Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 17 2017

Today is 18th April..

A new day like everyday..

But for one girl It was an unending night.

Who am I?

Why am I not able to recollect my memory?

The beginning and End of this story.

Can I help you?

It's for twelve rupees Madam.

Do you know me?

Are you a celebrity or a famous personality..

I'm so sorry I don't watch T.V..

And whoever you are we don't give discounts to anyone..

You have to give twelve rupees for that.

Twelve rupees?

But I don't have any money.

You must be having madam just check in your coat..

Your purse will be there in some pocket.

Of course my ID might be there in that purse.

There will be your ID in it and also my twelve rupees..

Just give me that twelve rupees and take this bottle.


I mean I just asked you for twelve rupees..

Have you robbed a bank or what?

Is there rest room over here?

Will you take all this money to the rest room?

Can I use it?

Of course you can use it, straight and towards your right.

My face..

Who am I?

Why I cannot recollect my memory?

Hello Madam Wait!


Welcome to Goa international mam, How may I help you?

I want a room to stay.

Sure, for how many days would you like to stay?

How many days.

I don't know.

I'll take care of this.

Sure sir.

How can I help you mam?

I want to buy a room.

Yes sure, for how many days would you like to stay?

For a night or maybe two.

Okay, single room?

Does your hotel provide lockers?

Yes sir, you just have to fill this form.

I want to buy a locker too.

A locker?

Sure mam.

fill this form.


Where's your luggage?

I don't have luggage.

Hmm. No luggage.

Take this form.

Is it necessary to fill this form..

Actually I am very tired.

We have to follow rules mam..

If you want I could help you to fill this form.

Your name?

My name.







So, Misses Kareen patel that wasn't so difficult or was it?

Enjoy your stay.

And if you need anything I'm at your service.

I cannot understand anything..

If this is not my blood then whose it is.

Oh god.

Have I murdered someone?


R31, 12:30..

What does it means?

Did you requested for a locker?

If you want I can come with you.

No, thanks.

"Who am I?"

"Who am I?"

"It's a kind of strange weather."

"What is my Identity?"

Side! Side!

Hurry up! Hurry up!

Yes, can I help you?

I, I don't remember anything..

I want to meet the doctor.

Have you written BP.

Yes, I wrote

Madam we don't have any details or any report.

We're still investigating as soon we'll come to know anything

We'll inform you.

Okay? - Thank you.



How are you feeling now?

I don't know.


My name is Sheela, Sheela Maria.

By profession I'm a psychologist but..

I would like to be a friend.

Hold it.

Show me.

Physically you're fine.

Doctor I want to know my name.

Look be courageous we all are there with you ..

You told me everything happened to you in last two days.

Are you sure that you don't remember anything except this?

Yes I'm sure.

What has happened to me doctor?

According to this report you have historical amnesia.

Let me explain..

There are lot of types of amnesia..

Commonly a patient having amnesia doesn't remember..

What happened with him/her while ago.

In my opinion.

The reason for your amnesia can be a mental stress.

Every person has tensions due to something..

But they don't forget anything

Look every stress has a level..

When the level reaches at extreme point it loses control.

And that person starts reacting differently.

Sometimes by robbing, sometimes by fighting..

Or sometimes by doing murder.

But you are not one of them. - Yes.

Thief or murderer..

I'm just joking..

Temporary memory loss can be cured 100%.

Due to some incident or by meeting someone..

In a week or a month.

A month?

We will conduct some tests on you..

Mean while you please take care..

No unnecessary stress and no tension, okay?

Doctor emergency.

Now you take rest. Okay.

Are you all right?

I'll call the doctor.

Lisa, what happen?


Yes, this is your name.


He is doctor Sharma, my colleague.

He saw you in the nursing room and recognised you.

I called your husband Mister Oberoi over here..

He will be waiting for you outside.

My husband?

My husband?

Yes, he is Arjun Oberoi..

Just meet him once and you'll be fine. - No

I don't want to meet him.

I don't understand.

You, How do you know he is my husband?

He has brought some photographs and certificates.

Arjun Oberoi is a doctor..

And you are daughter of doctor Singhania.

Doctor Singhania?

Late doctor Singhania, your dad..

And owner of Life care hospital.

If he is my husband then why didn't he report my missing..

Complain to the police?

Because according to him you should've been attending..

A seminar in Goa.

As soon as doctor Sharma told your husband about you..

He got worried.

If this is true then why am I not able to recognise him?

Why can I only see a strange person in him?

It's better to look for yourself in someone's eye..

Rather than looking your self in the mirror as a stranger.

Doctor Sharma. - Yes mam?

Please call doctor Arjun. - Okay.

Lisa, it's me Arjun.

Your Arjun.

Try to recognise me please.

Relax doctor Arjun.

Everything will be all right.

Please don't cry Lisa..

I'm here with you, even doctor Maria is with you..

You will be all right..

You'll be completely all right.


But first my advance.

Great I got it.

I think you both should stay together for a while.


You can do friendship with stranger, isn't it?

Look at this photo.

Do you want to know how we met?

I was a student in Singhania Hospital.

You use to come there to work with your dad..

Hospital's administration was your responsibility..

He trusted you a lot.

I saw you there and.

And you fell in love with me.

Anyone will fall in love with you Lisa because you are like that..

It's impossible to get a good friend and life partner like you.

It feels like the time has stopped..

We're right where we started.

I'm sorry Arjun.

My heart wants to believe you but..

I cannot remember anything.

You will recollect your memory Lisa..

I'm sure that you will get well soon.

So how is it going?

Doctor Maria I wanted to take Lisa home.



Our house Lisa, Our home.

By looking at your home you'll remember everything.

Doctor Oberoi before leaving I would like to talk to you.

Sure doctor.

Lisa I'll be back, Okay? - Yeah.

Look Lisa right now has lost her memory and you have to..

Help her to recollect it.

I'll bring back all her beautiful memories.

True memories.

Trust me.

This is her report and medications..

if you need anything then call me.


Thank you so much doctor.

Hey Arjun! - Hi Anju.


Anju is our neighborer and a good friend.

Come, I'll show you your house.

"Let me write your name on the blue sky."

"Let me write your name on the blue sky.."

"I love to stare at your face every day and evening.."

"Let me write your name on the blue sky.."

"I love to stare at your face every day and evening.."

"I'll draw your picture on the clouds.."

"Because now only you are Yes you are my only fortune"

"Let me write your name on the blue sky.."

"I love to stare at your face every day and evening.."

"Your eyes are so pretty.."

"That your eyes looks magical"

"Your eyes are very magical"

"Try Listening to the silence of my expression.."

"Just for once"

"You tell me then where shall I write your name?"

"I love to stare at your face every day and evening.."

"I'll draw your picture on the clouds.."

"Because now only you are Yes you are my only fortune"

What happen?


You might be hungry.

What would you like to eat?

What do I like to eat the most?

Here I present the Eggs for my beautiful wife.

Do you know in our love story this eggs plays a crucial role?


When we met first time you didn't liked me..

Anyhow I tried to convince you for dinner..

And I made you eat this same dish of egg.

Fortunately along with egg you started liking me.


Then we got married.

We have a special thing in our relationship..

That we share all our secrets.

I don't understand anything..

If I was married and I have everything..

Including money then what went wrong with me..

That I lost all my memory..

That cash and bloodstains.


Lisa, I think you didn't like my dish made from egg..


Hi! - Hello Anju

Am I disturbing you? - No, not at all.

Chocolate cake for you.

Oh thank you, you are so kind.

Lisa, you might be afraid, isn't it?

I can understand that everything seems strange for you.

No, now I'm all right.

Now I'm just waiting to meet myself.

So from where do we start?

My name is Anju and I'm your neighbour, A good neighbour..

Since last two years..

When we first came here you baked an amazing cake for me.

From that time till now I've tried to bake I couldn't..

At least Dev says this..

Dev is my husband but before that..

He is your best friend..

Dev use to go for jogging with you.

He works in Navy..

Currently he is out since last two months.

And now only my dad and myself live here.

If you need anything or you want to ask something then call me..

Okay, I'll leave, bye.

Thank you Anju.

She is nice..

It will be so difficult for her to live without her husband..

Just her and her dad.

It's true.

Arjun, doctor Maria told me about my dad but mom..

Where is my mom?

You are tired Lisa, shall we talk tomorrow?

Arjun, please.

After your dad died your mom became lonely..

So she came here to stay with us for few weeks..

You wanted her to stay here forever but she didn't agree.

The day when she was leaving she took your car for shopping..

And she died in a car accident.

You are hiding something from me Arjun.

Lisa, I don't want to give you trouble anymore.

Arjun, please.

The day when you lost your memory..

Was the same day of your mom's death anniversary..

So you think that my mom death is related to my lost memory?

You're very tired and you need to sleep now.


I'll sleep in the guest room, if you need anything then call me.

Okay. - No, I'll sleep in the guest room.

