Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water. Benefits of Drinking Warm Water.


Drinking water is essential to a healthy body and lifestyle. Many health and skin experts

agree that drinking water is important to keep your body free of toxins, make you fit

and give you soft and youthful skin.

In fact, starting the day with a fresh glass of water is a routine that many health-conscious

people follow daily without fail.

Well, drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning is a very good habit, but it

is important to know whether it is cold or warm water that you should prefer.

Physicians recommend drinking warm water in the morning, even though it may not suit your

taste buds. You can drink it plain or with a little bit of lemon juice for taste.

Drinking warm water is not limited to just the morning, either. Read on to find out how

it can be helpful at other times of the day and for alleviating various ailments.

health benefits of drinking warm water

Here are the top 10 health benefits of drinking warm water.

1. Improves Digestion

To improve digestion, start drinking warm water regularly.

Tepid water stimulates the digestive gland to function properly. It helps break down

the food in your stomach, so that the digestive system does not have to work as hard and it

also uses less energy for the digestion process.

drinking warm water improves digestion

Plus, it helps the body get rid of excess stomach acids as well as neutralizes digestive


2. Relieves Constipation

Regularly drinking warm water on an empty stomach can help regulate your bowel movements

and fight constipation.

Constipation occurs due to less water content in the intestines, which causes the stools

to turn hard and dry and makes them difficult to pass.

drinking warm water relieves constipation

Drinking warm water helps your digestive system maintain regularity. It helps decompose any

remnant food and makes bowel movements smooth and less painful. It will also reduce abdominal

bloating, pain and discomfort, mostly associated with constipation.

To fight constipation, it is recommended to drink a glassful of hot or warm water every

morning on an empty stomach. For added benefits, add honey or lemon juice to warm water before

drinking it.

3. Soothes Sore Throat

Sore throat is a common problem characterized by pain and irritation of the throat and is

caused by a cold or flu infection. Drinking warm water soothes a sore throat and makes

you feel more comfortable.

drinking warm water soothes sore throat

The warm water helps dissolve the thick mucus and removes it from the respiratory tract.

In addition to drinking warm water, you can also drink other warm liquids like herbal

teas. Plus, you can gargle with a glass of warm water mixed with ½ teaspoon of salt

to treat a sore throat and throat infection.

5. Sheds Excess Pounds

Those who follow a strict diet and exercise regimen for weight loss can benefit greatly

by drinking warm water rather than cold water.

Warm water increases the core body temperature, which in turn increases the metabolic rate.

An increase in metabolic rate will help your body burn more calories.

Plus, the pectin fiber in lemon will help control food cravings, which means you will

stop munching on fatty and unhealthy foods.

6. Detoxifies Your Body

Drinking warm water can also cleanse your body by flushing out harmful toxins.

When you drink a few cups of warm water, it leads to a rise in body temperature. This

makes you sweat to cool down. Sweating helps flush out toxins trapped in your body.

For better results, add a squeeze of lemon juice to a glass of tepid water before drinking

it. 7. Alleviates Menstrual Cramps

Though it sounds odd, drinking warm water can help prevent and alleviate painful menstrual


The warm water relaxes the contracting muscles in the uterus, which in turn will provide

instant relief from cramps and muscle spasms.

drinking warm water alleviates menstrual cramps

Plus, it will help stop your body from retaining water and prevent painful bloating during


Next time you start having menstrual cramps, drink a glass of hot water to get instant

relief. You can also apply a hot water pack on the lower abdomen to ease the pain.

8. Improves Blood Circulation

Drinking some warm water will help improve blood circulation, which is important for

moving blood throughout your body in order to deliver oxygen and nutrients to different

tissues and organs.

Proper blood circulation also is important for proper muscle and nerve activity.

drinking warm water improves circulation

When you drink hot water, the fat deposits in the body burn and the built up deposits

in the nervous system also break down. This improves blood circulation in the body and

also flushes out harmful toxins.

Avoid drinking extremely cold water, as it is known to close up your veins.

9. Slows Down Aging

Drinking warm water is good for your skin as well. It helps remove toxins and other

impurities from the body. The various toxins contribute to premature aging and various

health problems.

drinking warm water slows down aging

Also, drinking warm water helps in repairing the skin cells, hence rejuvenating your skin

and improving skin elasticity.

Add the juice of ½ lemon to a glass of warm water before drinking it to enhance its detoxifying


10. Induces Sleep

If you are having difficulty getting sound sleep, sipping a glass of warm water before

going to bed can help you sleep like a baby.

