Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 18 2017

Soul Loss Three Causes of Spiritual Illness.

By consciousreminder.

As we pass through life on the physical plane, things happen. We contract flus and colds

and viruses, and we sustain physical injuries, like falling off our bikes as children or

experiencing sports injuries. As adults, we may throw our back out or experience a serious

car accident, in the process, acquiring bruises, cuts, sprains, infections, lacerations, and

sometimes broken bones.

Some of us may also experience serious illnesses of an internal nature like cancer or hepatitis,

heart disease or multiple sclerosis. Eventually we pass through old age and the progressive

infirmity and death of the physical body. These are the givens�they are all to be

expected as part of what it means to be an embodied, living being. But these are all

effects, and what the shaman is primarily interested in is the cause.

Cause and Effect

In looking through the shamanic healer�s eyes, the ultimate causes of virtually all

illness are to be found within the imaginal realms�in those same regions from which

illness derives its initial power to affect us adversely. Because of this, it is not enough

to simply suppress the effects of illness with medication on the physical plane and

hope for the best. For true healing to occur, the causes of the illness must be addressed.

From the shaman�s perspective, there are three classic causes of illness, and interestingly,

they are not microbes or bacteria or viruses. Rather, they are negative internal states

that appear within us in response to negative or traumatic life experiences. The first among

these is disharmony.


Disharmony is what we experience when life suddenly loses its meaning or when we have

lost an important connection to life.

Let�s take the case of an elderly couple who have had a long marriage, and suddenly

one of them dies. They may not have had a perfect relationship, yet there is a deep

bond between them because of all they have shared together. The survivor may go into

crisis upon the loss of their mate, and within a short time, he or she may come down with

something medically challenging, like cancer. Suddenly, they�re gone too.

That�s disharmony.

The state of disharmony that we experience in response to such life situations causes

a diminishment of our personal power. This can happen in a subtle manner on the one hand,

or in a catastrophic, life-shaking way on the other like losing your job, and in the

process losing your livelihood. When we experience disempowerment, or �power loss,� it affects

our energetic matrix, rendering us vulnerable to illness.


The second classic cause of illness is fear. A person who is walking around with a chronic

sense of fear gnawing away at them is doubly vulnerable to illness because their anxiety

aggressively and progressively diminishes their sense of well-being, and this, in turn,

affects their feeling of being safe in the world.

This sense of well-being is the base upon which our personal health system stands. When

this foundation is affected negatively, it diminishes the ability of our immune system

to function. And when our immune system goes down, we�re in trouble.

It�s not too difficult to see that there is a feedback mechanism at work here. Fear,

and the anxiety it creates, produces disharmony. In the same breath, disharmony generates fear,

and if the two of them are working together, it doubly affects the protective mantle of

the body�s immune system, as well as the energetic matrix. Illness is the inevitable


It is no surprise to Western medical practitioners that disharmony and fear can manifest themselves

in diseases that are recognizable to science. Almost 500 years ago, the Renaissance physician

Paracelsus observed that �the fear of disease is more dangerous than the disease itself.�

This brings us to consider the third classic cause of illness�the phenomenon known to

indigenous healers as soul loss.

Soul Loss

Among the traditionals, soul loss is regarded as the most serious diagnosis and the major

cause of premature death and serious illness, yet curiously, it�s not even mentioned in

our Western medical textbooks. The closest acknowledged context is �He/she has lost

the will to live�.

In Western society, soul loss is most easily understood as damage to a person�s life

essence, a phenomenon that usually occurs in response to trauma. When the trauma are

severe, this may result in a fragmentation of that person�s soul cluster, with the

shattered soul parts dissociating, fleeing an intolerable situation. In overwhelming

circumstances, these soul parts may not return.

The causes of soul loss can be many and varied. There may be traumatic perinatal issues that

happen around the child�s birth experience such as arriving into life only to discover

that they are not wanted, or that they are the wrong gender�they�ve come in as a

girl when everyone was hoping for a boy.

Soul loss can also occur when a child is mercilessly bullied or teased at home or at school, day

after day, or when a young person is molested by the one who is supposed to be caring for

them. When someone has been raped or assaulted, has suffered a shocking betrayal, a bitter

divorce, a traumatic abortion, a terrible car accident, or even a serious surgery, soul

loss is assured.

Many of the young men and women who were sent to war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Viet

Nam, Korea and beyond, came home personally damaged because they had suffered terrible

soul loss. Our medical specialists labeled their disorders as post-traumatic stress syndrome,

but they had little to offer these �walking wounded� in terms of true healing, and many

who survived are still deeply traumatized at the soul level by what happened to them

in war.

