Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 18 2017

Trump Obamacare repeal and replacement is moving quickly.


President Trump said Friday that the process of repealing and replacing the Affordable

Care Act is moving along much more quickly now that Tom Price has been confirmed as his

health and human services secretary.

"Despite the long delays by the Democrats in finally approving Dr. Tom Price, the repeal

and replacement of ObamaCare is moving fast!" Trump tweeted.

Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday that the plan is to hold a vote repealing Obamacare after

Congress comes back from the President's Day break.

At this point, no replacement bill has been unveiled, but a bill is expected when lawmakers


Trump has insisted that repealing and replacing Obamacare must happen simultaneously, and

has told reporters in the past that he was working on his own version of a replacement.

That plan has also not been made public.

Trump has been frustrated by Democrats slow-walking many of his Cabinet appointments, including


Senate Democrats have generally been opposed to most of his picks and have used some procedural

delays to slow down Trump's picks.

So far, only Trump's pick for labor secretary, Andy Puzder, has been thwarted, and that's

because enough Republicans didn't support that pick.

Trump nominated Florida International University Law School Dean Alexander Acosta to that post

on Thursday.

For more infomation >> Trump Obamacare repeal and replacement is moving quickly - Duration: 1:50.


Astronomers find 60 NEW Alien planets, and some of them are similar to Earth - Duration: 4:50.

Astronomers find 60 NEW Alien planets, and some of them are similar to Earth

by Ivan

Caption: Artist�s conceptions of the probable planet orbiting a star called GJ 411, courtesy

of Ricardo Ramirez.

Scientists have discovered sixty new alien worlds orbiting stars located in the vicinity

of our solar system.

Interestingly, some of the newly found alien worlds �could be just like Earth�, which

raises hope of finding alien life.

Researchers say the new discovery demonstrates that �virtually all� the nearest stars

to the sun have planets orbiting them.

Among the dozens of newly discovered planets, one particular planet�a hot Super-Earth

called Gliese 411b� most likely has a ROCKY surface and could be eerily similar to Earth.

Gliese411b is located in the fourth nearest solar system to ours.

Furthermore, experts say that Gliese 411b demonstrates that �nearly all� nearby

stars to the sun have planets orbiting them, and some of them are mot likely extremely

similar to Earth.

The new historic discovery was made by an international group of astronomers led by

the University of Hertfordshire.

Interestingly, together with the newly found 60 alien worlds, researchers found evidence

of the existence of additional 54 planets, which tops the total number of potential new

planets to 114.

These discoveries were made possible thanks to around 61,000 INDIVIDUAL observations of

1,600 stars in a period of 20 years by American astronomers using the Keck-I telescope in


The observations were part of the Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey, which was started in 1996

by astronomers Steve Vogt and Geoffrey Marcy from the University of California and Paul

Butler, from the Carnegie Institute of Science, in Washington.

�It is fascinating to think that when we look at the nearest stars, all of them appear

to have planets orbiting them.

This is something astronomers were not convinced about, even as little as five years ago.

These new planets also help us better understand the formation processes of planetary systems

and provide interesting targets for future efforts to image the planets directly,�

said Dr. Mikko Tuomi, who led the study.

�This paper and data release is one of my crowning achievements as an astronomer.

It represents a good chunk of my life�s work,� Dr. Paul Butler, from the Carnegie

Institute of Science added.

A Worldwide collaboration According to Carnegie Science, the team is

hoping their decision will lead to a flurry of new science, as astronomers around the

globe combine the HIRES data with their own existing observations, or mount new observing

campaigns to follow up on potential signals.

The catalog release is part of a growing trend in exoplanet science to broaden the audience

and discovery space, which has emerged in part to handle the aftermath of follow-up

discoveries by NASA�s Kepler and K2 missions.

�I think this paper sets a precedent for how the community can collaborate on exoplanet

detection and follow-up�, said team member Johanna Teske of Carnegie�s Observatories

and Department of Terrestrial Magnetism.

�With NASA�s TESS mission on the horizon, which is expected to detect 1000+ planets

orbiting bright, nearby stars, exoplanet scientists will soon have a whole new pool of planets

to follow up.�

�The best way to advance the field and further our understanding of what these planets are

made out of is to harness the abilities of a variety of precision radial velocity instruments,

and deploy them in concert,� added team member Jennifer Burt of MIT.

