Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 15 2017

long time ago in a back alley far far

away actually was one just a Broadway

canal the forces of evil had a symbol

for their ultimate reign of terror on

its unsuspecting City only one hero can

stop this

and it wasn't him

no it was that cargo died in

course your target Titan

thanks well there you have it the true

story of the legendary turtle Titan

booth guidance Michelangelo file matter

ninja turtles on a never-ending battle

for truth justice and the turbid way


hey daddy how it happened why object

stories be a teeny bit of embellishing

here there and then the turtle Titan

invented the telephone

after reading the world of all known

diseases he did and after that the total

titan single-handedly club at all the

Nazis in World War though right many

explain the theory of relativity to

Albert Einstein see a guy and a few tiny

little details to an otherwise true

stories and suddenly branded for life

about the true story I've spent my

entire database archives and can find

anything remotely resembling it

you believe me right Cody oh look we're

just in time to see the traveling museum


maybe my shelves on too tight but I

don't see no museum coach

I told you it's a traveling museum the

master figure Bulgarians could use a

spotter culture if I want culture out

water yogurt o0 heat gaining that's more

my thing

no its competitive belching but we

shouldn't be doing that today either but

I'm allergic culture

I'm supposed to avoid all places with

boring left heel comic book

did i mention this is an exhibit of

clinics century pop culture

yes food my sweet scrumptious empty

calories of my back judges suppose I

could have mentioned those are merely

plastic reproductions but that was much

more amusing times may change but a good

threat in forever

is that you with the original Justice

force George I had super hero street

read that was from the time turtle Titan

got Galactica's mikey i have to tell you


you could have caught that

yeah but that was much more amusing

sounds like trouble trouble trouble I

colleges did you stop that first to have

a plan with lost our shell break stop

and let god

the only colors you're gonna see a

black-and-blue triple threat and a whole

lot of green traffic comic and nobody

can hurt

I don't know nobody gets hurt

guys headed towards the cockpit


y-you one rack comical when you can feel

homey feel

look out

whoo let's mash more buildings

I getting all six times i do the driving

hang on lady not going sidewalk you see

on my watch

easy miss love this guy today you're

safely under the shell of the turtle

Titan turtle Titan

wait i was there all right that guy here

s top i act i think we have bigger


haha the anti-graft

thank you thank you

hey what are you caring for he's nothing

but she's not job easy Mikey that

knockoff just saved our shelf right here

the grandson Ben Gurion River Landing

not you'll have to be a good little

parking zone so we saw ty square so

we've got our mugs on the news all week

comfort with the southeast comic book i

want to make lots of money drives going

up fri stop want a pair of to actually

fact give me that you wait a minute we

can make money and brake stop becoming

of super balanced another two turtles

like six that they again George of our

beloved superhero are the series but our

city recipes your knowing he can't be

submitted any time simply by showing a

trademark sound signal in this guy has

our turtle Titan its one-of-a-kind i'll

give you want to match i Sall yeah yeah

yes sorry Mikey I didn't want to tell

you about the other turtle Titan because

I know what upset you

what makes this week up stack

now out how out okay

savor the moment uploaded from memory

how those look at it this way Mikey the

reason you created turtle Titan in the

first place was because you wanted to do

something for the greater good

that's right you should be proud you

actually inspired someone and you gotta

admit the titans a big improvement over

the original that's it i'm going to show

the world who is a rail here out

you pick no chief no I signal us done


don't feel bad i have that effect on the

minds of men what I don't want you to

think i'm at I willing to forget the

whole thing just admit you stole my gig

a formal public apology

who are you and what's with the cheap

knockoff turtle Titan costume we had

calling knockoff knockoff now just calm

down citizen citizen now that's the last


nobody told me that what's wrong with

citizen it's only superhero code for

losers which i am not incidentally we've

been talking about with my house signals

ER shell signals i thought you said

turtle Titan was a grandstanding glory

outfit gelati my bride Brande spending

Gurion galactic what happens to make my

job much easier

buddy not tonight i am i'll save you

keep comfortable if I get there first


are you out of your mind can't stand the

heat get out of the gel now feel just

your heart instead of Iraq Syria journal

title says it again more attention all

units arrest panel bracket battle now

you're talking

wait you mean gotta go

let's get out of here before you cause

any more trouble

wow do I pretty good for an imposter

look I'm flattered that you want to be a

hero like me and you shown some raw

talent but you can't just rip off my

name and cock to you are accusing me of

ripping you off at the ready here what

is going on

why on earth did you do attack to level

the playing field unless your problem

with back wax what do you want from me

you incredibly annoying citizen and many

and make you copied me and I'm the

original turtle Titan

nice try pal but the original turtle

tight-lipped over a hundred years ago

that real Michelangelo in the green

scaly flesh

how did you know his name was

Michelangelo the only other person who's

that was silver century just save his

life back in the day you you really are

the original but how time travel

accident a hero type thing happens all

the time and you

turtle Titan was just a story I heard

from my grandfather a story that

inspired me to Don the Turtle mask and

shield while refining and improving on

the original weaponry that story gave my

life perfect but now that I see what a

petty jealous jerk the original turtle

Titan one is I don't want any part of it

we're back

words of gold bar the fact of class with

scholar side the stomach looks like a

hundred years old thanks don't have

stuff like that anymore about they are

probably what I get straight back to

roll brother that's the last time I that

you teach rise of body loose with the

lights off

beware evildoers ford i started hiking

and the superhero formerly known as

turtle Titan triple threat

double trouble wink superheroes and if

we want to be super villain what we need

to do now

bye-bye have to be sort of like natural

London Paris Milan not let all the

hostage and extort tons of credit from

