Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

Hi Everyone!

Love to see that you're back on my channel

My name is Sanne de Groot

and today I'ts my Birthday!

Yes, 2th February!

It's my birthday today

And I'm turning seventeen

And I really (super) love it

So lets get started with the new video!

16 years old is a good age

and I have done a lot of things when I was 16

And this is everything I did on age 16

I ride on a Oxboard

I graduated for highschool

And after that I started on college about Media Management

For school we had to recreated a photo

you had to arrange a lot of things

So I diced to arrange a model that I didn't knew before

I was a bloginsider for Vera Camilla in a collaboration with Rimmel Lodon

So I received a huge packets of make up

For a Telivision brand called kassa

Did I a challenge as a vlogger, to live one month without smartphone

I had the best christmas gift ever

I had tickets for the bodyguard

A super lovely musical

This time I was not in front of a camera but backstage

Because I was asked to help as a production kids

By the BZT Music show

Also this year as a sixteen year old girl YouTube has mean a lot for me

So I went to VEED Awards

Was I a part of the crew from DYTG

I went to the boncolor cactus picknick meet up

And don't forget I also went to Furtjuh Live

Also I have done somenthing So awesome!

I have bought tickets for VidConEU

A big event thats usualy in America

But this time also in Amsterdam

And I am participate VidConEU

Also this year I was on the television

I had TV recordings for Brugklas & GoedeTijden SlechteTijden

Would you love to know how it ended up?

Watch than to night on RTL4 on 08:00 PM.

'Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden'

and maybe you spot me :D

This year I did a lot of cool things and this year (17) I'm gonna do a lot more cool things

But who is its birthday gives also a present back

So thats why there is a giveaway today

So I have thinking a long time about the present

I would giveaway something that I love to use

and the last few weeks I use my SocialMediaPlanner a lot.

So I decided to get another one

and one of it is for you

A social media planner is so helpfull by planning your Facebook,Twitter,Instagram and blog together

I'm giving away this planner with a secret surprise

So if you wanna enter this give away its important that you are subscribed

So click that subscribe button down below

and leave a comment why you want to win this giveaway

Don't forget to leave your Instagram or twitter in the comments

so I can contact you if you are the winner

Now you maybe asking tot when you can enter the giveaway

Thats possible tot 16 February

So If you want to enter, dont forget to leave a comment

I also put all the information in the discription down below

And I hope to see you in a new video!

See you later! Love You guys!

For more infomation >> Birthday + Giveaway - Duration: 3:00.


How To Be Fluent In English For Asian Language Speakers - Duration: 5:55.

If you heard words in your native language you are an Asian speaker!

And Asian speakers sometimes have difficulty with English grammar or usage that is different

than their original language.

This video will teach you about some of the most common mistakes that you can easily correct

to improve the way you use English.

It will make your English sound more fluent and sound more professional.

Many Asian languages do not use personal pronouns like "he" or "she" or "him" or "her" and this

can be a problem in English because they are so frequently used.

So let's talk about your mother.

Your mother, "she" is a woman and you love "her", right?

And your father, "he" is a great man and you love "him".

And let's use an example: "Let's say your mother had a baby.

So "she" is happy with "her" little baby.

And the baby is a boy.

So "he" is a "he" or "him", so your Mom, "she" is so happy about "her" little boy.

"He" is so cute.

"She" loves "him".

These are personal pronouns so important in English.

The second rule I want to cover is singular versus plural nouns.

"Robert bought three book at the bookstore" is incorrect.

Books is a plural noun so there is one book and two books and three books so it is better

to say "Robert bought three books at the bookstore."

In some Asian languages the object of the sentence can be put in the front of the sentence,

so "Shanghai, I like to go there" sounds correct but in English the object is placed in the

middle of the sentence.

So it is better to say, "I like to go to Shanghai".

Another common problem with native Asian language speakers is the difference between something

that is "very old" and something that is "too old".