You sleep in this room I'll wait here with you until you sleep.

No, please you sleep even you are tired..

I'll sleep later.

Are you sure?


What's there on your forehead Arjun?

We'll talk about that tomorrow.

Okay, Goodnight. - Goodnight.

Oh, I'm sorry!

I scared you..

My name is Selena..

Doctor Oberoi didn't tell you about me?


I'm hired to take care of you.

Where's Arjun?

Doctor Oberoi went hospital early morning.

Your breakfast is ready.

From when you have been working for us?

I have been working in hospital since years and at home For first time.

Take it. - No.



Hey, Lisa.

Hi Anju, sorry to disturb you.

Don't be silly, come in.

Come sit.

How is that new girl?

I saw her coming to your home..

She is sexy, isn't it?


Anju. - Yes dad.

I'm hungry, can I get something to eat.

If you have not done breakfast yet..

Then how come there's food stains on your shirt tell me?

It came long time before..

Who is she?

She's Lisa, She use to go for jogging with Dev.

Don't you remember her dad?

She's not Lisa..

If I remembered her then why would I ask about her?

Okay, I'll bring you sit.

Take this.

What is this?

I wanted butter chicken.

But dad this chicken sandwich has butter and also chicken.

No, I want only butter chicken please.

Okay then I'll take it back.

No, wait it's okay I'll have it.


You said I can ask you about anything I want.

Yes sure Lisa, ask me.

Tell me something about Dev.

Dev is a very nice friend of yours..

You guys know each other from your college days..

And in fact we met because of you.

And looking at him I fell in love.

Am I just his friend or yours too?

Of course you're my friend.

Then tell me everything Anju.

It's been two months since he has gone, he didn't call me yet..

Maybe he will not return this time.

What do you mean that he'll not return?

Perhaps it's my fault .

We had a terrible fight before he left from here.

You are very lucky Lisa..

Arjun loves you a lot.

You are very nice Anju..

Everything will be all right.

Can I ask you one more thing?


How Arjun got that scar on his forehead?

Oh, In hospital some kid threw a toy on Arjun's head.

You are here I searched you all over the house.

I was getting worried..

And I was going to call doctor Oberoi..

Then I thought to see over here.

Misses oberoi from next time you'll not go anywhere Without telling me.

Now shall we go home?

I'll come in a minute till then you wait here, okay?


I got scared Arjun. - I'm sorry.

What are you doing here?

I don't know.

It's feels like I came here before.

Of course you came here before it's our hospital.

It's all ours.


Hi, I would like to speak to misses Lisa.

Sorry, she is out of town.

But she didn't tell me anything about it.

Yes, she had to leave urgently.

Is she okay? - Yes everything is all right.

Tell her that it was Tina. - Yes I'll tell her.

Okay, bye.

Why did you lied to her that I'm not at home?

Mister Oberoi told me not to disturb you.

How can I get disturbed while talking on phone?

You cannot talk to anyone on phone..

Because you don't remember anyone.

Perhaps, I could recognise them.

And may be not.

And then you get more upset.

Lunch? - I'm not hungry

What about your medication?

Wait I'll bring your medicines.


Doctor I'm Lisa, Lisa Oberoi.

Hi Lisa, how are you?

I'm fine doctor..

I wanted to ask something doctor?

Yes say.

Did you prescribe me any kind of medication?

Yes, Restill a mild tranquilizer..

For your relaxation.


I feel weakness in me doctor I feel tired every time.

It is because you are taking a lot of mental stress..

You feel like a stranger in your own house..

So that's why this medicine is necessary..

You will feel relaxed.


Lisa, is it okay?

I'm there with you Arjun is there with you okay?

Lisa. - Yes.

Okay. - O`kay doctor.

Why are you upset?

My friends call me to ask about me..

But they're being said lie about me, why?

I told Selena to not let anyone disturb you.

If you'll think me as a patient every time..

Then maybe I'll never recollect my memory.

Maybe by talking to my friends I'll feel better.

You get more upset by talking to your friends..

When they'll come to know about you they'll show sympathy

That you will never like..

You are not at all ready to talk with your friends.

Hello. - Hello, Arjun?

Yes, speaking. - Seema here.

Oh hi! -Hi.

How are you?

Yes I'm all right, how are you?

I'm fine, I wanted to talk to Lisa..

Really. - Is she there?

Yes she is there.

Please give her the phone.

Yes I'm giving her wait.

It's your friend. - What?

Talk to her.

Come on.


Betrayer, you betrayed me Lisa.

You betrayed me like you do always.

Tell her take you were out of tow.

I was out of town.

Yes, but you should've called me..

Don't give reasons..

Okay now let's forget it..

Now tell me about our plans.

Did you have decided anything yet?


Seema is a good friend of yours..

With her you were planning to Surprise me for vacation..

For our anniversary.


Okay, Arjun is there with you so we cannot talk..

As soon as he'll go somewhere you call me, okay?

Bye. - Bye.


The whole town knows that you were planning a surprise for me..

You wives are so funny.

You were right Arjun.

I'm not ready yet.

Okay now don't spoil your mood.

Come on let's do something for which you are ready.

Dev use to tell every time that Lisa gets happiest whenever..

She goes for shopping..

You know Lisa you should start jogging again..

You and Dev always talked about health care..

Fresh air and I don't know what else.

Hey look at that colour, so pretty.

What do you think?

It's so nice.

It'll try this..

Even you look for something maybe you'll like something.

Try something. - Okay.

"Why the leaves are made of this"

"Who am I to disagree"

"Some of them want to use you"

"And some of them want to get use by you"

"I am real"

Hey check this out it's cool, isn't it?

What do you think Lisa?

I think it's so cool.

Come we'll buy something for you too.


What happen?

Are you all right?

That guy, he kissed me.


Who did?

Did you know him?


Lisa whatever happened but please don't tell Arjun.


I don't want you guys to fight again.

What do you mean by again?

Nowadays every couples have fight between them..

And nothing else.

I thought that we're friends.

Of course I'm your friend Lisa.

Then like everyone why are you hiding my past Anju.

Please. Please tell me.

Is there someone else in my life except Arjun.

You have too many friends..

I don't know clearly but Arjun said me that..

Due to one thing there was tensions between you two.

My driving licence.

Madam check your coat maybe your purse will be there in it.

There might be my ID in that purse.

My ID..

Credit cards..

Arjun if I was going Goa then all this should have been with me..

Lisa I.

You are hiding something from me.

So you want to know?

Lisa you were not going Goa..

You were going to drive car that day..

When your mom had an accident..

But due to some work you couldn't go with her.

And after that accident if you would've came to know

That you were going to be with her then Maybe..

Leave it.

The day when you lost your memory..

Was the day your mom died..

You wanted to attend her funeral and..

I said that I'm going come after finishing my work at the hospital.

You were upset due to this..

You thought that I'm giving more importance to hospital

And you went alone in angriness.

I don't know why you didn't take your purse along with you.

Lisa I want you to get well soon but now I think..

That you are uncomfortable because of me.

If it is so then tell me..

I'll go away from here..

Till the time you don't get well.


I'm sorry Arjun..

I doubted you.

No Lisa it's not your fault.

I can understand that how you are feeling right now..

But please trust me.


You know how Important these machines are for our hospital..

And we're getting it after so many efforts.

Sir, without Lisa's permission.

Lisa is not in the state of giving any permission.

And I cannot bring her over here.

Sir we know clearly that you gave everything for this hospital,

And whatever you are doing is for development of this office..

But Sir if Lisa will not say yes then.

Enough, I've heard everything.



Can I come in?

Of course come in.

Did I disturb you?

If I would've wished for anything else then it must have fulfilled..

Take the permission you wanted.


Lisa I've brought some machines for our Hospital..

But unfortunately without your permission I cannot keep them.

How can you say this Arjun? Do what you think is right.

Lisa mam there are few papers where you have to sign..

I'll give it to Arjun you please sign on them.

Okay sir, I'll leave. - Thank you.

Take care Lisa. - Thank you.

Arjun I want to say you something.

Yes, what you want to say?

Arjun I don't remember my past but I know..

That I have broken your heart many times..

And I want to say sorry for that.

Don't be silly Lisa.

You can never break my heart.

Yeah okay.

I'll take care of that.

Kavita. - Yes doctor.

Lisa I have a patient to take care of.


Kavita take care of her. - Okay.


Doctor Oberoi might take a while.

Yeah I don't mind.

Are you okay?

Yeah. - That's good.

A kid threw a toy on Arjun's forehead That day at the hospital.

Wiping blood from a carpet might be very hard, isn't it?

I don't understand.

I mean that kid threw this on Arjuns forehead..

So he might have bleed a lot.


Sorry Lisa, I'm all done now. Shall we leave?

What happen?


Kavita doesn't know about your wound.

It's just a wound and at 6th march when I got this wound.

Kavita wasn't there At the hospital.