the city when I followed about and

you're smacking topic factory takers

normally I would rock it out of these

situations but somebody had to level the

playing field synthetic can't let that

one go huh

no matter

on my signal

that was effective way to sick

you want to be for my plate right topic

what are you joined already engaged

why on earth did you do that to level

the playing field but in a good way to

that dry given up the ODC the original

turtle cited

thank you Michelangelo Wambach a turtle

Titan never falls back

oh and wait blow the speakers

oh nice little fighting supposed to be

more that disappear into the night type

he'll get a little more every 10


well one body bag which we two Titans to

talk only can we skip the fighting part

and just get to the yelling come with

same here

hey I never got a chance to thank you

before for being an inspiration to

millions now big no for saving my

grandfather's life

I think you knew him his name was silver

century your way

true Michelangelo I inherited my

grandfather's time for justice

it looks too but unfortunately not ours

Phil I was so inspired by his stories of

the turtle Titan fighting crime without

any superpowers that I wanted to carry

on your legacy

but there's only one turtle type

not anymore you're the real deal and

you've done me your grandfather's quote


thank you how about one quick patrol

before we call it a night

No thank this mild-mannered turtle has

had enough superheroing to last another

hundred year he loves a good wire


couple waiting of

and resplendent show but one of the

turtle treadmill

turtles twice those best creatures that

orchard village talk about our

constituents of precious for all those

Lost those struggles nearly cost me


Mike them meddling be more than

coincidence perhaps triple-double and

tried to stop it i try not very computer

smart flooring for caring so much

wait hold up just pulled up a second

there's one thing I don't understand

only one thing i would have thought

there was a ton of stuff you don't


let me rephrase that for the hands of


why do you persist in trying to double

team in practice when you know how good

I am and I know how old and slow you two

are give me a foot up wheel and I'll

show old and slow

beauty & Dec very win again

turtle x is looking good

I can't wait to finish these upgrade

then we can all go out grace of shell

that's grade some shell and I was under

the impression that this battle armor

with for your self defense out in the

big bad world of 2105 or in the

dangerous environment of your own home

was shocked indulgent front housing and

wanton destruction your friends are

credited aerial wrong on the

evolutionary ladder master key that Lord

thing nice to think it's an abomination

relax Carolinians for Cody protection

and security

yeah Johnny may seem like a

mild-mannered techno geek but with that

metal skin he could transform into a

mega power kick butt robot warrior a

regular dr jekyll and mr. hi doctor who

and mr. what should I be really honored

for really offended you mean you don't

know about dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde the

black-and-white movie Spencer Tracy

famous story Robert Louis Stevenson no

never heard of him

things like one of the all-time classic

monster movies

what's a monster movie you're kidding

Frankenstein the money tell me you've at

least heard of King com rat you na

creature from the black lagoon or even

at angular no never heard of any of them

I guess we don't have those it can't be

a future without monster movies losing

will to live

gen call on hey i came across the

mention of the tangler earlier today I

read about it while I was filtering

information off the Galactic web

what about it what about the tangler and

now here it is

there's a festival of old horror flicks

being shown downtown by an earth alien

appreciation society the tangler the

thing that 8i stations loops and

marinades williston well what are we

waiting for let's college college scouts

think of it the movies the chills and

thrills stale popcorn we haven't had

popcorn and about a hundred years sounds

pretty good

Taylor otherwise i'd like to go that's

the spirit

it'll be for Cody education we can show

them firsthand what made our century so

great the culmination of culture the

highpoint installing storytelling

besides if we don't go cheese all it

will never shut up jack

sterling you want to come to I would

rather have my electrodes pulled out

with a pair of rusty pliers and see some

stupid patient or movie

tell us how you really feel

now here we are

Donatello I think that you're finally

getting the hang of piloting with

Michelle thanks Cody

now if i could only get a handle on the

whole vertical parking thing but i do

like coming to the old parts down it's

just like coming home except for all the


well it's strange and ugly is the new

norm good thing we got wrapped with us

Oh think you're funny do ya do I are

they always like this for itself

whoever you are social story believable

you anything show i have a security

protocol the important have been

notified and are on their way

unhand that road totally will dispense

with the warning shots I assure you

so are you alright

allow me to call your son's no one but

they are only downtown and some matches

before moving a little quiet the shadows

may have been bought out spacious I

still be the presence

no wait he's gone

first our shoulder all even with these

primitive conditions the peoples of the

late 20th and early 21st century earth

did enjoy a somewhat engaging cinematic

experience down inside as I was soon and

fry it with him

I apologize for my brother but he simply

acting the part of the route of noxious

moviegoer so common during that time


it ain't acting I'm afraid I am unaware

of the obnoxious moviegoer our records

of this period of time or incomplete

though we try to be as accurate as

possible in our reconstruction we even

rebuild film projectors from as much

authentic selvages we could find Lou you

like I can check them out for


I'm kind of a tinker with a lot of

experience any help would be greatly

appreciated but sadly where we need the

most help is in our knowledge or lack

thereof regarding movie enjoyment you

telling me

can i buy your popcorn browse I had a

throw mine thank first of all you're not

even doing the popcorn right you're

barely judging it

popcorn is a delicacy best enjoyed

mentally and in mass quantities harmony

never wonder time you got Jordan a full

looks like i have to get more popcorn

so rule 15 of horror movies is it's the

basement is scary and dark always go

down there especially if your flashlight

battery is dying 16 if you think you

beat the monster immediately turn your

back 17 be careful not to have fun or

you'll be the first one to get it

18 if you're in a group always lit up at

the single to go separate way your

expertise is astounding

it is a privilege to sit with such a


