SCP-2764 "The Eldritch Antarctic" Object Class: Keter
Item #: SCP-2764
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2764 is currently located in █████ ████, Antarctica.
All civilians are to be kept outside of a 150 km radius from the object.
This radius is to be strictly monitored by Mobile Task Force Eta-5 ("Jäeger Bombers"),
containment battalion 4α.
A perimeter has been established around a radius of 75 km from SCP-2764, and this perimeter
is to be guarded by at least 10 guards per 25 km of the circumference at all times, totaling
at a 190 guard minimum around the entire circumference.
If any civilian is caught inside of the 150 km radius, they are to be brought in for questioning,
and are to be administered Class-A or Class-B amnestics at the discretion of the on-site
The civilian in question will then be transported off site to their most recent dwelling.
Should SCP-2764 suddenly "flicker" outside of the usual radius of 25 km, a new perimeter
is to be immediately established at the radius of 75 km, and this perimeter shall be held
with the usual containment procedures until SCP-2764 returns to its usual position at
██.█████° █, ██.█████° █. In the event that the creature "flickers" to
a public location, all civilians are to be immediately evacuated and all known observers
of the event will be taken in and administered Class-A amnestics.
The area should then there on out be monitored for any traces of knowledge of SCP-2764 in
the populace, and civilians suspected to have knowledge about the event are to be monitored
very closely and eventually administered Class-B amnestics at the earliest convenience.
Under absolutely no circumstances is any Foundation employee or civilian to approach closer than
30 km to the creature.
If any person is found to have approached closer than this distance, they are to be
detained immediately and questioned thoroughly.
The person in question is to be given a thorough psychological evaluation, and is to then either
be administered Class-A amnestics or to be terminated after the consideration of their
Description: SCP-2764 is a massive biological entity of unknown origin.
Its height measures to be approximately 382 meters, and is estimated to weigh over 150,000
metric tons.
The entity possesses between 75-85 (estimates vary) tentacular appendages extending from
the ventral region of its body.
It uses this mass of tendrils for both movement and simple utility actions such as picking
objects up.
The organism appears to move as if it were a quadrupedal animal; that is, the ventral
cavity of its body faces the ground and the dorsal cavity faces the opposite direction.
The organism also appears to have a cranial extrusion which is hypothesized to contain
its brain, but there is no backing data for this, and the only organs visible on this
'head' are its eyes, of which it possesses four, two on each half of the facial region.
Aside from SCP-2764's clear violation of the theoretical limit to a biological organism's
size on Earth, its anomalous properties include the following:
SCP-2764 possesses the ability to telepathically communicate.
The language in which it communicates is dependent on the listener.
SCP-2764, however, does not appear to understand any messages it receives in response.
SCP-2764's size does not appear to follow Euclidian geometries; that is, one cannot
distinguish the organism's true size based on simply looking at it, as the creature will
often appear to be many times smaller or larger than estimates determine it to be.
There is a 'critical zone' which lies approximately 50 kilometers in diameter from SCP-2764.
As an individual approaches the bound of this zone from the inside, SCP-2764 will appear
to 'blow up,' or grow larger.
Outside of this zone, SCP-2764 will begin to shrink as the distance from the edge of
the critical zone grows larger.
SCP-2764's appendages appear to rapidly translocate themselves inexplicably.
They will also transpose with each other's positions in space at very rapid intervals.
Whether this has a relation to the previous anomaly mentioned is, as of yet, unknown.
Lastly, and perhaps most noteworthy: SCP-2764's position will "flicker"1 on occasion, though
the frequency of this event is unknown, as it appears to occur on a completely unsystematic
The location of SCP-2764 has never "flickered" further than 25 km, and the object has always
"flickered" back to its original location within 48 hours.
Recovery Summary: SCP-2764 was discovered by civilian ██████ ███████ and
his team during a detailed survey of the Antarctic terrain.
██████ observed the anomaly and noted its odd geometries, and then returned
to base.
