which is not only a media streamer but

also a robust gaming machines and the

upgraded model is now available for

purchase the updated field TV focuses on

picture quality with support for 4k HDR

programming and according to nvidia

three times the performance of any other

media streamer the shield TV library or

4k content is also expanding amazon

video joining Netflix YouTube Google

Play Movies and voodoo all of which

dream ultra HD programming also coming

is support for YouTube flagship TV app

which will offer fully immersive

360-degree viewing physically the new

shield TV is much smaller than the

previous iterations coming in at just a

bit larger than a pixel XL it can easily

fit into any home environment it keeps

the same tessellated design that was so

popular with the previous generation and

somehow shrinks it down to about 2 by 3

the size of the controller takes on a

similar style and was also shrunk down

to fit better in the hand and match the

general theme of the consul's this

controller felt a lot more solid in the

hand in my opinion as the triggers were

plenty taxes while the frames of a lot

more 30 than the previous generation

while they look for the new shield might

be impressive in its own right the real

star of the show is the software the new

shield TV can playback 4k HDR video and

in videos saying it offers 4x the

performance of other content streamers

on the market

thanks to the android p vos the shield

also offers thousands of apps that users

can enjoy their content from whether

it's Netflix or YouTube Hulu body five

the shield TV has on the gaming site of

things the newest shield TV as much of

the same with a few extra tweaks

built-in video announcement Jefferson

Alex as well this year which gives the

gamers the ability to render their games

from video servers for

flat rate if you have a capable gaming

pc of your own you can also stream

content directly to your TV through the

shield which now support 4k HDR content

as well it's hard to color aiming just

isn't your thing in you prefer

simplistic mobile experiences you also

have access to the google play store and

all the games with in there are a

variety of experiences available for

almost any consumer so there should be

something for you no matter what

experience you are craving one of the

most interesting parts of the new shield

TV is the integration with google

assistance the shield TV now offers many

of the features that used to be

exclusive to the google pixel and Google

home right from the comfort of your

couch can company also announced a new

microphone module called the spot which

helps to extend the reach of your shield

assistant it can be placed anywhere in

your home and uses directional fencing

to know who is talking even in noisy

situations for more information and

latest price check description below

this video thank you for watching this

video please share this video and give

me a thumbs up and also don't forget to

subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> Nvidia Shield Tv 2? The Best Android Tv Box 2017 - Duration: 3:29.


Don't Lose Yourself In The Illusions That Surround You - Duration: 2:52.

Don�t Lose Yourself In The Illusions That Surround You

by Adeana M. Slater,

It seems as though the political arena has attracted much attention as of late.

You can see opposing sides and arguments.

It has not only crowded the social media but also our minds.

Suddenly those who were making great strides in soul empowerment and consciousness, are

suddenly caught up in the web of anger, fear, and despair.

Choose to take a step back and see with higher awareness that all challenging situations

are the biggest catalyst for change not only in the outer world, but within yourself.

When we see opposing sides, rather than fight amongst each other, keep an open heart and


There is no right or wrong, only perception.

We learn from adversity the most.

It brings sharper focus and determination all that needs to change in order to bring

us closer together as ONE, rather than push us further apart.

A unified voice is much stronger and louder than a multitude of voices all talking over

one another in utter chaos.

There is nothing wrong with sticking up for yourself and that which you feel most passionate


However, choose to be discerning in how much power you are giving away fighting others

in unnecessary drama.

There is a healthy way to be proactive, and still maintain in control of your life and


�2017 is all about new beginnings.

The intense energy surrounding you is supporting you to focus on yourself in order to bring

about positive, healthy changes.

Things, people, and situations that no longer resonate with you are beginning to feel stagnate

and heavy in your energy field.

This is for you to recognize all that needs to be shifted out of your life for the new

blessings to enter.

In order for new to enter, the old must be let go of and transmuted.

Take advantage of this time for self reflection sand reevaluation.

As we all become more passionate and aware of the changes we wish to see in the world,

we must first BE that change.

Change starts from within first and then effects our outer reality.

Don�t lose yourself in these worldly illusions that surround you.

I believe in you!! ??

For more infomation >> Don't Lose Yourself In The Illusions That Surround You - Duration: 2:52.


France's Presidential Front-Runner Macron Says Putin Is Hacking Him Now - Duration: 3:33.