I think I'm gonna be sick when Leo that

we gotta suffer through this he ought to

be suffering the King around jack

no Leah where are you

rabbi l wheel over here Raphael Raphael

I need you Leo quit kidding around up

do hang on I'll get you down and then

we'll find whoever this man this

projector system is way cool a

high-energy defibrillating conductor fed

through the older wiring so you see

officer the shadow seemed to come out of

nowhere and attack robot what was that

not exert human your face

you want to why excuse me

tell me what you go of the variable

waiting for life to all those are


come to go we

take Michelangelo with the horrible

these are they supposed to make the

shadows do that

not exactly

Mikey where do rap and done

Jody whatever that thing is i'll draw it


don't argue just run get out the back

door job now

yeah I'm trying to catch a flake here to

your mind can I with the routine viewers

yeah hang on I'll get out of here

I think you cracked a rib there sorry i

was in a hurry we have bigger things to

worry about

namely have it shine guys

you guys when did we stop watching the

horror movies and start starring it

what you roll forward to if anyone have

a clue what this day of awakening is all

about getting really sick of this guy

I gotta help them

I need Turtle Wax

Kojo remote activation of battle armor

turtleneck go word gonna laugh what go

to heaven

before I send you gentlemen back on

patrol on the manga that it is critical

we take really seriously especially when

the witnesses a reliable efficient done

indisputably accurate robotic

kyndra fruit of a runaway robot ram

bacon without all universe bone

all that you know the variable region

and our ritual

turtle acts activated it meant

hardly remember my friends you mess with


yeah that's talking about

come on let's give himself


he's God and we should be

what sold it then

young mr. Jones you have some explaining

the tall to mind me i'm fine just fine

so after I promise to pay for all the

damages to the theater and to keep my

rabbit robots under control

giggles pretty much to dropped all the


what worries me is this day of awakening

what does that mean whatever it is it's

bad rule 23 of horror movies anything

with day of in the title is gonna be


repeat shoes are designed ripped from

their flesh i will create creatures to

remove them whatever all there's a free

car display to the inevitable training

awakening and problems

For more infomation >> TMNT 2017 🐢🍕 Ninja Turtles Season 3 Episode 23 - Duration: 39:30.


Facebook is launching new Video App for TV. New Ways to Watch Facebook Video - Duration: 2:02.

Facebook has announced a new Facebook video app for TV to allow the viewers to enjoy Facebook

videos on a bigger screen.

Last year Facebook rolled out the ability to stream videos from Facebook to TV, and

now it is expanding this capability.

With this app, people can watch videos shared by friends or Pages they follow, top live

videos from around the world, and recommended videos based on their interests.

They can also catch up on videos they've saved to watch later, as well as revisit videos

they've watched, shared or uploaded This new Facebook video app for TV will be

rolled out soon to app stores for Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and Samsung Smart TV.

Apart from this TV app, Facebook has announced few more features.

Users can now stream videos in a corner of the screen as they continue scrolling through

their newsfeeds.

Videos will also autoplay with sound as a user scrolls down and vertical videos will

expand to fill the screen.

For more infomation >> Facebook is launching new Video App for TV. New Ways to Watch Facebook Video - Duration: 2:02.


How To Prepare Classic For Car Show - 1955 Chevy - Chemical Guys Car Care - Duration: 4:10.

What's up guys welcome back to the Detail Garage.

Today we've got a special car in the shop, this is a 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air.

This car is beautiful.

Back in the day this was one of the most desirable vehicles and it still is today.

This car has definitely had a lot of work done to make it look this great.

The owner is getting it ready for a car show so he wants to take the time to clean it up

so it can get some awards and have people take notice of it.

So he brought it to us and we're going to take care of it and get it right out the door.

This car looks clean because it doesn't get driven obviously.

It is a trailer queen, it's taken to every show on a trailer.

Its been towed so many times it thinks it's a boat.

It still gets little things embedded in the paint such as the tree sap over here and the

leaves stuck in the drip rail.

We're going to take care of all of that using EcoSmart.

EcoSmart is one of the easiest things to use and also the safest to use on a vehicle like this.

Simply spray on and wipe off which will give you that high shine.

It also has a lot of chrome on this car.

It's chrome city.

It has fingerprints all over it and a little oxidation so we want to bring back some of

that luster.

So we'll polish it using Butter Wet Wax which will give it a high shine as well as a durable protection.

Lets get started.

All you have to do is spray directly on to the surface and what this is doing is emulsifying

the dirt and contaminants that landed on the paint making it easier to wipe off without

scratching the surface.

There's some tree sap here so I'll let this saturate so it'll come off nicely without

leaving any residue.

I've got my Happy Ending Edgeless Towel, it is super plush.

This paint job has had a lot of time and effort put into it and it little to no scratches

and swirls in the finish and I definitely don't want to put any scratches or swirls

in it so I'll take my time and remove the tags from these towels this way they can't

scratch the surface.

Fold it fours so you can make it as plush as possible.

Wipe in one direction.

Gently back and forth and this pulls off any contamination and then come back and buff

off any wax and you can see it has a high slick shine.

It's as simple as that.

Well guys there you have it.

Now you see just how simple and easy it is to get your car looking right before any show.

This '55 is all cleaned up and I'm really happy with the result and I'm also glad we

had the chance to work on this.

It is going to turn a lot of heads at the show this weekend.

Being that this is a '55 Chevy it is an iconic car and it stands out on its own.

Its been in movies like American Graffiti and it is just a car you desire.

If you like this car or this video be sure to give it a thumbs up.

Don't forget to check out our website where we have a ton of videos showing you how to

do just about anything.

You got a nice car lets keep it clean...y'all know the rest.

We'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> How To Prepare Classic For Car Show - 1955 Chevy - Chemical Guys Car Care - Duration: 4:10.