�But that will require some big teams to break from tradition and start leading serious

cooperative efforts.�

And from Carnegie�s Paul Butler, the paper�s lead author and the man who helped jumpstart

the field of exoplanet science: �This paper and data release represents a good chunk of

my life�s work.�

For more infomation >> Astronomers find 60 NEW Alien planets, and some of them are similar to Earth - Duration: 4:50.


London - Duration: 4:24.

[Piano Music]

For more infomation >> London - Duration: 4:24.


Dragon Ball Super- Mighty Universe 11 and Ultimate Gohan - Duration: 10:13.

Hey, guys, I have got a whole lot of exciting updates for you all.

Names of all 12 Gods of Destruction has been revealed, we got hints that Gohan will unlock

his potential, and some fighter has been confirmed to be from u11, and their team is looking

crazy powerful.

Before anything else, let's take a look at the Universe 11 team.

Recently, this fighter has been confirmed to be from U11.

His name is Toppo.

Character Description- Leader of the hero team "Pride Troopers", guardians of peace

in Universe 11.

A hot-blooded and gigantic warrior of Justice.

He's so strong that he is even scouted as a candidate for the next God of Destruction.

So, this is a huge reveal as this will be helping us to identify a lot of fighters of

the U11.

Because Toppo is the leader of U11 peace team, and we have seen some other fighters wearing

this same uniform, meaning they are also fighting for Universe 11.

This includes this red-white Jaco look alike fighter who is very prominent in the trailer

and is seen fighting Goku; in a matter of fact, he is shown to be able to go toe to

toe vs Super Saiyan Blue Goku.

Undoubtedly he will be a major rival of Goku, and many fans are speculating that he might

be the one who plays a part like Hitman Hit did in the previous tournament.

Also, there's a theory going on that he is the black hooded mysterious guy standing

besides the Clown God of Destruction; based on some similarities in skin tone, nose, mouth,

hand gloves...

So, we have one of the important fighters in the entire tournament, the jaco buffed

warrior in U11.

You would think he would be the strongest of the team, or he would be the leader himself;

but the latest reveal hints to a possibility that Toppo might be even stronger than him.

As he is the leader of the team and is also considered as a candidate to be the next God

of Destruction.

This confirms that Gods of Destruction are mainly selected not born.

I think it was kind of obvious because of much forgotten fact that, basically Whis agreed

to train Vegeta to groom him up for a shot at becoming a God of Destruction.

Vegeta never wanted to be a God of destruction he just wanted training, so he took the opportunity

without arguing.

Beerus also mentions about how Goku might be training to replace him.

All that said, this latest reveal 100% clears and confirms that fact.

In the pride trooper's team, we also see a Beerus look alike.

Basically, Beerus and Champa are of this race and was selected as Gods of Destruction after

a passing a test or whatever the procedure is.

Based on this, many fans are assuming that their Universe of origin might be 11.

Since the clown God or Vermoud took U11, they were sent out in U6 and 7.

However, same race can exist in different Universes, so you never know.

Here's a shot of, Troppo, Goku's Rival Guy and Beerus look alike guy these three

might as well be the strongest of Universe 11, but that's not all U11 has to offer.

Another most talked about character is also most probably from U11, and she is the one

we are currently calling Girl Broly, we got a new pic of her in normal SSJ form here too.

So you can see why I am so excited about U11.

Almost half the fighters that got attention in trailers or opening is from U11.

There are going to be more from there, but the pride troopers' team specifically looks

god damn powerful.

We thought Toppo would be strong from the looks, but who knew he was strong enough to

be considered for a position like that.

I guess we also get a brief idea about their character as they are peace protectors.

So in general sense, they will be good guys.

Also, I wonder if Galactic Patrolman Jaco originates from U11 and maybe their entire

race does service to Universes based on their strength or powers.

However, who do you think Toppo will fight from U7, if he gets to fight someone from


Because I have a feeling U11 will be among the one's that make it till the end along

with U7 and 6.

It has been hinted that there might be team battles instead of singles.

Even if that's the case, I think Vegeta and Goku would fight in separate teams to

maintain power balance.

Anyways, I think there might be a good fight between Toppo and Vegeta; that would be great

because Goku got the other guy already, and Vegeta is more of a God of Destruction candidate

from U7.

