Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 17 2017

Agriculture is already Georgia's number

one industry and as Dr. Kealey puts it,

Georgia is like California but with water.


Add in the science and the

state-of-the-art innovation offered

right here in Griffin with FoodPIC,

and we have the opportunity to

revolutionize our nation's entire food

industry, making Georgia its center.

With UGA's FoodPIC, this is not only

possible, but probable. All we need is a

little marketing to get word to our

current and future hard-working Georgia

producers so they can let food science

work its magic for them. And lastly,

every day I pass through Zebulon on my way

to Griffin and I see buildings painted

that honor our area's past pimento production legacy.

A history that would have never happened

if not for UGA's Experiment Station's work.

They genetically altered a pimento

to fit the growing habitat of

middle Georgia in the early twentieth century.

What is amazing accomplishment.

And they have transformed this area and it's a

source of local pride and more.

But with all due respect to our predecessors,

I believe that accomplishment could be a

drop in the bucket compared to what,

compared to the potential FoodPIC could offer.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of FoodPIC.

Again, what an honor. And Go Dawgs!


For more infomation >> FoodPIC Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Duration: 1:37.


Richmondberks is a great opportunity ! - Duration: 0:33.

Best Investment opportunity in real estate for life time,Earn daily

For more infomation >> Richmondberks is a great opportunity ! - Duration: 0:33.


Energies Of Evolution - Duration: 5:23.

Energies Of Evolution

By Dylan Harper

If you are having experiences of energy winding or rolling up your spine, creating involuntary

spasms, and rippling in strange ways through your body, you are possibly one of thousands

each year experiencing what is known as a kundalini rising or awakening.

You may feel frightened or disoriented by this non-ordinary shift, but if you can relax

with it and understand it as simply a dynamic of your own evolution it can become a treasured

ally on your spiritual path.

When we understand that all of creation is formed as molecular structures, mostly space

and energy manifest in a multitude of forms, it becomes easier to meet the empty/spaciousness

and the enhanced vibrational energies that appear in our bodies, and face all the changes

they invite.

There are many reasons people suddenly have these shifts and awakenings.

Often an intense spiritual or energy practice will open the body to the heightened energy

known as kundalini by the ancient founders of the yogic system.

Sometimes an intense concentrated period may activate this sleeping power, even such innocent

practices as biofeedback, meditation, prayer, love-making, or the charge projected by the

touch of another person who has this awakened energy.

In the thousand reports I have collected over the last 30 years many people write of spontaneous

awakenings, sometimes in moments of great interior stress, or while using plant medicines

or psychedelics, or while sitting in silence at retreats.

So if you are feeling as if your energy field has jumped from 110 to 220 or even 2200 you

are not alone, although unfortunately you live in a culture that is totally unprepared

to understand the power and potential of this experience.

If your experience plunges you into fear and anxiety, if it explodes you into ecstasy,

or if it hits the brain centers that produce imagery you will likely be afraid you are

losing your mind, and if you meet up with the wrong therapeutic model others will support

this interpretation.

But some part of you will know this is real and it is meaningful, even while the mind

freaks out about it.

If you can just be curious and open instead of afraid and contracted this will help it

calm down considerably.

You need to nourish the witness within you, that which is simply aware.

Kundalini energy is an aspect of your own life force.

It is what happens when the normal pranic energy field or bioenergy of the body is infused

with a powerful rush of energy from the base of the spine, the feet, or occasionally pours

down into the body through the top of the head.

Naturally you are startled.

Even people in spiritual communities who have longed for awakening for years can be both

astonished and terrified by this new dimension of interior activity.

It was a naive assumption that spiritual awakening would be a sweet, simple release into peace

and harmony and improved character and life would be forever blessed.

It is true that awakening leads ultimately to peace and harmony, but it does so by stripping

away every identification we hold dear, and releasing every old bit of suffering and confusion,

all of which was held in our minds, bodies and subtle energy fields.

It tries to release all stressors and heal all wounds, in the process freeing us from

our assumed self image and personal history.

I have come to see kundalini as essentially a clearing out process, and then an opportunity

to live from clear seeing and presence, which doesn�t change the content of life itself,

but profoundly impacts our relationship to it.

Whether kundalini activation is sudden and traumatic, or slow and gentle, it is almost

always a factor in a full spiritual realization process.

It may initiate the process of consciousness awakening, or it may fall into place after

an initial shift of consciousness into the recognition of It�s true relationship with

what we might call Source or Universal Consciousness, (that which cannot truly be named, but we


This might be called the non-dual experience, and to the mind it might feel empty and unbounded

while to the spirit it is felt as unlimited spaciousness and dissolution into the whole

(or some such image).

Utimately awakening is the stable recognition of what is awake in every moment here and

now, and not the dramatic experiences, visions, insights, dramas and traumas that may accompany

it for awhile.

All experiences will pass.

More will appear.

Life is awakeness moving through experiences.

Awakening helps us to take it more lightly, to feel peaceful even when we�re not, and

to find beauty in the every day forms we encounter.

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