TMNT 2017 🐢🍕 Ninja Turtles Season 3 Episode 24 - Duration: 39:31.

shop till you drop here it take a plus

the best prices are here to help your

little girl are you lost else

exactly right i think I'm Cosmo crease

that way to I'm busy

people who I shop when you can shoplift

what are you doing New this way

didn't you get the memo what there's no

new display I i think i've heard nobody

you what what wasn't

I just at the front of the store

what do you think you're too it take it


what is that you not entirely at least

not yet

presto change-o what what happened three

phantoms big day before I make you take

a funeral day gentlemen

like many thefts got an upgrade thanks

nothing baby

the body hacker is ready tonight

welcome to the most anticipated social

event of the season of your pic manual

power for open our hello

I pretty Alexander for entertainment

today and everyone who's anyone will be

here tonight to celebrate it could cost

the personal vision of O'Neill text

video renowned philanthropist scary it's


hope you brought your tuxedos boy

we're robbing high society tonight

RP rumor has only alternative guarded by

the toughest security in the world we

can be even crazier into that barely

they got nothing that'll stop this

the body jackets one-of-a-kind running

on a sub alien technology but i can't

duplicate this baby cost me a bunch

tonight I'm making it all back with


we're taking a while everybody cuz if

shouted out sure if it's monkey you

don't choke me to death person I don't

see why I have to go to this gala thing

Darius does all the talking

you're the heir apparent Cody O'Neill

tech is your company decide the place is

gonna be packed with movie stars and

celebrities shareholders accountants

boring experts on fordham you text is an

important part of your identity Cody

truly starbucks be able to

heightened senses exactly so embrace

your inner party animal a tracker on

there's a good ninja vanish when you

really need

don't worry I got just the thing for the


thank God

hey where are you guys are you upset

about to arrive and i have signed on my


perfect just the way you are doing blah

trophy party

hey someone catch my Kathy I can't

control boobie bags of one luckily what

all i need to rob O'Neill tagline of

pink one

Darien time I expect you all to remember

you are need job carry ourselves with

pride and deplorable now if you will

excuse me I am on equipment to fight

piggies in a blanket

those are always the first to go to the

famous here jacket i got tens and plenty

of shelf space left designs pride and

decorum that ring about

ladies gentlemen offworlders since its

founding a century ago

O'Neill Tech has been at the forefront

of promoting peace and harmony through

the galaxy in fact our founding charter

for hypocrites from making weapons of

any kind

not that we haven't been that unique and

humor that today we continue our proud

tradition of people so eat drink and

give senator I know your uncle for the

test something I don't trust about that

guy uncle Daria's can rub people the

wrong way but he's always been great to

me and he's kept only attack on track

Trudy I'm so pleased it's good to see

that your sense of responsibility hasn't

been completely eroded by the company

repeat from my boy a better class of

colleagues to wait no and turtles do try

not to impale any of my guests


mr Dunne yahoo area it's time for an

exclusive interview

hey are you recording am I gonna be on


you should call John I our sauce


I can't get into a turtle you've been

alien artifact by talking to a giant

lizard are you saying go launch yourself

on fizzy Brown world though i'm sure

this is the height of intellectual

conversation excuse me

gary is done I've been looking for you

not now Mikey sure the guy's a jerk but


Cody's night ok besides message center

want you to meet someone

I think he wants to show up and you see

this for in an energy field created by

all living species are myself please me

the box of meek still use a satin making

system of metaphysics resembling our own

connection to chi Michelangelo please

demonstrate the Lotus purpose focused

technique for our heat causing the right

dad but I just located my Lotus

yesterday the polishing my shell

Michelangelo do not embarrass yourself

before the month of Planet me it's me on

the opening Nike you can redirect season

than any of us

okay right so ends up turns out she

alway now if you'll excuse me I've got

matter to discuss with various times

what are we play straight my winning

very strong gains indeed and with our

market share of fifteen percent this

quarter i anticipate substantial

dividends will be funneled to our

charitable work there he is now to make

the plot a fearless leader what did you

totally left me hanging with the mix of

move the monkeys of where you Joe

look I just got to go talk to done why

is he up to something

are we going to bust them seriously Leo

why don't you sit down I'll get you some


you look well your growth and ears I'm

want me I got to get through something

that's reasonably little eighty percent

now slap farmer and businessman only

internet you trying to get us in trouble

or she'll crack

what are you talking about where's

Master Splinter in the months of meat

yes and the index of the capital

gameshow profits with quarters and

dollars and I gotta go to the party by

when you gotta go you gotta go see that

uncle various totally just face dat only

one leo rap i have no clue what you're

talking about one second i'm watching

Mike embarrass Master Splinter me I was

trying to get an autograph and all of a

sudden opposing me like your personal

dancing jolly wait are you both serious

neither of you remember acting strangely

and uncle various is bugging to accept

come on let's get to the bottom of it

finally restricted access

come on mr Dunne work your magic

Darius know Patti okay that was

completely weird he didn't even flinch

and he hates fatty

where do these elevators go restricted

areas tonight it was not have said wait

but I have access to all levels of the


I mean I'm supposed to I want

he put this aside what an artisan Home

Sweet energy and more goodies here

assisted haha up heavy are light weapons

are the armor hehe i'll make a fortune

selling up the plan for these very high

I don't get it all these weapons what

does it mean I've never been on this

level before I I thought it was storage

more like are the rampage and

destruction guy

argued over our uncle Darius oh this is

too much

the crime of the century and a little

revenge to go with it

think maybe that proved this right about

the whole cycle evil uncle doing bad

stuff with the company thing and then

found this is a party everybody stand

that haha you know this is gonna sound

crazy but I don't think that's uncle

very into him

Lambert doing dog

first thing train ride areas better that

pin can before he makes turtle soup out

of us then we can solve the mystery of

who is who in other words did your time

hey that was a rental

should stop with the top chariot battle

suit so wet season

you're not serious what have you done

with him from there you just take him

down now my pleasure thanks buddy

quick don't see if he's okay all right

nice and slow

waterview Thunder marry you create a