Now my Mom is ninety years old so you could say she is "very old".

She has seen many things happen in her life, but she's not "too old".

In that case, "too old" would mean "excessively old" as if she was not useful.

But she is still useful and funny and can tell a joke and drive a car and cook food

for herself, so she's "very old" but not "too old" as in excessively old.

Also some things like a historical building, the Great Wall of China, or the Pyramids in

Egypt - something like that - is very old but they are not too old since we can still

learn something about history from those important historical sites.

One thing that can be "too old" is some type of fruit or something that has rotted and

can no longer be used.

You can describe a banana that's gotten black and kind of gooey and has flies around it

as "very old" and also "too old" because we wouldn't want to eat it, it might make us


In many Asian languages, the grammar is quite different than that of English and it's hard

to switch from one style of grammar into an opposite style of grammar when you are learning

another language.

It's easier if you are a French speaker and you are learning Spanish because they are

quite similar in the way they are constructed.

So this series I'm doing will help you understand these grammar differences and give you examples

that you can study and use to help your English be more fluent, more natural and correct.

I understand how difficult this transition between different types of grammar and usage

can be.

I spent a year studying Japanese and I learned some thousands of words.

And I spent a lot longer time studying the Thai language and I use that every day.

The grammar from those languages is not the same as English so I have to make that hurdle

to make sure that I use the grammar of the Asian language correctly.

So I study it often and review the most common mistakes that I and other Western language

speakers make so to make sure that I can speak correctly in the language where I want to


Those are examples of some common errors that are made from speakers of Asian languages

when they try to go from their original language grammar to English language grammar.

It's almost like traveling to the opposite side of the world in terms of grammar and


I've written a book all about these most common mistakes.

These are mistakes that I've heard thousands of Asian language speakers make over the last

thirty years as I've been a teacher.

I'd recommend the book that would be helpful for you and the book is listed in the description

below, you can check that out and please subscribe to this playlist and channel.

I'm doing a whole series of helping native Asian language speakers improve in English.

I know you can do it!

For more infomation >> How To Be Fluent In English For Asian Language Speakers - Duration: 5:55.


Boiling Point of Water - OLabs - Duration: 2:00.

Boiling Point of Water

We require distilled water, boiling tube, beakers, thermometer, a spatula, pumice stone,

a stand with clamp, and a Bunsen burner. Take about 25 ml of distilled water in a boiling

tube and clamp it to the stand. Take a few pumice stones using a spatula

Put them into the boiling tube containing distilled water to avoid bumping while boiling.

Cork the boiling tube with a double bored cork

Insert a thermometer through one bore of the cork. Keep the bulb of the thermometer about

3-5 cm from the surface of the water. Take a delivery tube and insert one end of

the delivery tube through the second bore of the cork and insert the other end of the

delivery tube into a beaker. Take a Bunsen burner and heat the boiling

tube gently by rotating the flame. Note the temperature t1 when the boiling of

water starts. On boiling, water is converted into steam

which passes through the delivery tube, is condensed and gets collected in the beaker.

Continue to heat the water till the temperature becomes constant, and the water continues

to boil. Note the constant temperature (t2). The average of the two temperatures gives

the boiling point of water. The boiling point of water is 100°Celsius.

For more infomation >> Boiling Point of Water - OLabs - Duration: 2:00.


Dakota Johnson is elegant in a scarlet dress on Jimmy Fallon show - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Dakota Johnson is elegant in a scarlet dress on Jimmy Fallon show - Duration: 2:35.


The Law of Conservation of Mass - OLabs - Duration: 2:33.

Law of Conservation of Mass

We require measuring cylinders, barium chloride

solution, sodium sulphate solution, conical flask, cork, 10 ml test tube and electronic balance.

Measure 5 ml of sodium sulphate solution in a measuring cylinder.

Pour it into a conical flask.

Measure 5 ml of barium chloride solution in another measuring cylinder.

Pour it into a 10 ml test tube.