The warm water raises your internal body temperature, which in turn relaxes your body, soothes your

nerves and makes you sleepy and calm.

drinking warm water induces sleep

It also prevents midnight cravings and leads to a feeling of rejuvenation in the morning.

Important note

Always drink tepid water, as drinking hot water can potentially be damaging to the tissues

in the mouth and esophagus. After boiling water, allow it to cool for

a few minutes before drinking. Always drink tepid water while eating food.

When you drink cold water, your body will need more energy to increase its temperature,

which detracts from the digestion process. Avoid drinking warm water after a workout,

as the body temperature at this time is already high.

For more infomation >> 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water - Duration: 7:41.


WHAT is LOVE / Makinote Flamenco version in the CAR / LOS TOROS CHACHOS /PÉSAME STREET - Duration: 0:53.

Don't hurt me

No more

Baby, don't hurt me

Don't hurt me

Me me me me me

No more

What is love?

Up and down

Left and right

Black or white

In my house

In my kitchen

In to me

This is my doll

What is love?

For more infomation >> WHAT is LOVE / Makinote Flamenco version in the CAR / LOS TOROS CHACHOS /PÉSAME STREET - Duration: 0:53.


Spider-man Reign, the best Dark Knight Returns parody ever? Look out! Spider-karaoke Ahead! - Duration: 6:54.

In 1986, a little book came out in which a retired superhero, who's past his prime,

goes out to once again bring justice to a city that's slowly going to hell.

Frank Miller's and Klaus Janson's

"The Dark knight returns" is considered one

of the best graphic novels out there, and for

a very good reason.

This book single-handedly, well,

almost single-handedly kicked off the Dark Age of comics, which was

way more realistic and gritty than everything that was being published

up until then.

In it, a retired Bruce Wayne once again Takes on the mantle of the bat to fight

Crime in Gotham City.

it's a very dark and gritty tale.

So, what does this have to do with Spider-man and Spider-man reign?

Well, since Spider-man reign is a parody of "The Dark Knight Returns", pretty much


I'm Dave Marcel and this is my comic book obsession!


Spider-man reign came out 2006, and it's always been very open about its roots as

a dark knight returns parody.

There's even a character in there

called Miller Jansen who is a very clear a homage to the creators of the original

Dark Knight Returns.

So how is this book?

It's a weird carnival ride for sure.

30 years in the future, New York City is a crime-free city, under the totalitarian

control of its mayor, who uses a gestapo-like police force called

the reign to mercilessly crush anything from crime to rebellious


In this future, a lonely and broken Peter Parker, age late sixties

to early seventies haunted by hallucinations of his wife Mary Jane,

who died of cancer, brought on by years of exposure to Peter's radioactive

body fluids.

Heh! Radioactive body fluids.

that's pretty dark.

Spider-spunk, Spider-spunk, From radioactive Spider-junk,

destroys the chromosomes in your genes, your cells come apart at the seams,

look out!

Here comes the Spider-spunk!

Although this is still a better way to end his

Marrige than the whole

"I'll sell my marriage to the devil, so Aunt May can live another year!"

thing of "one more day"

it's eventually revealed that Peter was with MJ when she was dying, but

swung-off when there was gunfire outside.

When he came back, MJ was already gone, causing him to hang up his webs

for good.

being recently fired from his job as a florist, Pete witnesses the police

brutally take down a smart-mouthed graffiti artist.

what bothers me here is that there's no spider-sense, nothing to keep Peters

Brittle bones from being broken "like a bar of soap" here.

I mean, come on.

the kid runs into him.

the guard falls on him and breaks his arm that way, there are clearly


spider-powers left here, yet by the end of the

issue, his speed strength and agility is

back allowing him to later survive a severe beating by the Sinister Six.

Ok the setup is kinda long winded and Peter's inner monologue here is kinda

Crappy, but wow! the payoff for that one panel right there,

that's pretty awesome!

So let's get to: The Verdict

Writing: peter being, well, insane with grief,

and Jonah Jameson being….

whatever kind of crazy that is,

it works pretty well in this alternate reality, parody setting.

It takes the tried-and-true, and let's be honest kind of tired

"Peter Parker messes something up because he shirks his responsibilities,

but then he comes back at the last minute and he fixes it"

thing, runs it through a gritty, dark, hopeless, joyless filter, and then lets it fly to

see what happens, and that works out really well.

So, is this a good book?