simple funds pictures sounds like Darius

what do you think Cody laughs I think

you're a bunch of fucker

Cody thanks for the assist to eat these

plans are going to make me a fortune and

here's your thought about dropping my


how do you

well however yourselves brothers attack

definitely serious looks like a real bad

guy is body jumping somehow that's why

you all had memory lapses and wide areas

this charming self again and that means

Cody's in trouble

very end

why are you running

what we just upstairs like just a second


he's body jumps again with this whole

only one cat leaving the body it needs

our favorite track three masters letters

in trouble

wake up fat them go tied street phantom

so that must be jammer head he figured

out a way to take over mine

yeah well he ain't keeping that one

breaches own body will be able to fade

and we'll never catch him

it's over jammer head not until we

played a new shell game catch me boy

what is the meaning of this why do you

attack me my doggies players back

yes my job can include me it's hammer

head he's been possessing people's

bodies which means if he's no longer in

you he has to be in one of us

this is stupid i don't think even any of

us let's just bag it and call it a day

baggage not

nice body

not anymore

don't crash crash crash he going to be

okay comfortable that very land will be

rebooting himself in jail big shiny will

our current Thank You boys enough

stopping that insane hooligan from

robbing the labs

thank goodness everything is fine for

you think your kids we almost got

operated by that battle through that

came out of your lab allowed tact with

all sorts of weapons

yeah what's really going on up there

constable would you mind explaining the

peace of mind program tracking that mr

Dunne has been a big house keeping

weapons off the street any dangerous

weapons confiscated by the peacekeepers

our friend over to an eotech with

Valerie cycle them into useful products

which he then distributes to the needy

so the weapons we saw were just there

awaiting recycling precisely

now if you boys are quite satisfied we

should be our guest so well

he did it again that's why me no good

method blender he's lying we dare you

not really matter of deception Leonardo

however you must have faith that he will

trip up day and when he does we will be


what's the reading

202 get up to 360

are you sure we've got a chance if this

temporal controller failed while we're

in the time window are molecules could

wind up scattered from here to the big

bag and then you'd be spent time Iraq

here we go


you guys okay yeah i think so but i

don't think the temporal controller is

well what's been some party to let that

much energy pass through the controller

will need a super low density alloy like

donít Eliam Donna what donít allium

you invented it

I mean you will invent it it's a

low-density alloyed that can only be

created in a natural low-gravity

environment like on the most with the

minor alterations to the subatomic

structure it just might work

I know what will work major alterations

arrest ugly atomic structures popping to

the transcendental a thingy browse you

should be messed with that Mikey relax I

know what I'm doing

you think it the machine makes it my Oh

the perfect likeness

hi I'm wrap here I hate that you get any

way to ensure that the time window

function stabili we could customize the

donít Eliam but that can only be done

in a low-gravity environment

ok sure then we'll just booked a flight

to the moon men

no problem it's actually not if you

happen to own an O'Neill text shuttle

which we do fantastic 11 time with us

running in no time trying window my

little genius built a functioning time

machine fantastic in peace haha

going back to God our focus was a

scientific expedition it is i want to

see how much where am I need to whack up

fall into RB well well

going somewhere on my board the guys

that I are going to the moon as your

legal guardian I absolutely for bridge

Hoskins council the moon shuttle flight

hold it there length who owns that

shuttle new technologies and who only

attack technically master Cody does then

technically we're at here but don't

worry we'll keep an eye on the kid he's

like a brother just one we actually like

regular great cheese

ow haha yeah

actually some Cody free time I be just


sweet air of freedom

it's been too long

your higher for Darius done is the one

that holds the key to our shackled white


gunjan terms you forget it how the

mighty have fallen

done careful Gunther or I'll put you

back where I found you

what do you want done I have an

experimental stealth shuttles standing

by to launch I want you to disrupt my

nephew and his pet in space is heading

towards the moon see that they don't

return before I'm finished getting the

plant i need from little Trudy's

computer and if they don't return at all

well fortunes of war why should we

simple the electronic scramblers

implanted deep inside your cerebral

cortexes and due to the stasis

generators i fixed upon you i can

activate at any time I choose from juicy

they let me monitor and control you want

to win any other question

we will obey your commands

minus 15 seconds and counting

who's driving this rust-bucket auto

somebody auto commander it's an

integrated navigation Program you mean

nobody's actually office

nobody's up dad wouldn't give me my

complimentary fabric and fluff my pillow


you look at that it's magnificent

what's that green structure that's where

we're going based Bishop shore of the

Sea of Tranquility bishop and

tranquility in the same sentence

what a concept is that really watered

down there Tony

yeah it's called terraforming science

what was set on meteorites

I don't know let me check the spacefield


that was no meteorites or other attack

Kody's simulated universe which others

are responding

this can't be good

there's no place to run

in a watching guns long time to pump

what happened sweetie run out of first

seed don't see the pressurized cabin

will be asked ipod


Davis abandonment

where is it or why are you hiding that

wonder extreme windows so I wasn't

expecting to see you sir

no will you be remembering me where was

not called figured out of someone else

and last that firewall we engage the

turtles they escaped boy

our ship is damaged failure is not an

option you want to stand you win erotic

there was a time when words like that

would back time is it

now what genius

now hold on to your shelf and prepared

away like trash

oh no the horror the horror he was so

young for rap

I'm sorry for all those times I called

your fat head and back but and fat and

they pull through

so where are we i'm guessing the Sea of

Tranquility site of the first lunar

landing those are neil armstrong

footprints right there if we weren't

being hunted by deadly flying crazies

this might be one of the coolest moments

in my entire life

the moonbase must be a couple of miles

over there and we send out a distress

signal the radios out so is the power

and we're leaking air back here we'll

use these ppl v's do be personal life

vestibules they use a force field to

create a temporary atmosphere envelope

around and ferreri we got across two

miles of ailis wasteland temporary no

