Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 17 2017

Symptoms Of Energy Shift � DO NOT Ignore Them

By consciousreminder

As we are heading into the Age of Aquarius, new energies are encompassing our bodies and

are reflected in various physiological symptoms.

Within this transition of the ages, many people will begin to feel many of these energy shift

symptoms on a regular basis as our bodies are adjusting and upgrading to the higher


HEADACHES: When the crown chakra opens or expands it can be an intense and painful experience.

It might feel like a spike or rod is being inserted.

Headaches are common and they can range from migraines, to cluster headaches.

Women seem to experience them more than men.

They can be caused by too much energy flowing through the crown chakra, and by hormonal

changes which occurs when the chakras are stimulated.

Sometimes the pain can be eased by asking Spirit and your Higher Self to make an adjustment

in the energy flow.

When you ask for aid to ease the pain and it is part of the process that is opening

and expanding your pineal or pituitary gland, the pain will only lessen.

As your vibrational rate increases, the pineal and the pituitary glands expand to accommodate

the higher energy frequencies.

Other glands change also, but these two are the major ones that contribute to headaches.

This can last a few months, or a few years depending on what level of spiritual development

that you are at and your rate of growth.

FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS: This is quite common and part of the process.

Just ride it out and don�t take antibiotics which will only prolong the process.

These symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are released

when the chakras begin to expand.

What ever was constricting or congesting the chakras is flushed through the blood.

Also new beliefs and paradigms are enacted the imprinted consciousness in the blood becomes

toxic to the physical system because it does not support the new thoughts and contributes

to confusion.

It is helpful to supplement the body with blood fortifying enzymes, herbs and essential

oils to ease the symptoms.

Hot lemon drinks will also help cleanse the body.

Don�t work too much during this time, because you are going through a major shift in vibration.

Try and take it easy, and it will pass.

NAUSEA, LOOSE BOWEL MOVEMENTS, DIARRHEA: This is a common reaction when the solar plexus

chakra opens and releases the stored fear, anger and resentment held in the area.

Karmic and family issues will produce gas and farting.

The Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can ease these symptoms.

Don�t be afraid to take it every 30 minutes if necessary.

MUSCLE ACHES AND JOINT PAIN: Increasing your vibration forces the energy through the body.

When there are blockages impeding the energy flow this raised and forced energy slams into

them causing these symptoms and ails.

Often this is alleviated by asking for assistance from the Higher Self to adjust the flow to

ease the pain.

The body can quickly adjust to the higher vibration in a few moments, hours, or days.

DEPRESSION: A very common symptom caused by an increased rate of vibration.

This higher frequency forces any illnesses, viruses, or infections hiding in the body

to surface.

To discover the root-cause contributing to this state examine your beliefs and decisions

that are creating your reality.

It is also important to monitor your internal dialogue to learn what you are creating for


Observing and realizing the state you are experiencing is not cause by the present allows

it to quickly pass.

The herb �St. Johns Wart� eases depression and is anti-viral too.


and other lifetimes began to release the emotional body will react in this manner.

The Photon Belt energy stimulates and contributes to the spontaneous release of these burdens.

Trying to control or resists these urges further represses and blocks the energy making things

more difficult.

Crying, moaning, sobbing or toning becomes a cleansing release.

Use a Bach flower remedy, or an essential oil to help with the emotional body.


the heart chakra begins to open or enlarge to receive more energy.

Pain sensations in the heart and not being able to breath can be very frightening because

you may think you are having a heart attack.

The above symptoms are caused by the expansion of energy running through your solar plexus

and heart chakra (heart and stomach area).

The best solution is to relax which will adjust the energy flow.

Anxiety and fear only constricts the energy thus, causing a more severe reaction.

This is a normal experience when undergoing a frequency increase.

HOT FLASHES AND NIGHT AND DAY SWEATS: These are commonly experienced by both men and women.

This is due to energy flowing too quickly through the body, hormonal changes, which

men have too, and the body learning to adjust to the higher vibratory rate.

Some men might experience fat being stored in this area which might feel like they are

growing breasts.

If you are a man don�t be concerned about this, because this puffiness in the chest

area will only last for a short while.

EXTREME TIREDNESS: Waking in the morning and struggle to get out of bed after a full night

of sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon is common.

This is caused when the energy is shifting throughout the whole spiritual body.

This will pass in time, each person has a different time frame for some it can be weeks,

for others months, for others years.

If you can create a pyramid structure to sit under this will give you wonderful boosts

of energy when you are lacking it.

