Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 15 2017

Games for Girls _ Elsa And Anna Easter Fun By Kids Games TV

For more infomation >> Games for Girls Elsa And Anna Easter Fun | Review Games for Girls | Kids Games TV - Duration: 7:07.


Games for Kids Online Dunces and Dragons| Review Games for Kids | Intellectual Game 4 Kids - Duration: 2:37.

Games for Kids Online Dunces and Dragons| Review Games for Kids | Intellectual Game 4 Kids

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Online Dunces and Dragons| Review Games for Kids | Intellectual Game 4 Kids - Duration: 2:37.


마왕의 도움따윈 받지 않는 이세계 용사 - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> 마왕의 도움따윈 받지 않는 이세계 용사 - Duration: 1:35.


Diet For Women's Bodybuilding - Duration: 2:43.

Hi this is IFBB Maureen Blanquisco and now I wanna talk about the diet for the Women Bodybuilding.

Women bodybuilding is another level.

You are going to need a coach here.

You can't just compete by yourself without any second eye

I recommended to get alleged coach.

Because your boyfriend, your mother, anyone in your family could say you look good

but maybe you are not prepared enough for the Women Bodybuilding category.

Second eye is very good. To have a second eye that is perfect.

The diet for Women Bodybuilding contains of course off-season and on-season.

The off-season in Women Bodybuiulding is quiet a bit longer.

Because in Women Bodybuilding category the judges are looking for more muscle mass and leaner and hard look.

That is what they go for true.

In off-season it is mostly you are going to need 2-3 years of bulking. Maybe one year.

If you have enough muscle mass

In a bulking side you are going to have to go up with you calorie intake which is high proteins, high carbs and high fats intake

In on-season it is kind of the same thing. You have high carbs, low carbs and medium carbs.

The amount of calorie intake is the difference.

Between off and on season.

In on-season we need to manipulate your carbs intake.

Then you reduce or increase the fat loss

I still recommended to get your own coach because everybody is not the same.

It always appraise on what off-season body you are into now and what shape you are into now.

He will see where it goes

If you have any question please do not hesitate to question right below.

or If you wanna see the Women Fitness diet just click right here

and you will se my next video

For more infomation >> Diet For Women's Bodybuilding - Duration: 2:43.


Why People on Accutane for Acne Treatment Should Stop the Drug Before PRP and/or Microneedling - Duration: 8:33.

Thank you for your question.

You submitted a single photo and the question you are stating that you've been on Accutane

10 mg for less than a month and you want to know if it's safe to do platelet-rich plasma

(PRP) and you were concern about the effect of improvement of the skin quality and you

want to know whether there is an issue while you are on Accutane or should you wait until

you stop using Accutane before doing platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

Well, I can certainly give you my perspective on your question and on how I counsel someone

like yourself in my practice.

So just a little bit of background, I'm a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained

oculofacial plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

I've been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years and I use a lot of

platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in my practice for everything such as improvement of skin

glow and in terms of complexion for acne scars, for under eye dark circles, I use a lot for

healing after laser and we even combined that with Acellular matrix in a method we developed

called Hair Regeneration for male and female pattern hair loss.

So, I have a lot of experience with platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

So, I understand your eagerness to want to do something but you should at least have

an understanding of what the role of Accutane is for your situation.

Clearly, you met with the physician who felt that it was beneficial to you to have / to

be placed with Accutane and the reason is because you are dealing with a lot of inflammation,

a lot of acne.

So what Accutane essentially does it shrinks the glands that are responsible for secreting

the oils that are associated with acne.

Now it is important to understand when this advice is given about stopping Accutane and

then doing a procedure it is generally with the idea of how is the skin going to heal.

You see the functional restoration of let's say the skin after trauma or injury.

the epidermis requires functioning what's called pilosebaceous units.

The little hair follicles that are called the vellus hair as well as the regular hair

follicles that you can see that's where the epidermis come back from.

Now that being understood, you can understand that when the skin is traumatized in someone

who is on Accutane there is a potential for scarring that's undesirable.

So when it comes to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) technically speaking you can get platelet-rich

plasma (PRP) injection because the injection is not really traumatizing the skin very much

but the question really is from my mind is what's the role of platelet-rich plasma

(PRP) at this point of your acne treatment.