Kremlin calls as an absurdity statements against Moscow

in connection to cyber attacks

that were made in the election headquarters of presidential candidate of France Emmanuel Macron.

Reports about some Russian hackers who allegedly attacked the web page

of the political movement of Macron evoke the feeling of deja vu.

It turns out that Macron with enthusiasm picked up a relay baton fallen from the hands of US Democrats,

perhaps, forgetting that it didn't help them much.

From France, our political correspondent Alexei Petrov.

Headquarters of Emmanuel Macron brought accusations against Moscow.

They say that the journalists of the RT channel and media resource Sputnik

are allegedly trying to influence the opinion of the French

and playing against the former minister of economy,

the party of whom also calls itself a victim of Russian hackers.

There are hundreds, thousands of cyber attacks on our digital systems, databases, and our website.

And, as if by chance, they are coming from somewhere within the borders of Russia.

However, there is no evidence being presented.

Nervousness in Macron's headquarters is well understood.

The fight for second place between him and Francois Fillon is becoming increasingly fierce.

Former Prime Minister Fillon led a campaign on the distant frontiers for three days.

He came back from the French island of Réunion.

Footages are being broadcast by the television channels of the country.

Here, the candidate is treated during a barbecue festival.

And here, he is pictured during a church ceremony.

But the posters "No to fictitious jobs" spoil the impression and look scandalous.

Together with this, the irritation of the supporters is growing.

A group of party members addressed Fillon, warning him of a possible collapse of the entire party.

We came to the conclusion that we cannot continue our campaign

in the circumstances that threaten our entire party.

But Fillon is adamant.

And, judging by his mood, he isn't going to leave the fight.

If you are self-confident, you have to go all the way.

Marine Le Pen, who is expected to win in the first round, is campaigning in the south,

where she already has strong positions.

It was shown by local elections in December 2015.

The leader of the "National Front" went to the border with Italy

to speak out in support of the police and to criticize the immigration policy.

At the time of our conversation here today, two times more illegal immigrants

have already been detected on our territory compared to the previous year.

It's not hard to imagine that in the spring and summer, there will be more.

Who will pay for them?

For the first time the presidential race takes place together with a large-scale terrorist threat.

The country is in special regulation for the second year.

A metal lattice is now put around the Eiffel Tower.

It was mounted last year, before Euro-2016.

But now, Paris City Hall wants to go even further.

It is planned to enclose the Tower with a fence of bulletproof glass.

The height of this construction will be two and a half meters.

The project will cost the city 20 million euros.

Fences and frames are everywhere.

Police and military are on duty around the inspection points.

Even part of the gardens around the Tower might stay behind the fence,

which is planned to be build by the end of the year.

Tourism in France suffered greatly

because of the terrorist attacks on the <i>Bataclan</i> and <i>Charlie Hebdo</i>.

The profit of hotels and the entire tourism sector fell.

We already know that the police managed to prevent a terrorist attack near the Eiffel Tower.

It was prepared by a 16-year-old girl and her 21-year-old boyfriend

who planned to go to Syria after.

The couple was arrested in Montpellier.

Explosives were found in their apartment.

The country is gradually learning to live in a new environment,

and the French are waiting for action and not declarations from the next president of the republic.

Alexei Petrov, Irina Kudesova, Sergei Rubanov, Semen Shavchenko, <i>Vesti</i>, Paris, France.

For more infomation >> France's Presidential Front-Runner Macron Says Putin Is Hacking Him Now - Duration: 3:33.


The Church Mindset is ANTICHRIST - Duration: 4:22.

Most Christian believers have a church

mindset. They believe that they must

belong to a church, that they have to

attend church, that they have to pay their

tithes to the church. Their whole faith and

their whole religion is about their church.

The church mindset is Antichrist. There is only

one way to enter the kingdom of heaven

and that is to follow and obey Jesus

Christ. You must have the Jesus mindset.

You must have the mind of Christ. You

must be transformed through your

relationship with Jesus Chris, so that

you can do the will of God. The church

mindset is in opposition to God. It

is Antichrist. People are concerned about

their church membership. If they don't go to

church they feel guilty. If they do not

belong to a church they feel that they

are lacking. Everybody tells you to go to

church but they have no relationship

with Jesus Christ. They are not concerned

about their relationship with Jesus Christ

because they have none. They are

concerned about their church, all they can

talk about is the church, and the pastor.