Symptoms of Soul Loss

Soul loss is easily recognizable if you know what you�re looking for. Here�s a checklist

of some of the classic symptoms:

feelings of being fragmented, of not being all here.

blocked memory�an inability to remember parts of one�s life.

an inability to feel love or receive love from another.

emotional remoteness. a sudden onset of apathy or listlessness.

a lack of initiative or enthusiasm. a lack of joy.

a failure to thrive. an inability to make decisions.

an inability to discriminate. chronic negativity.

addictions. suicidal tendencies.

melancholy or despair. chronic depression.

Perhaps the most common symptom of soul loss is depression. In the early 1990s, Time magazine

did a cover story on depression in America that revealed 60 million Americans were taking

anti-depressant drugs on a daily basis, representing about 30% of our population.

Today that number is closer to 80 million, representing about 40% of society at large,

and sometimes that number jumps in response to a national trauma. On the Friday following

9/11, a television newscast revealed that 7 out of 10 Americans polled were experiencing

significant depression in response to the tragedy, an indicator of soul loss on a national


Although the term �soul loss� is not familiar to most Westerners, examples of it are expressed

daily in our language and descriptions of personal hardships. Media interviews and news

reports include individuals� comments such as �I lost a part of myself when that (trauma)

happened� and �I have not been the same since.� When discussing soul loss with inquiring

individuals, most everyone has a sense of having lost a �part� of themselves at

some time in life, yet virtually no

one has the awareness that the missing part(s) could be recovered.

For more infomation >> Soul Loss Three Causes of Spiritual Illness - Duration: 9:10.


Dor Full Movie | Hindi Movies 2017 Full Movie | Hindi Movies 2017 | Bollywood Movies - Duration: 1:58:05.

I've been waiting with my arms outstretched

lo! My prayers are answered

i've got my wish

this prayer of yours shall not be answered

every thing happens in its own pace and place. And right now,

i have to fix this house, else, there'll be a disaster

i have to fix this house, else, there'll be a disaster

get down. - What are you doing?


marry me

why? - You will belong to me

i belong to you. - For ever, i mean

scared that i may stray?

Yes. - And you feel that social practice...

is stronger than my will?

Zeenat, my strong lady love, you can consider it...

my weakness, or apprehensiveness. In fact, i'm tired of this hide-n-seek

i know that i was scared of the world, not you

but i've had enough. I'm going to saudi tomorrow i know that i was scared of the world, not you

but i've had enough. I'm going to saudi tomorrow

marry me

now? Right here?

Right time, right place

hear ye all

the emperor is coming

after he's gone, you will also go with us to the temple

it's beautiful. - I will, uncle

may the goddess protect you on your journey

where's my yoghurt shake? Do i ever get it without asking?

I'll get it

don't spoil her! Henpecked husband

i'll miss you a lot

only a matter of few months

come back soon. - Before i get over the memories?

These are unforgettable memories

i, amir khan, wish to marry you, zeenat fatima

in mehr, i give you these earrings...

and my heart

i, zeenat fatima, approve of you

in mehr, i accept your earrings, your heart,

your life and soul

my life, my soul

don't weep. Don't make my journey more difficult

i'm in pain, it's my choice

do you know what i prayed for?

May this sun never set,

may this day never end

true. How do you know?

I can read your mind


What am i thinking of now?

Not here

at least write once a month. Make our village proud

bring glory to our country. - I will, father

my respects. - Bless you

take care of yourself. - And do write


and the money you will send, don't send it by post

and eat well. - I will

it contains food. Careful

would you leave without accepting our farewell, son?

You leave me with no choice

you should've at least asked us before marrying, amir

in getting your approval, i lost two years, mother

come here

salaam aleikom

father, mother... this is zeenat

your daughter-in-law

you can accept this fact,

you can even hate it

as you know, she'll accept any of your choices

we know

then let's hear your decision. - What's this hurry about?

Father, it's simple. Yes, or no

that's it. You'll hear of me only when i return

only zeenat will get my letters and phonecalls

don't be so unsympathetic, son. - Mother, have you ever realised...

how harsh you've been with me?

Take care of yourself

write as soon as you reach

my last tears. I won't shed a tear until you return

i used to wonder why god created you

but now i just thank him everytime i breathe

o my poet, do write those words again in your letters

lmagine me in it

will you take care of me?


got the sim card?


Turn this way, or, you'll lose the network

Hello? Turn this way, or, you'll lose the network

Turn this way, or, you'll lose the network

hello? - All right

hello? - Hello, my love

how are you? - First-class. And you?

I'm fine

i hope you are eating well? - Will you ask me every month?

I just want to hear your voice

the voice of my freedom. - What then happens of me?

I'm stuck between the earth and the sun. You must feel the same

but please, go on speaking

time up

take my name

is he coming towards you?


my name! - Meera

thanks. I'll call you next month

take care of yourself thanks. I'll call you next month

take care of yourself

you still had ten seconds... to say a few more things

do drop in. Else, my business will be ruined

how many months more?