He shared news of the occurrence to ████ █████, who was the Foundation's investigative researcher
in Antarctica at the time.
████ immediately reported this to his superior officer, at which point Mobile
Task Force Eta-5 ("Jäeger Bombers") was sent to the Antarctic base to administer amnestics
to the local populace and secure a small perimeter around SCP-2764.
The initial perimeter was too small, and Commander Mann, who was, at the time, the commander
of MTF Eta-5, took it upon himself to investigate the odd creature.
Mann's investigation is outlined in the investigative logs below.
Day 1: Subject appears to shrink as we get closer to it, which is strange, because it
was growing until we got to a certain point.
Also, its horrifically large tentacles move in a particularly strange manner.
I plan to investigate further in the coming days, and hopefully do a bit of my own research
before they send in the main researchers and guards to take over.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 2: Last night as I tried to sleep, I kept hearing a strange voice.
While I cannot currently recall what it was saying, I am sure it has something to do with
the beast out there.
I personally see no other explanation, as I was alone, and I have no history of hearing
Signed, Mann
Day 2, afternoon: I've gathered a few volunteers from the task force.
Our job is to secure the anomaly until the main guards can get here, not research it,
so I won't be forcing anyone to come along with me.
But it's not against my orders to carry out some extra research, and I wouldn't mind having
some other folks investigating with me.
Always better to have more than one person when it comes to witnessing events.
I managed to convince 3 other guys to come with me.
I plan to approach the anomaly very closely, and I made this very clear to everyone as
I announced that I needed volunteers.
We will begin our exploration tomorrow.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 2, evening: I am hearing this voice again.
It is currently about ten o' clock, PM, and I am trying to comprehend what it is saying.
It's like it's speaking English, and I know it is, but I just can't work out what it is
Signed, Mann
Day 3: One of the guys that volunteered came to my tent in the early hours of the morning
and said he couldn't go through with it.
I told him that it was fine, and that I don't blame him.
When I asked him why he changed his mind, though, he told me that he had been hearing
something talking to him last night, and suspected that it was connected to the anomaly.
When I heard about this, I asked him if he knew what it was saying.
He said that he couldn't recall exactly what it was saying, but its words evoked a terrible
fear in him that he never wished to experience again.
When I inquired, he also stated that it was speaking English, but again, he can't recall
what it's saying, exactly.
I then revealed that I, too, had been hearing voices, but had not been terrified by them.
This did not convince him to stay on the exploration team with us, but it seemed to comfort him
that he was not the only one hearing things.
I hope the other two are still in for it.
Signed, Mann
Day 3, afternoon: I asked the other guys if they experienced anything out of the ordinary
in the past few days, and neither of them said that they had.
This is a good thing for me, as I will have a couple of companions on my research venture,
but I also feel like I will be lying to them if they haven't experienced the voices.
I won't tell them about the voices myself, as I fear they will get spooked out of coming
with me, but on the same token, they volunteered to venture very closely to a large horrible
creature, so maybe the story about the voices won't deter them.
For now, I will proceed with discretion.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 3, Evening: We set out around 4 o' clock in the afternoon, and the other two guys seemed
as excited to get closer to the thing as I was apprehensive.
Don't get me wrong, I, too, was excited, it just seemed that they were a little too excited.
I guess it isn't out of character for those two.
As we got closer, indeed, the thing kept growing smaller, which sort of cooled my anxiety for
a bit, but then we started seeing oddities in the snow.
Of course we are dealing with a giant anomaly, but the snow prints just seemed off.
There wasn't anything wrong with their pattern.
They just seemed out of place.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 4: We set up camp about a quarter way to the thing.
The snow was deep and thick, and to be honest, I was surprised we made it even a quarter
of the way.
No signs of any voices heard by myself or the other two last night.
I'm making sure to be very discreet when I ask them about any oddities.
I don't want to put up a red flag.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 4, afternoon: We covered about half the distance we did yesterday, so I would say
we're close to halfway there.
About three eights of the way, to be exact.