I would typically suggest to someone like yourself is to wait, allow active inflammation

be resolved, see how your skin looks and then you can start with considering doing platelet-rich

plasma (PRP) and seeing how it improves the skin.

You know platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a concentration of the wound healing factors necessary when

you have a cut.

So it stimulates collagen, it stimulates blood supply, it does so many things that benefit

the skin quality that we use it a lot to help our patients in a variety of situations as

I mentioned earlier.

So from that understanding it's almost like you might be overlapping something unnecessarily,

you may want to just first resolve active inflammation.

Let the acne resolve and calm down and then consider platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection

and I want to differentiate that from the treatments that often are combined with platelet-rich

plasma (PRP) such as microneedling.

If you are going to microneedle then now you are making multiple injuries in the skin and

you really rely on the skin to be regenerated through the hair follicles.

So in general, I would say that for mild procedure with minimal trauma like microneedling you

want to wait at least 3 months and probably I would recommend 6 months.

I think there isn't a lot lost and I think that is what probably concern most about is

missed opportunities but I would tell you that we use platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in

people who are much older and they benefit so you don't have to necessarily rush everything

all at once.

I would say allow the Accutane to work, do whatever else you need to do, discuss with

your doctor when is safe to do this other procedures, let your doctor guide you.

Usually, Accutane is prescribed by a dermatologist.

Dermatologist have the most experience with the use of this drug because they treat so

much acne particularly adolescent acne and in that subgroup cystic acne and so it is

very important that an experience doctor guide you about their opinion based on when they

recommend patients do anything invasive after completion of Accutane therapy.

In our practice we always wait at least 6 months and even it's a little bit longer

or a year that's okay too because in these types of situations where we try to work on

improving skin quality this timeframe is really not that much of an issue, and in terms of

missed opportunity, your skin is not going to deteriorate in that time if you do something.

The skin especially when you are younger has remarkable resilience and so just do things

methodically and it's not always best to do multiple things at once.

So I hope that was helpful, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your question.

For more infomation >> Why People on Accutane for Acne Treatment Should Stop the Drug Before PRP and/or Microneedling - Duration: 8:33.


Independent counsel seeking second arrest warrant for Samsung heir apparent - Duration: 2:30.

The independent counsel team investigating the massive corruption scandal engulfing Korea

has filed for a second arrest warrant for Samsung heir apparent Lee Jae-yong with additional


The court plans to review the request at a hearing Thursday morning.

Our Hwang Hojun reports from the independent counsel office.

Diverting assets overseas and concealing gains from a criminal act.

These are the two additional charges the independent counsel team included when it filed for a

second arrest warrant for Samsung heir apparent Lee Jae-yong.

That's on top of the original charges of bribery, embezzlement and perjury the team filed against

Lee with its first request for an arrest warrant, which was rejected last month.

The charges stem from Samsung Group's alleged transfer of about 7 million U.S. dollars to

the foundation Core Sports, located in Germany and owned by Choi Soon-sil, the jailed confidante

of the Korean president -- allegedly without reporting the transaction.

The current law requires that reports be filed for single overseas transactions of 20-thousand

dollars and transactions of 50-thousand dollars per year.

The Korean tech giant also funneled nearly 38 million dollars... to entities controlled

by Choi.

The independent counsel believes the money was given in exchange for support of a 2015

merger of two Samsung affiliates, Samsung C&T and Cheil industries, that was deemed

critical to finalizing Lee's succession to the top of the country's biggest business


Meanwhile, the spokesperson on Wednesday refuted speculation that the counsel is targeting

Samsung,... instead of investigating the corruption scandal as a whole.

"This investigation is about civilians, including Choi Soon-sil, meddling in state affairs.

There are allegations that Choi used her personal ties to President Park... or possibly even

colluded with the president... to receive money and valuables from Samsung.

That's why we're investigating the conglomerate.

We're not targeting the conglomerate."

The team said Tuesday that it would be impossible to investigate the 52 other conglomerates

that allegedly gave money to Choi because of a lack of time.

The counsel has a mandate that expires at the end of the month, with the option of a

one-time, 30-day extension.

"The court will review the independent counsel team's request for an arrest warrant for Lee

Jae-yong on Thursday morning.

