Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

Hello everybody!

This video is about how to disable Windows 10 Firewall or add a program onto its allowed

apps list .

So this is how you can disable the firewall.

Here is the first method.

Right-click on the Start menu and select Command Prompt (Administrator) from the list.

Enter a command to disable the firewall.

There is OK message.

It means that Windows 10 firewall has been disabled.

In this case, all firewall profiles are disabled.

To enable it, use the same command, but in the end it should have "on" instead of


Windows 10 firewall has been enabled again.


You can hit the pause button to see the text of these commands or have a look in the description

of this video - they will be there too.

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off - disable

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off - enable

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off - отключить

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on - включить

Here's the second method.

Open the search field, enter "Windows firewall" and start it.

Select "Turn Windows Firewall on or off."


You must be an administrator of this computer.

Check the box "Turn off" for both public and private networks and click OK.

Now, if you don't need to disable the firewall completely but only to add a program onto

its allowed apps list, there are two ways to do it.

Let's study them.

Here is the first method.

Go to the tab "Allow an app or feature through WIndows Firewall."

If the button "Change settings" is active, click on it (you still must be an administrator

to do it) and then click "Allow another app."

Specify the path to such app.

Add network types if necessary.

Then apply the settings.


The app is on the list now.

Here's the second method.

Go to the tab "Advanced Settings."

Select "Inbound Rules."

Create a rule for a program to allow its access to inbound connections.

After that, do the same for "Outbound connnections."

We can also create a rule for separate ports.

Allow access to separate ports for certain programs, games etc.

That is all for now.

Thanks for watching.

I hope this video was useful for you.

If you liked this video, click the Like button below and subscribe to our channel to see


For more infomation >> How to Adjust or Disable Windows 10 Firewall - Duration: 3:42.


What Is Nappy Rash - Sudocrem - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> What Is Nappy Rash - Sudocrem - Duration: 1:57.


Hi, This is Kate - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Hi, This is Kate - Duration: 0:46.


Jongens boxershorts Freegun maten - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Jongens boxershorts Freegun maten - Duration: 1:37.


Home Remedies For Ringworm | Home Remedies For Ringworm naturally - Duration: 4:17.

Home Remedies For Ringworm.

Ringworm is a very common fungal infection of the skin, but there are a number of simple

home remedies that can clear up this infection, including the use of garlic extract, tea tree

oil, turmeric, aloe vera, coconut oil, salt, papaya and lemongrass tea, among others.

There is a wide variety of different fungal species that can cause ringworm, which affects

the skin and is highly contagious.

The technical term for this affliction is dermatophytosis, and there are many ways that

the fungal infection can be transmitted.

Some of the most common include the exchange of sweat, contact with animals, public showers,

high-contact sports with exposed bare skin (e.g., wrestling).

Home Remedies For Ringworm.


Lavender Oil.

If you thought the smell of lavender was soothing, wait until you experience the topical effects

of the essential oil.

For the treatment of ringworm, lavender essential oil can be applied to the skin, which will

not only kill the fungal infection in its tracks, but also prevent other infections

from taking hold during the healing process.

Lavender oil is extremely powerful, so only a small amount is required to enjoy these

health benefits.


Tea Tree Oil.

When it comes to eliminating fungal infections, the native-to-Australia tea tree oil is hard

to beat.

Aside from its ability to speed healing and stimulate healthy skin, it can also eliminate

the underlying fungal infection when used regularly for a period of weeks.

However, tea tree oil is extremely powerful, so always dilute it with approximately 50%

water, or else it can cause skin irritation.


Garlic Extract.

One of the most powerful remedies for bacterial, viral or fungal infections is garlic, due

to its wide range of antioxidants and other organic compounds that make the environment

of the skin or gut intolerable for these pathogens.

For the treatment of ringworm, you can apply garlic extract to the affected area and see

very rapid results, making this one of the most popular home remedies for the condition.


Aloe Vera.