They cannot talk about Jesus because

they do not know Him, they have no

relationship with Him and they lost. They

will perish. They have have been deceived by the

church. Our relationship with Jesus

Christ will determine whether we will enter into the

kingdom of heaven or not.

Jesus Christ is the way not the church.

The church is a deception unless that

church takes you to Jesus. But churches

draw you unto themselves, they make slaves

of the church, proselytes of the church;

not disciples of Jesus Christ. If you are

a disciple of Jesus Christ then you have

Jesus on your mind, then you have the

Spirit of Christ in you. You listen to

Him and you follow Him,

you do the will of God because you

follow Jesus Christ. Going to church will

not get you into the kingdom of heaven.

The church mindset is Antichrist. Have

you met Jesus Christ?

Do you know His voice? Do you follow Him.

Have you received His Holy Spirit and

are you guided by the Spirit of God?

Those who are being led by the Spirit of

God, they are the children of God, not

those who go to church. Do you have the

mind of Christ? Do you have the Spirit of

Christ in you and do you follow Him?

Do you listen to Him,obey Him and serve Him?

Is your life Jesus Christ, or is your

life church? Church is Antichrist. Get out

of church.

Get on your knees before Jesus, get to

know Him and follow Him every day, or

else He will say to you:"Go away I never

knew you, you worker of wickedness." Do you

know Jesus Christ? Are you a disciple of

Jesus Christ, or do you just go to church?

May Jesus bless you.

Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.

I am here to introduce you to Jesus

Christ so that you can know Him and

follow Him and have eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more

about Jesus.

May Jesus bless you.

For more infomation >> The Church Mindset is ANTICHRIST - Duration: 4:22.


Girls Favorite Street Food–Amazing Skill of Street Food | Street Food -Indian Street Food Tour - Duration: 5:07.

Amazing Skill of Street Food

For more infomation >> Girls Favorite Street Food–Amazing Skill of Street Food | Street Food -Indian Street Food Tour - Duration: 5:07.


Woman arrested in Kim Jong-nam murder case holding Vietnamese documents - Duration: 2:14.

Our starting point is the latest on the death of North Korean leader's half brother Kim


A woman holding a Vietnamese passport is arrested in Kuala Lumpur for possible connections to

the incident.

Malaysian authorities are looking for several more suspects.

Kwon Jang-ho has our top story.

After a day of conflicting reports, the Royal Malaysia Police released a statement on Wednesday

confirming the arrest of a female suspect in the investigation of the murder of Kim


The statement identified the suspect as a 29-year old woman in possession of Vietnamese

travel documents.

She was arrested at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, the scene of the crime, and was alone

at the time.

She was said to have been identified from CCTV footage at the airport, but it's not

clear whether it is the same person seen in security footage released by local media outlets

earlier on Wednesday.

The Malaysian police have said they are also looking for another woman and four other men

in their investigations.

At the same time, the authorities have been reluctant to confirm or deny whether the victim

was murdered or even whether he is in fact the North Korean leader's brother.

The Deputy Inspector-General of Police has been quoted saying the case remains "sudden

death," until evidence of foul play is found.

But earlier on Wednesday, Korea's National Intelligence Serice did confirm the victim

was Kim Jong-nam, and that he had died of poisoning, although the method of delivery,

either a poisoned needle or spray, was still to be determined.

They said he was traveling with a fake passport under the name "Kim Chol" and was on his way

to Macau to see his family.

The agency added that it was not the first time Kim had been targeted and that a previous

assassination attempt had been made in 2012.

Malaysian authorities had been carrying out an autopsy in a hospital on Wednesday but

the results have not yet been released.

Officials from the North Korean embassy in Kuala Lumpur were spotted arriving at the

hospital... where they were reportedly looking to negotiate the release of Kim's body.

But Malaysian police are said to have been unwilling to do so while the investigation

is ongoing.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Woman arrested in Kim Jong-nam murder case holding Vietnamese documents - Duration: 2:14.


39 - Transformation - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> 39 - Transformation - Duration: 6:33.


Kim Jong-nam's black sheep legacy - Duration: 8:52.

For a deeper analysis into the apparent murder of Kim Jong-nam,... we have our Connie Kim

in the studio.

Connie,... Kim Jong-nam's death is sending big shock waves to the international community.