So, it'll be like a cool fight between two candidates of Gods of Destruction.

U11 also got the most talked about God of destruction too, the clown God, whose name

is Vermoud.

We know that by making a connection with the kaioshin who has been confirmed to be from


Okay, now let's check out the names of all the Gods of Destruction, revealed by TOEI

officially, translation posted on Kanzenshuu-

*Universe 1: Ivan/Iwen.

Designed by- Toyotaro.

*Universe 2: Xerez/Helles Designed by: Akira Toriyama and Toyotarō

She has been described to be extraordinarily beauty-conscious and that she is unable to

do well with anything ugly.

*Universe 3: Mosco Designed by: Toyotarō

This God actually has a lot of similarity with a fanmade series character of DBGT!

He is designed by Toyotaro, and Toyotaro joked about it in DBAF.

So we can see where this is coming from.

*Universe 4: Quitela Designed by: Akira Toriyama


Jerry is now a God of Destruction.

I bet Tom would love that.

*Universe 5: Arak Designed by: Toyotarō I bet this is one God,

Helles wouldn't like.

*U6 and7- Beerus and Champa

*Universe 8: Liquir Designed by: Toyotarō

*Universe 9: Sidra Designed by: Akira Toriyama

*Universe 10: Rumoosh Designed by: Toyotarō

*Universe 11: Vermoud Designed by: Akira Toriyama and Toyotarō

* Universe 12: Geen/Gene Designed by: Toyotarō

So, finally about Gohan, everyone is looking forward to seeing what he can pull of this

time, and we have some really positive hints regarding that!

Super Scoop 2: Gohan awakens?!

This time Gohan is super serious!!

These design images we secretly obtained show "Ultimate" Gohan, with his dormant power


You can tell just by looking that he is on a different level!!

The Strong Gohan from back in the days who surpassed his father has returned!!

So, this is really great.

We already got a lot of hints from the anime itself.

Like, they have been hyping up Gohan ever since the beginning of the series.

However, in the last arc, they did this segment where Future Trunks goes to visit him, but

doesn't ask for help.

This is basically psychological trick most shows use.

Like, they are making us feel like Gohan will never fight again, so when he does, it looks


Taking that segment, some so called expert said things like " Gohan will never be a

fighter again, people."

" He is a family man; he is well written that way.

" This is DBS telling you that he is a family guy now.

You know these type of people forcefully try to act mature by going against what the fandom

is excited about.

These are the same type of people, who would never guess Future Trunks would return.

You know way back, before the Future Trunks arc, I had made a video where I said.

Future Trunks will return in DBS.

At that time we were probably, Resurrection F arc, so these geniuses mocked me by saying

stuff like, Stop being such a fanboy.

But, then Trunks return, and I don't see them saying how wrong they were, the same

case with Gohan they were like 99% sure that Gohan will never be great again, and trolled

people like me who made ' Make Gohan Great Again' arguments.

And now, of course, we here!

Also, Female Broly was a good slap in the face for those tight asses.

I love how DBS is trolling those people who tried hard to sound smart, by their failed

attempts to debunk every exciting fan hopes ever.

For the Gohan, we will see him in action again in Episode 80 in the pre-tournament exhibition


He might or might not do well there, but we know he is going to train and participate

in the main tournament.

He surely got the badass look back.

Also if you look at this scene from the opening there's this purplish aura sparkle, so who


Gohan might even be getting a new transformation!

I would prefer something different than going along the path of Super Saiyan Blue.

Maybe something new similar to the concept of his mystic form; that is considered by

many to be even stronger than SSJ3 Goku of Buu arc.

Comment your opinion, thoughts, theories and predictions down below in the comment section.

Make sure to subscribe to our other channel, ' Dragon Ball Fanverse.'

We post shorter but faster updates over there.

You can find me on Facebook by searching for ' The Fan Guy.'

See you in the next, Dragon Ball Super Video.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super- Mighty Universe 11 and Ultimate Gohan - Duration: 10:13.


Which Chakra is Blocking You From Living the Life You Desire Take the Test NOW! - Duration: 1:25.

Which Chakra is Blocking You From Living the Life You Desire Take the Test NOW!


Chakras are vital energy centres contained within your body.