No! no it's not! it's bad! it's really bad!

it's AWESOMELY bad!

Mary Jane dies of spiders-sperm poisoning,

Doc Ock's arms come alive and decide they're going to save spider-man because

they're Ock's sons and that's his last will.

Venom becomes a politician-

uh, spoilers by the way, sorry.

it's just really bad, and I think they wanted it

to be this bad, because it's pure comedic genius!

you know, this is so bad it's really good!

I'm giving this five stars for the writing!


Again, it's like a funhouse mirror version of "The Dark Knight Returns"

My only gripe with this is that some of the backgrounds and some of the inking

you can clearly tell this is early usable computer graphics and I'm really not a fan

of those but the set up to certain scenes is

good, the payoff is great, the action feels

tight, I really like the art in this.

Digital enjoyability:

You don't need to Zoom, but if you do most of the panels go to the full

tablet screen, and there is just some minimal fuzziness, so again, four stars.

Value for money: this is going for around three dollars

so again, there's nothing to complain

about here that's what a single issue of a new comic book is going for and you're

getting four issues here.

So that's my review of Spider-man Reign please click like and subscribe,

if you want to get this, I left you a link to amazon down in the description,

check out one of these other videos over here and I'll see you around for the next


Spider-spunk, Spider-spunk, From radioactive Spider-junk,

in your lap or in your mouth, your health is going south, look out!

Here comes the Spider-spunk!

In the Dead of the night, You're the scene of the crime,

'cause his DNA's, gonna break you in time!


Look out!

For more infomation >> Spider-man Reign, the best Dark Knight Returns parody ever? Look out! Spider-karaoke Ahead! - Duration: 6:54.


The Sinister Agenda Behind the Washington War On Cash - Duration: 16:15.

The Sinister Agenda Behind the Washington War

On Cash.

by Edward Morgan.

It�s kinda sneaking up on us like an East Texas copperhead pit viper.

It began to get some wide attention in 2016, with prominent economists and financial media

suddenly talking about the wonderful benefits of a �cashless society.�

Then the government of Narenda Modi completely surprised his citizens by suddenly announcing

withdrawal of larger denomination currency notes from circulation, forcing Indians to

put their cash into banks or lose it.

Now, everywhere we turn, it seems, someone is arguing the Nirvana benefits of a cashless,

�digital� money world.

It reminds me in an eerie way of a statement attributed to then US Secretary of State,

Henry Kissinger in the 1970�s.

He reportedly stated:

�If you control oil, you control entire nations; if you control food, you control

the people; if you control money, you control the entire world.�

Consider the following in this regard.

Modi and a USAID �Catalyst�

On November 8, 2016 in a surprise televised address, Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi

announced that, within a deadline of days, all Indian currency notes of 500 and 1,000

Rupees must be put in a bank account and exchanged for smaller denomination notes.

At today�s exchange rate 1,000 Rs is roughly equal to $15.

This would perhaps be equivalent to the US Treasury outlawing all cash notes larger than

a $10 bill.

Overnight, Modi�s government de facto outlawed an estimated 86 percent of all cash in circulation

by value.

People had 50 days to hand in the notes or they become worthless.

Yet the government, despite stating it would issue new, more secure 500Rs and 1000Rs bills,

had nowhere near the equivalent value of new notes ready for replacement.

They say it may take up to a year to print enough, which means confiscation, de facto.

Faked opinion polls with slanted questions done only via smart phone apps of which only

17% of the population has access, claimed that �90% of Indians approve� the demonetization.

Yet it�s far worse.

India is an underdeveloped country, the largest in the world in population terms with more

than 1.3 billion people.

By demanding Indians turn in all 500Rs and 1,000Rs bills to banks, Modi is forcing major

change in how Indians control their money in a country high on the corruption scale

where few trust government let alone private banks, and prefer to deal strictly in cash

or hoard gold for value.

Nearly half the population, some 600 million Indians, do not hold a bank account and half

of those, some 300 million Indians, lack a government identification, necessary to open

an account.

The NWO Push for a Cashless Society � It Started in India

When he presented his shock announcement, Modi pitched it in terms of going after India�s

black economy.

Soon he shifted gears and was praising the benefits of a �cash-less society� to enable

Indians to enter the digital age, appealing to younger Indians, savvy in smart phones

and digital networks, to convince the older of the benefits of online banking and consuming.

The drastic demonetization declaration was planned by Modi and five other inner-circle

ministers in complete secrecy.

Not even the banks were told before.