About four months

in few months, we'll get possession of the mansion of our ancestors

our honour will also be restored

i had let it out with a heavy heart

a man's honour is seriously attached to his family and house

and the happiness that is around us today, is thanks to you

what have i done? It's your son who is earning

my son!

In the last 5 years we couldn't repay...

what he has repaid in just six months

true. But, it's thanks to the goddess of wealth

before marriage, your darling son was a wastrel

waleikom. - Assalam


why don't you employ someone?

I have told you several times

old bones need some help

i can't believe how we made a mistake in recognising you

never mind, father. Even i thought the two of you were quite touchy,

miserly, obstinate and high-handed

why don't you keep some money? - My salary is enough for me

you know that you also have a right to it

yes. But i'm not in need

goodbye. God be with you. - God be with you too

that will be mine and shankar's room

whose room will that one be? - Raj

and that one will be my mother-in-law's

and this one? - For you

"my beautiful..."


"come to me"


"to my land"

your name is not here. I'm surprised too

brother hasn't ever been careless

i'll pay you next month. Do you trust me?

I do trust... - then?

Just one minute

all right



I'm meera here

can i speak to shankar singh?


Who's speaking?


it's okay, tell me


amir has been arrested on charges of murder

he's been given the capital punishment

i think we must consult akbar

holy priest, show us a way out

trust allah. You must visit a mosque... holy priest, show us a way out

trust allah. You must visit a mosque...

and make an offering

are you amir khan's father? - Yes

i'm natarajan, i come from the ministry of external affairs, delhi

even we have no clue

all we know is that amir and his roommate shankar had a brawl

shankar fell from the balcony. Perhaps amir pushed him

they lived on the tenth floor. - Amir had told me about shankar

they got along very well. - Correct

their neighbours too confirm that. - Then this is certainly an accident

i too feel the same. I somehow managed to have a word with amir last week

he too said the same. - We can have him released, can't we?

Please tell the police, he is innocent...

not that easy. There's no witness

we just have amir's statement

amir is a trucker, and... - his life is not worth a deal, right?

Ma'am, such news is normally given by the local police

but, i have personally come here, on leave

thank you for the trouble you've taken

can i talk to amir?

We don't even know where he is being held

the punishment will be carried out in two months

in two months?

Look, i don't intend to enliven your hopes

but perhaps, there is a way

as per saudi law. If the widow forgives her husband's killer...

if shankar's wife signs amir's mercy petition...

amir can be saved

thank god. We'll send these documents at once

the problem is, we have no idea where she lives

shankar was from rajasthan, but the address in his passport is fake

this practice is quite common. We are investigating, but it'll take time

will take time? I don't understand this

you are well-versed with the law. Is there really no way out? will take time? I don't understand this

you are well-versed with the law. Is there really no way out?

Rajasthan is a huge state. Our men are trying...

there's no problem. - She has to be found somehow...

we just need her signature

where to?

To find that woman. - How?

No idea. I know that she lives in rajasthan

how will you go there?

No idea

you are so full of confidence...

yet you know so little

all i know is that he will help me

my dear, all the time, we can't leave every thing to him

that's why i'm going myself. - But where will you look for her?

I got a picture of amir with shankar

rajasthan is a huge city

will you go knocking doors?

I can't sit twiddling my thumbs

all right

any other information about her?

And i'm certain you want to leave right now


i wonder what god was thinking when he created you

amir too used to say that

all the buses must've left by now

can't you wait till tomorrow?

If i wait even a moment, i'll feel as if i'm driving amir towards death

i won't return without her signature, baig saheb

all right

come on

greetings, binder

salaam aleikom, baig saheb. After years! How've you been?

God has been merciful. What about you? - I'm first-class. Who's that?


god! The little one?

I'm grownup now

binder, i got some work for you

sure. After a meal

let's have mutton pilav

baig saheb, this is madness, you know

she is crazy too

if anyone can pull it off, it's her

"i cannot..."

"lose courage"

"give up my desire"

"so what if the journey is tough?"

"So what if the horizon is hazy?"

"So what if i feel lonely?"

"Even if my paths are laden with thorns,"

"i must walk"

"even if the evening hides the sun,"

"the night must concede to the dawn"

"autumn will end,"

"spring will paint the garden"

"a new day will dawn"

"i cannot..."

i can't go ahead with you, i got to deliver the stuff

thank you for all your help

don't worry, dear. Good willing, you will find the girl

i will find her out. - I'm confident

god be with you, dear. Farewell


we've run out of opium

gauri, give her some money. - I don't have

we don't have few cents?

Shall i ask next month's rent in advance from mr chopra?