Known for its potent anti-inflammatory and immune-system boosting properties, aloe vera

is an excellent candidate if you are suffering from ringworm and want a quick way to eliminate


Aloe vera also has direct anti-fungal abilities for a wide variety of potential pathogens,

and the saponins in the concentrated gel are also excellent for relieving pain and discomfort

associated with this condition.

You can apply the gel directly to the affected area for best results.


Salt Treatment: Salt may seem like a basic remedy, but for ringworm, it is extremely


Salt dries out the skin, and given that wet, damp areas are ideal for ringworm to take

hold and spread, applying salt, which has astringent properties, is excellent for disinfecting

the area.

It can also speed healing and reduce the inflammation of the affected skin by sucking out the moisture.



As one of the most powerful antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-fungal substances available to us

in our diet, turmeric and its active ingredient, curcumin, were sure to make this list.

More specifically, people choose to use the even more concentrated form of turmeric oil

to treat this condition.

This oil will reduce the inflammation on the skin, while also quickly eliminating the underlying



Lemongrass Tea.

While most of these remedies are topical applications, there is some good that you can do through

the things you eat.

Lemongrass tea, for example, is an excellent booster for the immune system, particularly

when it comes to fungal infections throughout the body.

However, you can also allow the tea to cool and apply it directly to the affected skin

area for a doubled effect.

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Don't forget to Subscribe my channel for health updates.

For more infomation >> Home Remedies For Ringworm | Home Remedies For Ringworm naturally - Duration: 4:17.


What Is Sudocrem Used For - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> What Is Sudocrem Used For - Duration: 0:58.


Amira time - slow english: the bear - Duration: 3:32.

What? What's going on?

Sorry, Harry. I just couldn't help it.

-And now it's... -It's what?

It's Amira time!

What's wrong, Harry? You look shocked.

Harry was asleep.

Well, I took a nap. I'm so tired.

But someone woke me up.

Well, I have a story that will keep you awake.

-Really? -Tell us!

-I met a bear today. -A bear?

-You're joking! -No! I'm not joking.

I met a bear. That's why I'm late.

I was walking in the woods. Suddenly, I heard a noise.

But I couldn't see anything.

What's that?

What could it be?

It's probably just a squirrel.

But...what if it's a bear?

It is a bear! Help! Bear...


-Sorry! Are you all right? -I'm fine.

-Are you okay? -Yes, but I'm looking for Bear.

-So there is a bear? -Yes.


There you are, Bear!

This is my dog. His name is Bear.

Hi, Bear! You're such a cutie!

-So it wasn't a real bear? -No, Yemi. It was a dog.

The dog's name was Bear.

Bear... That's a great name for a dog.

This man with the dog, was he a hunter?

-Yes! -He was? Was he hunting for elk?

No, he was only hunting for mushrooms and berries.

Mm... Mushrooms and berries, I love that!

And he gave me a basket full. Look!

-Yummy! -Take some blueberries.

Thank you.

It's so great that you can go mushroom and berry picking almost anywhere.

Maybe we can go mushroom picking together?

-Yeah, I'd love to! -Yeah, you guys do that.

I'll stay here on the comfy sofa and take a nap.

-Harry... -Harry...


For more infomation >> Amira time - slow english: the bear - Duration: 3:32.


ObliviousHD 五種寶可夢玩家(翻譯) (USA people this is not copy) - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> ObliviousHD 五種寶可夢玩家(翻譯) (USA people this is not copy) - Duration: 5:22.


TRFA 156: Solo Practice for Fire Practical Exams - Duration: 5:17.

If you have a problem with EMS, just ask.

Just work fast.

Okay what you are going to do is

pull an attack line from

from here to the front door

Try to get ever part in good shape. We're not hurrying up

Loop, space nozzle

Once you get your attack line pulled over there

Try to bleed out and move the attack line inside

Bleed the line and

I will tell you when to start

By the time you put on the front porch drill

Make sure you have your PPEs on

They would have been pressed on how you do

pull it into the hall then to the corner

Inside the structure with one man

For more infomation >> TRFA 156: Solo Practice for Fire Practical Exams - Duration: 5:17.


What is a "balanced media narrative on migration": FM of Malta GW Vella - Duration: 1:43.