The question is what is behind, or rather who is behind this drastic form of monetary

shock therapy?

Beyond Cash

The answer is as sinister as it is suggestive of a larger global agenda by what I call in

one of my books the Wall Street �Gods of Money.�

The Modi cash-less India operation is a project of the US National Security Council, US State

Department and Office of the President administered through its US Agency for International Development


Little surprise, then, that the US State Department spokesman, Mark Toner in a December 1, 2016

press briefing praised the Modi demonetization move stating, ��this was, we believe,

an important and necessary step to crack down on illegal actions�a necessary one to address

the corruption.�

Keep in mind that USAID today has little to do with aiding poorer countries.

By law it must follow the foreign policy agenda of the President�s National Security Council

and State Department.

It�s widely known as a conduit for CIA money to execute their dirty agendas abroad in places

such as Georgia.

Notably, the present head of the USAID, Gayle Smith, came to head USAID from her post as

Senior Director at the US National Security Council.

German economist and blogger, Norbert Haering, in an extensive, well-documented investigation

into the background of the bizarre Modi move to a cash-less India, found not only USAID

as the key financial source of the project.

He also uncovered a snake-pit of organizational vipers being funded by USAID to design and

implement the India shock therapy.

USAID negotiated a co-operation with the Modi Indian Ministry of Finance.

In October, 2016 in a press release USAID announced it had created and funded something

it named Project Catalyst.

The title of their report was, �Catalyst: Inclusive Cashless Payment Partnership.�

Its stated goal it said was to bring about a �quantum leap� in cashless payment in


They certainly did that.

Maybe two quantum leaps and some.

If we dig a bit deeper we find that in January, 2016, USAID presented the Indian Finance Ministry

a report titled, Beyond Cash: Why India loves cash and why that matters for financial inclusion.

Financial �inclusion� for them means getting all Indians into the digital banking system

where their every payment can be electronically tracked and given to the tax authorities or

to whomever the government sees fit.

Astonishingly, the report, prepared for USAID by something called the Global Innovation

Exchange, admitted that:

�97% of retail transactions in India are conducted in cash or check; Few consumers

use digital payments.

Only 11% used debit cards for payments last year.

Only 6% of Indian merchants accept digital payments� Only 29 percent of bank accounts

in India have been used in the last three months.�

The US and Indian governments knew very well what shock they were detonating in India.

The Global Innovation Exchange includes such dubious member organizations as the Bill & Melinda

Gates Foundation, a major donor to the Modi war on cash initiative of USAID.

It also includes USAID itself, several UN agencies including UNICEF, UNDP, UNHCR.

And it includes the US Department of Commerce and a spooky Maclean, Virginia military contractor

called MITRE Corporation whose chairman is former CIA Director, James Rodney Schlesinger,

a close associate of Henry Kissinger.

The USAID Project Catalyst in partnership with the Indian Finance Ministry was done,

according to the USAID press statement, with a sinister-sounding organization called

Among the 35 members of are USAID, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,

VISA, MasterCard, Omidyar Network of eBay billionaire founder Pierre Omidyar, the World

Economic Forum-center of the globalization annual Alpine meetings.

War on Cash

However, a most interesting member of the USAID Project Catalyst together with the Indian

Ministry of Finance is something called Better Than Cash Alliance.

In point of fact the US-government-finance Project Catalyst grew out of a longer cooperation

between USAID, the Washington-based Better Than Cash Alliance and the Indian Ministry

of Finance.

It appers to be the core public driver pushing the agenda of the global �war on cash.�

India and the reckless (or corrupt) Modi government implementing the USAID-Better Than Cash Alliance

agenda is clearly serving as a guinea pig in a mass social experiment about how to push

the cash war in other countries.

The Better Than Cash Alliance is described by the UNCDF, which is its Secretariat, as

�a US $38 million global alliance of governments, private sector and development organizations

committed to accelerating the shift from cash to electronic payments.�

The Better Than Cash Alliance website announces that the alliance, created in 2012, is a �partnership

of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition

from cash to digital payments in order to reduce poverty and drive inclusive growth.�

It�s housed at the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) in New York whose major donors,

in turn, surprise, surprise, are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and MasterCard


Among the Better Than Cash Alliance�s 50 members are, in addition to the Gates Foundation,

Citi Foundation (Citigroup), Ford Foundation, MasterCard, Omidyar Network, United States

Agency for International Development, and Visa Inc.

