Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 18 2017

This successful movie "The Counterfeit City" or "Fabricated City" had an opportunity of

meeting overseas audiences. After surpassing one million of viewers in just afew days,

this movie is being sold in 26 countries at European Film Market (EFM) and some other countries

in Asia, revealed by CJ Entertainment, an investment and distribution company. It will

invade Australia and New Zealand anytime this month and will also be released on April in

Hong Kong together with Malaysia and in Thailand for the month of May.

"Fabricated City" is an action film about a crime depicting the truth that the heroine

is manipulated as a killer in just 136 seconds, investigating the reality of the incident

and launching counterattack.

Overseas buyers have been impressed with the new action gods that are new to game and real

world and have not been seen in existing movies. In addition to already confirmed areas, it

seems that additional sales will continue.

For more infomation >> Ji Chang Wook Fabricated City 'Is A Success' - Duration: 1:27.


Behavioral Health Patient Testimonial Cannabis CBDs treating schizophrenia, OCD, and PTSD - Duration: 7:26.

Behavioral Health Patient Testimonial: Cannabis CBDs treating schizophrenia, OCD, and PTSD

- What Conditions are you treating with cannabis?

I guess I'll go into all of them actually.

I have, I have paranoid schizophrenia, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder and I have PTSD

and I treat all of them with CBD's. (treatment cannabidiol of the cannabisplant)

- Describe what it was like the first time you discovered that cannabis/CBD"s help you?

- The first day I tried them, I ...

was one of the lowest days ever.

I was on pharmaceuticals they put me on something else that I've never been on before.

and that's basically the last chance because I've been been on everything else.

And it got to the point where again I was suicidal and I ended up in the crisis unit at the hospital.

And they told me, I had been there so many times that they basically weren't going to help me

Because I've been to the psychiatric for probably about 25 times

and they basically say we can't do anything for you we don't know what to do.

And I've never had a crisis unit tell me that, was kind of odd.

So I was suicidal, I had a bad feeling, I was just going to do, you know, just end it and be done with it.

And then I was researching on the internet

and I rememberd, you know there's so many different cannabinoids.

And I figured before I make a bad decision,

I will at least research the multiple different kinds of cannabinoids

and see if there's anything that can help me

Because I knew they'd been doing more research on them.

And I read about CBD's and I read about a research study at Yale Medical University I believe.

And it was saying that they had 21 schizophrenic people taking CBD's,

21 taking, I believe it was respidol, which is a atypical antipsychotic.

And they, side-by-side they didn't know which ones they were getting

and the CBD's actually, there's no comparison, the CBD's helped a lot more than the Respidol did.

And so I tried, I went to my local dispensary and got some CBD capsules.

And I personally I was at the point I thought nothing was going to help me

and you know I had no hope for it really.

And my mom was with me basically doing suicide watch.

And I was in her car and I took a couple of CBD's capsules

because I didn't know the dosage, I should take anything like that.

And she said literally within a, about 45 minutes of taking she looked over and I'm smiling

and I was happy.

And I basically the whole rest of that day was like the opposite of what the beginning of the day was.

And it's a one of the advantages I find is as opposed to ...

even if an antipsychotic works for you, it's going to take at least a month to start working.

I mean it does, they work for a few people you know

But I mean it's going to take at least a month, a moth and a half to start working if it does it all

CBD worked for me within, within an hour.

So, it's fast relief, it's better relief and it's organic and natural, you can't really go wrong there.

- Yeah, It's not toxic to the body!

- I've had no adverse side effects from it whatsoever.

In fact it's probably doing me some good in other ways I just don't know about

- Yeah yeah you got a good point.

How have these conditions impacted your life?

- They affected every facet of my life, in every way you can think of.

From hearing audio hallucinations voices and what not,

to like I said just general paranoia of the public and not being able to function.

it's affected being able to keep the job and family situation with my children and what not.

So it's been an ongoing thing for many years.

- What medications have you been on for these conditions?

I've been on every medication there is for psychosis, I've been on everything.

I don't, I guess I don't need to name all of them, it's pretty much they've tried everything you can think of

and most of them have actually had a negative effect.

Most of them, just like you see on the commercials.

Can cause suicidal tendencies can cause this ...

They were doing that to me, they were doing the opposite of what they should have been doing

and they were making me question living, question you know, going on things, things like that.

And you know, I was actually better off without them, even unmedicated.

So I can't vouch for pharmaceuticals whatsoever, lets put it that way

- How does the psychoactive cannabinoid THC affect you?

THC will actually bring out my symptoms, it makes, it almost double them.

Since THC is a psychoactive drug, it can actually cause me to hallucinate,

cause audio hallucination, I don't have a lot of visual hallucinations,

but it will cause audio hallucinations and make me hear things and get paranoid.

I won't be able to function around people or anything like that.

So far as my obsessive compulsive goes, I will basically not leave the house,

because I've to check everything so many times and it does make my PTSD worse.

I got PTSD from a shooting that happened at my house in 2005.

And if I have too much THC in me, if I even here like a car backfire I'm jumping five feet in the air

because I think it's a gunshot.

And yeah, THC is detrimental for my mental health but CBD is the exact opposite.

- What would you say to someone that is prescirbed pharmaceutical drugs for these conditions?

- Don't think it's your only option because it's not and there's is hope.

Because the pharmaceuticals not only do they not work on a lot of people including myself.

But they also have really adverse side effects, they can cause Parkinson's like symptoms

and which CBD is actually help Parkinson's like symptoms.

So it does the opposite, it actually can help people as opposed to the other medications causing that.

I would just say, you know, try it, don't argue before you try it.

You know just try it and you don't have to listen to what your doctor says.

Your doctor is going to tell you certain things that they're supposed to tell you.

But you kinda have to be proactive and go try CBD's yourself.

For more infomation >> Behavioral Health Patient Testimonial Cannabis CBDs treating schizophrenia, OCD, and PTSD - Duration: 7:26.


Digest: Rotation of Head requires movement of chest bone (Feldenkrais FI) - Duration: 1:49.

Hello, how are you?

Now you are watching the Feldenkrais Functional Integration lesson in a high-speed digest.

And of course, the actual lesson is done in much slower speed.

The title of the lesson is, Rotation of Head requires movement of chest


Throughout the lesson, the student is learning not to do anything.

When I try to turn the head, she stiffens the neck.

When I let her arm and hand go in the air, she stiffens the arm, so it stays in the air.

This is a good lesson to find out that we really do something unconsciously throughout

our life.


To start the lesson, click the letter "i" icon on your screen.

please enjoy the lesson.

Thank you.

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