Without any hindrance or without being suppressed,

there is a positive aspect of it,

in a sense that, as I mentioned this case of this neurosurgeon fleeing Syria

and ended up in a country where he's giving a very valid and a very big contribution, to start with,

but then again going to the places where these people are being kept, I mentioned Zaatari camp,

going there and speaking to the people and bringing those dialogues alive in people's homes,

it makes for making people realise that, as was pointed out by the UNHCR representative,

that they are people,

that they've got their own aspirations, their own pains.

They wish to go back. They are aiming not to be a burden to anybody else and showing clearly that

it's not out of choice that they are there. That is very important.

Besides that we have also to underline the fact that if there is suffering, if they are not being treated properly,

that should be brought up, so that it would weigh on the conscience

of administrators and politicians to make things better.

But on the other hand there are also possibilities of cases which can be brought

to the attention of the public, so that we can somehow mitigate this idea of these people being foreigners,

these people coming to take our jobs,

these people being aligned to terrorism,

things which unfortunately did take hold in certain communities

and which I think the media has an obligation to try to put right. That is very, very important.

For more infomation >> What is a "balanced media narrative on migration": FM of Malta GW Vella - Duration: 1:43.


Africans Making History! Africa's Future is now! - Duration: 3:43.

In 1963 Martin Luther King jr had a dream.

We have a dream in Africa!

We have a belief in Africa!

Africa is the key to world peace!

We are asking you to share our belief in Africa.

2017 is time for Africa!

The peace movement in America in the 60

that touched the whole world

turned America upside down.

We are now asking you to help us

turn Africa right-side-up!

I'm calling on you

those who involved in the struggle

during the 60's

those who led the peace revolution

to give us advice

to support so that we can build

peace in Africa.

Africa is the key to world peace !

Many countries talk about a brain drain.

Can you imagine the slaves that were

taken out of Africa

over the last couple of hundred years

Half a billion people today?

Think of that brain drain from Africa ....

In May 1949 Israel became a

member of the United Nations

and shortly after their a call went out

around the world

for all people of Jewish extraction

to support the building of

the State of Israel.

Today we are calling YOU

all those who have African roots to

support us in our efforts to develop

Africa, to build 200 new regenerative cities.

We're not talking about aid, we are

talking about building 200 new city.

Because by 2050 there are going to be

2 billion Africans - 1 billion African yet to

be born living, in hundreds of new city

that need to be build.

How do I know this?

This book "2 Billion Strong"

was written by myself and some colleagues.

This is a free download!

This is our gift to you!

You can help us!

You of African descent!

Many countries don't want you.

But we want you! And we want you to

help us develop cities - modern cities.

As a follower of peace

this is my calling!

Why? Because I was born in Africa.

There are 54 countries in Africa.

Can you imagine between

one and four new cities

in each country. A continent linked together

very much like America or Europe is.

Today make a decision

as a person with African roots

to support us in our effort to

take to the world leaders that developing

Africa has to happen now!

We've already put a call out to President Trump,

and we are engaging discussion with others.

It's not just what your President is doing.

It's more important:

What are you doing?

What are you doing

to bring peace in our time?

To bring peace to this world now?

But now is the time to build Africa -


We are calling you bring us

your advice

bring us your expertise,

your energy, your efforts ...

Support us! Support this call

to develop Africa.

But more than that: we can

create a peaceful environment in Africa.

We can go a long way and bringing

peace in our time!

Let's develop Africa together.

It is our hope

that by June 2018 we have finalized an

investment package from countries around

the world who will fund

these two hundred new cities.

What else can you do?

We are asking you to send this video

to every single person of African descent

you know around the world!

Because we are calling on Africans

to bring their skill

to bring their expertise

to assist in building Africa!

For more infomation >> Africans Making History! Africa's Future is now! - Duration: 3:43.


Amira time - english: the bear - Duration: 3:14.

What? What's going on?

Sorry, Harry. I just couldn't help it.

-And now it's... -It's what?

It's Amira time!

What's wrong, Harry? You look shocked.