way wow that bullet out of the gun today

he probably between us

they are protecting the boy when it

would be so easy to abandon

for that hatch

are you okay you happy

did the bad birdie here you you are so

credit must be an old construction if we

follow it should lead us right to the

moon base for at least one of these past

we'll we'll have to split up but keep

your victims open wrapping Mikey pick

the left-back I totally get the

splitting up strategy but how can we get

the charger creepy or tunnel

hey you scared hugs golly maybe I will

because unlike you will wrap the real

friends Mikey look out

I think it back your friends

Rach you're breaking up

there's some kind of interference it's

the wall they're lined with Donna tell

you the good news is the sensors

indicate we're headed the right way

great because we hurry she'll work there

they are intercepted Johnson won't move

we can finish it


again they protect the boy despite the

fact that he's a liability to them truly

honorable this is crazy i say we stand

and fight

I've got a better idea might buy us some

time ago will be making a colossal


oh this should be good

a business way

listen I'd like to see those featherhead

try something that way dungeon

what what kind of trick is this where

are they

yes I whether you guys gotta get the

moon BR that doesn't matter the kids

date with

Wow Cody


please help back he trapped under the


enjoy the quality I'm okay

that was a close one well let's get on

with it

our fight is over thank you for

reminding us what honor looks like what

ain't you gonna hit us not even Mikey

hey the tunnels are really fast you must


what about you guys

we will show you what honor looks like

go sorry you don't have much time

quick escape elevators in place we must

contain the water my brother only for a

few seconds

no faces generators are short-circuited

I've lost my clothes and Cody welcome

back its many times

well well the days not a total loss of

energy the time window haha

we made it thanks to the inner washy

gunjan then I guess it's never too late

to change wonder what put them over

I don't know but I just hope they have

gone to a better player

you know guide i think they are going to

a better place

For more infomation >> TMNT 2017 🐢🍕 Ninja Turtles Season 3 Episode 24 - Duration: 39:31.


Belief Sustains 4 Dimensional Entities - Duration: 8:57.

Belief Sustains 4-Dimensional Entities.

by Edward Morgan.

The beliefs of humans over time emits out of the physical plane and coalesces into higher

dimensional realms of consciousness where the specific beings that reflect the ideals

or spiritual entities in the minds of the people.

The dark entities don�t exist physically but are holograms of consciousness.

Whenever one feels one way or another in giving credence to the entity or god that they want

to nurture they are creating a pathway from the physical plane to that being on the immaterial


The physical plane then is the �seed� or �ground� where the seed of the ideas

can grow to become spiritual beings or feed already created spiritual beings.

Simply through the generation of the ideas, symbols, stories, entities, labels, names,

deities, are these beings given life and this is the magical game that is played out over

the population by influencing imagination, desires and fears.

Benevolent Entities Exist

If people believe in the entities that are stronger than the darker entires that are

of a vampiric nature then these entities come into existence and can entirely overpower

the darker entities.

A Game of Conviction (faith)

This all becomes a game of conviction and this is why there is so much emphasis on faith

and belief in the ancient spiritual texts describing the other layers of existence.

Thus the ones who worship the dark lords and perform ritualistic events to continually

pump belief energy into those dark spiritual entities that are created by such belief must

be matched and overpowered in conviction by those who place their power and self-motivation

in the existence and spiritual nature of those healing entities that do not correspond to

a malevolent or vampiric nature.

To Protect Humanity

They say they are keeping the entities at bay through this, and that the entities plan

on invading but are held off as long as these processes are performed.

Truth, Wholeness, Self-Awareness, Harmony, Positivity Overpowers Deception, Partiality,

Automation, Chaos, Negativity

Spiritual wholeness always empowers over spiritual partiality and deception.

Truth is always stronger, wholeness, harmony, self-awareness, self-empowerment through unity

is always more empowering than delusion, vanity, chaos, fear, and other lower-emotional emission

based methods to produce and sustain higher dimensional entities.

The Requirement of Rituals (repeated faith fulfilling and generating ceremonies) to Produce

Unnaturally Generated Beings

Humanity�s True Power to Overcome via Self-Awareness and Choice

This is why there is a need for continuous ritual and a continuous feeding of these entities,

because it is known that all humanity has to do is come to realize the true nature of

the universe and consciousness as an energy construct related to mind and spirit and thus

the majority of people would not choose to be a part of a subservience system where everyone

is energetically entrapped and enslaved to lower-dimensional vampiric entities but would

choose to generated a system of harmony, balance, and congruence throughout all planes where

individuals get a chance to be productive and co-exist to produce greater and greater

works that can remain into what could be called eternity.

Life is Naturally Self-Sustaining, Life is Harmony, Self-Awareness is the Basis for Knowledge

and Truth

Once a self-sustaining cycle is developed, then this cannot be overtaken and life is

a perfect system that can continue itself indefinitely.

Only by circumventing the natural development of energies, desires, profession, and natures

can one produce a side-reality that will suffice for personal reasons like greed, lust, and

violence for a period of time, but the larger mechanism of existence to always flow towards

order and higher-level organization and truth will always overcome those darker systems

which must be personally and forcefully generated through these ritualistic processes.

In other words, the natural flow of existence is to produce harmony, truth, self-awareness,

compatibility and unity.

One must apply extra energy to divert that system, like a river, into many side-channels

that then twist and feed secondary sources that then intended original aspects and this

is the imitation system of the Lucifer Rebellion that began thousands (if not millions) of

years ago.

The Unnaturally Generated Spiritual Entities are Secondary and Partial to the Original

Whole of the Spiritual and Material Planes

That secondary system is a leech system, it is operated as a counterpart or imitation

of the original system and is not the aspect

The original protectors are connected to Earth and humanity in just this way.

Some say there will always be rapists, murderers, and sick-minded individuals.

The truth is that these are symptoms of a disease and the diseases are produced and

edited into the genetic material so as to produce chaos and profit from that chaos.

