I just want everybody remember the
superbowl that the Patriots came back
and basically scored 31 points in a
quarter a little over a quarter that's
insanity and not you know Brady stayed
so calm under pressure i was we're here
eating after the superbowl and I was
roasting some people on twitter there
you watch on twitter i like to clap back
at people who try to talk trap to be a
lot of people now just like to do it
just for fun and somebody asked how come
i do it and I said well a couple reasons
one is it teaches teaches you just
verbal dexterity you know you gotta you
have to understand a word and it's kind
of like a puzzle
they say that older people to play
puzzles or play chess or backgammon are
less likely have Alzheimer's the brain
you use it or you lose it multiple lose
that's one thing number two it teaches
you how to be calm under pressure to
people are like aggressive towards you
and you learn to fight it off a little
bit but the third day and that's all
kind of like this game like Tom Brady
has to be cool under pressure he just
drove that 40 quarters especially in
overtime he got the ball and it was just
like everybody knew what he was going to
do a little 10-yard drive all the way
what it what did he say he matriculated
that up to tuck the field who used to
say that with express takes wrench
strand and Kansas City Cossacks or
foundation they matriculate up the field
and then like I said I guarantee you
when they were down those features were
down 28 237 that you can hear the boos I
talked to tios a friend of mine he said
I think can you hear the people from the
crowd yelling he's gonna do the way
these football fields are you can hear
everything so strawberry have people i'm
sure yelling you stock your falling
apart but yet he was able to stay calm
under all that it's finalized wide
physics sometimes
reply back if people are negative and
the third thing that I'll say and this
is very not actually do a separate video
on this but basically what I've found a
lot of people will tell you that when
people are addressed to you or talk crap
value if you talk back it's gonna ignite
the fire and make it bigger but it's
actually not true i tested both ways
it's for the most part with some
it puts the fire out because humans are
naturally aggressive that we understand
now if you're a religious person you
might believe this is the Bible and
different things that the man is
naturally sinful if you're an atheist
you won't believe this but if you study
evolution it will basically lead you to
the same conclusion that man and
naturally aggressive watches own
resources want to survive even visit at
the expense of other people it was a
little bit like I'll give example
practical when i was at Palm Springs you
might see my blog about three or four
days ago there was about I brought 29
people so we were all sitting on the
outside of one of the hotel lounge area
and a few of them got up that were at
tables we had about a table and two of
us through the tables got up and came to
talk to me for some business stuff and
some other people try to sit in the
so we just turn around the lightly and
set on our we're still sitting there you
see our stuff is still sitting there and
is one old dude goes oh you're taking a
pretty big footprint here at the hotel
and I just turn around right away and I
said yeah fucking box 21 room so i get
21 fucking tables here you bought one
you get one and shut up and walked away
now some people might say that's too
harsh but they don't understand what
will durant the Pulitzer Prize and maybe
the smartest men are the wisest man of
the last century set at the second law
biology is that nature is survival
it's a struggle there will always be a
struggle between organisms even right
now in life some organisms in your body
want to live and your body's going to
create antibodies to kill him every
violent virus that kills you
HIV Ebola is actually a life-form
although some people question whether a
virus detective Lee alive but it's
literally an organism wanting to survive
and it will kill you if you need to take
your body that's the parasites are
that's when mosquitoes do don't try to
kill people with zica and I'm trying to
kill people malaria they're fighting
because they
eat human and animal blood computers do
that's how they survived to be there
so in a world where there's no
aggression you literally have a veto in
fact that you know fighting you and you
do nothing
there's some small religious group in
india i think they're called Jainist
J-A-I-N-I-S-T and make they put a mask over
their face so they won't ingest
accidentally any bugs, but you know what
they kill bugs every step I take is not
even possible to not have conflict so if
you try to run from every conflict
conflict is going to find you will chase
you some time to stand up for yourself
like I did at the hotel now that guy
there was plenty of other tables there
were 10 other tables five feet away
he was just being an asshole so our
skipper cat i started out nice almost
like a man we're still at that still our
backpack and laptop there he could have
just said oh no problem I'll move over
there with my one other it was him and a
woman and then move it but he tried to
be aggressive
so I shut him down and there's nothing
wrong with that and I think what happens
in the world i pick my sister my amateur
psychology a lot of people don't trouble
the dad or if they did have a dad the
dad was somewhat absent or weird there's
a lot of cases of this nowadays for
different reasons but there's lots of
single moms my mom involved in a mother
and father relationship and doesn't
always i'm not being sexist or gender
locking on agenda but its effect that
men have more testosterone in fact men
have a tremendous amount more
testosterone 17 times more an average my
cousin my got tested for her blood
testosterone she came back at 25 with
her rating. Mine is at 1100. I looked at Maya's results
I said wait a second
you gotta send the blood test back we
call the lab they're like no women are
usually 25 to 30 and men are anywhere
from 300 to 1200 and how much they work
out and their their DNA
they're you know they're jeans men are
more conflict prone so like most
murders about eighty percent of murders
are men
just think of it this way, Who would you
want protecting you in a hand-to-hand
combat on average if I know some
brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt women
that are tougher than normal any man
ronda rousey holly holmes on average
if you want to take UFC fighters who
would you rather have protecting you
Holly Holmes and a fist fight or you
know heavyweight champion or even conor
mcgregor you like lightweight gun so
many more twitch muscles men are built
for more complet again some people get
butthurt when I say this but I don't
give a shit because in science that you
everybody's entitled to their own
opinions but not entitles to their own facts again there's
some women stronger than a lot of men I
know becca swanson, a friend of mine
strong woman in history she bench press
over 600 pounds and she's stronger than
me so I know women out there start but
not on average on a decade stronger than
Rome Rome weights 315 pounds
so what happens that households nowadays
is that when there's no father there no
father who's actually healthy in terms
of his approach the conflict because you
can be unhealthy and always fight always
violent people grow up and going to
understand how to deal with conflict i
think it's something I've had to learn
as an adult because what happens is you
read your teter on one edge of the
teeter-totter either become too passive
and let people walk over you or you
become too aggressive and you're
fighting everybody so a good dad and a
good mommy at this is part you know it
in Sweden they wouldn't like me saying
this because of freedom that everything
50/50 to find mothers and fathers if you
want to take that route been a lot of
moms suck at teaching this too but I was
trying to come up with a with an alibi
for women and blame it on men blame it
on absent fathers put whatever you do
find somebody in life they can teach you
how to be properly aggressive so that
you're not too weak or too strong
both will get you killed anyway I don't
know how I got office from watching the
superbowl but i did and so yeah i'm go eat
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