No need. No need to beg

my son wouldn't have left your wallet empty


had we not sent him abroad for a few bucks, we wouldn't have had...

to see this day

i'm an astrologer. - It shows. Go away

if i predict about what you seek, can i sit here then?

I don't have money to offer you if i predict about what you seek, can i sit here then?

I don't have money to offer you

you can share the food

okay. Tell me

you have set out on a quest. You are looking for something

every person is looking for something

you are looking for...

a woman

tell me more

you've travelled very far, tired and weary...

in a huge vehicle, maybe a truck


my future?

One minute

you saw me getting off sardar's truck, didn't you?

Do you always get away with this farce?


actually, i'm a an actor


Actor. Our clan moves about places in disguise...

conning people, right? - No. We entertain people

but you can't act for nuts. - What are you saying, ma'am?

There's no actor like me. I can do anything you want, try me out

folks, aunt has approved of me, basanti is willing to marry me...

so i'm not dying!

This earth is my mother, sir. And he just abused my mother

dates and dates, your honour!

When my arm does the job,

the victim just dies

circuit, do you know we have 206 bones...

in our body. Do we ever think of it when we smash them?

Look, it's raining

without my beloved, my heart is hysteric

give me a glimpse! Come to me, at least once

hats off to you. Great actor

thank you. Bye

to con someone else? thank you. Bye

to con someone else?

Thank you for the food. God willing, we'll meet again

good god! My bag!

I'm sorry, i just dozed off. I'll just get...

it happened to me too when dharamveer's father passed away

a living person is turned into a lifeless, weak puppet

my own son treated me like a stranger

why were you always so harsh with me, grandma?

I was envious, dear...

of my life that never was amiable

your and shankar's love would upset me

strangely, even women don't care for each other

what can you expect from men then?

Forgive me, my child

for the first time you have touch me, grandma

and for the first time,

i'm missing shankar so badly

everyone is missing him, dear

why is everyone blaming me?

I'm not at fault

i know, dear

i know

it must be difficult for you to see someone else staying in your house

you have no idea...

how close i was. So close

the mansion would've been mine in just few days

but shankar had to die then

i lost everything that day, mr chopra

my son, my mansion,

my honour

i've told you several times to turn the mansion into a hotel

does anyone sell his honour, his integrity?

I'm just letting the mansion to you for a few days

one day, i shall take this mansion back

god willing, it will be

i'll leave now


may i help you?

No need

you look new around here. This place can be dangerous for strangers

i'll be careful. Thanks

now that you are here, we certainly need to play host

why did you escape from the police station?

Thanks for finding her

i've been looking for her

she escaped from jolapur police station i've been looking for her

she escaped from jolapur police station

but jolapur police station is 20 kilometres away

girls are quite fast these days

you are too young to be an inspector

where do i explain? Here? Or at the police station?

no sir

scoot. Or, i'll haul you and your stooge in for five years

never seen him before. - Did you see his moustache?

Amir... your husband?


and you are out looking for him?

Those documents... mercy petition?

Can you read?

Is he in trouble?

What's the charge?

What? - Perhaps i can help, if you tell me

do i trust a thief who ran away with my belongings?

I'm a thief, but i didn't run away

i returned every penny

i was wrong, forgive me

i just want to help you in your quest

and why'd you do that? - Because i'm jobless right now

because you are a complete stranger here

because i know every nook and corner hereabouts. You will need me

how did a thief just turn kind?

One mustn't lose an opportunity to help others

nice line

where did you steal the money from? - Are you taunting me?

All right

now i understand. What else do we have apart from that photo?

Some thing surely?

What madcap would come with just a photo?

I would

one photo...?

With one photograph, we are going to knock every door...

and in twenty years we'll find this guy named... shankar?

What's this?

When one's tongue is tied,

his emotions betray him

see the picture on the wall?

The place seems familiar. It's not clear though

come with me

look, this man has been evading income tax

it's now everyone's responsibility to nab him...

because he's evading the income tax department


please enlarge this photograph

we'll glue it everywhere

one photograph, everywhere? Don't you need copies? we'll glue it everywhere

one photograph, everywhere? Don't you need copies?

You are the boss

the income tax department will be grateful to you

in fact, the whole country will be grateful to you

and... please...

enlarge this particular point

here you are

you will be paid for this. Please go to the income tax office...

show this card and mention hybrid singh. You will be issued a cheque

please don't refuse. Thank you

i was right. It's jodhpur

come on

trust me. It's jodhpur, i know

i'll take you there. Come on

half-hour to the bus-stop, half-hour for the bus to arrive,

half-hour to reach the junction from where we've to take another bus

now, to find the place where this photo was taken



groundnut is what we'll feed on from now on

where is she? Where?

Where to?