Very naturally, people could develop stronger spiritual and physical immune systems and

society can maintain control, to the point where the unimaginable futuristic technology

of the underground bases would not even be required to live as awakened spiritual beings

in control of the aspects of existence in full self-awareness of the possibilities.

The possibilities are within, through our ability to adapt and choose the path of discipline

and only when people choose to ignore that on a mass scale do we get these unnatural

experiences and so this means eventually those experiences will fade away while the original

essence or blueprint of spirituality, life, and self-awareness will surely return for

they are sewn into the very nature of existence in the first place.

The premise cannot by overcome by the conclusion.

The side-effects of reality and deception cannot overcome the original truth of the

existence of life.

Living in the Spiritual Oppression System

Those who accept and live by an oppression based system of servitude and lack of critical

thinking are feeding into that existence in the higher planes beyond the physical realm.

The ideals we hold when we interact with others, when we view and relate to others, and how

we view and relate ourselves to the world depict the frequency of the energy that we

emit into the universe and thus the layers of the spiritual planes that we are building

our body and our �houses� unto.

The Lower Emotions Generate the Lower Spiritual Realms and Entities

Any lower emotional emissions such as jealousy, angst, hatred, oppression, disrespect, combativeness,

miscreant, mischievousness, greed, disharmony and other expressions construct and etherically

tie one to those higher layers of existence and �make� their abode there in that light.

The Higher Emotions Generate the Higher Spiritual Realms and Entities

So to produce harmony, respect, self-respect, healing, unity, clarity, neutrality, joy and

acceptance produces that on the higher planes and builds ones spiritual existence and home

in that light.

Discipline Enables Self-Empowerment, Challenge Enables Discipline, Contrast Enables Challenge

Another aspect is that one essence never seems more well-defined and true when viewed in

contrast to its opposite.

So the most powerful way to produce these energies of harmony, self-respect, and healing

is to produce such responses in the face of adversity and disrespect.

Thus is the other aspect of the gang-stalking system where this is a universal opportunity

to make the most powerful shift in the existence of the human race towards the higher end of

the spectrum where peace and abundance

is spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and thus physically present in this realm.

For more infomation >> Belief Sustains 4 Dimensional Entities - Duration: 8:57.


The Media Can No Longer Hide the Truth About Fukushima — the Entire World is in Danger - Duration: 10:36.

The Media Can No Longer Hide the Truth About Fukushima � the Entire World is in Danger

We first want to thank Fox News for FINALLY reporting on a subject that has been highly

censored by the mainstream media for the past 5+ years, the situation in Fukushima, Japan

is completely out of control.

While Fox News recently reported that radiation levels at Fukushima were now at �unimaginable

levels� more than 5 years after the disastrous earthquake and tsunami struck, as Steve Quayle

asked in an SQNote he left while linking to that story, why has the mainstream media been

silent all of this time?

We�ve long believed that �reality� has a way of �awakening� everybody and the

stories recently coming across the wire over at ENENews have been mind-numbing the last

few weeks to say the least.

You can hear the Fox News report on Fukushima in the 1st video below while in the 2nd video,

Mike Adams over at Natural News gives us a new update on the �Fukushima radiation apocalypse�

that has been steadily spewing poisons into our atmosphere for almost 6 years now with

hardly a peep from the MSM.

In the most recent stories from ENENews, on February 5th they reported the heartbreaking

news that a record high number of whale deaths had recently been reported surrounding the

Hawaiian Islands with the sick and starving animals allegedly a �mystery� to experts.

Reporting that rotting carcasses were scattered throughout the islands, how can so-called

experts NOT know that Fukushima poisons flowing into our oceans for years are most likely

to blame?

As Adams tells us in his video, the sustainability of all life throughout the Northern hemisphere

is in danger and the entire MSM up until now has been in a complete blackout mode except

for this recent reports.

Do CNN, MSNBC and the rest of them think that if they DON�T report upon Fukushima, what�s

happening to the fish and our oceans is �fake news�?

Do they think that because we can�t actually SEE the radiation, it�s not really there?

The MSM�s failure to report upon Fukushima may be the final straw that not only breaks

the camel�s back but puts that camel out of our misery.

For the past several years, we�ve reported horror story after horror story of sea life

dying all across the Pacific Ocean and up and down the entire West coast, from Alaska

to California.

Also documented in great detail over the past several years by ENENews, with mass animal

deaths all across the world being kept track of by End Times Prophecy, it�s clear that

the mainstream media has completely failed the American public on Fukushima.

Another recent story over at ENENews reports on Fox News� sudden admission that Fukushima

is out of control, highlighting a few phrases used by Fox in their report that shows just

how completely out of touch the MSM has been with reality over the past 5+ years.

Their story also brings to light:

Fox News, Feb 8, 2017 (emphasis added): Adam Housley, who reported from the area in 2011

following the catastrophic triple-meltdown, said this morning that new fuel leaks have

been discovered�

He said that critics, including the U.S. military in 2011, have long questioned whether Tokyo

Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) and officials have been providing accurate information on the

severity of the radiation�

He added that critics are now questioning whether the radiation has been this severe

all along.

Fox News video transcript excerpts, Feb 8, 2017: �Experts believe melted fuel is leaking

inside the plant almost daily�

No one knew [in 2011] of the growing threat which today only continues to get worse�

Wow, this is a crazy story� What some people are saying is, � Has it been this bad since

the beginning?��

Quite surprisingly after all of their years of silence, the Washington Post actually finally

reported on Fukushima on February 8th in a story in which they asked:

�Could the radiation level be even higher?


The 530 sievert reading was recorded some distance from the melted fuel, so in reality

it could be 10 times higher than recorded� said Hideyuki Ban, co-director of Citizens�

Nuclear Information Center.

Imagine that� ten times higher than the �unimaginable levels� already detected.