When they are balanced your life will flow and you will create prosperity with ease but

when one or more chakras are unbalanced then you will have difficulty bringing wealth into

your life!

Discover which chakra is blocking you from living the life you desire and learn how to

support it by taking the quiz now!

For more infomation >> Which Chakra is Blocking You From Living the Life You Desire Take the Test NOW! - Duration: 1:25.


Pope Francis rebukes Trump 'No religion is terrorist' - Duration: 2:22.

Pope Francis rebukes Trump 'No religion is terrorist'


Pope Francis offered a subtle rebuke to President Trump this week, in a letter that urged Christians

not to close the door on anyone, and said "no people is criminal and no religion is


The pope's letter was read by a cardinal representing the Vatican on Thursday, and while it didn't

mention Trump by name, it was written after Trump's controversial executive order aimed

at temporarily banning immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries.

"As Christians and all people of good will, it is for us to live and act at this moment.

It is a grave responsibility, since certain present realities, unless effectively dealt

with, are capable of setting off processes of dehumanization which would then be hard

to reverse," the pope wrote in the letter read by Cardinal Peter Turkson, head of the

Vatican's department for Integral Human Development.

"The grave danger is to disown our neighbors," the pope wrote.

"When we do so, we deny their humanity and our own humanity without realizing it; we

deny ourselves, and we deny the most important Commandments of Jesus."

Subscribe today to get intelligence and analysis on defense and national security issues in

your Inbox each weekday morning from veteran journalists Jamie McIntyre and Jacqueline


In person, the pope challenged countries weighing whether to accept migrants fleeing conflict

in the Middle East not to view these people as dangerous.

Instead, he said they should be seen as an opportunity.

In a discussion with students at a Rome university on Friday, the pope was asked by a 31-year-old

married mother and Syrian refugee what he thought about the threat posed by Syrian and

Iraq to Christians in Europe.

"Migrations are not a danger, but a challenge to grow," was his response, according to Vatican


For more infomation >> Pope Francis rebukes Trump 'No religion is terrorist' - Duration: 2:22.


Mints App 2.0 Live Review | Mints App is the Bomb !! - Duration: 10:02.

Mints App 2.0 Live Review

For more infomation >> Mints App 2.0 Live Review | Mints App is the Bomb !! - Duration: 10:02.


Derek Jeter Is Having A Baby | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:13.












For more infomation >> Derek Jeter Is Having A Baby | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:13.


Churches In Jacksonville NC - (910) 382-7062 - The Door Christian Fellowship Church - Duration: 3:30.

My wife and I were very young early

twenties when we had began to realize

that there wasn't any hope for our

marriage or for me to quit the drinking

and the drug use that I was so heavily

involved in. Hi, I'm Dave Szczepanski

I Pastor The Door Christian Church here

in Jacksonville North Carolina and my

wife and I moved here 24 years ago last

february and with our family three sons

and came from Southern California we've

been Pastoring there for a while I

wasn't always a Christian though I was

religious we believed in God had a

Catholic background and upbringing in my

early life and yet i never seem to come

into what i needed to set me free change

me from the problems and the habits i

develop. I had been raised believing in

God but never knew the power of God and

what I found was after a conversion

experience age 22 gave my life over to

Christ. Found his transforming power

filled with his spirit so changed us saved

our marriage habits and sinful issues that

no religion could help a man with no program

could changed man

the condition issues and situations we

lived in and habits we had. Nothing was

an answer for us till we turned our lives

over to Christ

and what a radical change being born again

being converted surrendering a heart to

Christ can bring. So out of that God

put in our hearts the vision the purpose

this church, the vision for ministry, the calling

to ministry and we begin to invest our

lives in that yield our lives to that

and now we have had the blessed

privilege of Pastoring here for over two

decades and i'd like to share with you

a little bit about our church. It's a

wonderful church filled with people have

the same similar testimony a life changed

by the power and the grace of God and a

life filled with victory and hope and

the people that have a passion to share

that with anyone and everyone they can

and so we want to invite you to come to a

church thats alive a church that

believes the word a church where the

Holy Spirit in God's power is very present

and operates within our midst. We want to

invite you to that

come see what we have to offer come

enjoy yourself in the congregation

decent wonderful people sinners saved by

the Grace of God men and women who love the

Lord love each other and love mankind

come visit us and experience Christ with us!

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