The snow is getting deeper as we approach the thing.
It continues to shrink as we approach it, so nothing too out of the ordinary thus far,
with the exception of the out of place prints in the snow.
None of us can work out what creature they originate from.
Yesterday, I thought they were human tracks.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 4, evening: A particularly quiet evening, nothing notable has occurred.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 5: One of the guys reported that he'd heard some strange voices last night.
I asked him what they were saying before I revealed that I, too, had been hearing voices.
He told me that they were unintelligible.
I expected this, but it is now getting quite frustrating that no one can decipher what
the voices are saying.
Hopefully this expedition to the thing out there will bring us more information.
Signed, Mann
Day 5, afternoon: We made very little progress today.
We neglected to bring our tissue analyzer from the last tent we set up, so we had to
go back.
We'll be back on track hopefully by the day after tomorrow.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 5, evening: The evening is quiet once again.
I've heard no voices thus far, and the tracks in the snow were absent during our trek back
to the old tent today.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 5, midnight: I've been lying awake for some time now, and I've realized that something
was horribly out of the ordinary.
I recall that as we approached the thing, it got smaller.
Well, I would expect it to grow larger as we put more distance between it and ourselves.
The problem is, it has not grown larger since this morning when we left to return to the
Signed, J. Mann
Day 6: The first opportunity I had, I told the other guys about my realization, and I
asked what they thought we should do.
There was some debate, but ultimately, we came to the decision to continue forth toward
the creature.
On top of this, I can report that we have all now heard the voices.
The last guy finally heard them last night.
Once again, they were incomprehensible.
To no surprise, of course.
I hold the belief that we will eventually discover what the voices are saying, but for
now, we trek on.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 6, afternoon: We made it back to the point we left from yesterday, and decided to continue
on for a little while longer.
The creature has continued to shrink, even as we traveled the same path we traveled the
day before yesterday.
The spatial anomaly is starting to get eerily disheartening.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 6, evening: The creature has disappeared.
We all agree that it was due southeast, but we've checked the compasses again and again,
but the thing is just no longer there.
I hypothesize that it has grown so small that we can no longer see it, but the other two
guys think it just disappeared.
Regardless, we all agree to continue in the direction we were headed.
We will continue on for a day, and if it has not reappeared at that point, then I see no
reason to continue.
We'll just have to go back.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 7: Once again, I have heard the voice.
It is now distinguishable as a single voice, as opposed to more than one, as I had previously
Some of the words were actually comprehensible and memorable, but they were simple things
which actually made no sense when put together.
The most distinct words were 'snow,' and 'back.'
The latter is especially eerie, but I can't think anything of it, as there was no context.
When I inquired, the other two guys had also heard the voice and came to the same conclusions
as I had.
Signed, Mann
Day 7, afternoon: We've continued on for some time now, but it is only three o' clock.
The creature has reappeared where we expected it to be, and it has grown considerably smaller
since we last viewed it.
So, I conclude that whatever occurred that affected its position did not affect the shrinkage
We look to be about three fourths of the way there now.
We will continue on til' about 5 o' clock.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 7, afternoon: It is 5 o' clock, and two oddities have occurred.
One, we have all agreed that the past two hours were definitely a longer duration than
two hours.
On top of space, the creature must incur a temporal anomaly as well.
Strangely enough, however, this is the first time any temporal anomaly has been noticed
by myself or the other two.
Second of all, and most disturbing, are the tracks in the snow.
They reappeared last night, but I thought nothing of it, as it is a normality at this
But the tracks are definitely no longer human at this point, or anything of this Earth.
The closest thing I can think of is perhaps a squid which walks on land.
Considering that the creature out there has tentacular appendages, I suppose this isn't
too much of a surprise, but it is still certainly frightening.
I am interested in following them, but I want to get to the creature above all else.
The main guards were supposed to arrive this morning, but I see no signs of them thus far.
I suppose they are just not visible to us, or perhaps the temporal anomaly has affected
our view of time.
