Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 15 2017



It�s so easy to get caught up in what we that we often forget there are so many different

types of realities happening throughout the world, some of which we could have never fathomed

to be true.

While many of us buzz around in our cars, on our phones, in and out of offices, and

relax at restaurants, in our homes in cul-de-sacs or nestled among a big city, hitting the gym,

trendy outfits, or enjoying our eco-friendly flair, there are parts of the world where

such modern life is completely non-existent � to the point where it feels more surreal,

more like a movie setting, than anything else.

But every now and then, we are reminded that life exists outside of our bubble. Aerial

photographs of an isolated tribe in the Brazilian rainforest are one of the most recent examples,

as they expose a look at a Neolithic way of life that has all but vanished from Earth�s


Brazilian photographer Ricardo Stuckert took high-resolution images, which show a colorful

yet discreet indigenous community living in total isolation within the Amazon jungle.

�I felt like I was a painter in the last century,� Stuckert said to National Geographic

of his reaction to spotting the natives. �To think that in the 21st century, there are

still people who have no contact with civilization, living like their ancestors did 20,000 years

ago�it�s a powerful emotion.�

The photos, which were taken near Brazil�s border with Peru, are revolutionary in the

sense that, because they are so close-up, they reveal specific information about the

Indians that had largely gone unnoticed by experts before, like the emphasis on body

paint and their haircuts.

�We thought they all cut their hair in the same way,� noted Jos� Carlos Meirelles,

an expert on Brazil�s indigenous tribes. �Not true. You can see they have many different

styles. Some look very punk.�

The tribe became the subject of global conversation back in 2008, when agents from Brazil�s

indigenous affairs agency, Funda��o Nacional do �ndio (FUNAI) published images of the

tribesmen covered in red body paint shooting arrows at their hovering airplane. Since then,

the tribe has reportedly moved several times. According to Meirelles, they move locations

about every four years.

Stuckert had boarded a helicopoter with Meirelles to visit the jungle outpost of Jord�o near

the border of Peru when thunderstorms forced the vessel to detour, which ultimately resulted

in the occupants being directly over an isolated settlement of thatched huts in the jungle.

Naked inhabitants of the community reacted with shock, running out of site and into the


But the tribe�s panic soon turned to curiosity as they returned a few hours later.�They

seemed more inquisitive than fearful,� explained Stuckert to National Geographic. �I felt

there was a mutual curiosity, on their part and mine.�

Because the tribe has never made a successful and peaceful relationship with the outside

world, the name of their tribe is unknown. Brazilian officials therefore call them the

�isolated Indians of the upper Humait�.�



I am a Hope Dealer | #HUSTLEPRENEUR - Duration: 5:03.

Hey everyone it's Abhinaya here. So today

we're following Sandee. Sandee is currently

the president and a co-founder of a

nonprofit called I.C. stars. I.C. stars is

providing resources and opportunities

for the inner-city younger adults who

would have have them normally. So let's go

see how she spent her day and learn a

little bit more about I.C Stars.

We are a technology leadership and

business boot camp.

In a nutshell we find talent

trained talent and put talent to work.

But our vision is to develop a thousand

community leaders by 2020.

I.C stars have been helping a lot of

young adults get jobs after going through the

program but how did they actually get started?

We launched our first training

in 2000. After about a

year-and-a-half R&D and really

understanding the market and the demand

there's a lot of pressure on us to teach

hardware skills break and fix and we

really wanted to teach development

programming there was a shortage of

technology workers at the time there was

a great need for HTML developers and

like the notion of being programmers

because we were shifting from being

consumers of technology to being

innovators and that shift from consumer

to maker is power.

As you may remember

there was a stock crash which is known as

the dot-com bubble during the 2000s but

how did I.C. Stars react to this and pivot?

We had to pivot to working with Fortune 500

companies and the whole

organization really pivoted. Not just in

our messaging and our branding but how

we taught. So we really did take a much

more systems approach.

Sandee is currently

holding your workshop for the interns to

help them learn more about their

passions, dreams and aspirations

Sandee has been looking at various grants

taking meetings, having calls and so

forth but what exactly is her job?

My job is to keep the lights on and I mean

that literally but then also


This is a very expensive program that

cost our participants nothing.

We are a nonprofit and in fact we pay a

stipend while people are in the training

program. In business your bottom line is

revenue in non-profit our bottom line is

hope and as nonprofit leaders were hope dealers.

That idea of leaving the

lights on for someone else's legacy over

and over again has brought me incredible

joy and inspiration.

One of the activities that interns do every day is

have Tea time with a guest. So what is

tea time? At four o'clock we take a break

and we share a pot of tea with a

business leader community leader who

comes to the table and shares their

story and we designed it this way

because I see stars are training is all

project-based so for 11 hours people are

working on building a software solution

or an app for their clients and this

would be the one pause during the day

where people could actually imagine the

future. And hear and see someone who's

using technology and perhaps different way.

All the interns are about to give their

dreams speeches. It is a type of speech that

they would go in the future if they would

have won a prestigious award.

It's important to recognize the

accomplishments of our leaders today in

the year 2037. It is a true celebration

we take a moment out of our busy lives

to witness the journeys of individuals we admire.

The number one goal for internships is that they

graduate is to secure employment in IT

of course but to also really stand in

their purposes as community leaders and

have a clear vision of how they want to

impart the community.