It really is Daniel,... because he was the eldest son of the former leader Kim Jong-il,

and was once considered a potential successor.

But he spent much of his adult life in exile and it was his half-brother Kim Jong-un who

became leader, ruling with an iron fist since 2011.

Let's first take a look at Hye-sung's report as she explains how that came to be... and

what this incident means for the family dynasty.

Who was Kim Jong-nam?

Although he was Kim Jong-il's eldest son, he was considered the black-sheep in the Kim

family dynasty.

Born May 10th, 1971 in Pyongyang, he was the son to Kim Jong-il and his mistress Song Hye-rim.

He was expected to be the first in line to be leader of North Korea, but events took

a different turn.

Kim Jong-nam is thought have spend much of his childhood in Pyongyang living like a prince,

but during his teenage years, he spent time studying in Switzerland where he reportedly

learnt about democracy.

He's said to have tried to convince his father to reform North Korea too, and that's when

he started to fall out of favor with his father.

In May 2001, he was caught trying to enter Japan with his son and two women using a fake

passport to visit Disneyland Tokyo.

The much-publicized incident is said to have deeply embarrassed his father, cementing Kim

Jong-il's negative view of his eldest son.

Kim Jong-nam was essentially exiled from North Korea thereon and spent much of his time in

China and Macau, and eventually his half-brother Kim Jong-un was named heir-apparent in 2010.

Although rarely appearing in public, he would speak to reporters occasionally and make critical

comments about his brother and the regime.

There's currently no evidence of Kim Jong-un's involvement in his sibling's death, but suspicion

is high.

It's being considered a continuation of the purges that the leader has carried out since

he came to power six years ago.

He has so far reportedly executed at least 140 senior officials, including his uncle

and mentor Jang Sung-thaek in 2013.

Whether Kim Jong-nam would have posed a threat to Kim Jong-un is unclear.

Although he showed no signs of ambition to challenge his younger brother, Kim Jong-nam

had represented a question-mark of legitimacy and remained a potential thorn in the leader's


Kim Hye-sung, Arirang News.

This has become an international case of intrigue,... which is bringing a lot of question marks

as to what triggered it.

At this point, there is no evidence that Kim Jong-un was behind the death of Kim Jong-nam,...

but most North Korea experts in Seoul, Washington and Tokyo are saying that it's certain...

that the unpredictable leader must have had it done to eliminate a perceived threat.

The fact that Kim Jong-nam is in the bloodline could be seen as a potential challenge to

the dictator.

In fact, as Kim Jong-un enters his sixth year in power, he's been in the process of having

himself idolized as his predecessors did.

NS1 "I think this is a typical case.

All the tyrants tend to kill their brothers, their in-laws, kin people around them because

they believe this is the only way to solidify his power base because he feels pressed by

all people."

Possibly adding to Kim Jong-un's hostility towards his half-brother,….

Kim Jong-nam had publicly criticized the transfer of power that brought Kim Jong-un to the top

of the regime, replacing their father.

Another possible motive being discussed is China's protection of Kim Jong-nam in case

Kim Jong-un dies.

PS3 "Kim Jong-nam has been China's favorite.

The Chinese government has been financially supporting Kim Jong-nam because Beijing looked

to him as the next North Korean leader in case an emergency occurs.

For Kim Jong-un, eliminating his half-brother favored by Beijing was necessary, especially

because he himself did not have good relations with China,"

Government sources say another reason for the killing was to prevent Kim Jong-nam from

going to South Korea.

A source who asked not to be named said Kim Jong-nam had been called back to Pyongyang

by the North Korean authorities for various reasons, but did not respond.

There are also reports that an attempt by Kim Jong-nam to enter the South led to his


Connie what's also noteworthy is the timing of it all.

In the same week as the late leader Kim Jong-il's birthday.

Why did the assassination happen so close to such an important date in North Korea?

Is there any correlation?

Right, there's been some speculation that this was tied to Kim Jong-un's father...

Kim Jong-il's 75th birthday.

Just to remind you, the North fired an intermediate-range ballistic missile last weekend, too.

But, South Korea's National Intelligece Service made it clear today... that the assassination

of Kim Jong-nam has been a standing order since Kim Jong-un came to power in late 2011.

In fact, when the North attempted to eliminate Kim Jong-nam in 2012, the head of South Korea's

intelligence agency said he sent the older Kim a letter to save his life.