Oh yes, right.

Sorry I thought it's not that Important to tell you.

Now can we leave?


Hello , Lisa?

Where are you?

I called you a thousand time but every time your maid picks up

And says that you are not there

Thank goodness that I got to talk to you now.

Okay let's forget everything, I'm coming to meet you at evening..

Tonight night will be the dinner night.

But. - What you mean "but"?

No excuses this time..

I got to do lot work right now I'll meet you at evening.

Hello, Arjun.

Everyone listen my poetry.

"Diving in the river of love Which flows in reverse.."

"The one who will swim will drown And the one who will drown will swim."

Very nice.

Thank you.


How are you?

Arjun was saying that you are not well.

You should have told me before..

We would have come some other day.


Will you keep talking or going to make a nice drink for her..

Like a good friend.

You are looking lovely.

Thank you.

Your Favourite.

Thank you Anita.

That's like a good girl.

What you were doing in Goa?

Seminar was just for three days, right?

Actually seminar was just an excuse, Lisa needed a break.

I think Arjun you needed a break.


I'll get some snacks for you people.

Rahul what is this? What did you mean?

Was this something to talk about?

Anita I was just joking.

What is Anju doing over here?

Has everything sort out between you two?

What do you mean?

Oh come on as if you don't remember.

At Anju's birthday Dev and Arjun had a terrible fight..

Gosh it was too much.

But if you'll see it's not at all Arjun's fault..

Because the way Dev approaches you..

Anyone will get angry by that..

And Anju, you should have seen her expression..

It was like she's going to strangle him.

To whom?

To Dev, who else it can be?

What's wrong with you?

And Arjun also had a murderer's Expression on his face

It was really scary.

We always make fun about you guys that..

You should have been there with Dev..

And Arjun should have been there with Anju..

There are similarities in their name too.

You know Anju Arjun.

Just Kidding.

Can I help?

Yes, please take this.

Let's go?

Let's go.

Hot and happening starters gentlemen.

Oh wonderful.

It doesn't look like we need any more food, right?

Yeah. Where's Dev Anju?

I haven't seen him since so many days.

He stays out he's always busy.

Yes he might be out mostly Navy people are like that only.

Anita what is going on you nowadays?

Any new Interesting case?

Yes I have, it's Interesting and complicated.


This case made me remember one more poetry now..

It's from your point of view Anita.

"If women wants they can turn up the mood.."

"Lisa please hear carefully If women wants they can turn up mood.."

"And they can make an easy case complicated"

How do you tolerate him?

I remember something, there's book in your study room I want..

I'll go and get it.


I mean everything is messed in my study room..

Take it afterwards.



So coming back to my problem..

I'm solving this case of a person whom I don't trust at all.


See he is accused of..

He is being blamed for his girlfriends murder..

And according to her post mortem it's a heart failure.

See my client is a Doctor..

And that girl was just twenty years old..

A heart failure in such a young age is not possible.

It is possible.

But police doesn't believe that..


See for a doctor it's not hard to prove a natural death.


**For a doctor it's not hard to prove a natural death.

Is there some one else in my life except Arjun.

Dev is a very nice friend of yours.

Due to one thing there was tensions between you two.

It's been two months Dev has not returned.

I don't know why you didn't take your purse along with you.

Maybe he will not return this time.

But now I think that you are uncomfortable because of me.

That means one thing Arjun..

That a Surgeon can be a perfect murderer too.

What say?

That's it bottoms up.

I'm feeling very hungry. - Great Idea.

And then we eat food.

Come on fast.

Wait, one second..

Lisa's glass.


Thanks Anju.

I just hope she gets better Arjun.

And if you'll need anything then please do call me.


I don't know without you what would I have done.

I'm always there with you Arjun.

That means one thing Arjun..

That a surgeon can be a perfect murderer too.

There's a book in your study room..

That I wanted from so many days.

How are you?

I've thought that I should spend the whole day with you.

No work..

No Selena..

Just you and me.


I see..


There's an emergency I have to go.

Please don't be upset okay.

No I'll be fine, you go.

Are you sure?


Yeah. - I'm pretty sure.

Oh shit!

Selena is on leave..

I can't leave you like this.

No, you go.

It's Important for you to go hospital right now.

I'll take care of myself really.

You just go.


I'm on the way..


Yeah I'm one the way.


Why did Arjun stopped Rahul from going inside the study room?

Oh my god..

Arjun killed Dev.

I must have seen him doing this..

And he is going to kill me also.


What happen?

Why you were run like this?

Why are you seeing me like this?

You don't remember your close friend?



I cannot believe..

It's all so confusing.

Tell me something Dev..

Where were you these days?

Where was I?

We talked just before two weeks.

You called me?


Then why didn't you called Anju?

Lisa it was your Idea to surprise her.

And you were going to give me surprise too..

The way you said I thought you were going to have a baby.

No, I don't think so..

I went through so many tests in the hospital but..

They had didn't told anything.

It's so strange..

Till today I use to ask you questions and you use to answer

But now.

I myself have became a Question


**We always made fun about you guys..

That you should have been there with Dev..

And Arjun should have been there with Anju.

I was there with you before and I am there with you now also..

Come on now cheer up..

I have to go..

If she'll come to know that before meeting her..

I came to meet you then she'll get upset..

You know her.

Take care.

I'm coming.



You are back.

Okay oaky.

First tell me for how many days you have come now?


Are you shameless..

No address, no phone call, no letter nothing..

Do you even know how much worried I was..

I couldn't eat anything due to this tension.

Dad this time I have not came to go back again.



Then you can touch my feet.

Good bless you.

Please. - Dad.

Now you will not go anywhere.



I'm sorry.

Oh Dev.

Anju I'm sorry.

How can I think about Arjun like that..

It's impossible to get such a nice husband like Arjun.

I love you Arjun..

I love you.

I love you too.

"My heart sings a song.."

"It mummers some rhythm.."

"My loved ones should be with me, be here with me.."

"My heart sings a song.."

"It mummers some rhythm.."

"My loved ones should be with me, be here with me.."

"In the cool breeze.."

"And the aromatic atmosphere.."

"The clouds starts showering rain drops.."

"My heart sings a song.."

"It mummers some rhythm.."

"My loved ones should be with me, be here with me.."

"Slowly and patiently in my life.."

"Came and went so many colors.."

"Settled down and became decorative like paintings.."

"My new and small dreams.."

"In the cool breeze.."

"And the aromatic atmosphere.."

"The clouds starts showering rain drops.."

"My heart sings a song.."

"It mummers some rhythm.."

"My loved ones should be with me, be here with me.."

"While sleeping and being awake so many dreams came and went away.."

"Right now I could still feel that beat in my heart.."

"That filled up and satisfied my wants.."

"In the cool breeze.."

"And the aromatic atmosphere.."

"The clouds starts showering rain drops.."

"My heart sings a song, It mummers some rhythm.."


It's Dev..

I want to meet you.


Don't worry about Arjun..

I'll manage him.


Whose phone it was?


Yeah it ranged, isn't it?




Oh Anju hi.

No, I couldn't hear your voice that's why.


No, I'm happy.

Of course I'm happy.

Yeah, we'll meet in the evening, okay?

All right, bye.

Dev has returned back.


Anju is very happy..

She wants to take you out for a coffee.

Go with them have some fun..

But don't talk much with Dev..

You'll be stressed.


**I shouldn't have hide from Arjun that I met Dev..

He trusts me so much.

Lisa, it's so much fun, isn't it?

Same like old days..

I wish Arjun was there with us..

He doesn't have time for us.

Yeah, he seems to be very busy nowadays..

Maybe because he has to take care of the whole hospital.

Excuse me Lisa..

I'll just come back from the restroom.

Lisa I'm very much worried about you..

Don't know that day I felt like..

You were hiding something from me..

Tell me Lisa..

Maybe you'll get every answer of your questions.

That day when I went to store's bathroom..

I saw that there are bloodstains on my coat.

Were you hurt?

No, that blood was not mine.


And there was lot of money in my coat

I guess ten lakhs rupees.


And in between that bundle of money there was a chit..

In which..

"Mohan R31" something like that was written.

Arjun knows about it?

No, I didn't tell him.

I don't know what he will think about me.

No one can think anything wrong about you.

And that also for money..

You have a lot of money Lisa..

But that blood?

Where is that dress?

I threw away that dress.

And that money?

I've kept it inside the locker of a hotel.


Hello, excuse me?

Myself ravi..

Can we do that boom again?


Boom! Boom!

Oh please God!

My pleasure!


Don't know from where all these people come.


What happen Anju?


Here you are.

Thank you sir.

Anything more?

Sir that unidentified bodies privation is on 14th of this month

It's authorization.

Yeah good that you make me remember it.

Tell Kavita to remind me to sign the papers.

Okay sir.

Where has Anju gone now?

Is she went to bring the ice-cream or to make ice-cream.