Tie the test tube using a thread and hangthe test tube in a conical flask carefully,

so that the solutions do not mix with each other. Cork the conical flask so that the thread

holding the test tube is held firmly in place.

Take the conical flask and carefully weigh the flask on an electronic balance, with all the contents, ensuring that the solutions

do not mix, and note the reading. Take the flask from the balance, tilt it and

swirl the flask so that barium chloride solution in the test tube spills and mixes with sodium

sulphate solution in the flask and forms a white coloured precipitate of barium sulphate

(BaSO4) and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (NaCl).

Wait for 10 min. to complete the reaction. The precipitate of barium sulphate settles

down to the bottom of the flask. Weigh the contents of the flask again and

note down the reading. It will be observed that "The total mass

of the reactants is equal to the total mass of the products". Hence, the Law of Conservation

of Mass is verified.

For more infomation >> The Law of Conservation of Mass - OLabs - Duration: 2:33.


Improve the relationship with your partner - - 0046 - Duration: 5:57.

So you want a better relationship with your partner.

How nice of you.

In this video I'm going to give you a reason why peole may break the relationship

It's something that will and can happen to the best of us so prepare and

stay tuned!

Ladies and gentlemen.

So when I was young I use to wake up in the middle of the night

and what I thought was a lumberjack cutting down tree's at 4 am in the morning

but it wasn't really what I thought it was.

It was my overweight mom snoring like crazy

I say overweight because being verweight is a cause of snoring for many people, if you believe i'm shaming my mom on the internet,

no, i'm not, why would i do something like that right, who shames mothers on the internet

So 2 doors down there's a man lying next to her trying to sleep.

I wonder 2 doors down how can earplugs prevent that sound from coming through

So I did some research and found out snoring is a mayor reason why peole break up

well they don't always say it's because of snoring but we all know that

lack of sleep gets us to be easily upset, irritated and sensetive to annoyances

on top of the annoyance of lying awake, you are now sensetive to even more annoyances

I will do a video about how annoyances can ramp up to divorce later this year, something you want to prevent so subscribe

So now you know snoring is a serial killer towards relationships you wonder what

may help Well I have made my decicion on that.

Once I get a house or built a house me and my partner

going to pay extra for a seperate bedroom or guestroom for sure.

Estimates vary, but recent studies and surveys indicate that eveywhere, anywhere from

25 percent to 40 percent of couples are regularly sleeping in separate bedrooms.

I agree with that completely if it was up to me I'd always sleep separatly if I could

Perhaps not on the weekends, but it's doubtful.

Because of my early routine and all the work i have to do in the day, i better have some quality sleep.

cuddeling in the bedroom is something you won't not need to miss, so you can still cuddle up in the bedroom and have quality sleep

you should definitly take it in consideration.

Throw away those negative impacts in life Give it a chance... give your relationship

a healthy smile!

You sleep well and you love each other more You can be nice to each other because you

had a nice night without any annoying sounds "shrieking" from out of one of your mouths. You can be the victim or she can be the victim

Besides that think about the alarm clock... you have to get up at 6 she gets up at 9

Or the other way around... what the F... seriously I hate alarms!

No kidding.

It don't bother me that much anymore but I still hate them!

I'd use to be able to throw those things against the wall.

Now I can ignore them with style I can eliminate them from my life.

I may still here them in the other room but thats

more her problem than mine now.

Haha that gives me a golden idea actually.

An idea, I'm not going to share that today.


So listen up people, it may be more expensive to have 2 bedrooms and you find it less romantic

but go lie in the bed together every night, read together and watch your favorite series.

When one of you decides to go to sleep, go to the other room, problem solved.

Sleeping together is sleeping together, you are not aware unless you wake up by

some wannebe lumberjack or jackette. When you are sleeping your just sleeping it doesn't mather in which bedroom you ARE.

Keep your potency during the day.

Sleep seperatly.