It's really awesome

to see how Sandee and her team is making

an impact on the interns with the

program's hopefully they can grow in the

future and expand to other cities to

make more impact. Most of her day surrounds around

interns and constantly improving

the program to provide better

opportunities for the interns in the

future. If you like this video make sure

to subscribe for very similar content.

Until next time keep learning.

For more infomation >> I am a Hope Dealer | #HUSTLEPRENEUR - Duration: 5:03.


MOVE, YOU VAGABOND | Whatever this is called #14 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> MOVE, YOU VAGABOND | Whatever this is called #14 - Duration: 4:01.


Blackim jong un 'Bachelorette' Korean Leader Kim Jong Un's Half-Brother Is Dead. But Why? - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Blackim jong un 'Bachelorette' Korean Leader Kim Jong Un's Half-Brother Is Dead. But Why? - Duration: 2:21.


37 - Have you spoken to who about the dream that God gave you? - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> 37 - Have you spoken to who about the dream that God gave you? - Duration: 6:49.


Natural English Pronunciation: "Did You" = /dɪ ʤə/ - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Natural English Pronunciation: "Did You" = /dɪ ʤə/ - Duration: 3:56.


I Want To Create A World Where Treatment Is More Accessible - Duration: 1:01.

When my kids find out that I used drugs for as long and as heavily as I did,

I'm going to be honest with them. You know, part of the thing,

I didn't really get much schooling on drugs when I was growing up.

My parents just weren't... My parents didn't do drugs. They just didn't really

know much about them. Yeah, they did their best to kind of school me on the dangers

of it, but they didn't know firsthand. I'm never ashamed of anything that I've been

through and, you know, I want my daughter and my son to know that I fought a battle

so that they don't have to because they are predisposed through the gene.

They're predisposed to be, you know, have that addictive tendency.

And if one day they're surfing online and for some reason she hasn't seen one of my

videos, you know, I'm going to be honest about them, and

she will by then because I'm going to raise her to know what daddy does and to

the fact that I'm trying to give back to a community, you know, and help those around

us so that she lives in a world and he lives in a world that it's not as

accessible to get those drugs. And, you know, if for some reason they did become

addicted, I would love them the same and I want to create a world where they're

offered treatment, as well.

For more infomation >> I Want To Create A World Where Treatment Is More Accessible - Duration: 1:01.


No link between immigration, increased crime in US Study - Duration: 3:48.

No link between immigration, increased crime in US Study.

by Edward Morgan.

NEW YORK: Crime and immigration patterns in the US are not linked, with places with higher

immigration levels experiencing lower robberies, burglaries and murders, according to a new

study which comes shortly after President Donald Trump�s controversial travel ban


Researchers explored whether larger scale immigration patterns in communities could

be tied to increases in crime due to changes in cities, such as fewer economic opportunities

or the claim that immigrants displace domestic workers from jobs.

�Our research shows strong and stable evidence that, on average, across US metropolitan areas

crime and immigration are not linked,� said Robert Adelman, associate professor at University

at Buffalo in the US.

�The results show that immigration does not increase assaults and, in fact, robberies,

burglaries, larceny, and murder are lower in places where immigration levels are higher,�

said Adelman

�Facts are critical in the current political environment,� said Adelman.

�The empirical evidence in this study and other related research shows little support

for the notion that more immigrants lead to more crime,� he said.

Previous research, based on arrest and offence data, has shown that, overall, foreign-born

individuals are less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans, according to Adelman.

The researchers drew a sample of 200 metropolitan areas used census data and uniform crime reporting

data from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for a 40-year period from 1970 to 2010.

�This is a study across time and across place and the evidence is clear.

We are not claiming that immigrants are never involved in crime,� said Adelman.

�What we are explaining is that communities experiencing demographic change driven by

immigration patterns do not experience significant increases in any of the kinds of crime we

examined,� he said.

�And in many cases, crime was either stable or actually declined in communities that incorporated

many immigrants,� Adelma .

Adelman said the relationship between immigration and crime is complex and more research needs

to be done, but this research supports other scholarly conclusions that immigrants, on

the whole, have a positive effect on American social and economic life.

�It is important to base our public policies on facts and evidence rather than ideologies

and baseless claims that demonise particular segments of the US population without any

facts to back them up,� said Adelman.

The study was published in the Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice.

For more infomation >> No link between immigration, increased crime in US Study - Duration: 3:48.


Main Bunker Is Mortorius - Battery Carlo Faldi ~ 1 January 2017 | Travelling in Sardinia - Duration: 1:00.

Main Bunker Is Mortorius - Battery Carlo Faldi ~ 1 January 2017 | Travelling in Sardinia

For more infomation >> Main Bunker Is Mortorius - Battery Carlo Faldi ~ 1 January 2017 | Travelling in Sardinia - Duration: 1:00.


Is There A PERFECT Human? - Duration: 6:26.

This is Koren.

Koren is a human


Not an ordinary..


You See,




Not Like Most People..

How Spending their day..

Sobbing on Their UnFair Life..

Searching for the missing element..

Of This Confusing..

Puzzle Of Live..

While Having

A Hot




Koren Loves..

Everything In Life!

When HeJumps

He Jump High!

And Trying To Improve

Every Time

And When He Falls

He Find Ways To Fall Better

Or Even when He's

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