Anju is very happy..

She became lonely without you Dev.

What happen?

Who is he?

I don't know.

That day when I went for shopping with anju..

This guy approached me..

And he kissed me.


Kissing a decent girl in a public place..

What does that mean?


Nowadays she's with you.

She was there with me before she was with you.

What do you mean?

She is a fast girl..


What nonsense?

Visit vertigo bar..

You'll know all decency of her over there.

Till the time she is with you, enjoy..

Her mood is not trustable.

"Slowly slowly I started feeling lonely.."

"After seeing those.."

"Saffron clouds.."

"I felt your affection.."

"I felt your love.."

"Slowly slowly.."

"Feeling of Loneliness"

"Why shall I make myself.."

"My own enemy, my silly Heart.."

"Why shall I make myself my own enemy, my silly Heart.."

"My heart's always stays dazed and confused.."

"After seeing those.."

"Saffron clouds.."

"I felt your affection.."

"I felt your love.."

"Slowly slowly.."

"I started feeling lonely.."

"Why shall I be so selfish like this.."

"My impatient Heart.."

"Why shall I be so selfish like this.."

"My impatient Heart.."

"My heart's always stays.."

"Dazed and confused.."

"After seeing those.."

"Saffron clouds.."

"I felt your affection.."

"I felt your love.."

"Slowly slowly.."

"Feeling of Loneliness"

One rough please.

You must be having a great time over here..

There's enough beauty over here.

But nowadays girls don't have that factor which we want.

Well, have you seen her?

She was hot.

She use to come here a lot before..

She was different.

She use to come alone or with someone else?

She use to be never alone..

every time she left with different person.

Cheers! - Cheers!

Since when you have been singing?

You want to know about her or about me?

Your wife?

What can tell about her?

Did he ever come with her?

I wish.

When did you saw her last time?

You will die.

Everyone will one day.

Two weeks before.

Thank you.

Only thank you.

It's all right, it's just our first meeting

We'll meet again.

Goodnight mam.

Where are you going?

That's none of your business.

You should take rest.

Don't touch me.

Hey, sorry I'm late.

But I have brought a lot of answers to your question.

Means? - First you tell me..

Have you visited Vertigo.



Everyone knows you there..

That guy whom you met at the shopping mall..

He told me everything about it.

Do you remember that chit?

"Mohan R 12-31-30"

With lot of questions I got out from club vertigo..

..And all of a sudden I saw a board of road number fourteen..

That chit from your coat had R 31..

R Means road and I reached road 31..

It was very clear, R31 means road 31..

Mohan means Mohan photo lab.

And 12:30 means shop no.1230

Excuse me sir..

Well Madam.

How can I help you?

Have you seen her?

Very masculine..

This is so nice. - Have you seen her?

Yeah now I remember she came here before..

..There are few photos of her.

She was saying that someone will come and collect it..

But I didn't know that she would send such a cute boy..

Naughty boy.

Excuse me. - Yeah.

Your photos.

Yeah well.

It's very beautiful inside.

I'm sorry..

I don't know what's in there but..

Through this at least mystery of Mohan has been solved.


Arjun must have clicked this.. You know some private moment.

I promise you one thing that this..

..secret will be only between us.

Arjun I have lost my memory and that doesn't mean that..

..Any housekeeper can stop me from going anywhere.

Lisa I have kept her here to take care of you.


That means I have take permission of every little thing..

In my own house?

I'm fed up with her Arjun..

I'm your wife not a prisoner.

And if you think that I cannot take care of myself..

..Then admit me in a hospital.

But I can't stay with her anymore.

Selena, I'm sorry.

I was just doing my job.

I know Selena..

But Lisa she is not well.

For the first time she has slapped me..

She is changing.

She is changing.

Why are you looking at me like this?

Then how shall I look at you?

That's how I usually look at you.

No Dev, it was something different before..

You use to be so romantic before.

Bringing flowers for me.. Going out for dinner..

And every weekend we use to dance.

Since you have came home you haven't took me out for dancing.

It's Just a dance..

Why do we need to go outside for that?

What do you mean?

Of course you happiness is more important..

When are you going? - Next week.

Where is my best friend going?


Finally Dev and me we're are going to start a new life.

Wow! Really?

I'm so happy for you Anju. - Thank you.

Today Lisa is also going to start working..

I'm taking her with me to the hospital.


I'm very happy for you Anju. - Thank you.

Bye, see you. - Bye.

Shall we go hospital now?

Kavita. - Yeah.

Introduce Lisa to Doctor raj.

I want to attend a conference meeting.

You look around and try to enjoy yourself,

okay? - Okay.

Come. - Come.

Let me introduce you to Doctor Raj.

He is the new in charge of children's ward..

And a new member of Singhania life care hospital

Doctor Raj.


This is misses Lisa Oberoi.

Oh, very nice to meet you..

I've heard a lot about.

Nice to meet you too.

Doctor Arjun was saying that this is your favourite ward.

Meeting this kids and telling them stories..

In fact even they also like this, isn't it dear?

Excuse me.


Hello sweetie, - ..Such a cute Ted bear..

How are you today? Let me check..

Fever is all right now.

..Hello, what is your name?..

..Hey that's a nice toy.

My child stop!

Give it to me..


How did this tablet came over here?

Maybe she removed it from my bag.

These are mine. - These are yours.

You should've been careful..

If she ate it then she would have died.

I'm sorry, it's my fault..

But I don't think anything will happen after eating this.

These are Restill very mild tranquilizers.

No you have mistake miss

This is not Restill this are Haldoll


These are just Restill.

No, this bottle is of Restill but the tablets inside are Haldoll.

Hadoll.. - Hadoll..

Yes that's right.

For what this tablets are prescribed?

Major psychosis, depression..

..And acute schizophrenia.

Which means these are given in extreme cases

And that also at absolutely last result.

What if these tablets are given to some one..

Who has lost whole memory?


Very sad that person will never come back.

That's what I was saying but.

Heldoll, this is the tablet..

..which you are making me eat Arjun?

Lisa. - Don't touch me.

Lisa, look you are not in the state of talking.

And why I will give you these tablets?

Even I want to know that Arjun.

You never want me to recollect my memory.

Lisa what is this?

Gentlemen.. Ladies please excuse us.

Thank you.


We had a fight before. -What?

Yes we had a fight.

We never had a fight Lisa.

And did I hit you Arjun?

No, no Lisa.

We had a fight Arjun..

..and when you tried to hold me I hit you.

And that blood..

That blood was yours Arjun.

And that money.

Why didn't you tell me about that blood?

If you would have told me that you remembered about it..

I would have told you everything..

At least that would've cleared your doubts on me.

I just want you to not take stress..

You recollect your memory by automatically..

And I don't have to make you remember anything..

And not let you to get upset because of me..

I don't know from where shall I start.

Maybe from your mom's accident.

I already told you that after accident your were tensed..

You blamed yourself for your mother's death.

You started spending much time Dev..

You came home everyday late at night..

And when I asked you about it..

By laughing at me you said that I'm blind..

I cannot see what's going on in front of.

And when I asked you about Dev and yours relationship..

You said that you want to leave me.

I have loved you more than my life Lisa.

I cannot take the pain of losing you.

I tried to stop you but hit me and said..

I'm stupid..

And you have relationships with lot of men..

I couldn't tolerate that so I hold you tightly..

And then you bate me again.

Lot of blood came and to take care of myself..

I took your support that's why you got all those bloodstains

And when I woke up I saw you were not there..

You put my coat on and ran away.

The money that you found in my coat was of hospitals.

After accident doctor prescribed you Haldoll.

Is there anything left? Arjun please.

One minute..

Why was I blaming myself for mom's accident?

That means only one thing..

..that day I was driving that car.

Lisa, enough.

Isn't it? - Enough Lisa.


When you saw me in that blood, Maybe you remember that time..

When your mom took her last breath.

And perhaps you lost your mind.

I was driving that car Arjun..

I killed my mom. - Lisa enough now.

You have gone through many things..

It not at all your fault.. Trust me Lisa..

Trust me Lisa.. Trust me.

I love you..

I love you Lisa.

Trust me even today I love you that much I loved you before.

I love you Lisa..

I love you.

Lisa you'll be all right soon you can do this afterwards also..

No Arjun, I don't want you to come to me for little things..

After all this hospital is yours..

You only take care of this.

In this Lisa gave her new signatures so just take care of it.

Don't worry it's my Job.

Hello. - Lisa, it's me Dev.

Dev, I don't want to talk to you.

Why didn't you tell me Dev?


That we had affairs..

At 18th April when my mom died..

We were going to leave our home.

What are you talking Lisa.

Dev, Anju has made a nice porridge, pleas taste it.

What happen Dev you look tensed?

What's the problem Dev?

What did you told Lisa?

What? - That we had affairs.

Why will I say this?

But did you left me because you and her had affairs?

Are you stupid Anju!