Recently the European Central Bank, which has held negative interest rates for more

than a year, allegedly to stimulate growth in the Eurozone amid the long-duration banking

and economic crisis of almost nine years, announced that it will stop printing the �500


They claim it�s connected with money laundering and terror financing, though it ominously

echoes the Modi India war on cash.

Former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, whose shady role in the 1990�s rape of Russia

through his Harvard cronies has been documented elsewhere, is calling for eliminating the

US $100 bill.

These are first steps to future bolder moves to the desired Cash-less society of Gates,

Citigroup, Visa et al.

US Dual Standard: Follow the money�

The move to a purely digital money system would be Big Brother on steroids.

It would allow the relevant governments to monitor our every money move with a digital

trail, to confiscate deposits in what now are legal bank �bail-ins� as was done

in Cyprus in 2013.

If central banks move interest rates into negative, something the Bank of Japan and

ECB in Frankfurt are already doing, citizens have no choice than to spend the bank money

or lose.

It is hailed as a way to end tax avoidance but it is far, far more sinister.

As Norbert Haering notes:

�The status of the dollar as the world�s currency of reference and the dominance of

US companies in international finance provide the US government with tremendous power over

all participants in the formal non-cash financial system.

It can make everybody conform to American law rather than to their local or international


He adds, referring to the recent US Government demand that Germany�s largest bank, Deutsche

Bank pay an astonishing and unprecedented $14 billion fine:

�Every internationally active bank can be blackmailed by the US government into following

their orders, since revoking their license to do business in the US or in dollar basically

amounts to shutting them down.�

We should add to this �benevolent concern� of the US Government to stimulate a War on

Cash in India and elsewhere the fact that while Washington has been the most aggressive

demanding that banks in other countries enact measures for full disclosure of details of

Swiss or Panama or other �offshore� secret account holders or US nationals holding money

in foreign banks, the USA itself has scrupulously avoided demanding the same of its domestic


The result, as Bloomberg noted following the suspiciously-timed Panama Papers offshore

�leaks� of May, 2016, is that the United States is rapidly becoming the world�s leading

tax and secrecy haven for rich foreigners.

Perversely enough, in 2010 the US passed a law, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act,

or FACTA, that requires financial firms to disclose foreign accounts held by US citizens

and report them to the US IRS tax office or the foreign banks face steep penalties.

The EU signed on to the intrusive FACTA despite strong resistance.

Then, using FACTA as the model, the Paris-based OECD drafted an even tougher version of FACTA

in 2014 to allegedly go after tax avoiders.

To date 97 countries have agreed to the tough OECD bank disclosure rules.

Very few have refused.

The refusers include Bahrain, Nauru, Vanuatu � and� the United States.

World�s Biggest Tax Haven

You don�t have to be a rocket scientist, a financial wizard or a Meyer Lansky to see

a pattern.

Washington forces disclosure of secret bank accounts of its citizens or companies abroad,

while at the same time lifting control or disclosure inside the United States of private

banking accounts.

No surprise that such experienced private bankers as London�s Rothschild & Co. have

opened offices in Reno Nevada a stone�s throw from Harrah�s and other casinos, and

according to Bloomberg, is doing a booming business moving the fortunes of wealthy foreign

clients out of offshore havens such as Bermuda, or Switzerland which are subject to the new

OECD international disclosure requirements, into Rothschild-run trusts in Nevada, which

are exempt from those disclosure rules.

Rothschild & Co.

Director, Andrew Penney noted that as a result, the United States today, �is effectively

the biggest tax haven in the world.�

Today Nevada, Meyer Lansky�s money laundering project of the 1930�s with established legalized

gambling, is becoming the �new Switzerland.� Wyoming and South Dakota are close on the


One area where America�s institutions are still world class is in devising complex instruments

of financial control, asset theft and cyber warfare.

The US War on Cash, combined with the US Treasury and IRS war on offshore banking is their latest


As Washington�s War on Terror had a sinister, hidden agenda, so too does Washington�s

War on Cash.

It�s something to be avoided at all costs if we human beings are to retain any vestige

of sovereignty or autonomy.

It will be interesting to see how vigorously Casino mogul Trump moves to close the US tax

haven status.

What do you bet he doesn�t?

For more infomation >> The Sinister Agenda Behind the Washington War On Cash - Duration: 16:15.


New U.S. Defense Secretary in Seoul as part of first overseas trip - Duration: 1:47.

The new U.S. defense secretary is in Seoul, becoming the first U.S. official to visit

the country since the Trump administration came in.