The decision is expected to come out that night or early the next day.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Independent counsel seeking second arrest warrant for Samsung heir apparent - Duration: 2:30.


Nearly 46,000 overseas Koreans register for citizen ID cards - Duration: 0:48.

A system introduced two years ago... allowing Koreans with foreign nationalities to get

citizen ID cards while living in Korea... has surged in popularity.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, as of the end of last year nearly 46-thousand

people had registered for an ID since the system was first introduced in early 2015.

It allows overseas Koreans living in Korea longer than thirty days... to get identification

that works just like that used by local citizens... to reduce the difficulties they face in routine

business like dealing with banks or the government.

It's also meant to give them a stronger connection to Korean society.

Ministry data also show 70 percent of these foreign nationals of Korean origin were living

in Seoul or the surrounding Gyeonggi-do Province.

For more infomation >> Nearly 46,000 overseas Koreans register for citizen ID cards - Duration: 0:48.


5 Home Exercises for Women - Duration: 4:16.

Hi, I'm IFBB Maureen Blanquisco and I'm here to show you my five Full Body Workout exercises

That you could do everywhere without going to gym

You can use it at home. Evereywhere is not so much complicated equipment.

The first exercise I wanna show you that will be the normal push-ups

If you are begginer you can always start with the single.

It looks like plank but you can always put your knees down like so.

That we do 10-15 reps. As you wish.

We start one.

Always look front.

Tight core.

If you think it is too easy for you , you can always make it a little bit harder. Challenge yourself a little bit.

Put your legs up like this.

Just the same as plank.

Do 10 to 15 reps.

The second exercise I wanna showy you is for the triceps.

It is very basic but it is very active

All you have to do is to find the table or chair.

Put all the weight on the triceps.

Go down from 10 to 15 reps.

So we start one.

Really push those triceps.

The next exercise is very good for shoulders.

For those people who wanna change a little bit shape of shoulders.

This is very good exercise is quite heavy but you can make a drill out of it.

All you have to do is to do this position

Put all the weight on the shoulders.

Do 10 to 15 reps.

There you have it. It is very good for the shoulders that you can do at home.

I'm going next to the leg workout that you can do at home.

This is very great to active lower body from the hamstrings to glutes.

So I'm going to do jumping lounges

So we do 15 reps at least.

So we start at...

For the next exercise we are going to use resistant band but you don't need to use this.

I recommended resistant band.

That is what I call walking dead.

Because it is going to make you

It is very tiring for your glutes and activate all your legs when you walk.

All you have to do is squat down and you walk side



Do 10-15 reps to burn it out

or maybe even 20

After this I recommend doing this walking dead to all leg sesion to burn out all the glutes

To pump it.

So there you guys have it

You can do those exercises maybe two to three times a week as you wish.

Don't forget that all training needs a good warm-up

And don't forget to stretch.

For more infomation >> 5 Home Exercises for Women - Duration: 4:16.


Coloring Spiderman Red and Yellow for Learn Coloring for Kids - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Coloring Spiderman Red and Yellow for Learn Coloring for Kids - Duration: 2:46.


Korean athletes arrive in Sapporo for 2017 Asian Winter Games - Duration: 1:35.

Athletes representing South Korea arrived in Sapporo Japan, for the upcoming Asian Winter

Games They're staying in new accommodations, after

a feud with a hotel that displays books with a revisionist bent.

Oh Jung-hee takes us to the host city.

The athletes of Team Korea who are slated to compete in the upcoming Asian Winter Games

have arrived in Sapporo, Japan.

Korea will be represented by 142 athletes in five sports -- skating, skiing, biathlon,

curling and hockey -- and the team is traveling with 79 officials.

As the games come a year before next year's Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, Korea is hoping

for a good result.

It's aiming for 15 gold medals and a second-place finish.

Korea's previous record for gold medals at the Winter Asiad is 13,... achieved at the

2011 games in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

The games get underway on Sunday and run through the following Sunday, February 26th.

Meanwhile, Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency has confirmed... that Japan's APA hotel chain,

the official accommodations for the Asian Games athletes,... is still displaying books

with a revisionist bent, after it vowed to remove them.