Harry was asleep.

Well, I took a nap. I'm so tired.

But someone woke me up.

Well, I have a story that will keep you awake.

-Really? -Tell us!

-I met a bear today. -A bear?

-You're joking! -No! I'm not joking.

I met a bear. That's why I'm late.

I was walking in the woods. Suddenly, I heard a noise.

What's that?

But I couldn't see anything. - What could it be?

It's probably just a squirrel.

But...what if it's a bear?

It is a bear!

Help! Bear...


-Sorry! Are you all right? -I'm fine.

-Are you okay? -Yes, but I'm looking for Bear.

So there is a bear? Where?

There you are, Bear!

This is my dog. His name is Bear.

Hi, Bear! You're such a cutie!

-So it wasn't a real bear? -No, Yemi. It was a dog.

-The dog's name was Bear. -Bear... That's a great name for a dog.

This man with the dog, was he a hunter?

-Yes! -He was? Was he hunting for elk?

No, he was only hunting for mushrooms and berries.

Mm... Mushrooms and berries, I love that!

And he gave me a basket full. Look!

-Yummy! -Have some blueberries.

Thank you.

It's so great that you can go mushroom and berry picking almost anywhere.

Maybe we can go mushroom picking together?

-Yeah, I'd love to! -Yeah, you guys do that.

I'll stay here in the comfy sofa and take a nap.

-Harry... -Harry...


For more infomation >> Amira time - english: the bear - Duration: 3:14.


Orange Is The New Black wins best comedy ensemble at SAG Awards - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Orange Is The New Black wins best comedy ensemble at SAG Awards - Duration: 4:01.


Marriage Ke Side Effects Full Episode 3 | Sham Idrees - Duration: 7:54.

Marriage Ke Side Effects Full Episode 3 | Sham Idrees

For more infomation >> Marriage Ke Side Effects Full Episode 3 | Sham Idrees - Duration: 7:54.


Ask the Scientist #69 – Is Whey Protein Dangerous? - Duration: 3:11.

Hello my name is Dr. Jeff Golini, and

welcome to another episode of "Ask the

Scientist" this shows about busting myths

and bringing you the truth. Cindy

from West Virginia wrights via email

Dr. Jeff, I need your advice

my trainer told me not to use Whey

Protein sort of dangerous and not safe

what is your thoughts on this?" Well Cindy

thanks for your question and I'm

answering very truthfully and honestly

first of all I'm not sure what kind of

trainer you have because of his talking

about real whey protein it's not

dangerous but what he's probably talking

about is what has been showing up in the

media which has been really happening

with the Whey Protein or all the sports

companies that are spiking their product.

adulterating it with amino acids this

is why he might say that it's dangerous.

Because again when you buy a Whey

Protein product you're looking for one

hundred percent protein you don't want

to take an amino acids we don't know

when you're taking in 5, 10, 15 grams of

some amino acid you know is that going

to be dangerous. So we want to stay away

from those brands by the way if you want

a copy of the links to all the brands

that have been caught cheating I love to

send you one. Folks we gotta not support these guys

they are cheaters they are hindering our

industry they're hurting people. You know

again you're buying a protein product

because you want pure protein if you

wanted to buy amino acids you go by

amino acid product it's half the price

of protein. That's why they do it.

So getting back to if it's real protein now

whey protein is absolutely safe

it's just like drinking milk or eating

food now the only time you might have an

issue is a lot of the whey proteins and

most of them do contain some lactose so

if you're lactose-intolerant then you

might have an issue but you can always

use a lactase enzyme

to help you digest that milk product

or if you have a milk allergen rather

than that whey protein is not dangerous

is completely safe and as a matter of

fact I highly recommend that if you are

active or you don't get enough protein

in your diet that you want to use Whey

Protein. Now if you want to try a great

Whey Protein sent an email I like to send

out a sample of my EFX Sports Training

Ground send some of that your trainer

then you can see what a real Whey

Protein is supposed to do. How you feel

and you get all the benefits from

supplementing with protein. Alright hope

that helps and I will catch you next time.

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