James Mattis is also on his first trip since taking the position, and his visit comes amid

an escalation in the threats from North Korea.

For the latest on his trip, let's connect to Connie Kim, who's waiting on the line.

Connie, what can you tell us?

Daniel, U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis will soon be attending a dinner hosted by

South Korea's Defense Minister Han Min-koo,... ahead of their formal talks scheduled for


After landing in Seoul this afternoon, Mattis was briefed on North Korea's military movements

at the U.S. Forces Korea headquarters in Seoul.

About two hours ago, he met with National Security Office chief Kim Kwan-jin and then

had a brief meeting with Acting President and Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn.

During the meeting with Kim, Korea's presidential office said Mattis emphasized the new U.S.

administration will deal with North Korea's nuclear threats as the number one security

priority and that both sides saw eye to eye on strengthening the Seoul-Washington alliance.

The main event happens tomorrow, when Mattis will sit down for formal talks with his counterpart

Han Min-koo.

The two are expected to assess North Korea's escalating nuclear and missile threats and

discuss an effective response.

The two defense chiefs are also expected to reaffirm the planned deployment to South Korea

of the U.S.-made THAAD missile defense system, currently scheduled for sometime between May

and July this year.

Mattis had reportedly told U.S. reporters traveling with him on the plane to South Korea

that the THAAD issue would be on the agenda during his talks with Han.

What message the two defense chiefs will send to North Korea is one point to keep an eye

on... and North Korea's response... is another.

That's all I have for now.

Back to you, Daniel.

For more infomation >> New U.S. Defense Secretary in Seoul as part of first overseas trip - Duration: 1:47.


CBB's Calum Best is evicted days before the final - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> CBB's Calum Best is evicted days before the final - Duration: 2:15.


Oh Boy Roll Up The Rim To Win is Back at Tim Hortons Here is How to Play - Duration: 3:36.

Ladies and gentlemen today was a very special day recording this video on February 1, 2017.

It's not just a special day because it was Groundhog Day in the United States of America

but here in Canada it was the launch of the annual Tim Hortons roll up the rim to win

let's take you back to this morning and show you how excited I I was for roll up the rim

to win check it out guys! it's back! Not sponsored by Tim Horton's at all. But the roll up the

rim is back I'm so excited so I had to get myself a coffee I even had to cheat a little

by getting putting some sugar in and you know cream in there which is like uhoh oh baby!

She got hot chocolate unfortunately I lost when I rolled up my first Tim Horton's cup.

So I went back earlier this evening for another cup of coffee and lost again. When it comes

to roll up the rim to win this blind guy has a love-hate relationship with the company

because I usually end up losing but I just know if I keep believing keep going back for

more coffee I just know that one of these times I will win when it comes to Tim Horton's

roll up the rim now if you don't know how that works and you're not from Canada basically

you buy a cup of coffee a cup of hot chocolate maybe some hot green tea any hot beverage

that you get in a classic Tim Hortons cup you get to roll up a part of the rim and under

that rim there's those magic letters that spell out the word winner and of course it

tells you your prize and unfortunately the luck of the draw that is then you get the

lovely please play again which I got twice today I think it's a interesting promotion

like I really love the idea but when it's around it always becomes a love-hate relationship

with me in the coffee brand even though way before roll up the rim to win even existed

I just went to Tim Hortons because of the inexpensive coffee you know? For two extra

large coffees it's $4.20 insert bad joke there right 420. So I did not win yet my question

to you from my 10% of my audience that live here in Canada have you ever won at Tim Horton's

roll up the rim to Win? And now that you know it has successfully launched another great

year of prizes for the next you know month or so let me know in the comments if you've

ever won at Tim Horton's roll up the rim to win let me know what you think of the concept

of rolling up a little rim to win to look under the rim to see if you won anything to

see if it's cool to see if you think it's kinda cool? Do you think it's lame for me

I like the idea right? Get a little prize if your lucky for just drinking a cup of coffee

and if not whatever you still go for the coffee right? And hence the love hate relationship

it's like I'm normally not here for a prize, but you know? Anyway hope you enjoy today's

video filmed it in my washroom because of the amazing lights and yes, coming to you

live today on the Canon T5 which I'm loving this camera more and more every day now that

I know how to work it anyway, on that note thank you so much for watching today's video

hit the subscribe button just click my face click my beautiful face oh yes right there.

And of course once you click that hit the subscribe button and also don't forget to

click the bell icon on my channel to get notified when there is new video uploads until tomorrow

my friends I will chat with you then

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