The books -- which deny Japan's sexual enslavement of women during World War Two and the Nanjing

Massacre -- have been removed from the hotel lobby... but are still in place in the guest


Korea and China have both filed complaints with Japan's Olympic Committee and the organizing

committee of the Sapporo Asian Winter Games... and changed the athletes' accommodations last


Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korean athletes arrive in Sapporo for 2017 Asian Winter Games - Duration: 1:35.



they said apple cider vinegar is great

for you but this is what they didn't


apple cider vinegar is more than just a

commonly-used ingredient in your kitchen

with powerful antiseptic properties

namely vinegar is able to detoxify your

whole body and eliminate all toxic

compounds and waste

however you should realize that apple

cider vinegar has a high acid content

that can damage your tooth enamel if you

do not take the proper precautions

beneficial uses of apple cider vinegar

some of which you may be learning about

for the first time

a loss

ACV can restore the peace

each balance of your scalp of

stimulating healthy hair growth it is

also effective treating the scalp and


in addition it eliminates the dead skin

cells that usually clog the hair

follicles and Tom hair growth


cider vinegar can provide relief in the

case of joint pain migraine it actually

detoxifies your body regulate blood

pressure promote weight loss balance

blood sugar and blood pressure and help

in the case of constipation


you can use roar

cider vinegar and unfiltered to minimize

the symptoms of the crops


add 1 tablespoon of ACV 28 ounces of

water and drink it before bedtime

this will help you fall asleep faster

and wake up refreshed the next day

blood loss

nosebleeds critical for no apparent

reason drink a mixture of two

tablespoons of stroke and a glass of

water three times a day

ndtv stimulates the process of natural

blood clotting


the aching entire dice drink a mixture

of two tablespoons of apple cider

vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey three

times a day

incoming share

a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and

water before meals to leave reflux and


blood clotting

stimulates the natural process of blood

clotting to drink 2 tablespoons of apple

cider vinegar in a glass filled with

water three times during the day in

order to stop assistant bleeding in the



Cubs drinking tea spoon of apple cider

vinegar in a glass of water before meals


drinking makes sure

tablespoons of ACV and water during the

data relieved allergy symptoms including

hay fever


to stop bleeding from the cut drinking

glasses the following mixture at least

six times a day 2 teaspoons of apple

cider vinegar to half a glass of water



Me-Mover for JAPAN - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Me-Mover for JAPAN - Duration: 2:33.


King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Cartoons Elephant Lion Tiger Horse Song Dinosaurs Movie Bear Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 12:29.

King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Cartoons Elephant Lion Tiger Elephant Dinosaurs Movie Bear Cartoons For Kids

For more infomation >> King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Cartoons Elephant Lion Tiger Horse Song Dinosaurs Movie Bear Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 12:29.


Kids song collection | Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs by Anon Kids | Poems for kids in english - Duration: 36:07.

An apple slice, a cucumber

Peas and rice

For our hunger

Come on everyone Give me company

Crunch crunch

Go the carrots I munch munch

Like the parrots

Come on everyone finish off your meal..

Fruits and veggies, Fruits and veggies,

Grains and cereal

One by one they march;

Between my teeth

And down my throat

Round and round

A yummy swirl in my tummy..!

You and I;

And all our friends

We'll be strong and tall

Let's all eat

And drink water

We'll be healthy and happy.. Come on;

Everyone; Give me company

Come on everyone Give me company

Come on everyone finish off your meal

Everyone; Give me company

Come on everyone Give me company

Come on everyone Give me company

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after.

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water.

Then up got Jack and said to Jill,

As in his arms he took her,

"Brush off that dirt for you're not hurt,

Let's fetch that pail of water."

Then up got Jack and said to Jill,

Let's fetch that pail of water."

So Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch the pail of water,

And took it home to Mother dear,

Who thanked her son and daughter.

So Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water,

And took it home to Mother dear,

Who thanked her son and daughter

There was a little turtle

He lived in a box

He swam in a puddle

He climbed upon the rocks

He snapped at a mosquito

He snapped at a flea

He snapped at a minnow

And he snapped at me.

He caught the mosquito

He caught the flea

He caught the minnow

But he did not catch me!

I had a little Puppy... His name was Mack McCrae;

I lent him to Miss Miller

While I was far away...