You make me walk miles, you don't feed me food or water

i feel like jumping off from where you are right now

i'm tired

she was right here

now what, chief?

What does that mean? - We divide the territory amongst us

what...? Thousands of homes...? - So?

We can't knock all doors. - I'm willing to knock...

all the doors in rajasthan. Thousands hardly matter

we are not sure if they live here. They might've come here on a vacation

we'll know only after inquiring. - Good god! Wait...

this is idiotic

we need help


not about money

he betrayed my trust

but he gathered the courage to return


they may be rajputs

golden nose-ring, the colourful turban,

chain around the neck, their dresses,

i told you. Master-ji used to teach history of rajasthan. He's retired

did anyone ask you?


i can't figure out more. They could be...


master-ji... - what?

I was wondering if they are agni clan...?

No, no way


they could be the agnis

fifty kilometres from here, across highway 11...

there's a village called sarovar. Go there, you might find something

thank you. Thank you so much

thank you, master-ji


take a pinch of the powder with milk tonight. You'll be fine, trust me


Does this house belong to shankar singh?


my husband and shankar are friends


come in

good you came to meet us

accidents often happen. But it hurts

it must be devastating for all of you and shankar's wife

is she here? - Yes, meera must be working inside

how does your husband know shankar?

Amir and shankar were roommates in saudi


Is he the one who... - yes. But it wasn't intended

it was an accident

how dare you come here?

Are you here to destroy our village? - No!

I understand your pain. - Get out of here

i wish to talk to shankar's wife. - Bitch

watch your tongue!

Look, your anger is justified. But we can have a decent discussion

i want to meet meera. - Not possible

for god's sake, listen to my request. I want to talk to meera...

not a word goes to meera

what happened?

Say something. - There must be a way to meet her

if i get to talk to her once, i'll tell you

we will wait for here over here and find out her schedules

we? Meaning? - You and i

you and i

so this is your relative's home. - That was a small lie.

In your company, even i'll learn to lie.

You are not learning anything from me.

No, that's not true.

I have learnt how difficult a woman's life is from a man's.

But meera's life is useless.

It's good i was born a man.

Atleast you realise what a woman suffers.

Is this what you women suffer? - You haven't seen anything yet.

If our wife dies, we marry again.

But if your husband dies, you wear colorless clothes...

and spend your entire life like a prisoner.

You work like servants, no song, no dance...

and spend your entire life alone, with no contact with any man.

Even thinking about it scares me.

tell me, what have you found out?

She leaves the house once in a day, to go to the temple.

Help me. For god sake, you will have to help me!

Sure, but who are you?

I have come from very far.

Okay. Come.


Now tell me, why are you upset?

I... - meera didi!

You didn't go to school again? - Who is she?

Go get water. - Okay.

Where have you come from?

That is at a very high altitude, in the north, right?

Yes. - Meera didi.


Take. Go.

If you want to talk in private, say so.

Okay, i'll leave.

Is your place beautiful? - Yes, as much as yours.

But different.

Dry, tough, and as cruel as the scorching sun.

The beauty here is unique. Dry, tough, and as cruel as the scorching sun.

Dry, tough, and as cruel as the scorching sun.

What have you lost here?

My husband, amir... - he left you?

Yes. - And you think you'll find him here?

If you help me.

You don't take me to be something else, do you?

Your husband had come here to work?

Then he must have come to work where they are putting up a new factory.

A lot of laborers have come from outside.

You want me to talk to chopraji?

The one who is putting up the factory.

How do you know he is staying in our mansion?

They were saying so in the village.

I did come to your house, but your family threw me out.

So that was you who everyone was shouting at?

I thought it was some beggar woman of the village.

I was begging only. - Okay, i'll do something.

But chopraji is not here, he will return in a few days.

I can wait for some days.

I'd brought water. What do i do now?

Oh, i forgot! I'll just be back.

leela, i was talking. I forgot. - You always do that.

Always? Ofcourse not.

Khama gani... now you reply, gani khama.

Is even your husband lost? - Ila!

You can say that.

Then you also come to tie a ribbon on this tree.

He will return.

There are many ways to please the heart.

I want to give you amir's photo will you come here tomorrow?

Without doubt. I get only one opportunity to leave jail.


Let's go... you talk too much.

You should have told her the truth. - You are talking of truth?

Why do you always taunt me?

It's the first time i've lost courage in life.

What if she had refused?

What is your intention?

I don't know.

Let's see what happens.

I'll make friends with her, win her confidence.

Maybe then i'll tell her. - So my role is over.

You will go out everyday, do your work.

I'll wait for you at home.

Great! The river is flowing reverse.

This is absolute injustice.

A woman is deeply connected to that word.

Why don't you women join hands and teach men a lesson?

Maybe, one day.

Do give me a warning. Remember, i'm with you.