Very snoozing greetings from Mr2ndopinion, byebye

For more infomation >> Improve the relationship with your partner - - 0046 - Duration: 5:57.



Did you know that taking swimming class is very awesome?

Stay tuned and we will tell you why

Going swimming is usually not on people's minds during the middle of winter.

Wet hair and the snowy weather usually isn't a fun mix.

However, taking swim lessons in the winter is a fabulous idea!

There are so many advantages that you may have never considered and we are happy to

share them with you: Having your doubts about Swimming Lessons for Kids

in Winter?

We explain our angle and sharing an surprising reason my son doesn't have ear infections


Here is our list why taking swim lessons in the winter are a great idea:


I am trapped!

It gets your kids outside of the house.

When winter rolls around it is easy for you and your family to feel the effects of the

winter blues.

Being trapped inside because it is too cold to play outside can make your children stir

crazy which in turn can turn any parent a little crazy.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is pretty prevalent in the winter.

Getting the kids out of the house to take swim lessons is a great way for them to burn

off some energy.

Be My Friend

It gives them an opportunity to make new friends.

Being trapped inside certainly, doesn't help with their social skills and taking a

swim class with peers their age is a perfect opportunity to get out and socialize.

Who knows?

They may make a new friend for life!

Be Healthy

Swim lessons help your child's body fight infection.

This may be hard to believe especially when it's so cold outside, and wet hair from

swimming make for a terrible combination.

But you don't catch colds from this because colds are caused by viruses.

The cold winter air can dry out your child's nasal passages, making it a lot easier for

viruses to make their way in your little one's body, making them sick.

Because most swim lesson facilities keep their building very warm and with more humid air,

this helps prevent that.

And on top of that, getting exercise will help boost their immune system, making their

bodies more efficient at fighting off bugs.


It's less busy.

Another great reason to do swim lessons in the winter is that this isn't a particularly

popular season to do them, classes tend to be smaller, and there swim facilities tend

to be less crowded.

You don't have to wait that long for a changing room or the hair dryer.

Not only that but doing swim lessons now will get them swim ready by the time warmer weather

rolls around.

There is no need to worry if they are going to remember their swim skills from last year

or for little babies, trying to re-introduce them to the water again.

We are great fans of the Goldfish Swim School in Mundelein and can't say enough about

it – all three of my kids 9-year-old, 7-year-old, and almost 2-year-old are happy students and

look forward to every class.

For more infomation >> WHY SHOULD YOUR KIDS TAKE WINTER SWIM CLASSES - Duration: 4:59.


8 Ball Pool Hack - 8 Ball Pool Hack Feb 2017 - Unlimited Cash/Coins Android/iOS - Duration: 4:00.

8 Ball Pool Hack 8 Ball Pool Hack

8 Ball Pool Hack 8 Ball Pool Hack

8 Ball Pool Hack 8 Ball Pool Hack

8 Ball Pool Hack

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool Hack - 8 Ball Pool Hack Feb 2017 - Unlimited Cash/Coins Android/iOS - Duration: 4:00.


Independent counsel grills Choi Soon-sil for second day - Duration: 0:48.

The independent counsel is grilling Choi Soon-sil for a second straight day.

Choi is the jailed confidante of President Park Geun-hye and the woman at the heart of

the ongoing political scandal gripping Korea.

She's facing multiple corruption allegazrttions,... but the focus of the counsel's inquiry today

is the suspicion that she used her influence to profit from a government development aid

project in Myanmar that involved the construction of a convention center in Yangon.

Choi allegedly recommended a company for the job and received shares in the company in


The counsel had Choi arrested on Wednesday, after she'd repeatedly refused to submit to


However, Choi reportedly refused to answer any questions and remained silent throughout

the interrogation session.

For more infomation >> Independent counsel grills Choi Soon-sil for second day - Duration: 0:48.


Super Big Win Again on Great Blue | SCR888 - Cucikaya - Duration: 2:42.

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