Oh oh Puppy... His name was Mack McCrae;

She petted him, she fed him

On things to make him fat;

And when I came back home again,

My Puppy was a dog!

Oh My Puppy... My Puppy was a dog!

Oh oh Puppy... His name was Mack McCrae;

Oh oh Puppy... My Puppy was a dog!

Oh, you beautiful bumblebee...

Don't go buzzin' yourself at me...

Oh, you beautiful bumblebee...

Don't go buzzin' yourself at me!

Oh, you beautiful bumblebee...

Don't go buzzin' yourself at me...

There's no honey inside my head...

Go and buzz at a flow'r instead...

There's no honey inside my head...

Go and buzz at a flow'r instead...

Oh, you beautiful bumblebee...

Don't go buzzin' at me...!

Five little froggies sat on the shore

One went for a swim then there were four

Four little froggies sat on the shore

Four little froggies looked out to sea

One went swim and then there were three

Three little froggies sat on the shore

Three little froggies said "What can we do?"

One Jumped in the water then there were two

Two little froggies sat on the shore

Two little froggies sat in the sun

One swam off and then there was one

One little froggie sat on the shore

One little froggie said "This is no fun"

He dived in the water then there were none!

No little froggies left on the shore

Spread your arms out wide

Wings of an aeroplane

Here's ready to glide!

A big, big aeroplane!

Our aeroplane goes!

Bend your little knees

Fly low, low, low

Zigzag above trees

Sometimes slow.

Our aeroplane goes!

Now on your tiptoes,

Fly high, high, high

Faster above those

Clouds in the sky

Our aeroplane goes!

Tip to the right,

Then tip to the left

Tip into a cloud and

Wriggle, jiggle, shake

Our aeroplane goes!

In sun shine bright

Over hills and vales,

Fly over a sight

Like in a fairy tale

Our aeroplane goes

Our aeroplane goes

Our aeroplane goes

Our aeroplane goes

Lovely kites in the sky

Light and bright, floating high

They dance and they sway

In the breeze all the day..!

See them glide in wavy trails,

Followed by their swirly tails.

They dance and they sway,

In the breeze all the day..!

Like the birds Up, up they soar

Pretty diamonds in merry colours

They dance and they sway..

In the breeze all the day..

Red and yellow, blue and green

Like the rainbow, they gleam

They dance and they sway,

In the breeze all the day..

They bring smiles to you and me,

Across miles in between

They dance and they sway,

In the breeze all the day..

They dance and they sway

In the breeze all the day..

My little kitty so cute and pretty!

She follows me all around the city

On her back she lies

She blinks her eyes

My little kitty so cute and pretty!

She softly purrs when I stroke her fur

She laps up quick

From her bowl of milk

My little kitty So cute and pretty!

She has stripes of gold and whiskers bold

She's small and sweet

To the eyes, a treat

My little kitty so cute and pretty!

She loves to cuddle below the couch

And dances with me

To the tune of rhymes

My little kitty So cute and pretty

So cute and pretty

My little kitty So cute and pretty

So cute and pretty

Together we solve

Jigsaws of animals, Together we build

Towers of building blocks

Together we paint

Rainbows pink and yellow

Together we make Satin bows That shine and glow..

We are friends

Best friends

All the time we happily spend,

When we fight We make amends,

We play at school And after it ends,

We are friends

Best friends

All the time we happily spend,

When we fight We make amends,

We are friends Best friends..

Together we run

And swing and slide at the park

Together we jump, Play see-saw

And climb on a toy shark.

Together we learn

All lessons taught at the school,

Together we enjoy

Our vacation every June

We are friends

Best friends,

All the time We happily spend,

When we fight We make amends,

We play at school And after it ends,

We are friends

Best friends

All the time we happily spend,

When we fight We make amends,

We are friends Best friends...

Hot cross buns, Hot cross buns,

one ha' penny, two ha' penny,

hot cross buns.

one ha' penny, two ha' penny,

hot cross buns.

Hot cross buns, Hot cross buns,

one ha' penny, two ha' penny,

hot cross buns.

one ha' penny, two ha' penny,

hot cross buns.

If you have no daughters,

Give them to your sons,

one ha' penny, two ha' penny,

Hot Cross Buns

one ha' penny, two ha' penny,

hot cross buns.