I'll remember that.

How are you? - I'm fine.

I'll be back soon.

Salaam aleikum. - Salaam...

in reply say, waleikum asalaam.

You go to school? - Yes.

Which class? - Fifth.

Get up. Take.

He is amir.

What is it? - Even i want to hear.

Maybe i learn something.

If you so wish to learn, go regularly to school.

Okay, sit and gossip.

Is she your sister? - No, shanker found her somewhere.

Found her? - In the well. She's a girl.

Maybe that's why she was thrown. Found her? - In the well. She's a girl.

Maybe that's why she was thrown.

Girls are not valued here.

They are more trouble than gain.

A man who works for us has adopted her.

But if it wasn't for shanker... - you miss him a lot?

So much that my heart aches.

Even i miss amir a lot.

Our memories are not alike.

You still have hope of meeting amir.

I should not have said that. Sorrow cannot be measured.

Don't mind my words. - You really are good, meera.

She is not good. It is so many days since i ate sweets.

Earlier, we used to eat so many. Now she says we don't have money.

Even i love sweets. Come, i'll treat you today.

Let's go! - No, we cannot go.

Why? - I'm not permitted.

Whose permission do you need to take to eat sweets?

Actually... l...

sometimes, the biggest guard to stop us is our own fear.

You cannot do everything that your heart wants.

Why not?

Because living for yourself is selfish.

And to suppress your desires is a sin.

Listen to your heart. Tune yourself to it...

then the joy of life becomes different.

If faced with a hurdle, close your eyes and jump.

A jump of honesty.

What if you don't reach across?

If you are honest, why won't you?

A jump of honesty.

See how simple it is?


Jump of honesty.

"In the scorching sun, a soft wind blew"

"i got the support of a friend, my life poised again"

"atleast try, the chains will melt away"

"my tresses flew on the forehead"

"a desire has awakened in the desert"

"a lamp has lit in a storm today"

"this is perhaps friendship, or the effect of integrity"

"what do we know what the future holds for us"

what is the matter? - Today is shanker's birthday.

Then why are you sad?

I was dancing in the street.

It is not even two months. Wonder what is wrong with me.

Nothing is wrong with you.

Look at me. What have you done that was wrong?

I was dancing. - So what is wrong in that?

I cannot forget him. - Who says you are forgetting him?

Just because you feel a little happy it doesn't mean that.

Widows mourn, they don't dance.

Bear your sorrow the way your heart tells you...

not the way others tell you.

What society is this that doesn't let a woman forget her pain?

Instead of healing her wounds with love...

it keeps reminding her what she has suffered.

Her clothes, her style of living, her friends, everything is changed...

so that she is always reminded of her sorrow.

And men? The moment we turn, they marry again.

It is very easy for you to say that.

Don't connect the word <i>'</i>easy' with me.

I have not got anything easily in life.

I have learnt to snatch my right from the world.

Look, even i'm a woman like you.

The only difference is that i have learnt to take my own decisions.

Whether right or wrong, good or bad, the decision is mine...

not anybody else's.

Because this life is mine.

And i have the courage to live my life...

and live the consequence of my decisions.

Now enough of this nonsense. Let's celebrate shanker's birthday.

We'll do what he likes.

Don't sulk. I'm your friend, i can fight with you, and even appease you.

Let's go. - Where?

You will tell me that. Come.

Now we will go there. - Where?

Come! - Aren't you getting late?

Don't live your life fearing others.

Learn to accept your decisions.


Take us for a ride. - That will be rs.20.

Are you mad?


Are you new? Stupid! Everyone will fool you.

Don't take a penny less than rs.50.

You are my first client. If you say so, i'll take you for rs.50. sit.

I'll get some grams, wait here.

How did you come here? - I'm a secretive guy.

Why have you come? - I got tired waiting at home.

When will you tell her?


If you don't tell her now, i'll leave.

Good bye.

Okay, i'll stay if you wish.

But not too long.

You changed your garb, but can you ride a camel?

Get up... get up... listen!

Get up. They want a ride.

They are good people. They want to leave. Think of my prestige too.

Will the camel not get up?

He's a thoughtful camel. He's in a dilemma. Just two minutes...

they have to leave.

Enough now! Get up!

How obedient.

I'm enjoying so much after so many days, thanks to you.

Shanker loved to sit near the river and watch the setting sun.

When the sun set, and the moon rose, he would say...

<i>'</i>meera, one day, you and me will go on the moon riding a camel"

<i>'</i>where there will be just you and me'

<i>'</i>and there will be so much love as much as there is sand here'

<i>'</i>where you won't have to wear this veil'

and he would always say, if women have to wear a veil...

even men should carry a similar burden.

Shall i say something? - What?

When there is talk of carrying a burden...

have you ever worn a turban?