Drink lots of pure water to hydrate the cells, add crystals to energize the water.

Eat light meals with organic veggies.

Doing light physical exercise will stimulate the energy flow through the body.

Bach remedies, flower essences and essential oils will also help the transition.

EXCESSIVE ENERGY: You go early to bed, exhausted, but in a couple of hours you are wide.

This is caused by the Photon Belt energy accumulating around you, because the body�s inability

to store the energy because it is blocked and congested.

It is important not to get up and be active because the energy is for healing all the

subtle bodies spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, the best way to assimilate the

energy is to quietly sit and read, watch TV, or listen to meditation tapes to help you

go back to sleep.

This might seem to occur nightly for some time.

WEIGHT GAIN: This is a very common complaint.

The body feels like it is being invaded so it adds a layer of protection.

If you are a Lightworker than additional water is needed to create energy.

If you don�t have enough water the body will store water, which ultimately leads to


Another major factor is that with the activation of new DNA fat is needed to hold the vibration.

Body fat holds a higher vibration which is necessary to generate healing and channeling


Many of you also have agreed to anchor grids of light in the areas surrounding where you


Anchoring these grids require body fat to help hold the energy.

Body fat serves a very loving purpose as it allows embodiment�s to assist mother earth

in holding her vibration.

In becoming crystalline, the body fat is evenly distributed around every cell within the embodiment.

This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork to hold a new vibration.

LOSING YOUR MEMORY OR FEELING SPACEY: This can be a frightening experience because you

cannot remember what you had for dinner, and dinner was only an hour away.


You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function.

Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in.

Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will

pass, there is no time limit on this.

EXTREME SENSITIVITY: As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming

extremely sensitive to people, noises, light, smells, tastes, all sorts of things.

This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a difficult thing to cope


You do need to take B vitamins and a multi vitamin if this is happening to you.

If you are allergic to these vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy or a Bach flower

remedy for extreme sensitivity.

BLOWING LIGHT BULBS AND ELECTRONICS: If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching

a very high vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for spirit.

It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical form.

It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at once, not only can the body not

cope, but it goes through the body and out again and as it does so it affects all electronic


ANIMAL REACTIONS: You will find that dogs and cats and other animals will become aware

of your energy and be frightened of it or want to be around it all the time.

Many animals can�t get enough of the energy.

Others are somewhat frightened because they do not understand it.

FOOD CHANGES: As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things that

you used to.

Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people make as they begin

to vibrate faster.

Meat is especially dense and can really affect the body�s energy, especially if it has

hormones in it.

You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go off your favorite foods.

This is normal and a part of the change to the higher vibration.

If you find this happening, then let it happen and explore the new possibilities.

Also, the changes to our physiological make-up are currently speeding up and there are many

temporary physical symptoms that are occurring in our bodies as a consequence of this.

Some of these are:

Flu-like symptoms.

High temperatures, sweating, aching bones and joints etc, but which do not respond to


Migraine headaches with severe pain that is not relieved with pain killers.

Occasional diarrhea.

Occasional runny nose and sneezing which lasts 24 hours and is not a cold or hayfever.


Ringing in the ears.

Heart palpitations.

Feeling the whole body vibrate, especially at night when one is in a relaxed state.

Intense muscular spasms and pain in one or more areas of the body.

Tingling in arms, hands, legs or feet.

Temporary loss of muscular power in the body caused by changes to the circulatory system.

Occasional breathing difficulties, and/or noticing stronger or louder breathing when

in a relaxed state.

Immune system changes.

Tenderness in the breasts and/or genitals.

Lymphatic system changes.

Changes to skin tone and color.

Feeling tired or exhausted from minor exertion.

Wanting to sleep longer and more often than usual.

Toe nails and hair growing quicker than usual.

Bouts of depression for no real reason.

Finding that one is delving into the past, looking at relationships and gaining clarity

on personal issues.

Feeling one is doing a huge purge.

Tension, anxiety and high stress levels because one feels that something is going on but one

doesn�t know what it is.

Some of these symptoms are being felt by a great many people.

Many are rushing off in panic to their doctor, chiropractor, herbalist and so on and usually

told that there is nothing really wrong with them.

And this is the truth.

For all these symptoms are just temporary and simply indicate that the above mentioned

physiological changes are occurring.

Some of the recommended relief remedies for the above are: Go with the flow, don�t fight


If you feel tired and exhausted, rest and get plenty of sleep.

Drink plenty of water for you are detoxifying and dehydrating quicker than usual.