There was nothing except friendship between us.

And now even that's not there.


Arjun is doing her brainwash.

But why?

He will tell us that.

What do you mean?

You know what I mean doctor.

Why did you lie to her about me?

I said what she had told me.

Why Lisa will do this?

Because this is the truth.

And how can I say such a horrible thing about my wife?

To save someone or to hide something.

Lisa knows only that much you told her.

And it's not necessary that everything is true.

Enough Dev.

Arjun is my husband..

And in front of me you cannot talk to him like this.

I don't want to know anything more..

Please Dev leave us alone.

You trust your husband a lot then ask him..

Why did he said that we were going to leave at 18th April..

When he knows that I was not there only.

Doctor can you tell her that when is her mom's death anniversary?

18th of April when I lost my memory?

No, 4th Feb, am I right doctor?

And that day you were not driving the car..

You were with Anju and everyone knows that.

I was thinking that I am helping you..

I am doing something nice but..

This is not right Arjun.

We are leaving tomorrow Lisa and you are not safe over here..

I want you to come with us.

Okay Lisa.

But before leaving I would like to say one thing..

That every answers to your question is you..

Just take look in your heart for once..

You will get your every answer.

Let's move.


Lisa don't trust on what he said..

Lisa please try to understand what I am saying

You don't know what I'm going through

Lisa, Lisa please Listen to me.


Dev was right..

You are a bastard!

Dev, it's good that you are here.

Have this coffee.

Laila was your little sister..

You never told anyone about her, not even to me.

Your dad when hated her..

When she was sixteen years old she ran away and went U.S..

She got addicted to drinking, abusing drugs..

And having wrong relationships with men.

After your mothers death you missed your sister a lot..

Maybe you wanted some one of your own family..

And you thought even Laila has rights to live a better life.

You were sure that your love could change her..

And for few weeks you called her here to stay with us.

Hi, you must be Laila?

I'm Arjun.

Welcome to the family my brother-in-law.

The way she touched me, the way she looked me,

Clearly indicated that something will go wrong..

Hi Lizz.

Hey Lizz.


Your husband is very sexy.

You both were twins but totally different behaviours..

You were beautiful like early morning sun rays..

And she was the a dark night without moon.

"Taking me to the wonderland"

"Telling me no one understand"

"Why the leaves are made of this"

"Who am I to disagree?"

"Some of them want to use you"

"Some of them want to get use by you"

"Hey baby, did you hear the bell"

"Is someone at the door?"

"It's the sad man"

"The sad man is coming"

"It's the sad man"

"He throws morphine in your eyes"

"So that we could sleep forever"

"I'm real"

You brought her here but you couldn't change her..

She took advantage of your support..

Flirting with me..

Whenever she saw me alone she started flirting with me.

Hug me.


She went for parties, she was addicted to drugs..

And I hid everything from her.

She did strange things with me

And finally at 18th April.


Lisa, are you there? I'm back.



Lisa, Lisa wait.

There's a misunderstanding. - Is it?

I came just now from the office..

And she came out of our bathroom..

It thought it was you..

I'm serious, I swear.

Oh come on Lizz

You are reacting for such a little thing.

You are behaving like me and Arjun had.

And by the way before even happening anything..

You came in between.

Isn't it, brother-in-law?

I called you here because I thought you'll change,

But you are a bitch and you can never change

Oh yeah..

To become like what?

Like you?

Oh come on you must be kidding me.

Didn't you see how Arjun stares at me?

You need to change..

I came to know Arjun's taste in two days.

By marring with such a boring girl like you he is being trap.

You bloody bitch! - Lisa!


Leave me Arjun!

Leave me!

I will kill that shit! - Lisa enough!

Laila stop it!


Lisa, are you all right?







This cannot happen..

Arjun help her!

Arjun please do something.






Arjun please do something.

You couldn't believe that Laila died..

You wanted to call the police.. But I stopped you.

Those stains on my cloths and all those broken furniture..

Cops would have never believed that it was an accident..

You could have been arrested for that..

I had authority to hide unidentified bodies..

With your help I brought Laila's dead body to the hospital.

Close the door.

Open the locker quickly.

I killed her.

Lisa come we have to leave

Let's go. - I killed her

I killed her..


I killed her Arjun. - Lisa.

Give me the key and let's go from here.

Come on. - No!

No, remove her out.

Remove her!

Lisa stop acting crazy!

She is dead!

No Arjun. - Lisa she is dead

She is dead!




You went away from there..

I thought I will explain you again at home..

But maybe you were shocked due to her death..

You lost your mind and your memory

Lisa now decision is in your hands.

That was an accident.

And this secret will always be a secret..

Anju, Dev..

..we all are with you.

Arjun is right Lisa

You have gone through many things Lisa..

Now you live your life.

And this was the story of that girl

A story in which only I knew the end..

Because for me it was the beginning of a new story..

When Lisa and Laila were fighting..

I got that chance for which I was patiently waiting..

I wanted to control the whole Singhania life care..

And for that It was necessary to kill Lisa..

I didn't left the chance to kill her..

And I Killed her.

I gave Laila Haldoll tablet..

So that she sleeps and never wakes up..

I made her wear Lisa's cloths.

You murdered her Arjun..

You killed her!

Look you don't need to act fake now.

I'm acting Fake!

You don't even care that you killed my sister

Shut up!

Shut up!

Give me the keys!

Now till the time I don't become the owner of that Hospital

You have to take Lisa's place..

And be with me, understand?

You are gone mad!

What do you think after all this I'm going to stay with you?


I'm going.

Where are you going?

To the police?

Do you think that instead of believing doctor Oberoi..

They will believe you.

To a drug addict?

By the way you don't look that crazy.


Let me see how far you will go..

In the end you will to me anyhow

When you'll be satisfied from your sister death..

Just come back home I will wait for you.

18th April..

That day I made Laila As Lisa forever.

She Acted on what I said..

And now she is a Katputli(puppet)..

For more infomation >> Katputtli Full Movie | Hindi Movies 2017 Full Movie | Hindi Movies | Bollywood Movies - Duration: 2:15:18.


Pro GMO Scientists Blinded by Technology and Wedded to Ideology - Duration: 12:39.

Pro-GMO Scientists Blinded by Technology and Wedded to Ideology.

by Edward Morgan.

The Oxford Martin School is based at Oxford University in the UK and has set up the �Oxford

Martin Commission for Future Generations� (OMC). Bringing together international leaders

from government, business and civil society, the OMC aims to address the growing short-term

preoccupations of modern politics and business and identify ways of overcoming today�s

gridlock in key international negotiations.

The OMC�s website says that this diverse group of highly respected global leaders has

called for a radical shake-up in politics and business to deliver progress on climate

change, reduce economic inequality, improve corporate practices and address the chronic

burden of disease.

Any institution committed to radically shaking up politics and business should be both willing

and able to call to account powerful private interests and not be compromised by ideology

or conflicts of interest. However, campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason wrote to the OMC last year

to state that such things do appear to be undermining its stated aims. She expressed

concern that OMC commissioners have allegiances with various global corporations that could

undermine the neutrality and credibility of the commission. She went on to name certain

individuals and noted their links to corporate power.

For example, there is Sir John Beddington, Professor of Natural Resources Management

for the OMC, and his position on the debate about genetically modified (GM) food and crops.

Beddington was made Chief Scientific Adviser to the British Government in 2007. In 2012,

he declared his faith in GM technology. Mason quotes him as saying, �And among those scientific

wonders, the use of genetically modified crops has a particularly rich potential� Just

look at the problems that the world faces: water shortages and salination of existing

water supplies, for example. GM crops should be able to deal with that.�

A recent report says that during his visit to Australia, Beddington told ABC Rural news

that politicians around the globe are ignoring the science relating to GM for the sake of

short-term political opportunism.

He is quoted as saying, �If a politician completely ignores scientific advice, then

they�re in danger of making policy decisions which will prove to be unutterably wrong.�

Beddington went on to argue for more rapid and sensible responses from policies that

engage science and stated, �There is a movement in Europe which is just against any genetically-modified

plant used for food [and] that is so na�ve. There�s no doubt in the developing world,

plants can be modified to be resistant to drought or insect pests and that is going

to be very, very important moving into the future.�

He also claimed that the aim of gene editing is to produce plants that are resistant to

droughts, pests and diseases, while boosting yields, which would be needed to feed a growing

world population.

Beddington told ABC Rural that there was approximately two billion people experiencing malnutrition

and these people either lack sufficient levels of nutrients needed for proper development

or are eating too much poor-quality food. With 25 per cent of children dying in the

first few years of life, he said that children were being robbed of their social and economic

potential. In an era of so-called �anti-science�, he argued it was more important than ever

that scientist ensured their relevancy within society.