At any rate, I expect to arrive at the creature's location by tomorrow if things go optimally.
This expedition has certainly exceeded its expected duration.
Signed, J. Mann
Day 7, evening: New tracks have appeared around our tent.
None of us heard anything out of the ordinary.
Myself and one of the guys agreed that those tracks were not there before, but the other
guy recalls their existence before this occurrence.
We will have to be more mindful of things like this.
It's beginning to become more dangerous than it already was, and I suspect something sinister
about these new found tracks.
J. Mann
Day 8: We awoke early this morning to get a head start.
Once again, new tracks appeared in the snow.
This time, none of us had any doubt of their non-existence beforehand.
If we do not make it to the creature within two days, we will abandon the trek and begin
to follow the tracks.
I fear for our safety at this point.
We should be back at base greeting the new guards and allowing them to take over.
J. Mann
Day 8, afternoon: It is 12 o' clock, and we have made it about nine tenths of the way
The creature continues to shrink, but we are definitely very close at this point.
We are going to take a brief break and get a few hours of sleep in before we continue
We should lose little time, thanks to the temporal anomaly.
J. Mann
Day 8, midnight: Our reliance on the temporal anomaly's stability has failed us.
It is currently midnight, but we only got a couple hours of sleep.
I've made the decision to continue forth.
My fear for my own safety, and more importantly, my fear for their safety, has grown to the
point where I will have to take full control of this expedition.
No more votes.
I will take their opinions into consideration, but my word will be final from this point
Day 8-9 transition, early morning Day 9: As we continued to walk, the voice made a very
clear statement to all of us.
This is not verbatim, as I could never hope to remember every incomprehensible word this
horrible creature has spoken to us, and I apologize for my vagueness, but we got the
intended message: 'Turn back.'
No doubt, at this point, these words are those of the creature we hope to reach.
The tone of the voice did not imply any sort of anger or even a hint of territorial jealousy.
It sounded more fearful than anything else.
Day 9: Once again, the creature has disappeared.
I do not credit this occurrence to its shrinkage this time around.
I am certain that we would still be able to see this behemoth, even at this small size.
From this distance, I am certain of that.
To be truthful, I have had enough of this.
Supplies are not a problem; we brought plenty to last.
I am just seriously worried about our safety.
Not only is the anomaly a main issue, but the antarctic is a frigid, stark place.
We have made it thus far with no serious complaints about the cold, but I worry that will not
last much longer.
I have made the decision to lead us in the direction of the tentacular tracks, regardless
of whether the creature reappears or not, which I am certain it will.
I feel as though we will not make any more progress towards the creature itself, and
its eerie statement last night has seriously stricken terror in me after I've given it
more thought.
Joseph Mann
Day 9, morning: The tracks have led us back to one of our oldest tents, the one at which
we left the tissue analyzer.
I am thoroughly confused at this.
First of all, and most obvious, it took us three hours to travel a distance which previously
took us five or six days to travel.
Second of all, I noticed no human tracks, as you may have expected to see as a result
of our previous trek back to this tent.
I will continue to record things in this log to the best of my ability, but my focus has
shifted from researching this beast to getting us back to base safely.
Joseph Mann
Day 9, before noon: Something has been following us this entire time, since Day 1.
To be frank, I do not care about thing out there any longer.
Something has been following us, and this explains the strange tracks in the snow.
This must be why those tracks led us back to our old tent.
We were not following them forward; we were following them backward.
Day 9, afternoon: I have come to the realization that I am now alone.
Where I once heard the comforting sound of human footsteps crunching the snow behind
me, I now hear nothing but the hollow wind and emptiness.
I cannot recall at what point those two got away from me, or perhaps, at what point I
got away from them, but I am now terrified of what is to come.
I still have plenty of supplies packed, and as previously stated, food and water will
really be no issue for at least the next fortnight, but I am alone.
The tracks in the snow are now more terrifying than ever, and the voice more horrific than
Day 9, afternoon: I lost my log in the snow a few hours ago.