To relieve emotional tension and stress levels take Valerian.

Fenugreek relieves stress on the lymphatic system and helps the detoxification.

To relieve muscle spasm take Valerian and try mud baths or a long hot soak in a bath

into which you add a cup of Epsom salts.

Do this daily.

Recognize that even if you are having heart palpitations or breathing difficulties that

it is the heart chakra or the throat chakra that is unblocking and that the symptoms are


You aren�t dying, just changing!

However, don�t just take my word for it.

Seek medical guidance if you are unsure.

If you don�t know where to get Valerian or Fenugreek try a health food store or better

still, simply say the name in your head when you need relief.

All healing energies are transmitted via the sound of the name and are just as effective

said in the mind as aloud or as in physically taking them.

Try it and see.

Ask your angel guides or higher self to help relieve any pain.

Most symptoms seem to last a couple of weeks, then clear up.

Some symptoms may reoccur from time to time.

These changes are not necessarily being experienced by everyone concurrently, for instance, a

very small percentage of adults have already embodied a further 2 strands of DNA (as at

2001) and are now beginning to move into fourth dimensional awareness.

This physical change in our state of being is completely dependent upon our current level

of consciousness, therefore, as we lift our perceptions to embrace ever increasing levels

of truth and higher thought, so we embody further strands of DNA.

This entire process is managed by our I AM presence or higher self, so we are in extremely

capable and loving hands, and must therefore, learn to surrender to it.

How many of these energy shift symptoms are you feeling?

For more infomation >> Symptoms Of Energy Shift – DO NOT Ignore Them - Duration: 14:58.


Samsung Group official says operations uncertain after heir apparent's arrest - Duration: 2:33.

Now in terms of what that means for Korea's largest conglomerate, we connect to our Shin


Se-min, now that we know Lee Jae-yong is to be formally arrested,... have we heard anything

from Samsung yet?

Yes, we have.

Reaction from Samsung is that everything is up in the air.

We heard that one unnamed Samsung executive, who spent the whole night awake at the office,

says he has lost his will to work.

This is because the group's figurehead and leader, Lee Jae-yong,.. is now behind bars.

Lee has played a key role in making Samsung's business decision since his father Lee Kun-hee

was hospitalized after a massive heart attack in 2014.

Assuming the role of Lee Jae-yong, will be Samsung's Future Strategy Office.

It is expected to take control of making key decisions at this critical time.

This is a huge blow for Samsung itself,... especially as it's in the middle of a corporate

overhaul to push through the succession of control from ailing Samsung Group chairman

Lee Kun-hee to his only son,... Lee Jae-yong.

How is the arrest expected to affect that process?

It's inevitable that any matter that requires Lee's approval will be halted,… at least

this is according to a group official.

That includes personnel management and of course, the reorganization of the conglomerate,

including a possible shift of Samsung Electronics into a holding company structure,… will

also be put on hold.

On top of that,… major investment plans like M&As the group had planned,… will also

be put on ice.

For one,… worries are that Samsung Electronics' bid to buy Harman International Industries

late last year, will also be negatively influenced.

And we're just learning that the Harman has scheduled a general meeting of its stockholders

in Connecticut, this Friday following the arrest, so we might see some changes coming

from that end.

Investors, too, are taking stock of the situation.

Stocks of Samsung Electronics are trading lower this morning,… down zero-point-seven

percent as of ten minutes ago.

Other Samsung affiliate stocks like Samsung C&T and Samsung's insurance arm are both trading


For more infomation >> Samsung Group official says operations uncertain after heir apparent's arrest - Duration: 2:33.


4. Introduction to investing - Duration: 6:48.

This course isn't meant to be an

introduction to investing in general,

it's more about an introduction to value

growth investing and the method I use

to make 20-30% return on my

money year-on-year. Just to make sure

that we're all on the same page though

I'll run through some basic investing

concepts before moving on to value growth

investing specifically.

So investing is all about finding an asset

that you can buy that you expect to grow over time.

Remember it's about making your money

work for you instead of you working for money.

Examples would include buying property

and watching its value rise as you take

in rent. Or fine art that grows in value

over time. You can also invest in gold or oil,

or my preferred method the stock market.

In the stock market basically what you're

doing is buying a small share of a

business that you think is doing well and is

likely to do well in the future.

If that's the case then you could sell your

shares and make a nice profit

that hopefully is greater than inflation.