We walk along We sing along

We are going to the big big zoo..

There are Lions that roar

Sea lions at the shore

And an elephant blue

At the big big zoo

We walk along We sing along

We are going to the big big zoo..

Chimpanzees laugh,

Cute chipmunks jump

On tiny legs two

At the big big zoo..

We walk along We sing along

We are going to the big big zoo..

Pretty striped zebras

All from Africa

Spotty Giraffes too

At the big big zoo..

We walk along we sing along

We are going to the big big zoo..

Dancing peacocks,

Singing Amazon parrots

Green doves coo

At the big big zoo..

We walk along we sing along

We are going to the big big zoo..

The hippopotamus

Bears and polar bears

Baby pandas few

At the big big zoo..

We walk along we sing along

We are going to the big big zoo..

Stingrays, eels

And turtles swim

There's a Crocodile too

At the big big zoo ...

Come walk along Come sing along

Come with us to the big big zoo..

I've a dear little dolly

And her eyes are bright blue.

She can open and shut them

And she smiles at me too...

I've a dear little dolly,

And her eyes are bright blue...

She can open and shut them

And she smiles at me too...

In the morning, I wake her

And I take her out to play.

But what I like best is to rock her

At the close of the day...

I've a dear little dolly

And her eyes are bright blue.

She can open and shut them,

And she smiles at me too..

One, two, three, four, five

Once I caught a fish alive.

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Then I let it go again.

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Then I let it go again.

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so...

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so...

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so...

Which finger did it bite?

The little finger on the right..

Which finger did it bite?

The little finger on the right.

I'm a little monkey

How do you do today?

See me take my hat off

When I shout "Hooray"

I can clap my hands

And stamp upon the floor

See if you can do the same

And then we'll have some more

I'm a little monkey

Hey hey

I'm a little monkey


I'm a little monkey

Hey hey hey..

I'm a little monkey


I'm a little monkey

Hey hey hip hurray

I can stick my hands out

Then tuck them away

See my head go nodding

Nodding all the day

I'm a little monkey

Hip hip hurray

I'm a little monkey

Hey hey

I'm a little monkey

Hey hey hey

I'm a little monkey


I'm a little monkey

Hey hey hey

I'm a little monkey


I'm a little monkey

Hey hey hey

I'm a little monkey


When I sing, they clap

When I dance, they tap

When I smile, they also smile!

When I run, they cheer

When I fear, they're here

When I'm fine they're also fine!

I love my mom,

She loves me back

I love my dad,

He loves me back

Brothers, sisters, grandparents,

Uncles, aunts, and everyone

I love my family....

Yeah! My family..!

When they're near I am glad

When they're far I am sad

Yet I know, I know They're always mine!

I love my mom

She loves me back

I love my dad,

He loves me back

Brothers, sisters, grandparents,

Uncles, aunts, and everyone

I love my family..

Yeah! I love my family..!

Hen, hen, count to ten;

Goat, goat, get your coat;

Pig, pig, dance a jig;

Hen, Goat, Pig

Mouse, mouse, build a house;

Chick, chick, make it quick;

Cat, cat, find your hat;

Mouse, Chick, Cat

Bear, bear, go upstairs;

Mite, mite, say good night;

Sheep, sheep, go to sleep.;

Bear, Mite, Sheep

Little Bo Peep

has lost her sheep

And doesn't know

Where to find them.

Leave them alone

And they'll come home

Wagging their tails behind them.

Little Bo Peep

She looked for her sheep

But didn't quite know

How to find them.

She looked everywhere,

From here and to there

But still couldn't think

where to find them.

Little Bo Peep

Began to weep,

And lay down to rest for a while..

She fell asleep

While counting her sheep

Then dreamt they came home with a smile..

Little Bo Peep

had fallen asleep

And dreamt that she was alone..

But when she woke

And pulled back her cloak

She saw that her sheep

had come home...

Little Bo Peep

had lost her sheep

And didn't know

Where to find them.

She left them alone

And they came home

Wagging their tails behind them.

For more infomation >> Kids song collection | Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs by Anon Kids | Poems for kids in english - Duration: 36:07.


Dinosaur King Full Episodes | Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children | Animal'S Fight | Dinosaur Dance - Duration: 14:21.

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