It was a simple mishap, but I recovered it without any incident.
It was a little wet, but otherwise untouched.
I just took notice of the one-word entry above.
I am trying to work out at what point I entered this, but I can't recall the point at which
I did this for the life of me.
Day 9, late afternoon: It feels like it has been days since I last updated this log, but
I know it cannot have been, as the sun has not set, and I've only eaten one meal since
that time.
To be frank,
Day 9, late afternoon: It was a requirement for me to abruptly end my last entry.
I heard movement circling me, and upon closer investigation, I saw the beast.
The beast itself was circling me!
As fast as I could, I approached the thing and skinned a sample of tissue off of its
torso before it could skitter off with its horrible spastic tentacles.
The tissue analyzer came up as a zero, that is, the tissue analyzer recorded no difference
between this creature's tissue and a human's tissue.
I will have to run some confidence tests on this, because I refuse to believe it until
all evidence points to this thing being somehow related to humans.
Day 9, evening: I've set up a tent.
I want to get my mind off of this situation for a small while.
I've set up a lantern and strewn out a towel on which I will eat dinner and read a book.
Then I will get back to the walk, and I will likely skip sleep tonight.
Day 9, midnight: The book seemed to quiet the voice.
It was a peaceful hour, but I knew that I would have to leave as soon as I could.
The sooner I get back to base, the sooner they can analyze all of this data from the
tissue analyzer and make a sound conclusion about the tissue.
My personal belief is that my analyzer is broken, but I've stored the tissue in my pack,
so the guys at the base should have no issue running it through again.
Day 10: I am almost back to base, but I see some guys coming over the snow-hill.
I assume they are looking for me, so I need to warn them not to go any further inward.
Day 10, morning: These folks are approaching me awfully slowly.
They've taken to setting up a camp, which is strange, because if they are looking for
me, which is undoubtedly the case, then they are taking an unnecessary break, as I am no
more than half a mile away.
Day 10, before noon: They made some slow but steady progress toward my location, and then
they decided to turn back.
I suspect that the spatial anomaly is affecting our distance, because as I stated previously,
we are only about half a mile apart.
Why they are turning back, I haven't a clue.
Day 10, afternoon: A few things.
The tracks in the snow have disappeared, as with the voice.
I have gotten far enough away from the thing, I assume.
And the beast has reappeared.
About southeast, exactly where it should be.
It is strangely comforting, but I still intend to return to base.
Day 10, evening: The three guys are now approaching me again.
They make frequent stops, which I suppose I don't blame them.
I must seem to be miles away from their perspective.
But it is certain, they are coming for me now.
I know they can see me.
Day 10, midnight: At this point, I have absolutely given up traveling on my own.
Progress is heavily stymied by this spatial anomaly.
I make it barely a few feet after a long day of travel.
I'm very scared, and I hope these guys can make it to me before my supplies run out,
which is now a concern.
Day 11: I am currently very frightened.
I want these guys to turn back.
I know what has happened.
I don't know how it happened, but it did.
I will write more on my suspicions once I recover sufficient evidence for them.
But for now, I say this for future reference.
I do not know how this happened.
Day 11, early morning: I recovered a journal in the snow.
I know my suspicion to be true at this point.
What I discovered in the journal was horrible.
I refuse to write any of its contents here.
I scrawled a warning in it as quickly as I could.
I know who will find it.
Day 11, late morning: The travelers disappeared and then reappeared again.
I tried to approach the lone wanderer in person to notify him to turn back, but this was to
no avail, as he was hostile and proceeded to cut out a chunk of my back.
I had no clue how to react to this.
I just ran away.
This realization is too horrible for me to state plainly.
My suspicions have been all but confirmed.
It all adds up.
The tissue analyzer coming up as a zero.
The transition of human tracks in the snow to those tentacular… things.
Something occurred…
The time and space is all messed up due to this beast.
I will leave this to the consideration of the reader, whoever finds this log.
I hope it is not me this time.
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