Investing in the stock market has been

shown to give the highest return over many

years and in my opinion is easier than

investing in property or fine art, with

much less risk. An added benefit is that

many stocks pay dividends that you can

reinvest in the company to increase your

returns even more. But there are

alternatives to investing, including

spending your money as you earn it

so they have lots of possessions that

usually lose value over time.

Or you could save some money each month in a

bank account but you don't get much

interest on your money and inflation

eats away at your savings year after year.

Another possibility would be to put

your money in bonds.

This is like lending your money to a business

or the government for which you get a

regular interest payment. But there's rarely

any capital growth in the bond and there's the

real possibility that you wouldn't get

your money back if the company got into

trouble, especially if you buy bonds in lower

grade companies.

The next question to ask

yourself is should I be investing at all?

It makes sense that you should only be investing

your money if you actually have money to

invest and aren't in debt.

I mean a mortgage and car loan are probably

ok but I'd pay any credit card debt off

before I invested my money elsewhere.

In fact I'd probably pay the car loan off too,

unless the interest rate on it was very low.

You can also invest money in your

retirement fund in some cases and this

would make sure that you have a nice pot

of money to take you through retirement.

Another question to ask yourself is should I

invest the money myself or give it to

a financial advisor or fund manager?

This is a question that I'm afraid only you can answer

after you've got some financial education

or you've found a method of investing

that you feel you can trust.

But I would ask you this question:

who would treat your money most carefully

you or a financial advisor?

There's often a conflict of interest here,

advisors are wanting to maximise

commissions and fees and they often focus on

frequent trading, rather than buying and

holding for the longer term.

Individual investors want to minimise fees and

increase long-term returns on their money

so less frequent rating is probably best.

If you're interested in learning more

about investing then I don't think you

need an advisor. You can learn all you

need to know yourself or follow my

method of value growth investing.

You can even open a virtual portfolio to start with

so you aren't risking any of your own money

as you learn the steps involved.

So if you've decided that investing is for you

and you have a regular amount to invest or

a lump sum, what are the barriers you face

when you get started?

Well first of all there's knowledge

or rather lack of it. It can take years for

you to gather the information you need

to make sound investment decisions

unless you follow a proven method that

you can trust to give you good returns

with minimum risk.

Next comes time and have you got enough of it

to spend learning all you need to know

and then doing all the research to find

good companies?

To do all this you also

need to have a strong interest and

enthusiasm for investing, unless again

you're following a trusted method.

Finally you may face uncertainty

especially listen to others who don't

show your desire to earn good returns on

your money. Or who are worried about the

unknowns of the stock market.

So what are the benefits of investing

on the stock market?

First of all the returns on your money have been

shown to beat savings property and other

investments over the long term.

The risk of loss can also be minimised by doing good

research on companies and by setting the

price that you will sell at if the

stock doesn't perform as expected.

Your money is also liquid in the stock market and

this means that you can always get hold

of it and you don't need to wait to sell

a property for example.

Investing in the stock market can also be an interesting

pastime, at least for me. I enjoy

researching good companies and reading their

financial reports. This may not be for

you though, so I've put together a

step-by-step approach that enables you

to reach an investment decision, without

the painful and stressful analysis of

all the numbers.

Finally you have the security

of knowing that your money is

invested in solid companies that aren't

likely to go out of business anytime soon.

Let's now look at some of the pitfalls

that could arise once you've actually invested

your money in the stock market.

First of all it's important to have a

plan before you actually make your first

investment, so that you're not constantly

second-guessing yourself or listening

to the news or other people

when making your investment decisions.

It may be helpful to invest with pretend

money first until you've the confidence to

invest real money and not get unsettled by

the ups and downs of the stock market.

Having a clear understanding of what

you're investing goals are is important

and it'll help you to stick to your strategy.

Also don't invest with borrowed money

or money that you may need soon.

And try not to focus on the short term

instead take a longer-term view and over time the

returns on your investment will come.

Unfortunately growing your wealth does

take time and there's no shortcut

and frequent trading leads to higher transaction

costs, that'll impact on your returns.

So make less frequent, larger investments rather

than frequent small ones.

Finally avoiding losses is really important

so make sure that you've done your research and

you're clear about when you need to sell your investments.

Once you've made the decision to invest

your money it's important to look at the

different types of investing and it's

also important to have a plan or strategy

that covers all seven pillars of investing.

Value growth investing is one

method and this has given me high

returns with relatively low risk

over many years and allowed

me to retire to Australia at the age of 50.

So let's take a closer look at

value growth investing and see what it involves.

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