Is this why the MSM is finally reporting upon Fukushima?

As a commenter on the Washington Post story wisely mentions, we�re watching a run-a-way

train speeding completely out of control and experts have admitted, there is really no

way to stop it� and least not in the next several decades.

Devastating to our oceans and therefore our food chain, we read in the new SQAlert seen

below that most Americans are completely clueless to what is happening to the Pacific Ocean

and up and down the West Coast of America.



Regarding this forever-lied-about Fukushima tonnage released daily, the problem is two-fold�

1) only a small (yet growing) number of dumbed-down, Facebook and Twitter-absorbed, McDonald�s

food-engorging people are even AWARE� yes, after five years� of how serious Fukushima


It is because the mainstream media doesn�t breathe a word about it.


I sent the bleak and depressing coast-of-Chile sardine kill photos to friends everywhere

and not even ONE (we are talking about people your age and mine� about 65� highly successful

and intelligent) wrote me back with perhaps a query as to whether it MUST BE radiation

from Fukushima or if it MIGHT HOPEFULLY BE El Nino algae �red bloom� choking off










And the ignorance of the American people in itself is the work of the MSM, neglecting

to report upon what could be the most important health story in America and the northern hemisphere

today � a story that up until now, has flown completely under the MSM radar.

So why would the MSM �black out� Fukushima for nearly 6 years and why are they suddenly

reporting upon what�s happening there now?

In the new story from Mike Adams over at Natural News he reports �there are times when I�m

convinced humanity is a suicidal cult of complete idiots whose only real achievement is figuring

out increasingly obscene ways to distract themselves from reality.�

Adams points out that while most of the nation was fixated on the Super Bowl and Lady Gaga,

the Fukushima disaster got much worse�and the MSM remained silent.

In the new story from Ethan Huff over at Outbreak.News he reports that according to one liberal college

professor, the world will be much better off without 90% of the population.

Professor Eric Pianka from the University of Texas claims the Earth is way overdue for

a massive die-off.

And with much of the left thinking murdering babies is ok, as is �expressing their love

through violence upon those who don�t think like they do�, might Fukushima be the �ultimate

depopulation weapon�, intentionally unleashed upon �the West�, an endless radiological

attack upon the Northern hemisphere, one we cannot see nor smell nor taste?

The fact that the mainstream media has seemingly gone out of their way to cover up what has

been happening at Fukushima for almost 6 years now gives us a hint that something much more

might be at play.

And the fact that liberal professors such as Eric Pianka seemingly have a death wish

for our society should prove to us what kind of people have gained power over the past

decade+, and that have led to snowflakes suffering nuclear meltdowns on US college campuses.

From Outbreak.News:

�This is really an exciting time,� Pianka is quoted as saying amid warnings of an apocalyptic



This is what awaits us all.


Pianka�s collective death wish for humanity fits right into the current eugenics plan

of limitless abortion, which has become a rallying cry of the political left.

Just recently, millions of women marched on Washington, D.C., to demand that they continue

having access to abortion clinics where they can murder their unborn babies on a whim � because

this is supposedly their right as women.

Such evil is exactly the type of thing that Pianka seems to embrace as good in his distorted


Killing off humans is a good thing in his demented mind, and this message of human destruction

is continually being spread to impressionable young men and women attending college who

likely never thought they would encounter this toxic message while trying to get an


After making his initial statements in front of a diverse crowd at the Texas Academy of

Sciences, Pianka was later approached by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after

being reported as a potential terrorist.

In the final video below, Alex Jones from Infowars talks with us about Fukushima and

the massive mainstream news media blackout and coverup that has been going for 5+ years,

comparing what�s happening at Fukushima to climate change and global warming while

proving to us the MSM has an �agenda�, while asking: �what are they still hiding?

For more infomation >> The Media Can No Longer Hide the Truth About Fukushima — the Entire World is in Danger - Duration: 10:36.


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For more infomation >> Internet Marketing Digital Marketing Online | - Duration: 0:39.




So cute!

I have to learn how to film...

Day 1 - Saturday

Oh no my god not the bucket!

That's gross!

I like it!

So cool!

Thank you!!

Hi there, Undyne!


"Careful your spike!"

Look at that guy with the apron

Why do you have Flowey there?

Because Asriel is Flowey!

The fear of spoiler


She's gonna kill me, mom!


Is it the (-oh sorry) the Undertale community!?


Where has Sans gone? Oh, she's coming!


It was awesome!


Yeah, super tiring

So... We're going home.

So here we are, walking in the street with our *marvelous* armors

It's fantastic

Not a lot of purchases, uh, almost nothing

Yeah, nothing actually

We didn't have time, there was too many people!

We were stopping every 2 seconds!

We couldn't go 3 meters without having a photo

That's right!

Well this is a big first for us! We're happy!

This is our first armors

Eh I don't have an armor!

You shall not pass!

It's embarassing!

Saturday - end

We can't see anything


Why's that?

Second day -ouch

*le sun*

Day 2 - Sunday

Warren in his natural habitat, huh

Ok so, second day of TGS, Sunday

and we're as Life Is Strange


Dunno if I'm framing..


A Warren!



No! Is that true?


Keep it!

Put on the ball


Dinner time!

With Doctor Who!


Ahh, pizzas...

La pizza! La pizza!


Is he looking at us?

What just happened just now!!

We saw François...

Descraques (french screen writer/actor on internet)

He took a picture with us!

With his phone!


And he told us:



And he said he was going to send it to the creator of the game but I don't believe him.

It was ironic

I don't know...

So that's it, we were as Life Is Strange today and we're leaving!


uh hi

It's the end of TGS

We're very tired

A lot

But we saw François

Ah yes

Next convention: Spring Break, TGS Spring Break

In april I think?

Yes, that's right.

the end

Thanks everyone!

See you soon <3

Next stop:

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