Beddington concluded by saying:

What is sensible is to insist that this is the scientific evidence, you may not like

it, but that is the evidence. Taken at face value, much of what Beddington

says might seem quite reasonable: a growing global population requires food, GM based

on scientific evidence can provide it and na�ve resistance, which is not based on

science, is holding back the technology�s potential.

It�s a line of thought that we have heard many times before from proponents of GM. The

purpose here is not to go over old ground and repeat what I or others have written in

recent articles that take issue with some of Beddington�s views, especially regarding

the science of GM and his wholly erroneous claims about critics holding anti-scientific


The wider context: scientists and development

However, the issue of �naivety� is worth exploring. If there is any naivety around,

it is not to be found within the ranks of those who question or oppose GM. In fact,

the type of views Beddington expresses are driven by naivety or even worse: a failure

to appreciate the reality of hunger, malnutrition, poverty and the nature of a global system

of food and agriculture that is tied to corporate power.

Scientists are fond of telling everyone that GM technology can fix the world food problem.

This assumes there is a �problem� as they define it (food shortage); but any problem

that does exist has less to do with the world�s inability to feed itself and more to do with

political issues related to food distribution, access to land, inequality and so on as well

as inappropriate models of economic and social development that have adversely impacted indigenous

agriculture and regional food security.

As a technology, GM is but a tool. There may indeed be a need for it in certain situations,

given proper testing and analyses of specific contexts and circumstances. However, you can

roll out a technology and it can have disastrous consequences because of the context within

which it operates. And you can roll out that technology knowing it will have many adverse

effects but it will be highly beneficial to those who financially profit from that roll-out.

We just have to look at the outcome of GM technology since GM crops were commercialised

over 20 years ago. Has it reduced pesticides use? No. Has it increased yields? No. Have

companies who control the technology and its associated proprietary inputs (e.g. Roundup/glyphosate)

made a financial killing? Certainly (see this, this and this).

Some 20 years of GM indicate that statements about the efficacy and benefits of GM are

based more on wishful thinking than actual reality. GM has been dominated by giant transnational

corporations who have used the technology to grow a select handful of crops, which by

and large have been used to feed people in richer countries, not poorer regions where

hunger and malnutrition persists. Moreover, GM has been integral to a system of food and

agriculture in the US that fuels obesity, bad health and monolithic diets that are nutritionally

poor. Also, in the US, farmers are squeezed and kept afloat by taxpayer subsidies so that

Monsanto, Cargill and the likes of Wal-Mart can rake in massive profits.

People in the US now have a diet dominated by GM corn and soy. And where GM has been

grown outside of the US, food security has been undermined, crops are grown for animal

feed to be exported to rich countries and the planting of GM has led disease and illness

places such as Argentina.

GM is being used by vested interests who seek to irreversibly alter the genetic core of

the world�s food and rake in massive profits. This is why GM is not just about science � indeed,

science might be a minor issue given the overall context � especially for poorer countries.

If we are to take India as an example, the Green Revolution was promoted by US corporations

and interests that uprooted what was a highly productive system of agriculture. That system

offered a diverse diet, and system was responsive to local climate and soil conditions. What

we now have is drought, degraded soil, less diverse diets, nutritionally deficient crops

and farmers placed at the mercy of rigged global trade rules as well as a whole range

of other problems.

To say that GM will rectify problems related to drought, yields or climate change fails

to acknowledge the damage already done and that GM � the way it is to be rolled out

by foreign corporations � is only going to exacerbate things: a damaging corporate-controlled

chemical treadmill followed by similar; this time a corporate-controlled biotech treadmill.

The Green Revolution was never designed to �feed the world�. The same is true for

GM. Such rhetoric is designed to mask the motives based on self-interest, geopolitics

and profit.

In India, the World Bank and US companies are driving the development agenda. The push

to drive at least 400 million from the land and into cities is already underway at the

behest of the World Bank: a World Bank that India is seriously indebted to and a World

Bank that is, under the guise of �enabling the business of agriculture�, committed

to opening up economies to corporate seeds and agrochemicals and securing global supply


The drive is to entrench industrial farming and displace the current productive system

with one suited to the aims of foreign agribusiness and retail interests. This entails commercialising

the countryside and replacing small-scale farming � the backbone of food production

in India (and globally), which is more productive than industrialised agriculture, more sustainable

and capable of producing more diverse, nutrient-dense diets.

The ongoing issue to commercialise GM mustard in India is part of a push that seeks to restructure

India to benefit foreign capital. By touting for GM, many scientists are (inadvertently)

lobbying for a particular model of development. That development agenda regards the peasantry,

small farms and India�s rural-based traditions, cultures and village-level systems of food

production/processing as backward, as an impediment to �progress�. It regards alternative

approaches to agriculture that have been advocated by numerous high-level reports as a hindrance:

approaches that would in effect build on and develop the current rural infrastructure and

not eradicate it.

Do people who promote GM without addressing the issues raised above really think that

technology is a silver bullet? Do they think it is the key way to feeding the world � or

to feeding an India that is already self-sufficient in key foodstuffs and could be more so if

it were not for the effects of politically motivated WTO rules and World Bank directives?

By not addressing any of this, can scientists who tout for GM to the detriment of all else

be regarded as �objective�? To dismiss all of the issues raised in this article and

to ignore the model of corporate power that GM is wedded to demonstrates either gross

naivety or an (unwitting) ideological allegiance to the political dogma of neoliberalism.

Rosemary Mason raised a valid point: allegiances to corporate power can and do undermine any

chance of neutrality and credibility. Science certainly has a role to play in helping to

deal with food and agriculture issues. But the problem is that some scientists feel a

need to promote a technological innovation without looking at (or even wanting to look

at) the wider context. By doing so, they fail to appreciate that the answer to poverty,

hunger and malnutrition first and foremost lies in addressing

the context and in not blindly promoting technology.

For more infomation >> Pro GMO Scientists Blinded by Technology and Wedded to Ideology - Duration: 12:39.


Head of U S Special Ops says that America's government is in "unbelievable turmoil" - Duration: 2:19.

Head of U.S. Special Ops says that America�s government is in �unbelievable turmoil�

Army Gen. Raymond �Tony� Thomas, the head of US Special Operations Command, bemoaned

the �unbelievable turmoil� racking the United States government during a symposium

in Maryland on Tuesday.

�Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil.

I hope they sort it out soon because we�re a nation at war,� Thomas said in his speech,

according to CNN.

Although he didn�t specify what �turmoil� he was referring to, he clarified when later

asked about his comments, saying, �As a commander, I�m concerned our government

be as stable as possible.�

The Special Operations troops include Navy SEALs and the Army Green Berets, both of which

have become increasingly prominent in military operations since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist

attacks and which are equally prominent in our national folklore.

While it is unclear what Thomas was referring to, it is quite possible that he was discussing

the war that has been ongoing between the so-called �deep state� and the Trump administration.

Critics have accused America�s intelligence agencies of trying to promote an anti-Russian

agenda and punishing both President Trump and various administration advisers with targeted

leaks intended to discredit them.

There are also reports that members of intelligence communities, convinced that the Trump administration

has been compromised by the Russian government, has withheld information from the president

in order to avoid having it leaked out.

Naturally, the most recent manifestation of the poor relationship between Trump and the

intelligence community were the events leading up the resignation of former national security

adviser Michael Flynn.

Although Flynn initially claimed that he had not spoken with Russian ambassador Sergey

Kislyak about President Barack Obama�s sanctions, intelligence leaks later revealed that he

had in fact done so, prompting his resignation.

For more infomation >> Head of U S Special Ops says that America's government is in "unbelievable turmoil" - Duration: 2:19.


What is the meaning of life?© - EXTREME SONG 1 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> What is the meaning of life?© - EXTREME SONG 1 - Duration: 3:58.


Samsung heir aparent's arrest could impact impeachment trial - Duration: 1:56.

The final hearing in the impeachment trial of President Park Geun-hye is just a week


For a breakdown of how the arrest of Samsung's de facto leader in this massive corruption

scandal could affect the court proceedings, we turn to our Kim Hye-sung.

Charges of bribery are what could end up linking Samsung Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong and President

Park Geun-hye. Lee is accused of giving money to entities

controlled by Choi Soon-sil in exchange for President Park's support of a merger of two

Samsung affiliates in 2015.

In the impeachment trial, President Park's legal team has argued that the fact Lee Jae-yong

was not arrested last month demonstrated there was no basis for a bribery charge against

the President either.

That defense no longer applies.

But legal experts differ on what effect, if any, Lee's arrest will have on the trial of

the President.

KANG Shin-up, Attorney "The court approved the arrest of Lee Jae-yong

based on new evidence related to Samsung cross-shareholding, Samsung buying a horse for Chung Yoo-ra,...

the IPO of Samsung Biologics, and so on.

The bribery charge itself does not prove a direct link, but it does advance the idea

of a connection between the two that might not help the President.

Of course, it could also somewhat affect the dispositions of the Constitutional Court justices."

But some legal experts say the trial is not likely to be affected by Lee's arrest.