Shall i say something? You are a very bad actor.

You will put impostors to shame.

I recognised you the moment i saw you.

Stop. - Why? What happened?

Make the camel sit. - How?

Pull the rope and say <i>'</i>r... rr'

sit down, camel.

Sit... sit... he sat down!


Where are you going?

It was fun, wasn't it? - Yes.

But we are very late, will there be a problem?

I'll say i was listening to hymns. The act begins now.

What woman dances with her friends when her husband's life is at stake?

One who knows what she wants, and she can do anything to get it.

It is not so simple anymore. I really like her.

Hiding the fact from her makes me feel guilty.

I feel like i'm cheating a friend.


Sorry i'm disturbing you at such a late hour.

It's okay. Come inside.

It's okay. I have a small favor to ask.

My friend is looking for her husband.

He may be working in your factory.

Can you find out?

Sure, i'll make inquiries.

Thank you.

Where had you gone?

Don't worry, i'm a man, i can take care of myself.

Any reason for drinking? - To gather courage.

I was to say something important.


Stop your nonsense! Fool! Let's have dinner.

Wait! This answer was not in my book.

No, you cannot say that. You cannot.

I can say whatever i wish. - Yes, this is right.

I want to say something more.

I know you are married, you love your husband.

I respect him. I don't want anything from you.

I just wanted to express my feelings.

If i have learnt anything from you...

it is to express your feelings.

Thank you. - Express your feelings.

And those are, i love you.

Thank you. Shall we dine now?

Wait a minute.

I want to say something important.

I know zeenat that you...

did i talk rubbish last night? - Yes, but sweet rubbish.

I'll have to go, zeenat. - I know.

You told me last night. - But i don't know when i'll return.

I know. What you did for me, i cannot expect that much from any man.

I saved the honor of my clan.

I feel bad leaving you, but...

my dear impostor, i will miss you a lot.

But i have to fight this battle alone.

Call up amir's parents, and tell them i'm fine.

This is their phone number. - I'll tell them. Take care.

It feels good coming here. These old mansions have a unique charm.

Why are you rubbing salt in my wounds?

You misunderstand. I was going to talk business.

If i had anything else to give, i'd never give this mansion on rent.

You do have something you can give.

Look, i live here for months.

And truly speaking, i feel lonely.

And then, a man has his needs.

The fact is, i want meera.

She will live here, keep me happy.

In exchange, i will repay the loan of rs.300000 on the mansion.

And anyway, what does she mean to you anyway?

She's just a slave.

Only until i have put up the factory.

In a few months, you will get back both...

the mansion and your daughter-in-law.

Meera is beautiful, and young too.

The mansion is old and ugly.

It needs renovation.

Everything has a price.

I like people who strike a deal.

Shall we shake hands on rs.500000?

Get up, zeenat. - I knew you'd not leave me and go.

There's a problem, zeenat. I spoke to amir's parents.

They were looking for you since many days.

The day for amir's execution has been fixed.

He will be executed in two days.

There is some natraja who is waiting for you in jaipur.

He says he will take the letter of pardon himself.

We will have to leave for jaipur tomorrow itself...

with the pardon letter.

The one above. - Salaam waleikum.

Salaam waleikum?

Say khama gani. What rubbish are they teaching you in school? Salaam waleikum?

Say khama gani. What rubbish are they teaching you in school?

Not in school, zeenat didi taught me.

Who zeenat? Not in school, zeenat didi taught me.

Who zeenat?

The one who meets meera didi in the temple everyday

you are late? - Yes, i am late.

Meera, you'll have to help me. - You said that on the first day too.

Will you help me? - Must you ask?

But first come, i want to give you something.

Shanker had given it to me. His first gift.

I cannot wear it now, but i remove and look at it sometimes.

I want that when you meet amir, you two wear it.

Like me and shanker.

I cannot take it, it won't be right.

Why not? You won't understand what your friendship has given me.

You will leave, and we may never meet again.

If you keep this, you will remember you have a friend in rajasthan...

who didn't have the courage to choose her life's path...

but being with you, she got a glimpse of it.

If you can, you also give me a memento.

Who knows...

your husband died at my husband's hands.

I wanted to tell you since very long, my god knows; but i could not tell you

why, zeenat?

When i first came to your house...

your family spat in my face and threw me out.

I was afraid even you will refuse to meet me.

I never intended to cheat you.

What do you want from me?

These are papers for pardon. If you sign them...

amir's life can be saved.

You are aware of everything, zeenat.

Do you also know how a person feels...

when one leaves home alive, and the news of his death returns?

And then his belongings, his clothes, stuffed in a torn suitcase?

So you tell me, you, who knows everything...

you, who makes her own life...

what do you think? What should i do?

If i don't sign these papers, i will be considered cruel.