It's the North's highest profile death since Jang Song-thaek... in 2013.

Who is left now in the Kim dynasty and are there any security threats against them at

this point?

A figure that stands out from the Kim dynasty is Kim Pyong-il , the current ambassador to

the Czech Republic.

Like his brother Jong-nam, Pyong-il spent more than 20 years working abroad at North

Korean embassies including those in Hungary, Finland and Poland.

NS2 "Ordinary North Koreans are not very aware

of Kim Jong-nam, but Kim Pyong-il is different.

He worked in the regime's People's Army as a potential successor and has quite a lot

of supporters."

Many in the Kim family are believed to be under surveillance.

Kim Sul-song , Kim Jong-un's half-sister, is reportedly locked up, and Kim Han-sol,

Jung-nam's son has reportedly been in France but his whereabouts are currently unknown.

It's hard to say for sure these people are danger,... but attention is also turning to

their whereabouts and whether they'll be affected in any way from Jung-nam's apparent murder.

The reign of fear continues.

Kim Jong-un executed more than 140 senior party and military officials since taking

power in late 2011.

How is this incident going to affect his power base?

Well if it's for sure that Kim Jong-un was behind the murder, it won't be easy to keep

that from reaching senior officials.

Finding out that he has killed his half-brother, most North Korea watchers say they'll perceive

a threat even bigger.... than when Kim Jong-un had his uncle Jang Song-thaek executed with

an anti-aircraft gun.

NS3 "So this is a show of force showing that he

is on the throne so he is really emphasizing on the throne that nobody will be allowed

to challenge him in North Korea.

He is very instable, typical sign of instability and nobody should not challenge his power

with any means.

Just this month Kim dismissed the regime's spy agency chief Kim Won-hong....and the propect

is... more ruthless killings are on the way.

The next big news will be the official announcement from

the Malaysian government.

Thanks Connie for coming in today.

For more infomation >> Kim Jong-nam's black sheep legacy - Duration: 8:52.


This video is NSFW. (ft. Granny PottyMouth) 🙊 RKVC and the GPM #WTF #GrannyRaps - Duration: 2:32.

You're familiar with our music, right?

Self-Deprecating Romantic Pop Rock?

Self-deprecating...that shit where you

tell everybody how much you hate yourself?

We mix the feel and soul of

the singer-songwriter genre with a

non-committal low for modern electronic pop.

I have no idea what the fuck you just said.

Hey what's up Troublemakers!

I'm Rod. And I'm Vince.

And we're self-deprecating romantic pop rock duo RKVC!

We're a band, we're songwriters and THAT

was the infamous Granny PottyMouth!

We recently got to film a collaboration

with Granny PottyMouth.

Yeah, and it was epic. It was pretty

amazing! She made us soup!

She did make us soup!

And for anyone that asks, she swears that much in real life.

Granny is awesome! Amazing person, amazing

to be around, so smart.

Filming with Granny PottyMouth and her team was one

of the funnest experiences we've had.

Definitely. And was actually probably the biggest

shoot that we've been on camera for.

Right? So it was such an amazing

experience and just to show you how

amazing she is this woman has over 1.5

billion views across YouTube, Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram and if you don't

recognize her from the TOFUCKEN video

that spread like wildfire over the

holidays (it itself had over a hundred...

820 million views)...

you might have recognized her from a

series of ASUS computer commercials

where she's Rockin' Granny.

Yeah! With the parental guidance! Yeah!

And she's just messing with the

family and everything.

If you haven't seen it, we'll link it somewhere

in the description so you can check that out.

Our collaboration with Granny,

she teaches us how to rap because she says

the music we do is for pussies.

So...we gotta live up to the name I guess...well, not pussies but...


Wait till you see this video because I

can't even describe...

I'm almost speechless even thinking about stuff

that was conversed. It's gonna be great.

You're not ready for this. No.

Make sure you subscribe to Granny PottyMouth because

she's a total fucking rock star and we

love her and we ate soup for three days


That Granny made for us. (Glorious)

It just kept getting better.

Yeah! We don't want to give too much away...

to see the full video make sure you go

to Granny PottyMouth's channel and we'll...

I don't know where that will be a link somewhere.

Hi! These are my new friends!

We wrote a killer...KILLER rap song today!

And you have to follow them everywhere!

RKVC...with a broken heart! 💔

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