"The charge of bribery plays a relatively small role in the impeachment trial, in which

the President is accused of abuse of power, among other things.

On top of that, an arrest is not a conviction, and the newly evidence in the Samsung Vice

Chairman's case is unlikely to be used in the impeachment trial."

The Presidential Office of Cheong Wa Dae said it remains unclear what evidence the led to

the arrest of Lee Jae-yong, and that the charges against Lee are not related to President Park's


The final hearing in the impeachment trial is set for next Friday, February 24th.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Samsung heir aparent's arrest could impact impeachment trial - Duration: 1:56.


My boyfriend tacks up and rides my horse?! + ENGL SUBS | felinehoi - Duration: 21:07.

Pff, how does this work?

Working out before riding him. - Exactly.

Put your hand under... Yeah, like that.

Use your fingers to search for his mouth.

Yeaah, almost, almost... Yeeeey!

Marley looks like a Shetland pony when you're riding him.

Sjoerd is way too big for Marley, we knew that already. This was just funny for once.

I wanted to let him canter and maybe even jump...

But he's way too big, so... - Hi! - I should get a bigger horse for him.

Hi all! Welcome to this new video, with Sjoerd!

We're gonna do something very nice today, I think you can all guess, because you guys asked a lot for it.

Sjoerd's gonna ride Marley!

Sjoerd has already been riding Marley, we're filming this intro at the end of the day now...

We filmed two video's today: the one about tricktraining in the snow...

And Sjoerd's part. I'm gonna ride Marley as well today.

And Maaike was there as well. -What? - I'm gonna put back my key!

Maaike and Jolijn were in the arena as well, so we had some fun together.

Some racing and stuff. Oh Nova, there you are again!

He can do cool tricks. Nova, come here!

Nova! He doesn't want to!

So funny, when you do this... She's gonna jump on you.

We filmed that last time, just edit that clip in here.

Oh yeah, I will.

Where is she now? -Over there.

Okay, have fun watching!

We're in the inside arena near my locker...

And we have Sjoerd!

He's gonna ride Marley, but he has to tack him up first!

He's clean already, so what's the next step?

We're gonna put a saddle cloth on. - Awesome, what color?

It has to match my eyes...

Hmm, I don't have green. I'm sorry.

You can pick one of these. Here I have orange, and there's some blue

I'd go for orange.

Quite intense, but well.

Like pumpkins. And dead leaves.

You have to put it all the way up here, so it covers the bump. - The withers.

That, yes.

What you should do: lay it down far forward and shove it back down a little.

Shove back untill it's on the right spot. Yeah, like that.

Little too far.

Oh well, the saddle first.

Okay, where's the saddle?

I have two, but take the lower one.

Why do you have to make it so hard for me.

Sjoerd took his own helmet, aka: his helmet for skiing.

But he can't ride without helmet. Awh, cutie!

Looking forward to it, Mar? You alright?

That's the jumping saddle, just put it down somewhere.

Like this, right? - Great.

Everything falls out. Oh yeah, the stirrups...

Okay, we're gonna put it on Marley.

Okay, now you can get the slipover off.

Yeah, I know that.

Okay, now get the cloth on the front and slide it into the channel.

Oh wait, the saddle needs to be a little more forward.

The saddle needs to be in the middle of the cloth.

Now get the front of the cloth and pull it right into the channel.


You can be a little more violent. Yeah, like that. Okay, get the saddle a little more forward.

Now get the cloth and the saddle.

Slide it a little forward.

No wait, cloth and saddle! Get it here with one hand...

The other hand goes to the back.

Yeah, like that. Now slide it forward.

Just get it and lay it down here.

Now you slide it back untill it's at the right place.

Yeah, stp.

Now we're gonna tighten these.

It goes under the flap and you should tighten it at the last... Yeah...

Okay. - Like this?

Just make it sure it can double up.

Perfect. Now you fasten it.

You do the same on the other side.

Pff, working hard here.

Working out before even getting on the horse.

It all has to be on the right side, so.. Okay!

This cloth is a little different from other ones. This one has multiple...

... things for the girth straps. You put them here and here.

Hahaha. You have: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

This is the first strap, and you put it in the second..

Okay, I get it. - I'll do the other side.

I like this cloth.

Other cloths don't have 5 little ones, but just 1 big one.

This is nice.

Okay, now you're gonna tighten the girth.

Here it is!

You have to look at very carefully... - This has to be on the right, right?

This is the part that goes onto his belly.

Haha, did you think I would put it on his back or something?

Nooo, I mean: you don't put this ring here on his belly. Okay, come here.

This one goes over this one, so that means it has to be on the right side.

You get it? You don't do it like this.

Okay, hold it. I'm gonna explain.

This one goes that way, but it has to point backwards.

So this side goes here.

And then.. What did you say?

How tight does it has to be? - You'll see that, the one I use is pre-formed now.

I see two pre-formed holes. - Yeah, pick the loosest.

Yeah, the little one. Like that.

Okay! This one? - The least pre-formed one, that's this one.

Did he get fatter? - No, you tighten it later.

Just let it hang loose, and now you do the other one.

Oh right, he will probably expand his belly first? - Yes.

Okay. - Okay, wait. I'll bring the saddle a little more forward.

Oh, I didn't do it right?

Okay, now you take over again! That's the Rambo, yes.

With a new brow-band. Bought it Jumping Amsterdam, nice, right?

Okay, so first you put the reins over his head.

Around Marley.

Oh, like this. - Yeah.

Yes. Now you get the halter off.

You know why? - Yeah, if you don't, it will be stuck underneath the bridle.

Yeah, put it through the reins. Yes, like that.

Put it on there, yes.

You do it like this, because you still have a hold on him now.

Okay, no. First you stand next to him. Other side.

Yeah, now you get this here with one hand...

With this hand.

Now stand really next to him. Mar, come here with your head.

Hold his nose in between here.

And you put the bit in with your right hand.

Mar, put your head up a little.

Hold the bit like you're gonna give him some treats.

Okay, like this? - Yes.

Put your hand under, yeah like that.

Use your fingers to search for his mouth.

Almost almost almost... Yesss!

Yes, pull it over his ears. Don't stand in front of the camera!

It doesn't really fit.

Ear 1.

Ear 2. - Okay, now fix his hair!

And you have to fix the hair that's around his ears as well.

Don't pull the bridle back over his ears.

Still looking weird.

He's tough, he needs a tough look.

Tough horse with a bling-bling brow-band.

Then you first fasten this one.

This goes under his jaw.

No, under his jaw honey.

You almost had your hand in his eye.

How tight? - I think you should see a pre-formed perforation.

Let me see? - Oh yeah.

I think it's this one

You need both hands for a horse like this. - Awh, Marley's so good!

We have to tighten the girth. - We'll do that right before you mount.

Okay, we're ready!

You wanna put your helmet on first?

No, I'll do that as late as possible.

Ehm, well. Do it now, because you're gonna need both hands.

I'll put the bag away. - So, this is my helmet.

What's that Mar?

It's kind of warm.

Haha, it's for skiing.

You should fasten the thing on the back.

It's ugly like this.

I feel so safe with a helmet.

Nice huh? What's happening all around you now?

Now you first pull his legs a little more forward.

You look so cool.

Pull his legs forward, like I always do.

Huh? - Stand next to him first, and then lift his leg.

Get it with two hands, and pull it forward.

Stretch it. And now the other.

Okay, now you can tighten the girth on both sides.

One step at a time.

Or you can just do two at the same time.

Two? - Oh well, just do one.

Now you can first mount, I'll do you stirrups when you're on.

How do I get on. - Well, not like this.

You should get some help from the fence. - I can stand in this stirrup right?

You can try.

Okay no, we're not gonna do it like this. Look at Marley, he's not pleased.

Get the reins in one hand first.

Get them a little tight.

Uhm, this is kind of crooked.

Work from the middle. The buckle is exactly in the middle.

Yes, very good, like that!

Now you can hold on to the saddle...

Then you can put your foot in.

Okay, go on, try it!

Wow, he does it!

Marley didn't really like it though. Okay, can you hold the camera?

It's quite alright like this.

Hahaha, look at the legs.

Is it not right? - Hahaha it is, but it's so long.

You remember how to hold the reins? Yes, no.. You have this one pointed forward.

Awh, cuties.

Haha, she doesn't like Marey.

You have to hold it like this.

Your fingers to the inside, yes.

Hold them between your little fingers.

Be careful with him please.

You have to give directions from now on.

I can't say I'm entirely in control though.

You have to move your legs a little more forward. Your feet a little more to the front.


Marley looks like a Shetland pony when you're riding him, hahaha.

You're so funny.

I feel so bad for Marley.

We're not gonna do this for too long.

What are you saying? - That I feel a little bad for Marley.

Why? - Because you're way too big.

I'm very light.

Haha dream on, you're almost twice the weight I am.