And if i do, i'll crush the pride with which i am living.

No meera, i know amir. He cannot kill anyone.

Know what my dream is? That i behead that murderer...

who snatched my everything from me...

my husband, my love, my freedom.

Surprised? That the innocent, naive meera is talking of killing?

I understand your feelings.

If i was in your place, even i'd think the same.

Then you can understand why i am refusing to sign these papers.

Make your own decisions, isn't that what you had said?

Take, this is my decision.

I also said you will have to accept the consequences of your decisions.

Will you be able to?

Meera, i plead with you!

Why? Because i should take the right path?

Because what happened was an accident.

Amir did not deliberately kill shanker. They were friends!

So what if he didn't kill him deliberately. He ruined my life.

Even if an innocent man has to pay for it?

Yes, even then. Your husband committed the murder...

and an innocent woman is paying its price.

I am fed up of my helplessness, i want revenge!

Even your quran says that, eye for an eye, life for a life.

Then the decision is made.

The same quran says, <i>'</i>forgiving is greater than revenge'

if you had not cheated me like this...

i would perhaps forgive you and your husband.

I trusted your friendship.

But even you turned out to be like others.

A selfish woman who uses others for her selfish needs.

I'm still your friend.

Forgive me, amir. Forgive me!

Where had you gone?

I permit you to go to the temple so that you find peace.

And behind my back, you are making friends with that woman...

who ruined our lives. And behind my back, you are making friends with that woman...

who ruined our lives.

A woman should not be given freedom.

You make friends with the murderer of your husband?

With my son's murderer?

Zeenat did not kill shanker. - You argue with us?

It is not her fault. That's woman's influence is talking.

Or she would never let out a whisper.

Her freedom is over! She will not leave the house...

until my wounded honor heals.

What honor are you talking of?

The same honor which you are selling to save this mansion?

Or that honor, on the strength of which, my price is being fixed?

You use me when you wish, you throw me when you wish.

Make me your family honor when you wish.

Even after all this, you will not throw me out.

Because i am very valuable for you.

You talk of my honor, but i have not come across...

a more shameless man than you.

Leave my hand!

Leave my hand!

I'd only given your son the right to touch me.

"Relationships, trust, love, faith"

"i don't have any"

"i thought i had the earth in my hand"

"i opened my hand, and there was only ash"

"there is this noise in the heart"

"if integrity is low"

"if this string is weak"

what do i do, grandma? - What does your heart say?

I have been suppressing my heart's voice since so long...

it died long ago.

The heart never stops talking.

Listen carefully, it will show you the way.

Shanker's death snatched my life from my hands.

But i compromised with my fate.

Because this has been my life. Good or bad, i had to live it.

Because you feared the unknown world outside.

Yes. It is easy to follow a mould.

Let life continue the way it is.

Our life's string is in someone else's hands.

But the string that has been put in my hand, what do i do with it?

Who lives, who dies, let god decide that, why me?

I don't want to decide. I'm an ordinary woman.

I can be selfish. The one who has given me pain, i should hurt him.

Why am i being forced to be an angel?

I don't want that status. I don't want that right.

He plays many games with us, doesn't he?

Somewhat more with me.

Whatever decision you have taken, stick to it.

I have told zeenat that.

Then what are you waiting for? Go do what you want.

What you are going to do, only a human can do.

Where are angels destined to it?

Grandma, i... - you don't have to say anything.

I am only trying to cover up my sins with your virtue.

You know randhir will surely sell you.

I don't care about that now. - That's better! My brave girl!


Where are you going?

Let me go, mother-in-law. It's a matter of someone's life.

Don't even think of going out. - She surely will.

Taking pride in your husband, don't forget your humanity.

Remember, even you could be on this side of the fence some day.

Now move aside, and let her leave.

Dear meera, i am sure you will find this letter.

I had come here on a mission.

In that attempt, i lied to you, cheated you.

But i never wanted to hurt your already hurting heart.

Treat it as a hapless woman's helplessness and forgive me.

I am leaving dejected, but not empty handed.

Your friendship has filled my heart.

Your love made me soft again, which i had lost fighting life.

What i am going through, you are not responsible for it.

I have no complaints against you.

In a few days, my amir... but i will live my life again.

A life of my principles, my decisions.

The world even snatched that right from you.

A right that every man must have.

If i could, i would bring shanker back.

I would hand back the string of your freedom to you.

But i have only this charm to give...

with whose support i spent many difficult moments of my life.

I hope it gives you the strength to fight the world.

Yours, zeenat.

"How will this courage bow?"

"How will this desire stop?"

"So what if it's difficult to reach destination?" "How will this desire stop?"

"So what if it's difficult to reach destination?"

"So what if the shore seems a faded sight?"

"So what if the heart is broken"

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