Jolijn, what do you think? - Cute. -Cute?

We should get Sjoerd a bigger horse.

Oh, shoutout to Jolijn.

Lailathehorse or something?

What's your insta?

Thehorselaila, guys.

For this little terrorist.

No, she's sweet, but she's always terrorizing Marley.

Marley's always trying to make new friends.

Yeah, try to make a circle.

Like this? - Haha, that's a broken line.

Honey, a circle.

Oh, that's round. - Yeah.

From the inside to the outside, what you just did, that's a broken line.

Do you dare a little trot? - Yes.

Exciting. Go on then.

You want it already?

How do I do it? - Kick gently with your legs and say: trrrrrrot.

And you have to rise, remember?

Like this? - yes.

And he will stop when I pull my reins?

Wow, wow, stretch it Laila.

Oh shoot, I didn't film it!

It hurts! - hahaha, it hurts.

You have to follow his movements.

You can hold the saddle if you'd like, but then you have to figure out how to steer.


Go on, trot!

Awh, I feel really bad for Marley now.

I'll just walk, okay>

I'll find you a bigger horse once.

A big, good horse. A Tinker or a Shire or something.

You can change the rein now.

What? - Change the rein.

Uh, do I have to sit like this?

You're on your right now, because you had your right on the inside.

When you change the rein, it means you're going the other way, so you'll have your left on the inside.

You can do this

Why is your horse doing it and mine isn't?

Come on, trrrrrrrot.

Go on, good boy.

Come on, you can do this.

But you're kind of doing the rising trot now.

Push your heels down a little more.

That was quite alright? - Yes it was, and it's enough for today.


I've had enough.

Everything hurts, and it's cold.

And I felt bad for Marley.

So I'm gonna get off and ehm.. Fee is doing other things over there.

She left us here

Anyway, it was a huge success, I dare to say.

Well, I've had enough now.

It's snowing again now.

They're in the arena with the three of them.

So I'm gonna make some photo's.

Ooh, angry.

I have to check how my hat's on my head now.

Oh no, the battery is running low.

So I got a new battery for the camera.

Still wearing my fancy hat.

And I'm gonna check on the ladies.

And I'll probably have to make some more photo's.

You can go faster Fe!

He's not doing it.

Haha, Marley's speed.

Hi all! We're not having very serious trainings as you can see.

We're racing in the arena.

There's Jolijn with Layla. I always pronounce it wrong.

You all saw Sjoerd riding Marley this video.

After that, I rode him too. Not very serious though.

We played a little.

Anyway, I'm not wearing very 'serious' boots, so that makes it harder to do something serious.

So I'm gonna take care of Marley now. I'm gonna unsaddle him.

Yeah, that's pretty much all I wanted to say.

Well, you've all seen Sjoerd's way too big for Marley.

So this was just fun for once. I wanted to let him canter and maybe even jump...

But he's just way too big. -Hi! - So I should fix a bigger horse for him.

Why? -For Sjoerd, I want him to jump, haha. - Oh, that's genius.

Yeah I know, but not with Marley, because he's way too tall.

It has to be a very good horse though.

I wanna thank you all for watching, I hope you enjoyed it.

Let me know what you thought of Sjoerd riding Marley.

And we'll see you next time! Bye bye! - Bye!

For more infomation >> My boyfriend tacks up and rides my horse?! + ENGL SUBS | felinehoi - Duration: 21:07.


Let's Talk Ab Belts - - 0057 - Duration: 5:41.

EMS or electro muscle stimulation, worth buying or total rip-off?

Stay tuned for more on that topic.

Ladies and gentlemen shock the shit out of yourself with an EMS system or ab belt.

I'm kinda sceptic on those advertisments you see on tv or the net,

let's say i'm just like that, a sceptic consumer Like my video from yesterday proofs that completely.

But yeah i'm working on my developement for career purposes I guess

and I saw this thing called ab belt or flex belt or whatever.

I wonder if any of the viewers know it?

Or even have one and can share their story with us?

Me... well, I took the leap of faith and I ordered one

So let's say I'm just curious on what to expect.

My expectations, well yeah... my expections, I always expect a lot of myself and things

I just hate a turndown or that something lets me down... I go bananas when that shit happens

I don't like to let down But yeah The ab belt...

I guess it will support the ab workouts I'm already doing those so.

I guess it maybe, will be, a good support on top of that.

Perhaps it will make me more firm, after all it squizes the muscle when it jolts you.

Something that jolts you... got to be good right...

MMM not sure jolting is good or not, Oh well I think once I tried it, it would

be much clearer to me.

It's like eating your first scoop of icecream, first it's cold and wet

And you may not like it but once you get the taste of it

you really don't want to let it go.

Well I got that for vanilla ice ice baby.

Oh well I do believe that they exaggerate a little bit but hey, it's like christmas

waiting for it makes it twice as good.

Just like what those things on tv or the internet make us believe and feel.

Maybe these belt goes up to 200 and ours only go to 100, we never know unless we try

I do know what else these models do to get into shape.

In my opinion it comes with much work and dedication

but giving yourself a helping hand in a healthy way

like with an ab belt isn't really cheating it's a way that makes end

And this way might really work.

Once I get that belt I will test it and tell you guys what I think about it.

I will stay sceptic about it but maybe it's worth it.

I've heard some good things about this device.

And you can also put it on like your hamsstrings and your biceps

and your chest according to some and according to what I saw

So maybe you also want to give it a go.

I'll post a link down below in the description below.

It'll help if you tell us you already bought one and what you think about it.

Maybe you tried to use the one your momma bought and never used.

Let us know.


Also I want to ask you all what 4 part series you want to see next.

Tell us a little about what your intrests are, maybe you

want to challenge me to do something or accomplish something in those 4 weeks

We love to take on the challenge and to hear what you have in mind.

Okay here's some more good news, our website is almost back online, and improved,

somewhere next week it will be up, feel free to give it a visit it @

We going to do a video about it too

and i'm going to tell you about the struggles that came along with it and some practical

tips when you looking for a developer

We hope you can give that link to your friends and fam so they can also find

videos that may be enjoyable to them or inspiring.

Thank you for watching, Mr2ndopinion will see you next week.

Bye ;)

For more infomation >> Let's Talk Ab Belts - - 0057 - Duration: 5:41.


Week 1. What Strategy Is...continued. (Examples of Strategy in Action) - Duration: 3:50.

Another way that we can use the word strategy is to indicate a kind of

a pattern, a way that companies behave consistently over time.

So we might say, for example, that a company has a high end strategy.

The example we have here of a company that uses a high end strategy is a company

called Vipp.

It's a Danish company that creates things like trash bins and

toilet brushes that are very high end and very expensive.

We're gonna pause for a moment for a short in-video quiz about the company Vipp.

Yes, indeed that is a video about making evening gowns for trash bins.

If that seems silly or extreme, well, that's why this is an interesting company

because it's very good at doing something that seems very unlikely.

It's very good at making it seem reasonable to pay a very high price for

something that in the history of trash bins and

toilet brushes you might have considered very functional or very mundane.

This company's good enough at it that their trash bins and

toilet brushes find their way into the permanent collections of the world's

design museums, like The Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

So that's strategy as pattern.

A high end strategy is a strategy aimed at convincing people

that products are worth spending a lot of money on.

Products that may be in categories that you wouldn't have historically thought

to spend a lot of money on.

Another sense of the word strategy is strategy as position, position within

a market within an industry, with respect to competitors, with respect to customers.

Great example of this is Apple in the music and in the media industry.

Apple established a dominant position in the media industry in

the early days of Internet music with the iTunes platform.

Wasn't just the iTunes platform, they also made it integrate very nicely and very

tightly with various of their devices, the iPods, the iPhones, also the Mac computer.

And one of the implications of holding this strategy, for example, is that people

are more likely to buy Macintosh computers because they serve as the media center

that makes all of your other devices and the iTunes service work best.

Let's take a moment for

an in-video quiz about the Apple iTunes platform and its importance.

If you watch the old iPod advertisement,

you'll notice that it ends with the statement iPod + iTunes.

Very important that both those components are a part of this strategy.

Another example of Apple's dominance in the media industry

has to do with the relationship it came to have during this time with musicians.

Now in the pre-Apple, pre-iPod days, typically a company would

pay musicians for use of their music in an advertisement.

But these advertisements became so dominant, so

popular that musicians were willing to contribute their music for free

to an Apple advertisement, because this was a way for a band to become famous.

There are many examples of this.

Daft Punk became quite a thing when it was used in an iPod ad, and

of course it's gone on to greater fame.

You may also remember that Yael Naim's great song,

New Soul was used to introduce the MacBook Air.

It was the first time many people had heard that song, and people said,

I gotta have it.

It's a great song, and we're gonna stop now and allow you to take a look at

the advertisement, the introduction of the MacBook Air advertisement.

And following that, you can take a look at the video.

It's a great video.

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